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A probabilistic hesitant fuzzy Choquet integral-based TODIM method for

multi-attribute group decision-making

Article  in  Expert Systems with Applications · December 2021

DOI: 10.1016/j.eswa.2021.116266


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4 authors, including:

Mehdi Divsalar Elnaz Ebrahimi

University of Mazandaran Mazandaran University of Science and Technology


Alessio Ishizaka
NEOMA Business School


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A probabilistic hesitant fuzzy Choquet integral-based TODIM method for
multi-attribute group decision-making
a, 1 , ⁎ b, 2 c, 3 d, 4
Mehdi Divsalar , Marzieh Ahmadi , Elnaz Ebrahimi , Alessio Ishizaka

a Department of Industrial Management, Faculty of Economic and Administrative Science, University of Mazandaran, Babolsar, Iran
b Department of Industrial Management, Faculty of Economic and Administrative Science, University of Mazandaran, Babolsar, Iran
c Department of Industrial Engineering and Management, Mazandaran University of Science and Technology, Babol, Iran
d NEOMA Business School, 1 rue du Maréchal Juin - BP 215, 76825 Mont-Saint-Aignan Cedex, France


Article history: A probabilistic hesitant fuzzy set (PHFS) is a generalization of the hesitant fuzzy set (HFS) that adds the probabil-

Received 10 May 2021 ity of occurrence to each possible value of the hesitant fuzzy element (HFE). It is a powerful tool for handling un-
Received in revised form 3 September 2021 certain information, especially when there is no complete consensus or full dissensus among decision-makers.
Accepted 19 November 2021
The TODIM (an acronym in Portuguese for interactive and multiple attribute decision-making) approach is a
multi-attribute decision-making (MADM) technique based on prospect theory. In this paper, we developed a Cho-
Keywords: quet integral-based TODIM method under a probabilistic hesitant fuzzy environment. Firstly, we introduced both
a geometric score function and a geometric variance function of the probabilistic hesitant fuzzy element (PHFE).
Probabilistic hesitant fuzzy set
Furthermore, we proposed a novel comparison law between two PHFEs, and we defined a new distance measure
Prospect theory
TODIM of PHFEs. Considering the interaction between the criteria, we calculated the degree of importance of the criteria
Choquet integral with the Shapley value. Next, we introduced the principles and steps of the developed TODIM method. One of the
prominent components of the TODIM method is its risk aversion coefficient. However, it has not been sufficiently

addressed in the research literature. In this regard, a novel optimization-based method is proposed to calculate
the attenuation factor of the TODIM method. Finally, we verify the effectiveness of the Choquet integral-based
probabilistic hesitant fuzzy-TODIM (PHF-TODIM) method using a supplier selection problem in the dairy indus-
© 2021

1. Introduction use crisp values to express their opinions (Yeni & Özçelik, 2019). The
complexity and uncertainty of real-world problems are increasingly
Many problems in the real world involve a set of predetermined alter- growing (P. Liu, Wang, Jia, & Fujita, 2020; Qi, Liang, & Zhang, 2015),
natives and multiple conflicting attributes (Ishizaka & Nemery, 2013; while MADM methods prove inadequate to cope with the inherent am-
Greco, Ehrgott, & Figueira, 2016). These problems from fields such as biguity of the expert evaluation process and the uncertainty of real
economics, management, engineering, and technology are known as cases (Krohling & De Souza, 2012; Nursal, Omar, Nasrun, & Nawi,

MADM problems (Bao, Xie, Long, & Wei, 2017; Yulin He, Wang, & 2016). The fuzzy set theory is an efficient tool to describe uncertain sit-
Huang, 2016). Up to now, several MADM methods have been used to uations (Mardani, Jusoh, & Zavadskas, 2015). Therefore, one way to
handle such problems and aid decision-makers (DMs) in finding the address uncertainty in decision-making issues is to utilise the fuzzy set
preferred alternative among those available (Lourenzutti & Krohling, theory (G. Wei, Alsaadi, Hayat, & Alsaedi, 2017). Previous studies in
2014; Tosun & Akyüz, 2015). In classical MADM methods, experts often the field of MADM show that many such methods have been developed
based on various extensions of the fuzzy sets (Bustince et al., 2016;
Mardani et al., 2015; X. Peng & Dai, 2017; W. Zhang, Ju, & Liu, 2017).

Corresponding author.
⁎ Torra and Narukawa (2009) and Torra (2010) brought up the con-
E-mail addresses: (M. Divsalar), cept of hesitant fuzzy sets (HFSs) as a generalized type of fuzzy set. The (A. Ishizaka). HFS permits membership degrees to attain possible values between 0
1 0000-0002-1590-2555
and 1. Despite its wide application in decision-making problems, HFS
2 0000-0003-3357-4820
3 0000-0002-5308-5277
in the group decision-making process can cause loss of original infor-
4 0000-0002-2531-292X
mation. The following example clarifies why. Suppose that, in a dairy
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2 M. Divsalar et al. / Expert Systems With Applications xxx (xxxx) 116266

company, five experts must rate the Gouda cheese flavour on a 0 to 1 2015). Kahneman and Tversky (1979) proposed prospect theory (PT) as
scale. The five experts make their judgment. We consider three scenar- a suitable tool of behavioural theory for handling decision-making un-
ios: der risky conditions. Prospect theory’s main characteristic is its value
function, wherein the outcome values represent gains and losses. The
(1) {0.4, 0.4, 0.4, 0.4, 0.6}; values above the reference point are considered gains, and the values
(2) {0.4, 0.4, 0.4, 0.6, 0.6}; below the reference point are considered losses (S. Liu & Liu, 2016).
(3) {0.4, 0.4, 0.4, 0.6} (the fifth expert has no opinion). The value function has an S-shaped curve that is concave in the first

