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Grammar Review

1. What is wrong? x 2. Complete 3. Make a Sentence

PRESENT SIMPLE (3rd person s,es, ies – do/does, routines, likes/dislikes, etc. )
1. She reads always her book every night. She hates sleep early. (2 mistakes)

2. Does he ___________ at 8:00 on Mondays? Yes, he does. But on Tuesdays he _________ at 10:00

3. ____________________________________________________________________________________

PRESENT CONTINUOUS (VERBO TO BE + ing - at the moment )

1. He speaking while he is eat. I can see his food inside his mouth. That’s disgusting! (2 mistakes)

2. _____ you studying hard? I’m _____________you from here.

3. ____________________________________________________________________________________

PAST SIMPLE (ed/ied ? did, - didn’t ----- yesterday, ago, last )

1. We sawed Zack yesterday. We didn’t saw him today. Are you saw him last week? (4 mistakes)

2. We __________ spicy food last night. ______you like it? No, I ________.

3. ____________________________________________________________________________________

Write down 5 irregular verbs (PAST SIMPLE FORM)

1__________________ 2___________________ 3________________ 4 ______________ 5_______________

Complete: Last year I_______________(go)to Portugal with my friend . It________(be) amazing! We

_______(have) a lot of fun. We___________ (visit) many places there.


While suele acompañar al past continuous, y when va con el past simple.

1. While we was watching the film at the cinema, my mobile phone ring! (2mistakes)

2. I _______ watching a short film on the internet when my mother_________________________.

3. ____________________________________________________________________________________

COMPARATIVE (er/ier than - more) and SUPERLATIVE (the est/iest – most) adjectives
1. Today is hoter than yesterday. I think the weather is gooder than last week. (2 mistakes)

2. comparative: I can have _______ (good) grades if I study _________ (hard).

superlative: My mom wants to me to be ________ (good)one in class but I___________ (bad)

3. ___________________________________________________________________________________________
Modals of obligation and Modals of ability and Modals of advice Modals of deduction
prohibition: permission:
- have to/ don’t have to - should/shouldn’t Certeza must
He must be the thief.
- must/ mustn’t - could/couldn’t x - ought to Imposibilidad can’t
- need to / needn’t* can/can’t He can’t be the thief
- will be able to/ won’t Posibilidad could / might
be able to He might be the thief.
- allow / be allowed to He could be the thief.

Had to / didn’t have to / did … have to? Didn’t need to…… solo se emplean en el pasado.
Must no varía en este tiempo verbal.

Make sentences with each modal in positive, negative or question forms.


Complete the dialogue with the words. might can’t must

Detective: Is that the man who stole from the supermarket?
Woman: No he (1)_________ be the shoplifter because he has blonde hair, the man who did it had dark
hair. It (2)_______ be that man over there, but I’m not sure.
Detective: Well he (3)________ be here somewhere – no one can leave because we’ve locked all the
shop doors.

QUANTIFIERS: too, too much, too many, (not) enough

Utilizamos too delante de los adjetivos. The novel is too long.

Too many se emplea delante de los sustantivos contables.There are too many short films there.
Se utiliza too much delante de los sustantivos incontables.There was too much violence in the film.
Utilizamos (not) enough detrás de los adjetivos. Lily’s story isn’t interesting enough.
También se utiliza (not) enough delante de los sustantivos en plural y los sustantivos incontables.
The play didn’t have enough romance. The film received enough awards.

Complete the text with too, too much, too many and enough.

In general, my opinion of the film is quite negative. There was (1) ___________talking and not
(2)____________ action – I like lots of action! And, the long dialogues weren’t interesting
(3)________________ . There were (4)____________________characters – it was confusing so I didn’t
understand the plot at all! Also, the ending was (5)______________ predictable. Don’t watch this

Speak it out:

1. too + enjoyable, 2. too much + money 3. too many + students

4. enough +young 5. enough +time
PRESENT PERFECT ( have/haven’t – has/hasn’t + PARTICIPLE )
KEY WORDS: ever, never, just, since, for, already, still, yet
Choose the correct option.
1 We’ve picked up a lot of new skills since September / three weeks.
2 The sales have been on for a week / last weekend.
3 Sandy has known about the news for months / last year.
4 They’ve lived here for 2013 / two years.
5 I’ve started three new sports classes since Christmas / three months.

