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One of the most admirable and invaluable lessons I learned from life is that if you put your heart and soul into
something you can achieve it, you keep at it and this is called tenacity. My tenacious nature helped me to pull off
feats that I could not have imagined to ever accomplish. Just a couple of years ago, I was petrified of public
speaking, I could not speak English language, and my conversation skills were practically non-existent. However, I
managed to succeed with my passion and perseverance. Ever since I was a child I have had this urge for expansion
and growth. I have always wanted to excel and for people to notice and praise me. I met with the praise destined
for me when I first entered the classroom I volunteered for English as a second language during my under-
graduation days. The moment I opened my mouth, I experienced a transcendent moment. Students listened to
me, they heeded to my advice and appreciated me. It was the first time I understood the meaning of helping
someone who is in dire need to change themselves. I continued moonlighting as an English language instructor
ever since.

It was in the midst of my under graduation in Information Technology commenced back in 2003, that I realized the
significance of setting goals and objectives. It opened my eyes to an entirely different dimension. I give credit to a
handful of business subjects that I studied during under graduation notably: Human Resources, Finance,
Accounting, Entrepreneurship and E-business. I was not merely being trained just to write computer programs and
applications but also how to sell and promote them in the market with the aspiration to become a successful
entrepreneur one day. I was lucky enough to grasp and extract whatever I could from my IT education. My
fascination did not end there and off I went to pursue a business degree in 2009 to delve into even deeper. I tried
to assimilate the tricks of the trade and understood the multi-faceted approaches to businesses.

Time flew like an arrow and I finished my business school with a cumulative CGPA of 3.37. I shortlisted five of the
most coveted organizations in FMCG capacity to work for, notably Nestle, PepsiCo, Coca-Cola, Unilever and Proctor
& Gamble. They are known as the Harvards and MITs of companies and to get one’s foot in the door, one needs to
be equipped with an adequate aptitude and qualification. My education vouched for excellence and promised me
to secure the best possible position in any of the aforementioned organizations. Unfortunately, things did not
quite work out as I anticipated and my job applications were declined and refused and I was given the reasoning
that I had no global perspective of business processes and my qualification did not have the adequate kick to it. Of
course I was heartbroken but not enough to discourage me. My dream to work for the most sought after
organizations is still intact but I know that I need time, perseverance and an education with an adequate kick to it. I
joined a local distribution firm for FMCG products in 2011 which was rather small in size. It occurred to me
instantly that it was an opportunity to practice whatever I learned. Since the company’s size was small, I had to
wear many hats. I was a marketer, a sales person, a trainer and a software programmer. I considered myself as an
intrapreneur rather an employee. With the help of my employer I overhauled the firm’s dynamics. I assisted in the
making of firm’s distribution software that enhanced the productivity to 20 to 25 percent. I put in place a training
for distribution and channel management. I provided them with the insight of supply chain management and its
core principles. My employer refers to me as a Godsend. With all the efforts and strides I put forward along with
my team, I can say that with certitude that our products have managed to showcase at nearly every retail store in
the entire district. This did not end here, the products were sold like hot cakes and our vendors could not be
happier. It was only possible because I had the access to a great team and I was bestowed upon the opportunity to
lead and direct them to a greater path – the path of excellence. With all the accolades and appreciation, there is a
still a vacuum inside that needs to be filled. Everybody wish to work for a top-ranked organization just to witness
the grandeur of primeness. Had I only the right aptitude and education like their top ivy-league, Asia Pacific
graduates have, I would have hoisted my flag in their territory.

Being a graduate from a fourth tier university the best you can get is a remuneration between 30,000 to 35,000
PKR a month – and that is a salary range for an individual with a three or more years of work experience. The entry
level position for a fresh graduate offers a salary between 10,000 and 15,000 PKR a month. This is close to nothing

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in relative to graduates from international universities. The competition could not be fiercer. Organizations like
Nestle, Pepsi Co, Package Limited are only in interested in graduates who possess the adequate repertoire and a
recognized international qualification to match their requirements and one can expect a walloping salary between
300,000 and 500,000 Pak Rupees. To broaden my horizon and become acceptable by top-tier organizations I
decided to sink my teeth into Master of Business Administration Advanced at University of Wollongong, Sydney
Campus. Not that any university in Pakistan does not offer a course in the same capacity, they very much do. But
the problem lies in how the course is being conducted. Less focus on research and more on theory, this pattern
does not compliment with my needs. MBA has lost the identity that once it had in Pakistan. It was once a premium
education and now it is run-of-the-mill. I require education that is recognized because I want my prospective
employers not to get a second opinion on my recruitment.

