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A Qualitative Research Proposal

Presented to the

Faculty of Senior High School Department

Alaminos City National High School

Alaminos City, Pangasinan

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Subject

Practical Research 1


July 2021




Strand: Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM)

Grade Level: Grade 11

School: Alaminos City National High School

Individuals with social phobia often hold erroneous beliefs about the extent to
which others experience symptoms of social anxiety and the ways in which others
evaluate people who appear to be anxious. The purpose of this study was to: (a.)
determine the different strategies/coping mechanisms in having social phobia; (b.) the
factors that causes social phobia to students; and, (c.) the effect of social phobia in
academic performances of students.

This research design will be employed to know the coping mechanism of high
school students having a social phobia. The researcher will use convenience sampling
for choosing the participants who will be part of this research study. The participants are
expected to help the researcher know the different coping mechanisms of students
having social anxiety and how this will affect their academic performance. Many related
literature and studies on the internet were read by the researchers to verify the
credibility and consistency of the research study.

An interview guide was utilized in the study, where the first part is about the basic
profile of the participants. The distinguished parts of the responses, similar and diverse
insights from the ideas of the students regarding the research topic served as the
source of the student's description or hallmark. The participants may answer in any
language that is easier and more comfortable for them to express themselves. In line
with the enumerated stand, research methods, instruments, subjects and procedures
were considered carefully.


To my parents, first of all, I would like to express my gratitude for their utmost
support. Throughout the research process, they motivated me and gave me the
necessities I need for the success of my research. I would like to thank you for believing
in me, your daughter, for my capabilities since day one. Words will not suffice on how I
love you very much.

To my research adviser, Mr. Alvin John G. Pamo, for always guiding me by

sharing advice, commenting on our work, and teaching diligently throughout the study. I
pay my biggest respect to him for his sincerity, enthusiasm, and greatness to which
inspired and drove me into creating a good study. It is truly an honor to work and study
under his guidance.

To the research participant, for their participation in the study, providing me the
data needed to arrive at findings and conclusions. The study will never be successful
without their help. I thank you for your immense contribution in the accomplishment of
the study.

And last but not the least, to the Almighty God for providing me the strength,
perseverance, and determination at times when I couldn’t fathom how to get through the
challenges I encountered. To God Be the Glory!



This research paper is lovingly dedicated to my respective parents who have

been my constant source of inspiration. They have given me the drive and discipline to
tackle any task with enthusiasm and determination. Without their love and support this
research would not have been made possible. 

I also dedicate this research paper to my subject teacher who never failed to
teach and guide me, to my family who supports me in everything, to my friends who
helped me finished this project, and most of all to the Almighty God who gives me
strength and good health while doing this. The days of hard work are poured in this


Table of Contents


Title Page…………………………………………………………………………………i

Research Abstract……………………………………………………………………….ii



Table of Contents………………………………………………………………………..v

CHAPTER 1: The Problem and Its Background


Statement of the Problem………………………………………………………………2

Significance of the Study……………………………………………………………….3

Scope and Delimitations of the Study…………………………………………………3

Definition of Terms………………………………………………………………………4

CHAPTER 2: Review of Related Literature and Studies

Related Literature……………………………………………………………………….5

Foreign Literature……………………………………………………………………….6

Local Literature………………………………………………………………………….7

Related Studies………………………………………………………………………….8

Foreign Studies………………………………………………………………………….8

Local Studies…………………………………………………………………………….9

CHAPTER 3: Methods of Research and Sources of Data

Research Design………………………………………………………………………11

Respondents of the Study / Participants of the Study.…………………………….11

Samples and Sampling Techniques…………………………………………………12

Data-Gathering Instrument and Procedures………………………………………..12

Data Analysis Procedure……………………………………………………………...13




Experiencing anxiety is a normal part of life. However, people with social anxiety
disorder frequently experience excessive worry and fear about social situations.
According to Higuera (2018), social anxiety disorder, sometimes referred to as social
phobia, is a type of anxiety disorder that causes extreme fear in social settings. People
with this disorder have trouble talking to people, meeting new people, and attending
social gatherings. They fear being judged or scrutinized by others. They may
understand that their fears are irrational or unreasonable, but feel powerless to
overcome them.

