Cross Knit Sweater With Fantasy Pattern - Free Knitting Patterns

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5/20/2018 Quergestrickter Pulli mit Fantasiemuster - Kostenlose Strickmuster

Cross knit sweater with fantasy pattern

Published: 25.05.16
Category: Sweater
Views: 9403
Keyword: sweater guide Free , sweater knitting pattern , knit sweater , cross-knitted sweater with fantasy
pattern , knit sweater Instructions

2.8 / 5 rating (22 votes)

Size: 36/38.
Yarn: 250 g (100% cotton, LL = 125 m / 50 g); Knitting needles
No. 3,5 and a crochet hook No. 3,5.
Smooth right: Knit back-to-back right, back-R left.
Lace Pattern:
Knit according to Knitting Pattern 1. There are only Hin-R
In the back R the sts as they appear, knit the envelopes on the
Always repeat the 1st - 4th Rs.
Fantasy Pattern:
Knit according to Knitting Pattern 2. There are only Hin-R

In the back R the sts as they appear, knit the envelopes on the
Always repeat the 1st - 8th Rs.
Mesh test:
in the fantasy pattern: 23 M and 30 R = 10 x 10 cm. 1/2
5/20/2018 Quergestrickter Pulli mit Fantasiemuster - Kostenlose Strickmuster

Knit the sweater in one piece, starting with the left sleeve.
Cast on 82 sts and proceed as follows: Rm, 7m pattern, starting with the 12 sts of the knit, * 10 sts in
stocking st, 18m in fancy pattern, repeat * 1 more times, 10 sts in stocking st, 7m in pattern , starting with
the first st of the knitting, Rdm.
For the side sleeve increases in the 5th R from the stop on both sides 1 st and in every 4th R 10 x 1 st
each, then in each 2nd R 3 x each 1 st, 3 x 2 each, 3 x 3 each, 1 x Increase 5 sts = 150 sts.
For the front and back part in the 71. R from the stop on both sides, each 50 sts new to strike = 250 M.
In the 102nd R ab stop divide the work in the middle.
Back piece (over 125 sts):
For neckline cut off in the 103rd row from the last row 1 x 2 sts, then every other row 2 x 2 sts = 121 sts.
Then cast off
at 186 sts from row 1 x 1 sts , Inc 1 x 1 and 1 x 2 sts in each 2nd row = 125
sts. Shut down the sts. Front piece
(over 125 sts):
For neckline cut off in the 103rd row from sts 1 x 2 sts, then every other row 2 x 2 sts 1 st = 121 sts.
Then at 186 sts from st 1 x 1 sts , Then increase in every 2nd row 1 x 1 and 1 x 2 sts = 125 sts.
Now put the decommissioned M back into work = 250 M and continue to counterglass, ie increases are
Bind off all stitches in the 288th R from the stop.
Close side and sleeve seams.
Crochet the neckline, the lower edges of the sleeves and the edge of the hem with 1 Rd Krebs-M (= feM
from left to right).

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