Rewrite the sentences with still, yet and already.

1 Has Katie joined in with the team yet? (already)

2 Sam’s team has already caught up with Dylan’s team in the football league. (yet?)


3 Has Lena taken up a new language yet? (still)

Choose ‘ever’ , ‘never’ or ‘just’

1. This is the only time the children have ________________ been to the theatre.

2. She hardly ________________ gets up early.

3. She has ________________ bought a car before.

4. I’ve ________________ tried Malaysian food. 5. Do you ________________ see Lucy?

5. I’ve just spoken to Rachelle on the phone.

6. A teacher says, “Have you finished it yet?” The student says, “No, sorry, I’ve _____ started it.

Choose the past simple or the present perfect:

1. Last night I __________________ (lose) my keys – I had to call my flatmate to let me in.
2. I __________________ (lose) my keys – can you help me look for them?
3. I __________________ (visit) Paris three times.
4. Last year I __________________ (visit) Paris.

5. I __________________ (know) my great grandmother for a few years - she died when I was
6. I __________________ (know) Julie for three years – we still meet once a month.
7. I __________________ (play) hockey since I was a child – I’m pretty good!
8. She __________________ (play) hockey at school, but she __________________ (not / like) it.
9. Sorry, I __________________ (miss) the bus, so I’m going to be late.
10. I __________________ (miss) the bus, and then I ________________ (miss) the plane as well!
who hablar de las personas
which referirse a objetos o ideas
where hacer referencia a lugares
whose expresar pertenencia

Choose the correct option.

1 That’s the police station whose / where /who the police asked Jonny questions yesterday.
2 She’s the woman where / whose / which husband is a traffic warden.
3 Jack is the thief who / which / whose stole my car.
4 Wellington is the town which / who / where my friend lives.
5 This is a film about an imposter whose / which / who faked multiple identities.
6 The local residents couldn’t accept a law where /which / who was unfair.


I thought I knew her. I thought I ______________ (see) her before.

I saw Annabel last week. She _________________(change) a lot

Choose the correct option.

1 Sam and Evie went / had gone in o the city centre this morning to buy some new clothes.
2 I hadn’t been / wasn’t at the train station long when I realized I didn’t have the tickets!
3 James had always wanted / wanted to be a detective before he joined the police force.
4 When Katie arrived / had arrived home, she watched TV, had a snack and went to bed.
5 How long were you / had you been a teacher when you retired?



THE PAST SIMPLE PASSIVE (was/were + participle )

internet/invent _______________________________________________________________

Used to

Complete the sentences with the words.

did didn’t to used used to use to

When she was six, Meg used to ride her bike to school.
1 She used eat a lot of sweets.
2 She use to like vegetables.
3 She watch a lot of cartoons.
4 She didn’t _______ have homework.
5 __________she use to go to bed at seven o’clock.
WILL predecir o dar nuestra opinión sobre el futuro o decisiones espontáneas

BE GOING TO intenciones y planes de futuro.

Present simple and present continuous for future arrangements

El present simple con valor de futuro se utiliza para hablar de horarios.
The train leaves in ten minutes.

Utilizamos el present continuous para hablar de cosas que hemos planeado para el futuro
I’m playing football this afternoon.

Choose the correct option.

1 We won’t / aren’t going to have a Biology class tomorrow – we’re going on a school trip.
2 ‘I can’t empty the bin. It’s too heavy.’ ‘I’ll / ’m going to do it.’
3 Our flight arrives / is arriving at 10.00 a.m.
4 Robots won’t / aren’t going to replace humans in the future – that’s my opinion anyway!
5 The team will / is going to take part in a tournament in France in June.
6 Ahmed believes people will / are going to lose their strength in the future because of computers.
7 When are you playing / do you play your match?

some-, any-, no-, every-

Choose the correct option.
1 Have you got … that I can wipe the worktops with?
A something B nothing C anything

2 … has mopped the floor. It’s dirty!

A Anybody B Nobody C Somebody

3 Kate has done … – you’ve done nothing!

A nothing B anything C everything

4 I rang the bell twice, but there wasn’t … at home.

A anybody B nobody C everybody

5 I can’t find my bag … .

A anywhere B nowhere C somewhere

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