My long term goal is to lead a major global FMCG (Fast Moving Consumer Goods) organization in Pakistan with
unprecedented consumer goods to offer and become a leader in retail capacity similar to the likes to $ billion 30.5
L’Oreal, $ billion 35 Mondelez International and $ billion 99 Nestle. That sure seems like a hyper bole but a river
was once a droplet. I plan to achieve that position after acquiring the necessary tools and experience require to
manage a large-scale global business by completing my MBA Advanced from University of Wollongong, kicking off
as Product Specialist and working my way up. As the proverb goes, “He who would climb the ladder must begin at
the bottom.” It is a two years course that bears an incremental and augmentative value to my current qualification.
It has six different varieties of specialization to choose from that could support me to comprehend different facets
and aspects of businesses.

My fascination with business, direct interaction with clients, stakeholders and the perspective of a company as
provider of products that meet customer needs has intrigued and motivated me. My current position as a
Marketing manager and my desired post MBA Advanced position as Product Specialist, presumably require
leadership and team management skills. Today, I resort to intuition and experience to guide my various activities. I
whole heartedly plan to augment my skillset by learning business methodologies and acumen at University of
Wollongong. I strongly feel that such insight will help me do my job effectively and efficiently and achieve my long
term objectives.

I can anticipate that I will be faced with numerous situations that require interpersonal skills: interviewing, patting
on the back of an employee and putting forward constructive criticism, etc. I look forward to enhance my “soft
skills” by taking classes and training on important business disciplines like “Leading Organization” or
“Transformational leadership” and “Organizational culture.” I did, however, participated in numerous web-based
training workshops and seminars that enhanced my repertoire.

I could not be happier that I chose Australia and University of Wollongong for my business education. My decision
to select University of Wollongong for its MBA Advanced program was purely based on active interaction. Two
other universities that I shortlisted were, University of Canberra and University of New Castle. However, University
of Wollongong gave me a warm welcome that I already belong there. Speaking to their crew, sharing my
reservation that I had and answering my queries and finally resolving all of them made my decision even easier to
go with UoW. And besides University of Wollongong is ranked among the top ten education providers in Australia.
Its business school specifically for MBA is sought after by many higher education aspirants. After all it had the kick
that I needed for a lucrative career. Similar courses are being offered by various educational institutions in Pakistan
but they lack an industrial relevance and based more on theory and less on case studies and research. In fact case
studies and researches are not encouraged for we lack the necessary tools and active participation. The gap of
collaboration between educational institutions and industry is clearly depicted in the offerings of a university.

Australia is a world’s leader in quality education and a good place to be educated. I seek to enhance my education
that my prospective employers and my post-MBA role require from me. Australian degrees are recognized by the
Association of Pakistani Universities for the purpose of government employment or an employment at any multi-
national organization. Furthermore, studying in Sydney will make my experience incredibly delightful with

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gorgeous weather and plenty of experiences to live through. Sydney is a popular tourist destination which means it
always will offer something that would worth my while. Studying MBA in the economic hub of Australia means that
I will be taught by the seasoned industry practitioners and prolific professors. University of Wollongong has an
excellent student support system and I was amazed to see that there is an entire section dedicated to Pakistani
students only for their help and assistance. That aspect brought me even closer to UoW and instantly I fell in love
with the university. I am thrilled with UoW’s opportunities to amplify my education in a technologically-oriented
environment through programs like UoW’s Advanced MBA. The opportunity to enlighten my education through
classes in consumer behavior, organizational behavior, marketing and sales management is something I look
forward to. I cannot wait to take on a multi-disciplinary approach that will provide me with a better platform to
achieve my goals.

Upon completion, I intend to work for a multi-national FMCG organization in Pakistan. With necessary experience
acquired, I whereupon would head for an entrepreneurial venture in FMCG or in retail capacity. Retail business in
Pakistan is booming with international players like Hyperstar from Middle-East and Metro from Germany already
playing in the field. The business has not saturated yet and new players with top-notch ideas are always welcome
to try their luck in this capacity. I strongly believe that after acquiring this degree there would be ample aptitude
for me to get my foot in the doors of perpetual success.

I could not thank my mother enough for she dedicated approximately six million Pak Rupees for my education in
Australia. The education expense alone cost me around 60,000 AUD and I already paid for my first semester that
begins next year 2015 in February. Sixty thousand Dollars is a lot of money but compares to my dreams and
aspirations it holds a trivial importance and that is what my mother told me when she supported me to take this
decision. My mother also told me one thing and that is one of the best quotes that I ever heard and it goes like it,
“Most of the doors in the world are closed but if you find one that you really want to get into. You better have an
incredible knock. And if you knock like you drum, you’ll be fine.” So I am knocking on your door and with your
favorable reception I could get an opportunity to materialize my dreams for real.

In retrospect, I feel that Australia and University of Wollongong will be a great place to study and provide me with
necessary experience and teaching to broaden my horizon. I have great hope that I will be given an opportunity to
study in Australia.


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