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2018 Mock Spring AIME

Ricky Jin
March 19, 2018

Notice: 1. This is a 15-question, 3-hour examination. All answers are

integers ranging from 000 to 999, inclusive. Your score will be the number of
correct answers; i.e., there is neither partial credit nor a penalty for wrong
2. No aids other than scratch paper, graph paper, ruler and compass are
permitted. In particular, calculators, computers and protractors are
not permitted.
The following are the problems. Enjoy!


1. The operation (·) is defined such that (a, b, c) = b a−1 for all real

numbers a, b, c(a 6= 1). Find the value of

(((...((101, 100, 99), 98, 97), ..., )4, 3), 2, 1).

2. Tom the cat and Jerry the mouse are playing a game. n positive
integers are written on n cards respectively. Tom the cat and Jerry the
mouse each takes out one card. If the sum of the numbers on their cards
is odd, then Tom the cat wins; If not, then Jerry the mouse wins. It is
known that the two players have an equal probability to win. If n ≤ 100,
find the sum of all possible values of n.
3. In regular heptagon ABCDEF G, let the intersection of AE and CF
be H. If 76 AHC = m◦ , find m.
4. The Ricky Machine can perform the following operation: If the in-
put is the nth letter in the alphabet, the machine will calculate the remainder
r when n2 + n is divided by 26 and output the rth letter in the alphabet. If
r = 0, the output letter will be Z. For example, letter F (the sixth letter) will

be turned into P (the sixteenth letter) after the operation. After performing
the operation to 4 letters, the machine outputs the message BDF Z. What
is the number of possible original messages?
5. We say positive integer a is good if and only if there exists b > a such
that the remainder when 2018 is divided by a plus the remainder when 2018
is divided by b equals to 2018. Find the number of good integers.
6. How many permutations of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 satisfy the following condi-
tions: (1) 7 is not on the fourth place; (2) each number is either larger or
smaller than every number before it?
7. Alice, Bob and Cindy are three dwarfs. Bob weighs 5 kilograms and
is 3 decimeters tall. It is known that Alice, Bob, and Cindy’s weights form
an arithmetic progression and their heights form a geometric progression.
Furthermore, the sums of each dwarf’s weight and height are three positive
integers that√form a geometric progression. Let the maximum weight of
Cindy be a+bd c , in which a, b, c, d are integers, a, d are relatively prime, and
c is square-free. Find a + b + c + d.
8. Let the four smallest positive divisors of three-digit positive integer N
be 1 = a1 < a2 < a3 < a4 . If a1 + a2 , a1 + a2 + a3 , a1 + a2 + a3 + a4 are also
divisors of N , find the total number of such three-digit integers.

9. In 4ABC, 6 B = 60◦ , D ∈ AB, BD = 1, AC = 3, DA = DC. If
6 DCA = m◦ , find the sum of all values of m.

10. What is the maximum number of areas that 8 different parabolas

in the form of y = ax2 + bx + c and 8 different parabolas in the form of
x = a1 y 2 + b1 y + c1 can divide the Cartesian plane into?
11. Tom the cat and Jerry the mouse are playing another game. An
integer N ∈ {3, 6, 9, 12, 15} is fixed. Start from Jerry the mouse, they take
turns to fill the digits of a six-digit number. The two players cannot write 0
on any digit, and they can only use the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 no more
than once altogether. If the six-digit number is divisible by N , then Tom
the cat wins; If not, then Jerry the mouse wins. For how many integers
N can Tom the cat win?
12. Find the remainder when the number of functions f : {1, 2, 3, ..., 10} →
{1, 2, 3, ..., 10} that satisify

f (f (k)) = (f (k))3 − 6(f (k))2 + 12f (k) − 6

for all 1 ≤ k ≤ 10 is divided by 1000.

13. In 4ABC, D ∈ AC such that AB : AD : DC = 6 : 4 : 3. If BD = 5,

and the maximum of S4ABC is m n
, in which m, n are relatively prime positive
integers, find m + n.
14. Let S(n) be the sum of the digits of n. A four-digit number m satisfy
S(m) = 12 and S(m + 3579) = 9. How many √ possible values of m are there?
15. Square ABCD has side length 2, M ∈ CD, CM intersects BD

at P . Point Q satisfy 6 P AQ = 6 DBQ √ = 90 , and the bisector of BCM

√ √AB at N . If SAP BQ = 2 · S4CM D , let the length of AN be
a + b − c, in which a, b, c are integers. Find a + b + c.

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