Social anxiety is the most common anxiety disorder that starts at an early age of
11 years with 50% and by age 20 years with about 80% of a person that may be a risk
factor that could lead to depressive illness and substance abuse (Stein & Stein, 2008).
Richards (2018) stated that this disorder is the third largest mental health care problem
and that millions of people in the whole world suffer from this disorder every day.

Social phobia is a serious mental health disorder that affects a person’s ability to
function in life. Students with this social anxiety may affect to their academic/social
performances because they may often avoid participating in making group projects and
presentations. Also, students may feel uncomfortable in speaking in public and making
social interactions with the other students because of social phobia. This is why some
students don’t actively participating in school. They just staying quiet and don’t
socializing with others.

Based on the initial observations of the researcher, there is an occurring issue on

some students of Alaminos City National High School with regards in their academic
performances on school because of having social anxiety disorder. In this research, the
study on its causes and effects, as well as its coping mechanisms will surely help the
students to widen their knowledge on how to overcome this kind of issue on students.

This research has its primary goal to raise awareness for students on what is
social phobia all about and how it affects the students in their academic performances.
Social phobia is a serious issue in some students. With the presented facts, the
researcher aims to determine its coping mechanisms and different ways on how to deal
this problem.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to determine the coping mechanisms of high school students having
social phobia.

Specifically, it seeks to answer the following questions:

1. What are the major causes of social phobia in students?

2. How social phobia affects the academic performance and achievement of the
3. What are the different coping mechanisms of students having social phobia?
4. What is the contribution of these people in helping a person to overcome social
4.1 Family
4.2 Friends
4.3 Classmates

Significance of the Study

This study is conducted to determine the coping mechanisms of high school

students having social phobia and also to raise awareness in this kind of issue. The
results of the study will be of great benefit to the following:

STUDENTS. The results will provide the students with some knowledge on
coping mechanisms on social phobia. It will give the students a realization that social
phobia is a serious mental illness issue. At the end of this study students would finally
know why social phobia have been one of the major problems in students.

TEACHERS. The given data would guide the teachers on what to do on helping
their students to overcome social phobia. The teachers would be able to understand on
why some students are afraid to socialize and not active in class.

PARENTS. Like the teachers, the parents too will understand why their children
are not actively performing in school. The given data would help them formulate some
ways to help their child/children in overcoming social anxiety fear. The findings would
also help them learn the actions of their children.

Scope and Delimitations of the Study

This study is primarily focused on the coping mechanisms may have done by
students having social phobia. The researcher aims to know the different ways of
students on how they manage their social anxiety fear. Also, this study wants to
promote mental health awareness in students. However, it is not possible for the
researcher to cover every aspect of the study, so the scope has narrowed down to a
group of 30 students from grade 7-12 of Alaminos City National High School S.Y. 2020-

This qualitative research used an online interview to collect data information from
the participants. This type of data collected test the chosen participants to explain the
effects of social phobia in students and tell their ways on how to cope with this issue.

Definition of Terms

The operational definition of the terms used in the study were deemed useful for
better understanding and clarity.

Anxiety. It is a feeling of unease, such as worry or fear, that can be mild or severe.

Coping Mechanism. The strategies people often use in the face of stress and/or
trauma to help manage painful or difficult emotions. 

Phobia. An extreme or irrational fear of or aversion to something.

Social Anxiety Disorder. Sometimes referred to as social phobia, is a type of anxiety

disorder that causes extreme fear in social settings.



This chapter presents the idea and its composed or related literature and studies, both
local and foreign, which contains facts and information on the research.