quarter (gain domain) and convex in the third (loss domain). The DMs
In all three scenarios, the experts evaluate using the same HFS rep- are risk-averse in the face of gains and risk-taking in the face of losses

resentation {0.4, 0.6}. Ignoring the different frequencies of the ele- (Abdellaoui, Bleichrodt, L’Haridon, & van Dolder, 2016). Gomes and
ments may lead to some loss of information. In other words, the occur- Lima (1992) suggested the TODIM methods (an acronym in Portuguese
rence probabilities of various values in the hesitant fuzzy element for interactive and multiple attribute decision-making). This technique
(HFE) are the same (C. Wei, Ren, & Rodríguez, 2015). This implies that is one of the pioneering MADM techniques that consider the DMs’ atti-
the real degree of agreement or disagreement among the experts is en- tude towards risk (Sen, Datta, & Mahapatra, 2015). In this method, the
tirely unknown. The first scenario indicates majority agreement among degree of dominance of each alternative over the others is calculated
the experts on higher membership degrees. The second one represents a using the value function of the PT. Also, the ranking of each alternative
relative majority agreement of the experts on lower membership de- is determined by calculating the overall dominance value (Tseng, Tan,

grees, and the third implies a dispersion of the experts’ opinions. There- Lim, Lin, & Geng, 2014). A brief review of previous studies shows that
fore, the same membership degrees can express the different opinions the classical TODIM method is incapable of describing uncertainty and
of the experts. complexity (Krohling, Pacheco, & Siviero, 2013). To handle uncertain
To better address the above issue, Zhu (2014) developed probabilis- information properly, some scholars put forward new methods based
tic hesitant fuzzy sets (PHFSs). The PHFS adds the probabilities of possi- on the combination of the TODIM method and fuzzy set extensions (R.
ble membership values to the original elements of the HFS as an exten- H. Chen, Lin, & Tseng, 2015; Krohling & De Souza, 2012; Qin, Liu, &
sion of HFS. Based on the concept of PHFS, the evaluation information Pedrycz, 2017; Sang & Liu, 2016; Tseng, Lin, Lim, & Teehankee, 2015;
for the three situations in the above example can be denoted as situa- Yu, Wang, & Wang, 2016).
tion (1):
ation (3):
situation (2): , and situ-
. The values in brackets correspond to
the occurrence probabilities of the membership values. The PHFS re-
duces to the original fuzzy set when there is complete convergence on a
ED As we know, in many real MADM cases, there are some degrees of
interaction and dependence among criteria (Pasi, Viviani, & Carton,
2019). The Choquet integral is an efficient tool to address such correla-
tion among criteria in the MADM problems (L. Chen, Duan, Wang, &
specific membership value. Also, the HFS is a particular case of the Ma, 2020; C. Li, Gang, Suyun, & Junfeng, 2020; G. Tian et al., 2019).
PHFS if the experts fully diverge in opinion. Thus, the PHFS is a suitable Some of the Choquet integral- based MADM methods are extended un-
tool for handling uncertainty when there is either complete divergence der different extensions of fuzzy sets (Büyüközkan & Göçer, 2017; Liao,
or a lack of absolute convergence among the experts’ appraisals. Liao, Tang, Al-Barakati, & Llopis-Albert, 2020; Nie, Tian, Wang, & Hu,
Jiang and Ma (2018) applied the Frank t-conorm and t-norm to 2019; Lina Wang, Wang, Xu, & Ren, 2019). As a further issue in the
define some operation laws of PHFEs. The authors proposed proba- group decision-making process, the decision-makers may hesitate be-
bilistic hesitant fuzzy weighted arithmetic and geometric aggregation tween different membership values. However, full divergence among
operators. Furthermore, they investigated a hesitant probabilistic decision-makers is not the case all the time. In other words, there may

fuzzy-based method for solving decision-making problems. Zhang et be some degrees of convergence between their assessments. As dis-
al. (2017) improved the definition of PHFSs and defined the continu- cussed above, PHFS is a suitable tool for handling such situations. Thus,
ous version of PHFEs. They also developed some operations, distance in this paper, we develop a novel MADM technique by extending a Cho-
measures for continuous PHFEs, and applied them for handling an au- quet integral-based TODIM method in the hesitant probabilistic fuzzy
tomotive industry problem. Zhou and Xu (2018) defined the uncertain environment.
probabilistic hesitant fuzzy elements (UPHFEs) and uncertain hesitant For this purpose, the rest of the paper is structured as follows: In
fuzzy preference relations (UHFPRs). They also investigated group Section 2, we introduce the basic definitions and concepts of PHFSs, de-

consistency and proposed a group decision-making method under fine a novel score function of PHFEs, and develop a distance measure
UHFPR. Wu et al. (2019) utilised the GM(1,1) model to forecast prob- between two HPFEs by relaxing the equal cardinality assumption of two
abilistic hesitant fuzzy information. They developed a distance mea- PHFEs. In Section 3, the fuzzy measure and Choquet integral are intro-
sure between two PHFEs and a mathematical programming model to duced. The Shapley value is also proposed to determine the degree of
calculate the stage weights. Finally, the PHF-based TOPSIS method importance of the criteria. Section 4 presents the principles and steps of
was introduced and applied to evaluate explosion accidents at a coal the proposed TODIM method. In Section 5, we discuss how to deter-
mine. Li et al. (2019) raised a discussion on the distribution function mine the attenuation factor based on the concept of the value function

of PHFEs and constructed the dominance matrix between PHFEs. Af- in PT. Section 6 provides a numerical example to illustrate the validity
ter that, the authors proposed the hybrid dominance matrix-BWM of the proposed method. Finally, we conclude in Section 7.
method under probabilistic hesitant fuzzy information. He and Xu

