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4TH QUARTER, SY2021-2022 GED 102 WEEK 1

Task List

Week 1 focuses on the discussion of the nature of mathematics – what it is,

how it is expressed and where it is applied.

Keep track of your progress in this lesson by checking the box corresponding to each

_____ 1. Read/Watch Module 1 Lesson 1 Lecture

_____ 2. Read/Watch Module 1 Lesson 2

_____ 3. Read Module 1 Lesson 3 Lecture

_____ 4. Read one or two chapters of Ian Stewart’s “Nature’s Numbers”.

_____ 5. Write a synthesis essay of the reading in #4.

_____ 6. Submit WGN of Week 1.

4TH QUARTER, SY2021-2022 GED 102 WEEK 1

Lesson 1. Patterns and Numbers in Nature


A. What are the three (3) types of patterns?

• The three (3) types of patterns that I learned from Lesson 1: Patterns and
Numbers in Nature are the Numeric Patterns, Geometric Patterns (Patterns of
Shape), and the Patterns of Change.

B. What is Golden ratio and what is its estimated value?

• The golden ratio, also known as the golden mean, divine proportion, or golden
section, is a particular quality symbolized by the sign that is roughly equivalent
to 1.618. Many exceptional forms may be studied utilizing specific sequences
such as the Fibonacci sequence and qualities such as the golden ratio.
• And it exists between two quantities if their ratio equals the ratio of their total
to the greater of the two quantities.
• Like for instance, if we divide a line into two pieces, the portions will be in the
golden ratio if and only if: The ratio of the longer part's length, say "a," to the
shorter part's length, say "b," is equal to the ratio of their total "(a + b)" to
the longer length.

C. What is a fractal?

• A Fractal is a form of random pattern in which each portion has the same
characteristics as the whole.
• For example, mountain formation and erosion, wind flows, crystal structure, and
tree branching.
4TH QUARTER, SY2021-2022 GED 102 WEEK 1

Lesson 2. Systemizing Patterns using Mathematics


A. Describe a Logarithmic Spiral.

• The golden triangle is used to form a logarithmic spiral (also known

equiangular spiral.)
• To form a Logarithmic Spiral, the first thing that we should do is bisecting
the base angles, the new point creates another golden triangle, then repeat
the bisection process creating an infinite number of golden triangles. And,
the logarithmic spiral will form through vertices.

B. Describe a Golden Spiral.

• A Golden Spiral can be constructed using the Golden rectangles, number
one step is to draw a simple square, then draw a line from the midpoint
of one side of the square to an opposite corner, using the line, make it
use as the radius to draw an arc that defines the height of the rectangle
then lastly, complete the golden rectangle.
• And through the corners of those squares, connect it by quarter-circle
to form a golden spiral also known as the Fibonacci Spiral.
• Golden Spiral can be seen everywhere such as Nature and Architecture.

C. Enumerate and describe five (5) of the 17 equations that changed the world.

• Newton’s Law of Gravity

- This equation serves as a model for comprehending the solar system,

planet orbits, and other motion patterns impacted by gravity. It is an
essential idea for comprehending divine power, motion, and many other

• The Complex Numbers: i^2 = -1

- It is invented to solve the equations particularly the quadratic equation
X^2 + 1 = 0.
4TH QUARTER, SY2021-2022 GED 102 WEEK 1

- Under the calculus, the complex numbers form an essential system in

the areas of electronics and signal processing as well as in quantum
- It is used extensively in Fractal Geometry, specifically on Mandelbrot
Sets and Julia Sets.

• The Gaussian Distribution

- The Normal Distribution is another name for this distribution, and it is

a significant tool in interferential statistics, particularly in generalizing events.
It is used in a variety of areas, including natural sciences, social sciences,
mathematics, and engineering.

- Used to assess reading ability, work happiness, surveys, IQ scores,

blood pressure, measurement mistakes, and so on.

• Euler’s Formula (Polyhedra)

- The formula for this is V + F – E = 2

- This equation created new insights on forms and space, as well as
establishing a clear relationship between geometry and the knot structure
of DNA. It also had a role in the development of rockets that were launched
into space.

• The Wave Equation

- A partial differential equation in physics that describes wave motion. It

takes the form ∇²φ = (1/ c ²) × (∂²φ/∂ t ²), where ∇² is the Laplace
operator, t is the time, c is the speed of propagation, and is a function
defining the wave's displacement.
4TH QUARTER, SY2021-2022 GED 102 WEEK 1

Lesson 3. Systemizing Functionality of Mathematics


How is mathematics utilized in the following areas?