Related Literature

Social anxiety is one of the important variables which can affect academic
performance. It is characterized by excessive and persistent worry about embarrassing
oneself, or showing anxiety symptoms, in social and/or performance situations. There
are 2 types of Social Anxiety:

1. Social Interaction Anxiety

Social interaction anxiety is a type of anxiety that communication and the

relationship of a person with other people are involved. According to Richards (2018), it
is a feeling of fear towards interacting with other people that gives a person negative
thoughts especially about his feeling of being embarrassed in front of many people.
They keep on thinking if others are judging them because of their actions and as a
result, they tend to avoid such situations

2. Social Appearance Anxiety

This type of social anxiety is mainly about a person’s fear of being judged by
other people because of their appearance. According to Koskina et al. (2011), this is
about the fear of other people's negative evaluation of their overall appearance
including a person's body shape. Lee (2017) stated that this type of social anxiety is not
totally about the typical or general physical appearance of a person such as their face
features (eyes, nose, and etc.), but it is also because of the pressure of the people in
the society about their physical appearance.

Foreign Literature

On Social Anxiety Disorder

Social Anxiety disorder is also known as Social Phobia, a disorder that causes
extreme fear in a place where there are so many people. However, it may sometimes
be referred to as shyness, but it is definitely different from it because shyness can be
overcome by the person through the years and it does not affect one's life gradually. On
the other hand, social anxiety disorder can affect someone's whole life such as his work,
attending school, even his relationship with other people and his family (Higuera, 2016).
According to Mayo Clinic Staff (n.d.), in some cases, social anxiety affects the
interactions of the person that causes significant anxiety, fear, and self-consciousness
embarrassment because of the fear of being judged by others.

Social anxiety disorder (SAD) is characterized by a persistent and pervasive fear

of negative evaluation in social and/or performance situations (Diagnostic and Statistical
Manual of Mental Disorder Edition [DSM-VI; American Psychiatric Association, 2013).
Some have raised questions concerning the "medicalization" of normal human shyness
occurring in youth, however studies have indicated social phobia is an impairing
disorder much greater in pervasiveness and intensity that normal shyness (Burstein et.
al., 2011). As a result of this highly prevalent disorder, effective treatment modalities are
critical in developing the tools necessary to combat symptoms and improve well-being,
while decreasing the risk of comorbid disorders that often incur with untreated SAD.

Dealing with Social Anxiety Disorder

People dealing with social anxiety tend to ignore the said disorder until it gets out
of control. According to ThisWayUp (n.d.), dealing with social anxiety is particularly
having a therapy for a person’s cognitive behavior. This cognitive-behavior therapy is
about treating a person’s social phobia or social anxiety in the best way that they
choose, this therapy’s main treatment is to change the way a person thinks, feels and
behaves towards a crowd of people or in social situations that they are in. Furthermore,
this therapy can be face-to-face or if the person deals with shyness, it can be done
online. This cognitive-behavior therapy includes the following interventions and
assessments in order to improve the social anxiety that is present in a person: a.)
ongoing assessment - in order to know the patient's level of anxiety particularly their

phobia in social situations; b.) education - for the patient to know how deep social
anxiety is; c.) training in strategies - for the patient to know how to manage the social
anxiety that they have; d.) behavioral interventions; e.) cognitive interventions; f.)
shifting attention.

Cause and Effect of Social Phobia

In this present time, there are several things that run in the family that may cause
someone to have a mental health disorder, especially the social anxiety disorder.
According to ADAA cited in Live Science (2014), social anxiety disorder is more likely to
be triggered when a person is in a situation or place where he feels that he may be
judged or he may do something that can be embarrassing. It could also be triggered
when one person does not like to be the center of attention that can be the reason to
produce high levels of stress.

On the other hand, there are also several studies conducted regarding the effects
of social anxiety on someone. These studies show that there are various effects that
social anxiety may cause. Timberline Knolls Residential Treatment Center (n.d.) stated
that the effects of social anxiety may be triggered by everyday social situations. These
situations can cause social anxiety, fear, and self-consciousness that are more likely to
lead to isolation. Because of these situations, the person's feelings may lead to isolation
and disconnectedness, in the worst case; it can also develop another serious disorder
like anorexia nervosa or bulimia or simply the fear of getting fat.