(2019) proposed distance measures among PHFEs and reference ideal 2. Preliminaries
values. They also developed the reference ideal method (RIM) based
on PHF information. Liu et al. (2020) introduced two nonlinear math- As previously mentioned, the different occurrence probabilities of
ematical programming models for determining the probabilities of the elements in the HFSs are not considered. Thus, using the HFSs may
PHFEs. The authors presented a regret-theory-based method under a lead to some deficiencies in real problem-solving. Therefore, Zhu
probabilistic hesitant fuzzy environment considering DMs’ behav- (2014) proposed the concept of PHFS. In this section, some basic defini-
ioural features. tions and concepts associated with PHFSs will be recalled briefly.
Most of the current MADM methods have been developed based on
the expected utility theory, assuming complete DMs’ rationality (Dai, A. Probabilistic hesitant fuzzy sets
Zhong, & Qi, 2020; Ying, Li, Chin, Yang, & Xu, 2018). However, deci-
sion-making is not an entirely rational process in reality (Y. Peng & Liu, Zhu (2014) defined the PHFS as follows:
M. Divsalar et al. / Expert Systems With Applications xxx (xxxx) 116266 3

Definition 1.. Given a reference set X, a PHFS in X can be introduced by

the following mathematical symbol (Zhu, 2014): (5)

Definition 6.. Given a PHFE , the geomet-
where is a set of possible values in [0,1] explained by proba- ric variance is defined as follows:

bility distribution . For ease of notation, we refer to as a proba-
bilistic hesitant fuzzy element (PHFE) and display it as


Here, , and is the number of elements in

Based on these newly defined score and variance functions, we pro-
. Also, is the occurrence probability of and .
pose a novel comparison method as follows:
We define the basic operations of the PHFEs based on the operations
of HFSs as follows: Definition 7.. Given two PHFEs and , the order relationship is
as follows:
Definition 2.. Given three PHFEs ,

and , , and . If , then .
Based on Zhu (2014), the basic operations are defined as follows: If , then
In recent years, the concept of distance measures has attracted in-
creasing attention. Many scholars have formulated distance measures
for various extensions of fuzzy sets. These recently developed distance

For comparison of the PHFSs, Xu and Zhou (2016) proposed score

function, deviation function, and comparison laws as follows:
Definition 3.. For a PHFE , the score function is defined as follows
ED measures are widely applied in decision-making (Lei Wang, Wang, Xu,
& Ni, 2014). The existing distance measures defined for different exten-
sions of HFSs sets are based on the following assumptions: 1- All ele-
ments in each fuzzy set must be arranged in increasing or decreasing or-
der, 2- Both fuzzy sets must have the same cardinality. This means that
the number of elements in the two fuzzy sets must be equal (Farhadinia,
(Z. Xu & Zhou, 2016): 2014). In this paper, we propose a novel distance measure for PHFEs by
relaxing the aforementioned assumptions. To do this, we first bring up
(3) the axioms of distance measures.

Definition 8.. If and ,

where n is the number of elements in . are two HPFEs, then the distance measure between and
Definition 4.. For a PHFE , the deviation function is defined as fol- is symbolised by which meets the following proper-

lows (Xu & Zhou, 2016): ties:


where n is the number of elements in . The comparison laws of

Every form of distance measure should satisfy these axiomatic prop-

two PHFEs and are presented as follows: erties, respectively. Here, we propose a novel distance measure be-
tween two PHFEs based on Definition 8.
1. If , then .
2. If , then . Definition 9.. Let and
, be two HPFEs. The distance
Despite its applications, the comparison law introduced sometimes measure between the two HPFEs is defined as follows:
provides counter-intuitive results. We show this deficiency in the fol-

lowing example.
Example 1.. Given two PHFEs

Example 2.. Let and

, we have and . According to Definition 9, we have
. Based on the abovementioned comparison method,
despite our intuition, which indicates that both of them convey
the same information. To overcome such contradiction, and motivated by
the study of Alcantud et al. (2015), we propose the geometric mean score
and geometric variance of PHFEs for comparing two PHFEs.
Definition 5.. Given a PHFE , the geomet-
ric score function is defined as follows:
4 M. Divsalar et al. / Expert Systems With Applications xxx (xxxx) 116266

That (.) represents a permutation of X, such that

, and

The Shapley value appears as a solution concept in game theory

when some players contribute more to the coalition. It is utilised to
measure the importance of each player to the overall cooperation

(Zhang et al., 2017). In decision-making problems, the interaction be-
tween the criteria and their overall importance are determined through
the Shapley value as follows (S. Zhang, Xu, & He, 2017):


wherein n and k indicate the number of elements in X and S, respec-

tively, and based on the definition of a fuzzy measure, for any i,
and . This means that is the weight
vector of the criteria.

