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Senior High School Department




1. Differentiates language used in academic texts from various disciplines
2. Uses knowledge of text structure to glean the information he/she needs
3. Uses various techniques in summarizing a variety of academic texts
4. States the thesis statement of an academic text
5. Outlines reading texts in various disciplines

Subject Matter: Writing Academic Texts

Reference: Saqueton, G. M., Saqueton, G. M., & Uychoco, M. A. (2016). English For Academic and Professional
Purposes. Manila: Rex Book Store Inc. 31-53.

Learning Objectives:

1. Recognize the step-by-step processes in writing any academic text

2. Illustrate that writing is a process and that re-writing is part of that process in order to achieve coherence in a
written output
3. Construct a clear thesis statement and supporting claims to build a well-written text through an argumentative
essay writing task
4. Display one’s appropriate manner through effectively using proper tone and diction in writing argumentative

I. What would you learn this week? Why should you study this?

In this module, you will now translate being a critical reader into being an effective writer. By the end of this,
you must be able to identify the different writing processes and the skills you must be able to acquire in each
step in writing. You will also know the proper way of writing a thesis statement which will be the foundation and
soul of your written academic text.


Senior High School Department


Topic 1: Writing Academic Texts

Most of you do write well. However, some of you find it hard to start writing; you feel that you have to write
something perfect on your first attempt. In doing so, you end up not writing at all. Sometimes, out of frustration, you
would just dismiss writing and say that it is not your thing. You make it seem as if writing was a gift that only few
people were endowed with. But, writing, just like cooking or driving, is a skill that can be learned.
In the pre-writing process, choosing a topic is the main goal. In here, these steps are being used: brainstorming,
freewriting and clustering.
1. Brainstorming. When you responded with ideas and concepts related to the broad concept that your
teacher gave you, you were already generating possible topics for your paper. This step aims you to
generate as many topics as you can so that random topics can be made into focused topic later on.
Example topic given by the teacher: GENDER ISSUES

Generated topics you will use to choose the focused topic

* Double standards for women
* Discrimination against gays and lesbians
* Marital rape
* Homosexuality
* Gender bias and stereotypes

2. Freewriting. Aside from brainstorming, you can also use freewriting to generate ideas. Freewriting is similar
to brainstorming in that you just write any idea that comes to your mind. The catch is to put down into writing
the ideas that you think of so that later on you will be able to generate ideas and narrow them down into a
single topic for your paper. Look at the example below using the focused topic from the list above.

FOCUSED TOPIC: Gender bias and stereotypes

We are born to perform roles. As early as infancy, there are already stereotypes that are associated with
our sexes. For instance, the color pink is for baby girls and the color blue is for baby boys. As boys and girls, there
are again expectations- boys should play with toy guns or trucks and girls should play with dolls or toy pans. How
do these stereotypes affect the behavior of the girls and boys? Do they affect the behavior of women and men that


Senior High School Department

those girls and boys would eventually become? I suppose that stereotypes are the reasons that there is also gender
bias and double standards. Because of these certain expectations, we are conditioned to think that we are confined
to our roles. Who determines these rules? Who says that we have to follow them? Is there a punishment if we do
not follow those roles or the ones who impose them?
3. Clustering. The other step is called clustering, or ballooning, or mapping. This technique provides a graphic
representation of your ideas, allowing you to visualize the connections and/or relationships of your ideas.
Write the main topic at the center of your paper then circle or box it. Think of subtopics and place them
around the center circle until you feel that you have developed all the subtopics fully. Here is an example.


Senior High School Department

The last step in the pre-writing process is one of the most crucial steps, knowing your purpose and
identifying your reader or audience. Determining your purpose will help you communicate clearly your ideas to your
readers, which is the goal of all writing. Once you have determined your purpose, knowing your audience comes
next. Why is it important to know your readers or your audience? The knowledge, interests, attitudes, and needs of
your reader will give you an idea as to how you will organize your points and claims in such a way that you can
establish a common ground with your readers. In order for you to effectively engage in a dialogue with your reader,
you have to make sure that you consider them when you write. Knowledge of who your audience is, what they need,
and what their interests are will help you adjust your language, tone and style in writing.
Topic 2: Avoiding Plagiarism

Before you start the actual process of writing, you need to make sure that the assumptions that you have
about your topic can be supported by evidence. This can be done by making sure that you have enough
resources on that topic. Being able to find a lot of reading materials- books, articles, journals- that relate to your
topic will confirm that your topic is important since prior studies were done about it; it will also suggest that you
contribute something new to the existing studies.
Plagiarism has become a buzzword not only in the academe but also in other fields like literature,
photography, and fine arts. So what is Plagiarism? When can you be accused of plagiarizing other people’s
Plagiarism could be any of the following:
• Deliberate copying of somebody else’s work and claiming that work to be his/her own;