Local Literature

On Social Anxiety Disorder

Social anxiety disorder (SAD) known as social phobia is a severe fear of being
judged, told negatively, rejected in any performance or speech in front of a person or
class. The person with social anxiety disorder is worried about how to respond or
socialize in the middle of a large audience so they are blushing, moaning, stuttering,
and unable to speak. (The Philippine Star, 2017)

Cause and Effect of Social Phobia among Filipinos

According to ThePhilStar(2017), Filipinos sometimes suffer from social anxiety

disorder because young Filipino grew up with parents who are too protective to let their
children fly. The children are still being tested, so that the food is not cluttered on the
table. Unfortunately, many Filipino children are exposed to the negative outcomes of
mothers that affect the morale, mood, and personality of the child.


The review of related literature on both foreign and local explains the definition of
social phobia, how to deal with it, its causes and effects. From all the reviewed literature
from (Higuera, 2016), Mayo Clinic Staff (n.d.), Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of
Mental Disorder Edition [DSM-VI; American Psychiatric Association, (2013), Burstein et.
al., (2011), ThisWayUp (n.d.), ADAA cited in Live Science (2014), Timberline Knolls
Residential Treatment Center (n.d.) and ThePhilStar (2017), the researcher looked into
the real meaning of social phobia and able to build a better conclusion for this kind of

Related Studies

Social anxiety is the most common anxiety disorder that starts at an early age of
11 years with 50% and by age 20 years with about 80% of a person that may be a risk
factor that could lead to depressive illness and substance abuse (Stein & Stein, 2008).
Richards (2018) stated that this disorder is the third largest mental health care problem
and that millions of people in the whole world suffer from this disorder every day.

Foreign Studies

Social Phobia effects in Academic Performance and Achievements of Students

One of the major negative effects of social anxiety on academic achievement is

drop out of the students. Ameringen, Mancini and Farvolden (2003) in their study, “The
Impact of Anxiety Disorders on Educational Achievement” administered school leaving
questionnaire and self- report measures of anxiety, depression and social adjustment to
the patients meeting Diagnostic and

Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) IV criteria for a primary anxiety
disorder and found that social phobia is major reason of early withdrawal from the

Social Phobia has been a big issue on students In terms of their academic
performances. In the study conducted by Ibiene (2012) entitled “Influence of Social
Anxiety Disorder on the Academic and Social Adjustment of University Undergraduates”
investigated the influence of social anxiety disorder (SAD) on students “university
undergraduates” in their academic performance, social adjustment, and academic
adjustment. By means of likert scale questionnaire named Influence of Social Anxiety
Disorder on University Undergraduates (ISADUU). The instrument was divided into two
(2) sections to elicit response the sample. Simple percentage and chi square were used
to provide solution to the research questions and hypotheses. However the result shows
that Social anxiety disorder had significant influence in both academic and social life of
university undergraduates.

Another study from Shibli et. al. (2015) entitled, “The Effects of Anxiety on
Achievement and Performance: A College Study”, they interviewed 150 students
selected on the bases of low performance and high performance during the current year
and were asked to express their personal experiences during the recent examinations
to assess the relationship of anxiety with the academic achievements. The responses
reveal no significant relationship between anxiety and academic achievements.

Local Studies

Del Villar’s study, on “Beginning Filipino Students’ Attributions about Oral

Communication Anxiety” (2010) identified beginning student’s attributions about their
oral communication anxieties. Results revealed an eight factor model explaining 69.11%
of the total variance in the data. The factors are expectation, training and experience,
audience, self-worth, rejection, verbal fluency, preparation and previous unpleasant
experience. These factors were the reasons given by beginning Filipino students to
explain the fears they foresee themselves experiencing when they engage in oral
communication. The factors had counterparts in two other western studies except for
factor six, verbal fluency. The explanation for the presence of this factor in the present
study is that English is a second language among most Filipinos.

It was not the case in the other western studies where the respondents spoke
English as a first language. As to ways to overcome anxiety, beginning students
believed that the most important remedies were practice and preparation. These were
the same antidotes taught in the oral communication course. As shown by the
similarities between the results of this study and those of previous researches it was
concluded that Filipino students have that innate knowledge of what cause public
speaking anxiety and what remedies to take.