3. Fuzzy measure, Choquet integral, and Shapley value

4. Probabilistic hesitant TODIM method

By traditional definition, measure, as one of the main concepts in
mathematics, must be additive. Despite its effectiveness, additivity is a
In this section, we propose a MADM approach by developing the
restrictive feature in real-world decision-making problems with inter-
TODIM method under probabilistic hesitant fuzzy information. This hy-
dependent criteria (Wei et al., 2017). A fuzzy measure is a non-additive
brid method has already been proposed in a different version by Tian et
measure wherein monotonicity replaces additivity. In this section, the
al. (2020). Consider a MADM problem that includes m decision alterna-
definitions of fuzzy measure, λ-fuzzy measure, Shapley value, and Cho-
quet integral are as follows:
Definition 10.. A fuzzy measure on X is a set function
such that the following axioms are satisfied (G. Wei et al., 2017):
ED tives,
Suppose that
and a set of n attributes, .
is a decision matrix displayed as

If the set of criteria is , then is
referred to as the degree of importance of the criteria. Thus, in addition
to each criterion, the weights of any combination of criteria are also in which the PHFE signifies the evaluation of alternative Ai for
computable. According to Definition 10, 2n − 2 values should be calcu- attribute Cj. The steps of the Choquet integral based on probabilistic
lated to determine the fuzzy measures for n criteria (W. Zhang et al., hesitant fuzzy TODIM (CIBPHF-TODIM) are described as follows:
2017). This requires complex and time-consuming calculations. The λ-

Step 1. Normalise the decision matrix to

fuzzy measure was introduced by Sugeno, satisfying the following prop-
as follows:
erties to deal with such difficulty (Nie et al., 2019):

(9) (15)

where and .
where is the complement of .

If X is a finite set, , the λ-fuzzy measure g holds the fol-

Step 2. The dominance of alternative Ai over alternative Ak regard-
lowing equation (Nie et al., 2019):
ing attribute Cj is obtained as follows:


Since , the parameter λ can be determined by solving the (16)


following equation (Nie et al., 2019):


where represents the Shapley weight value of criterion j, and

expresses the distance measure between and
Definition 11.. Given the real-valued function f and fuzzy measure λ
on X , the discrete generalised Choquet integral of f regarding λ is formu- . The parameter represents the attenuation factor of the losses.
lated as follows (Chen & Huang, 2020): In the next section, we discuss how to determine the value based on
prospect theory.
Step 3. The overall dominance degree of alternative Ai over alterna-
tive Ak is calculated based on the following expression:
M. Divsalar et al. / Expert Systems With Applications xxx (xxxx) 116266 5

where (.) represents a permutation on X, such that

, and ,
, , . such that is a parameter between 0 and 1, and adjusts the curva-
Subsequently, we can construct the overall dominance degree ma- ture of the value function. Parameter represents the loss aversion of
trix as follows: individuals in PT, which is the same as the attenuation factor in the
TODIM method. In addition, parameter controls the convexity/con-

cavity of the probability function, and indicates overweighting of low
probabilities and underweighting of high probabilities.
In the TODIM method, the dominance values of alternatives derive

from the value function of the PT. The value function is an S-shaped
nonlinear function (see Fig. 1). It is concave for gains and convex for
losses in the first and third quadrants, respectively. Furthermore, the
loss slope is steeper than the gain slope (Gomes, Machado, & Rangel,
Step 4. The global value of the alternative Ai is determined as fol-
2013). In our proposed TODIM method, the value function is demon-
strated by Eq. (24), which is a square root mathematical expression.
The different θ values alter the slope of the S-shaped value function in

the third quadrant (Chen et al., 2015; Gomes, Rangel, & Maranhão,
2009). As mentioned above, the value function slope at each loss is
larger than the value function slope at the equivalent gain, whereas the
absolute value function of a particular amount of loss should be greater
Step 5. The alternatives are ranked in descending order according than that of the same amount of gain. As shown in Fig. 1, the terms v
to their global value . The alternative Ai with the larger value of (x) and v(−x) describe the value functions of the gain outcome (x) and
is ranked higher. loss outcome (−x), respectively. The following requirements should al-
ways be satisfied based on the PT:
5. A novel method to calculate loss aversion

To assess the impact of the parameter θ on decision-making results,

sensitivity analysis is usually carried out by varying the value of θ. A
comprehensive review of previous studies indicates that the authors as-
ED where the prime demonstrates the derivative of the function. In-

sume the value of parameter θ without any methodical calculation. In spired by the abovementioned requirement in the TODIM method, the
most cases, the value of θ varies from 1 to 10 (Fan, Zhang, Chen, & Liu, following conditions for the same amount of gain and loss should be
2013; Hu, Yang, & Chen, 2018; Y. Jiang, Liang, & Liang, 2017; Krohling satisfied:
& De Souza, 2012; P. Liu & Teng, 2016; Qin et al., 2017; Ren, Xu, &
Gou, 2016; Tosun & Akyüz, 2015; Yu et al., 2016). In some other cases,
the value is between 1 and 5 (Gomes & Rangel, 2009; Liang Wang,
Wang, & Martínez, 2020). Some researchers have also added values
smaller than 1 to previous intervals (Ji, Wang, Zhang, & Wang, 2018; Y.

Jiang et al., 2017). However, the main question is how and on what ba-
sis is parameter θ set to such value? To the best of our knowledge, this
By simplifying the above inequality, we have
crucial question has not been adequately addressed in previous publica-
tions. Indeed, it can be claimed that there is no well-established method for each criterion. Since this relationship applies to all criteria, then
for measuring the attenuation factor and, subsequently, the setting up .
of the θ lacks reasonable justification (Hu et al., 2018). In this section, Based on the previous paragraphs, a few studies adhere to the above

we invoke the determination of parameter θ based on the PT. As we relationship in the sensitivity analysis. This may lead to a violation of
know, the TODIM method is one of the first MADM techniques to han- the basic principles of prospect theory. As an example, Gomes and
dle risky decisions (Qin et al., 2017). The theoretical and mathematical Rangel (2009) carried out the sensitivity analysis varying the value
foundation of this approach is based on PT. of θ from 1 to 5. Since the weight of the most significant criterion
Assume that is a prospect with two possible outcomes × and is W1 = 0.25, the maximum permissible value of the attenuation factor
y and the corresponding probabilities p and 1-p, respectively. The gen-
eral utility function of PT is as follows:


where is the weighting function of probabilities, and is the

value function of outcomes. The value function is formulated as fol-


Moreover, the weighting function of probabilities is as follows:

Fig. 1. Value function of the TODIM method (Xu, Zhou, & Xu, 2011).
6 M. Divsalar et al. / Expert Systems With Applications xxx (xxxx) 116266

is . Thus, assigning values greater than 4 to θ contradicts the utility of each participant at the switching point of Series 3. Since the
prospect theory. Table 1 presents the difference measure between value of depends on the values and , it cannot be elicited just from
and and the dominance degree of A1 over Aj concern- the switching point of Series 3. Therefore, the optimisation model is de-
ing C1 for and . According to Fig. 2, veloped with the information obtained from all three series. The in-
dices, parameters, and decision variables of this model are defined in
and consequently should be greater than , even
Table 2.
though this is not the case for , and it conflicts with prospect the- The mathematical model is presented as follows:

As mentioned above, there is no straightforward method for calcu-
lating the attenuation factor of the TODIM method so far, and in most

cases the authors merely assume the value of parameter θ. Thus, we de-
veloped a method to overcome this drawback. To do so, we conducted
an experimental survey based on Tanaka et al.’s (2010) questionnaire. s.t.
In this survey, participants were confronted with three series of paired
lotteries, as displayed in Table 3. Series 1 and Series 2 consist of gain-
only lotteries, and Series 3 includes mixed lotteries. There are two op- (2
tions of A and B in each series, and each option contains two payoffs in

dollars, based on its corresponding probabilities. The respondents were
asked to determine which row they switched from Option A to Option B
in each series. It should be noted that they may either switch to Option
B in the first row, or not switch to Option B at all.
The switching points in Series 1 and 2 are applied to measure para-
meters and . Also, the parameter is calculated at the switching
point of Series 3. Logically, we expect the best possible utility for partic- Table 2
ipants at the switching points. So, in order to calculate the attenuation The indices, parameters and variables of the proposed model.
factor, we formulate an optimisation model to maximise the prospect

Table 1
The difference measure between A1 and Aj and dominance degree of A1 over
Aj concerning C1 for θ = 1 and θ = 5.
ED Indices:

Paired lotteries of series 1
Paired lotteries of series 2
Paired lotteries of series 3
i Switching point of series 1
for for j Switching point of series 2
k Switching point of series 3
A Lotteries of Option A
B Lotteries of Option B
m Participant of experiment
Larger payoff in row i, Option A, series 1
Probability of

Smaller payoff in row i, Option A, series 1

Probability of
Larger payoff in row i, Option B, series 1
Probability of
Smaller payoff in row i, Option B, series 1
Probability of

Larger payoff in row j, Option A, series 2

Probability of
Smaller payoff in row j, Option A, series 2

Probability of
Larger payoff in row j, Option B, series 2

Probability of

Smaller payoff in row j, Option B, series 2

Probability of
Larger payoff in row k, Option A, series 3

Probability of
Smaller payoff in row k, Option A, series 3
Probability of
Larger payoff in row k, Option B, series 3
Probability of
Smaller payoff in row k, Option B, series 3
Probability of
Maximum weight of criteria
Inverse S-shaped transformation of the weighting function for
participant m
Fig. 2. The dominance degree of A1 over Aj concerning C1 for Gomes and Risk aversion factor of participant m
Rangel (2009). Attenuation factor of participant m
M. Divsalar et al. / Expert Systems With Applications xxx (xxxx) 116266 7

Table 3 ity. It indicates the difference between the utility of Options B and A at
Three series of paired lotteries (in dollars). the switching point of series 3. Constraint (26) expresses that the
Option A Option B prospect utility of Option A is greater than that of Option B in row k-
1 of series 3. Constraint (27) ensures that Option B has greater prospect
Series 1 utility than Option A at the switching point of series 2 (row j). Con-
Payoff1 P1 Payoff2 P2 Payoff1 P1 Payoff2 P2 straint (28) shows that Option A has more utility than Option B in
row j-1 of series 2. Constraint (29) shows that the prospect utility of Op-

1 800 0.3 200 0.7 1360 0.1 100 0.9 tion B is greater than that of Option A in the ith row of series 1. Finally,
2 800 0.3 200 0.7 1500 0.1 100 0.9 constraint (30) ensures that Option A has greater prospect utility than

3 800 0.3 200 0.7 1660 0.1 100 0.9 Option B at row i-1 of series 1.
4 800 0.3 200 0.7 1860 0.1 100 0.9 Here, a numerical example is given to illustrate the proposed
5 800 0.3 200 0.7 2120 0.1 100 0.9
6 800 0.3 200 0.7 2500 0.1 100 0.9
7 800 0.3 200 0.7 3000 0.1 100 0.9 Example 3.. Assume that expert No. 1 determines the switching of rows
8 800 0.3 200 0.7 3700 0.1 100 0.9
from Option A to Option B in each series. As demonstrated in Table 4, the
9 800 0.3 200 0.7 4400 0.1 100 0.9
10 800 0.3 200 0.7 6000 0.1 100 0.9
shaded rows of the table indicate the switching points of each series. Also,
11 800 0.3 200 0.7 8000 0.1 100 0.9 suppose that the maximum weight value of the criteria is 0.25. Thus, we