• Using somebody else’s work or ideas without proper acknowledgement
or citation; and
• Copying the text without paraphrasing it.
Paraphrasing is one of the ways to avoid plagiarism. It is rendering the
essential ideas in a text (sentence or paragraph) using your own words.
Paraphrased materials are usually shorter than the original text. It is more
detailed than a summary. When you paraphrase, it is advised that you first
understand what the text is about and then write your rendition of the text without
referring to it as you write. The tendency when you have the text in front of you is
to copy the structure of the text and just change some of the words, which still
qualify as plagiarism.
Another way to avoid plagiarism is to directly quote the sentence or the
paragraph that you will use in your paper. Quotations must be identical to the original text. A direct quotation is
preferred to a paraphrase when the author’s ideas are so important that paraphrasing them will change the
essence of those ideas.


Senior High School Department

Topic 3: The Writing Process

Certainly, you are now ready to write. You have learned how to gather and cite sources to avoid plagiarism.
You have also learned to paraphrase and quote directly from an original text. With that, you can start working on
the next step in the process, which is the writing of an essay.

Developing Your Thesis Statement

A thesis statement is the claim or stand that you will develop in your paper. It is the controlling idea of the
essay. It gives your readers idea of what your paper is all about.
A strong thesis statement usually contains an element of uncertainty, risk, orb challenge (Ramage, Bean,
and Johnson 2006:34). This means that your thesis statement should offer a debatable claim that you can prove or
disprove in your essay. The claim should be debatable enough to let your readers agree or disagree with you.
Your thesis statement should not merely announce something or state a fact. You should give your thesis
tension by introducing ideas that may challenge your reader’s views. Your analysis of your readers’ will be of help
Wrong Thesis Statement: Women and men are born to perform specific roles.
Good Thesis Statement: Although there seem to be specific roles assigned to women and men, those roles
should never dictate nor limit women and men to do other things that are beyond their assigned roles.
This thesis statement challenges the stereotypical roles assigned to women or men, and not everyone may
agree to it so this is something that you can explore in your paper. Also, you will have to gather evidence in order
for you to back up your thesis statement.
Organizing your Paper
Your next task as a writer is to support your thesis statement with sufficient evidence, data and examples.
As a writer, your main aim is to organize your ideas in a logical order. Organizing your ideas means finding the
connection of one point to another and establishing a link from one idea to another. The challenge for you as a
writer is to be able to “weave back and forth between generalizations and specifics” (Ramage, Bean and Johnson
Some writers start organizing their draft by making an outline. Outlining is an effective way of ensuing the
logical flow of your ideas. You may opt to use the standard outline complete with roman numerals and indentions
or you may use lists, diagrams, or maps.


Senior High School Department

You start your essay with writing the introduction. The introduction for academic essay provides a
background of your topic, poses a question regarding the topic, explains how the question is problematic and
significant, and gives the writer’s thesis statement.
After this one-or two-paragraph introduction to your essay, develop the body of your essay. This is where
the bulk of the essay is found and where you develop an answer or propose a solution to the thesis statement that
you have given in the introduction. You can outline your main points before writing the body of the essay. In the
body, you have to support your main points and include the other details that would support your thesis statement.
Your conclusion should bring together the points made in your paper and emphasize your final point. The
conclusion may also leave a thought-provoking idea that you wish your audience to consider. Do not just summarize
you main points; make sure that you synthesize your main points and emphasize your thesis statement. Remember
not to open a new topic in the conclusion.

Performance Check #2: Write an argumentative essay based on the assigned national
issue in your respective strand. Make sure to follow the writing processes and cite the
sources properly to avoid plagiarism. You will also be guided of the rubrics below for the
criteria. Total= 100 pts.
STEM: The implementation of full-blown Face-to-Face classes by November
ABM: The Impact of Oil Price Hike and PH Peso Plunges down against US Dollar
HUMSS: The Effect of Queen Elizabeth II’s Death to the Philippine Economy
CSS: Philippines Internet Status tagged as “Mabagal na, Mahal Pa”
CAREGIVING: Optional wearing of Facemask in open areas


Senior High School Department


Intro Paragraph Thesis clearly states a relevant Thesis states a relevant position, but Thesis is largely unclear Thesis is completely
position. Argument preview is somewhat vague or unclear. or is not directly relevant unclear, not relevant, or
complete, in same order as body of Preview is incomplete, not in correct to assignment. Little missing entirely. No
Thesis essay, not simple recitation of class order; some recitation of class identifiable preview, or preview of argument.
Preview of argument material. Contains nothing other material. Nothing other than thesis preview is largely class Paragraph consists
than thesis and preview. and preview. material. Contains largely of opinion, filler,
sentences that are neither or "contextualizing"
preview nor thesis. material.