Moreover, the study of Reyes (2014) entitled, “Social Anxiety Disorder of First
Year University Students” he determined the respondents’ profile, the level assessment
of social anxiety disorder of the respondents and if there are significant differences in
the level assessment of social anxiety disorder when grouped according to their profile.
The respondents of the study were 306 college freshmen out of 1290 total population.
Majority of the respondents were taking Bachelor of Industrial Technology, went to
public schools for their secondary education and were living with their parents. They
have marked social anxiety disorder (SAD), males have moderate SAD while females
showed a marked social anxiety disorder. Bachelor of Science in Architecture and
Engineering and Bachelor of Industrial Technology courses have moderate social
anxiety disorder while Education and Business courses have marked social anxiety
disorder. Respondents from public secondary schools exhibited marked social anxiety
disorder while those from private schools have moderate social anxiety disorder.
Respondents regardless of their living conditions have marked social anxiety disorder.


The reviewed related studies are essential in framing up the data gathering
instrument and the basis of measuring the effects of the variable. From the reviewed
studies, the studies of Ameringen, Mancini and Farvolden (2003), Ibiene (2012), Shibli
et. al. (2015), Del Villar (2010), and Reyes (2014), looked in the effects of social anxiety
disorder in the academic performances and achievements of students.



This chapter presents the research methodology used in the study. Included this part is
the discussion of research, sample and sampling technique and data analysis

Research Design

The study will use the descriptive survey method. This design is a scientific
process that begins with description based on observation of an event or events from
which theories may later be developed to explain the observations. In psychology,
techniques used to describe behavior include case studies, surveys, naturalistic
observation, interviews, and psychological tests. This design is used to describe the
statistical association between two or more variables. (Salmorin, 2006)

This research design will be employed to know the coping mechanism of high
school student having social phobia.

Respondents of the Study / Participants of the Study

The respondents will be gathered down to a group of 30 students from grades 7-

12 of Alaminos City National High School because the researcher can’t cover every
aspect of the study. This qualitative research used an online interview to collect data
information from the participants. This type of data collected tests the chosen
participants to explain the effects of social phobia in students and tell their ways on how
to cope with this issue.

This research has its primary goal to raise awareness for students on what is
social phobia all about and how it affects the students in academic performances. Social
phobia is a serious issue in some students. With the presented facts, the researcher
aims to determine its coping mechanisms and different ways on how to deal with this

Samples and Sampling Techniques

The setting of the study was at the Alaminos City National High School. Fifteen
(15) from the Junior High School students and also fifteen (15) from the Senior High
School students from S.Y 2020-2021 were selected as the research participants of the
study and their personal and controversial information’s about them were kept

The researcher will use convenience sampling for choosing the participants who
will be part of this research study. The participants are expected to help the researcher
to know what are the different coping mechanisms of students having social anxiety and
how will this affect their academic performance.

Data-Gathering Instrument and Procedures

Many related literature and studies on the internet were read by the researchers
to verify the credibility and consistency of the research study.

An interview guide was utilized in the study, where in the first part is about the
basic profile of the participants. Followed by the next phrase which was the online
interview to collect information from students.

The participants may answer in any languages that are easier and more
comfortable for them to express their self. In line with the enumerated stand, research
methods, instruments, subjects and procedures were considered carefully. To provide
concrete evidence, the interviews were answered through a google form.

Data Analysis Procedure

Since the researchers employed an exploratory study, the ideas of each student
about the coping mechanism of students having social phobia was enumerated carefully
and studied. Initially, the basic information was obtained using interview guides to be
answered by the participants.

After the detailed description of the individuals, the analysis of the data for the
issues, problems and important facts were conducted consecutively. The distinguished
parts of the responses, similar and diverse insights from the ideas of the students
regarding the research topic served as the source of the student's description or
hallmark. Lastly, the collected information and data were summarized using recursive
abstraction and the vital details were highlighted by the researchers.


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