12 800 0.3 200 0.7 12,000 0.1 100 0.9 have
13 800 0.3 200 0.7 20,000 0.1 100 0.9
14 800 0.3 200 0.7 34,000 0.1 100 0.9
Option A Option B
Series 2
Payoff1 P1 Payoff2 P2 Payoff1 P1 Payoff2 P2
1 800 0.9 600 0.1 1080 0.7 100 0.3
2 800 0.9 600 0.1 1120 0.7 100 0.3
3 800 0.9 600 0.1 1160 0.7 100 0.3
ED According to the above presented data, the mathematical model is
formulated as follows:

10 800 0.9 600 0.1 1660 0.7 100 0.3

11 800 0.9 600 0.1 1800 0.7 100 0.3
12 800 0.9 600 0.1 2000 0.7 100 0.3
13 800 0.9 600 0.1 2200 0.7 100 0.3
14 800 0.9 600 0.1 2600 0.7 100 0.3
Option A Option B
Series 3
Payoff1 P1 Payoff2 P2 Payoff1 P1 Payoff2 P2

1 500 0.5 −80 0.5 600 0.5 −400 0.5

2 80 0.5 −80 0.5 600 0.5 −400 0.5
3 20 0.5 −80 0.5 600 0.5 −400 0.5
4 20 0.5 −80 0.5 600 0.5 −320 0.5
5 20 0.5 −160 0.5 600 0.5 −320 0.5
6 20 0.5 −160 0.5 600 0.5 −280 0.5
7 20 0.5 −160 0.5 600 0.5 −220 0.5

Table 4
Switching points determined by expert No. 1.
Option A Option B

Series 1

Payoff1 P1 Payoff2 P2 Payoff1 P1 Payoff2 P2

2 800 0.3 200 0.7 1500 0.1 100 0.9


3 800 0.3 200 0.7 1660 0.1 100 0.9

4 800 0.3 200 0.7 1860 0.1 100 0.9
Option A Option B
Series 2
(30) Payoff1 P1 Payoff2 P2 Payoff1 P1 Payoff2 P2
9 800 0.9 600 0.1 1540 0.7 100 0.3
10 800 0.9 600 0.1 1660 0.7 100 0.3
11 800 0.9 600 0.1 1800 0.7 100 0.3
Option A Option B
Series 3
The objective function displayed in Eq. (25) is extended using Eqs. Payoff1 P1 Payoff2 P2 Payoff1 P1 Payoff2 P2
(20), (21), and (22). It is based on the fact that the individual evaluates 1 500 0.5 −80 0.5 600 0.5 −400 0.5
each prospect and chooses the candidate with the highest overall util- 2 80 0.5 −80 0.5 600 0.5 −400 0.5
3 20 0.5 −80 0.5 600 0.5 −400 0.5
8 M. Divsalar et al. / Expert Systems With Applications xxx (xxxx) 116266

6. Case study Table 6

Probabilistic hesitant fuzzy decision-making.
In order to validate the possibility and effectiveness of our proposed C1 C2 C3 C4 C5
method, we consider a supplier selection problem in a dairy plant.
The company under study is a large organisation with more than A1 {0.6(0.2),0.7 {0.5(0.7),0.7 {0.3(0.4),0.6 {0.4(0.3),0.5 {0.5(0.4),0.6
2,000 tons of daily production and over 150 product groups. This (0.4),0.9 (0.2),0.8 (0.4),0.9 (0.3),0.9 (0.5),0.8
company aims to produce a healthy product with an extended shelf (0.4)} (0.1)} (0.2)} (0.4)} (0.1)}

A2 {0.7(0.3),0.8 {0.5(0.3),0.8 {0.4(0.5),0.7 {0.5(0.4),0.6 {0.4(0.3),0.6
life and less chance of contamination. Thus, it is crucial to pay spe-
(0.4),0.9 (0.3),0.9 (0.2),0.8 (0.3),0.7 (0.5),0.8
cial attention to the packaging process. One of the main materials in (0.3)} (0.4)} (0.3)} (0.3)} (0.2)}

the packaging process of the case company is aluminium foil, with a A3 {0.5(0.4),0.6 {0.6(0.2),0.7 {0.4(0.4),0.5 {0.5(0.4),0.6 {0.6(0.6),0.7
monthly consumption of 100 tons, worth two million dollars. Given (0.3),0.8 (0.4),0.9 (0.4),0.7 (0.4),0.7(2)} (0.2),0.8
these details, it is very important to source aluminium foil of the (0.3)} (0.4)} (0.2)} (0.2)}
A4 {0.5(0.4),0.6 {0.5(0.5),0.7 {0.2(0.3),0.4 {0.4(0.3),0.5 {0.3(0.2),0.5
right quality at an affordable price and at the right time. Thus, the
(0.3),0.9 (0.1),0.9 (0.5),0.7 (0.5),0.7 (0.4),0.7
supplier selection problem is one of the managers’ main concerns. (0.3)} (0.4)} (0.2)} (0.2)} (0.4)}
There are four suppliers working with the case company. Table 5 C6 C7 C8 C9 C10
lists the 10 criteria selected from the literature review. A1 {0.6(0.4),0.7 {0.4(0.5),0.6 {0.3(0.3),0.6 {0.4(0.4),0.5 {0.5(0.4),0.7
(0.4),0.8 (0.2),0.8 (0.4),0.7 (0.2),0.7 (0.5),0.9