A. Pharmaceutical Field

- The mathematics in this field focuses more on clinical data about the
effectiveness or dangers of new drugs.
- They use mathematics to solve and help develop models of complicated
processes that is governed by certain mathematical laws.

B. Agriculture

- In this sector, they require a direct application of mathematics, such as

measurement of land or area, average investment and expenditure, average
return or revenue, production per unit area, cost of labor, time and work, seed
rate, and so on.

- They also use math to assess agricultural development by producing

graphs of various items of produce.

C. Engineering

- Numerical analysis is a fundamental technique for modeling engineering

issues (e.g., phenomena involving heat, electricity, and magnetism)

- Relativistic mechanics, quantum mechanics, and other theoretical

constructions were developed to expand and build on previous notions.
4TH QUARTER, SY2021-2022 GED 102 WEEK 1

Name: Kristine Mae H Cayanan_____________ Score

GED102 - MMW
Program & Year: Bs Architecture / 2nd YR Section: B50 Writing Exercise
Student No.: 2021101924 Date: August 24, 2022 Synthesis Essay
3rd Quarter 2021-2022

Choose a chapter in Ian Stewart’s “Nature’s Numbers” and write a synthesis essay.{Write in paragraph
form – without subheadings. Paragraph 1 is the introduction, paragraphs 2-4 comprise the body -the
synthesis, and the last paragraph is the conclusion}

“Nature’s Number”
Chapter II: What Mathematics Is For?

When we think of Mathematics, the first thing that springs to our mind is the 'never-

ending set of problems with different equations that we have to solve.' When asked, "what is

your least favorite topic," the majority of students will typically respond, "Math." Some of the

reasons for this include their fear of numbers and how difficult it is for them to understand. But

what exactly is mathematics, and why should people care about learning it? Some would say that

since mathematics is involved in every aspect of the cosmos, it is necessary for us to learn it in

order to understand completely our universe. However, on the contrary, others may believe that

we do not need mathematics to understand our surroundings because nature will do. There is

also a saying that having too much knowledge about your surroundings is perilous, but is it more

dangerous to have less knowledge about something?

The adage "math is everywhere" is a pervasive thing to hear, and that is definitely true. If

you notice, when buying furniture, it is significant to inspect a piece of furniture's measurements
4TH QUARTER, SY2021-2022 GED 102 WEEK 1

in addition to its aesthetic qualities to determine whether it will fit in your space. Right? And

when buying foods, aren't we calculating the number of days to consume food by looking at the

expiration date? When purchasing a device, don't we all look at the specifications and chips to

determine if the software we need will work with its features? The question is, Is it true that

those everyday human activities fall under the purview of mathematics? The answer is a BIG YES!

All of those are calculated using arithmetic, and those strategies were developed with the

assistance of math.

One of the most frequent responses to the question "what is math?" is "it's all about

numbers and equations," which is one of the usual explanations. But if we look deeper and

critically, math is much more than just numbers, letters, and equations. Math is a style of

thinking, a technique of resolving problems and providing explanations, a cornerstone of

contemporary civilization, a model for how nature is organized, etc. therefore, mathematics is

everywhere. It is stated that mathematics is the entrance to science and its key. "A Science is

correct only in so far as it incorporates Mathematics," Therefore, it is noted that any scientific

education that does not begin with mathematics has a fundamental flaw. Mathematical

ignorance undermines all knowledge.

Mathematical ignorance prevents one from understanding other aspects of the world.

What's worse, those who are uninformed in this way are unable to recognize their ignorance and

do not seek help. Natural Science is a science insofar as it is mathematical. By perfecting all of

science, mathematics has also played a significant role in the development of modern civilization.
4TH QUARTER, SY2021-2022 GED 102 WEEK 1

Mathematics is used in a variety of applications, such as developing a tool to analyze the

motion of space, determining a car's speed to build a quicker and better engine, determining a

person's heart rate to save their life, comprehending gravity through Newton's Law, and more.

The human intellect created mathematics, which is primarily concerned with concepts,

procedures, and reasoning. It encompasses much more than math, algebra, and geometry. In

addition, it goes much beyond calculus, statistics, and trigonometry.

Mathematics is a very helpful to completely understand the things that surrounds us,

“little knowledge is dangerous.” Therefore, the importance of learning mathematics can help us

in many different aspects and different field. Human intellect and logic are fundamentally based

in mathematics, which is also essential to our efforts to understand the outside world and

ourselves. Mathematics promotes logical thinking and mental rigor and is a useful method for

developing mental discipline. Additionally, comprehending mathematics is essential for learning

other academic disciplines like physics, social studies, and even music and art.

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