The experts in this research are 10 managers with at least 5 years of (0.2)} (0.3)} (0.3)} (0.4)} (0.1)}
related work experience. The evaluation values of the alternatives A2 {0.5(0.6),0.6 {0.3(0.5),0.5 {0.4(0.4),0.6 {0.5(0.5),0.6 {0.5(0.4),0.6
concerning the criteria are given by the (0.3),0.9 (0.1),0.6 (0.3),0.8 (0.3),0.8 (0.5),0.8
PHFEs . The probabilistic hesitant fuzzy decision matrix is pre- (0.1)} (0.4)} (0.3)} (0.2)} (0.1)}
A3 {0.5(0.5),0.7 {0.4(0.5),0.5 {0.4(0.5),0.6 {0.5(0.4),0.7 {0.5(0.6),0.7
sented in Table 6.
(0.2),0.8 (0.4),0.7 (0.3),0.7 (0.2),0.8 (0.3),0.9
First of all, we determine the Shapley weight vector of the criteria. (0.3)} (0.1)} (0.2)} (0.4)} (0.1)}
Based on the experts’ assessment, the fuzzy measure of each criterion is A4 {0.4(0.3),0.6 {0.4(0.3),0.7 {0.2(0.3),0.5 {0.4(0.3),0.6 {0.4(0.2),0.5
as below: (0.3),0.8 (0.3),0.8 (0.6),0.7 (0.5),0.7 (0.5),0.7

According to Eq. (11), the λ value obtained is: . The fuzzy

ED (0.4)} (0.4)} (0.1)} (0.2)}

sought to first measure the attenuation factor for all experts. They were
asked to determine the switching point from Option A to Option B in
the three series given in Table 3. The values of and were cal-

measures of the criteria are also calculated based on Eq. (10). For culated based on the mathematical model developed in the previous
brevity, the result is not included in this paper, but is available from the section. This optimisation problem is classified as a constrained nonlin-
authors upon request. ear optimisation problem. In order to solve this problem, we employed
Based on the obtained fuzzy measures, the Shapley weight of the cri- the fmincon function from MATLAB’s Optimization Toolbox. Table 7
teria is computed as follows: presents the obtained values of the three parameters. The results show
that the 4th expert is the most loss-averse and the 7th is the least loss-
averse. In order to derive the parameters of cumulative prospect theory
(CPT), especially the loss aversion parameter, we calculated the aver-

In the next step, we estimated the dominance of alternative Ai over age value for each parameter. We find the values ,
alternative Ak under the criterion using Eq. (16). With this aim, we implying that the respondents in our research overweight/underweight
low/high probabilities and are risk-averse. In the TODIM method, the
dominance of each option over the others is obtained from Eq. (21) by
Table 5 inserting the value of sigma as 0.5. Thus, the value calculated in our
Criteria for supplier selection. case, 0.535, is close to the value applied in the TODIM method. Finally,

Criteria References the average value of is utilised in our case as the value of the
attenuation factor.
Cost (C1) (Fallahpour, Udoncy Olugu, Nurmaya Musa, Yew Wong, & Noori, After measuring , we computed the dominance of each alternative
2017; Kannan, 2018; Luthra, Govindan, Kannan, Mangla, & Garg,
over the others based on Eq. (16). Table 8 presents the dominance de-
2017; Memari, Dargi, Akbari Jokar, Ahmad, & Abdul Rahim,
2019; Stević, Pamučar, Puška, & Chatterjee, 2020; Zimmer, gree matrices.
Fröhling, & Schultmann, 2016) After that, we calculated the overall dominance degree of alterna-
Quality (C2) (Fallahpour et al., 2017; Jain & Singh, 2020; Kannan, 2018; tive Ai over alternative Ak based on Eq. (17). The results are demon-

Luthra et al., 2017; Memari et al., 2019; Stević et al., 2020; strated in Table 9.
Zimmer et al., 2016)
In the next step, the global value of the alternative Ai is obtained ac-
Delivery (C3) (Fallahpour et al., 2017; Jain & Singh, 2020; Kannan, 2018;
Luthra et al., 2017; Memari et al., 2019; Stević et al., 2020; cording to Eq. (19). The achieved result is shown in Table 10.

Zimmer et al., 2016) Based on Table 10, the ranking order of the alternatives is
Flexibility (C4) (Fallahpour et al., 2017; Jain & Singh, 2020; Kannan, 2018; , with A1 being the best alternative.
Luthra et al., 2017; Zimmer et al., 2016)
Reliability (C5) (Jain & Singh, 2020; Zimmer et al., 2016)
Long-term (Jain & Singh, 2020; Kannan, 2018; Zimmer et al., 2016)
Table 7
The obtained values of and for each expert.

Warranties (C7) (Jain & Singh, 2020; Kannan, 2018) Expert 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Eco-design (C8) (Fallahpour et al., 2017; Jain & Singh, 2020; Kannan, 2018;
Luthra et al., 2017; Zimmer et al., 2016; Kannan, Mina, Nosrati-
Abarghooee, & Khosrojerdi, 2020)
0.86 0.66 0.68 0.76 0.62 0.73 0.57 0.72 0.65 0.79
Availability (C9) (Jain & Singh, 2020; Kannan, 2018; Memari et al., 2019)
0.49 0.56 0.63 0.58 0.71 0.64 0.47 0.52 0.34 0.41
Reputation (C10) (Jain & Singh, 2020; Memari et al., 2019; Stević et al., 2020) 5.21 4.29 0.46 2.08 3.75 3.01 5.44 4.07 3.06 3.81
M. Divsalar et al. / Expert Systems With Applications xxx (xxxx) 116266 9

Table 8 nique under probabilistic hesitant fuzzy information is given in Table

The dominance matrix of Ai over Ak concerning attributes C1 to C10. 11:
A1 A2 A3 A4 A1 A2 A3 A4 The results indicate that the top two alternatives are the same as in
our approach. The ranking of the last two alternatives (A3 and A4) is dif-
A1 0 −0.15 0.111 0.111 A1 0 −0.427 −0.483 −0.291 ferent in both approaches. This discrepancy may be due to the follow-
A2 0.060 0 0.126 0.126 A2 0.131 0 −0.225 0.096 ing reasons: First, TOPSIS calculates the difference between the alterna-
tive and the PIS or the NIS. TODIM is more precise as it computes the

A3 −0.279 −0.317 0 −0.155 A3 0.148 0.069 0 0.118
A4 −0.279 −0.317 0.062 0 A4 0.089 −0.312 −0.385 0 difference between each pair of alternatives. Second, the TODIM tech-
A1 A2 A3 A4 A1 A2 A3 A4
nique takes into account the psychological behaviour of DMs, whilst

TOPSIS assumes the DM to be completely rational. TODIM is therefore
A1 0 −0.259 0.103 0.127 A1 0 0 0.053 0.073
closer to the behaviour of a real decision-maker.
A2 0.127 0 0.133 0.046 A2 −0.218 0 0.066 0.086
As mentioned in section 4, Tian et al. (2020) published another ver-
A3 −0.208 −0.269 0 0.133 A3 −0.462 −0.46 0 −0.414
sion of the PHF-TODIM method, which has some differences from our
A4 −0.259 −0.094 −0.269 0 A4 −0.204 −0.241 0.149 0
proposed method. The authors applied a comparison law, which has
A1 A2 A3 A4 A1 A2 A3 A4 some deficiencies in resolution as shown in Example 1. We proposed a
A1 0 0.042 −0.216 0.095 A1 0 0.134 0.111 0.08 novel comparison law to overcome such shortcoming. Furthermore, the
A2 −0.147 0 −0.196 0.085 A2 −0.330 0 −0.227 −0.265 distance measure utilised in Tian et al. (2020) is based on some assump-

A3 0.062 0.056 0 0.085 A3 −0.147 −0.184 0 0.075 tions, like the same cardinality and ascending (descending) sort of PH-
A4 −0.332 −0.298 −0.298 0 A4 −0.204 −0.241 −0.21 0 FEs. We introduced a new distance measure in which these assumptions
A1 A2 A3 A4 A1 A2 A3 A4 are not required. Unlike Tian et al. (2020), who ignored the interrela-
A1 0 0.118 0.141 −0.255 A1 0 −0.227 0.066 0.1 tion among criteria, we have considered this phenomenon in our re-
A2 −0.212 0 −0.208 −0.329 A2 0.054 0 0.064 0.085 search. They used the transformed probability weight instead of the
A3 −0.253 0.116 0 −0.255 A3 −0.279 −0.270 0 0.085 original weight to better address the overestimation (underestimation)
A4 0.142 0.183 0.142 0 A4 −0.425 −0.359 −0.359 0
of low probability (high probability).

8. Conclusion

PHFS is an extension of HFS that assigns a probability of occurrence

to each value of the HFE. In some decision-making cases, decision-
−0.309 −0.148 −0.313 −0.292 −0.313 makers will hesitate between different possible values, but their opin-
ions will not diverge entirely. In such situations, the PHFS can deal with
Table 9 uncertainty better than HFS. In recent years, the development of
The overall dominance matrix of Ai over Ak with regard to attributes. MADM methods under a probabilistic hesitant fuzzy environment has
A1 A2 A3 A4
attracted greater attention. The TODIM method is one of the PT-based
MADM techniques, which takes into account the DMs’ attitude to risk.
A1 0 −0.159 −0.079 −0.09 But it cannot handle the decision-making problems appropriately under
A2 −0.145 0 −0.153 −0.111 uncertainty. Also, the interaction among the criteria should be taken

A3 −0.211 −0.13 0 −0.039

into account in many real-world cases. In this regard, we utilised the
Shapley value to determine the weight of these correlative criteria. In
A4 −0.21 −0.179 −0.296 0
this paper, we developed the Choquet integral-based TODIM technique
under probabilistic hesitant fuzzy information. For this purpose, we
Table 10 first defined a geometric mean score function and a geometric variance
The overall dominance matrix of Ai over Ak with regard to attributes. function of a PHFE. Besides, we proposed a novel comparison method
between two PHFEs. Then, we introduced a new distance measure of

A1 A2 A3 A4
PHFEs. After that, we developed the Choquet integral-based PHF-
1 0.772 0.853 0 TODIM method using the proposed distance measure. As a significant
novelty, we discussed setting the values of and proposed an optimisa-
7. Comparative analysis tion model to calculate parameter based on an experimental survey.
To the best of the authors’ knowledge, this is the first study that pro-
In this section, a comparative analysis is carried out to show the va- poses a computational method for determining the attenuation factor.
Finally, to investigate the validity and feasibility of the proposed

lidity of the PHF-TODIM technique. Since TODIM is a distance-based

method, we compare our proposed method with the TOPSIS approach, method, we present a numerical example to evaluate the supplier selec-
which is another distance-based technique. With this aim, the PHF- tion process helping managers make better and more accurate deci-
based TOPSIS method introduced by Li et al. (2020) is applied to the sions.

case example. The various steps are as follows:

Uncited reference
1- Determine positive ideal solution (PIS) and negative ideal
solution (NIS). .
2- Obtain the Euclidean distance between each alternative to the PIS
and NIS.
Table 11
3- Calculate the ranking index of each alternative and sort the The ranking result of the PHF-TOPSIS method.
alternatives in decreasing order.
Alternative A1 A2 A3 A4

For the sake of brevity, computational details have been omitted but
TOPSIS index 1 3 2 4
are available from the author. The ranking result of the TOPSIS tech- Ranking 1 4 2 3
10 M. Divsalar et al. / Expert Systems With Applications xxx (xxxx) 116266

CRediT authorship contribution statement Jain, N., & Singh, A. R. (2020). Sustainable supplier selection under must-be criteria through
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