Body paragraphs and Main points directly develop preview Main points develop preview, but not One or more points not Ideas have little or
Concluding paragraph and explicitly link to thesis. No all are explicitly linked to thesis. clearly related to either nothing to do with the
extraneous material is included. Little to no extraneous material is preview or thesis. assignment, and/or are
Accurate account of material from included. Most information from Extraneous material is poorly developed.
readings, restated in own words; any readings is restated in own words, included. Significant Evident that reading
quotations are few, short, with errors being few and small; one errors in material from material has not been
seamlessly integrated, and correctly quotation is somewhat too long, not readings; most understood. Body is
referenced. Conclusion effectively well-integrated, or incorrectly information is quoted; two Frankenstein Ian:
restates argument. referenced. Conclusion restates quotations are long, largely stitched-together
thesis but not full argument. inaccurate, not well- quotes, many of which
integrated, or incorrectly may also be inaccurate.
referenced. Conclusion More than two
doesn’t effectively capture references for
thesis and/or argument. quotations are missing.
No conclusion, or mere
repetition of intro.
Structure Logical progression of ideas with a Logical progression of ideas; Some level of High level of
Transitions clear argumentative structure. argumentative structure can be disorganization/lacunae disorganization or large
Transitions are graceful. followed although it is not clearly disrupts progression of lacunae. More than one
developed. All transitions are ideas. Argumentative transition is missing.
present. structure not easy to
follow. A transition is
Sentences Writing is clear, concise, and Writing is clear and coherent, but Writing is clear, but Writing is unclear,
Diction coherent. Sentences are strong and sometimes wordy. Sentences have sometimes lacks confusing, incoherent,
Mechanics expressive, with varied structure. varied structure. There are no coherence or is often or verbose. Contains
Format There are no questions. Diction is questions. Diction is usually wordy. Sentences lack fragments and/or run-on
consistently appropriate to formal appropriate to formal writing. No variety. One question sentences. Two or more
writing. All language is accurate and more than one philosophical or other appears. Diction is often questions are included.
used correctly. No errors in word is inaccurate or used inappropriate. Two Inappropriate diction.
punctuation, spelling, capitalization. incorrectly. There are no more than philosophical or other Three or more
Essay has a title, author's name on two errors in punctuation, spelling, words are inaccurate or philosophical or other
each page, all pages numbered, 12 or capitalization. One format error. used incorrectly. There words are inaccurate or
point font, easily legible print. are three to five errors in used incorrectly. Six or
punctuation, spelling, or more errors in
capitalization. Two format punctuation, spelling, or
errors. capitalization. More
than two format errors.
Sources and Citations Use more than 5 current sources. Use 4 current sources. APA citation Use 3 current sources. Use less than 2
APA citation style is used in both style is used in both text and not in Citation style is sources. Citation style is
text and bibliography. bibliography. inconsistent. incorrect.


Senior High School Department

Written Work Journal Writing #2: It is given that part of learning further about writing
academic texts is that it requires you a lot of research tasks, which helped you gain
more knowledge of something. With that acquisition of new knowledge and skills, how
do you address others who lack or those who have limited access to learning new
things? Write your insights below. You may add extra spaces below if necessary.
Content- 20 pts. Language Use- 20pts. Total= 40 pts.


In this module, you learned to:

✓ Recognize the step-by-step processes in writing any academic text
✓ Illustrate that writing is a process and that re-writing is part of that process in order to achieve coherence in a
written output
✓ Construct a clear thesis statement and supporting claims to build a well-written text through an argumentative
essay writing task
✓ Display one’s appropriate manner through effectively using proper tone and diction in writing argumentative


Senior High School Department

Congratulations! You just finished Week 3 of our course. . You may proceed in the next
pages for the proceeding topics and activities.

You may submit to me through my Gmail or Messenger. :’))


Senior High School Department




1. Uses knowledge of text structure to glean the information he/she needs
2. Uses various techniques in summarizing a variety of academic texts
3. States the thesis statement of an academic text
4. Outlines reading texts in various disciplines
5. Writes an objective/balanced review or critique of a work of art, an event or a program

Subject Matter: Reaction Paper

Reference: Saqueton, G. M., Saqueton, G. M., & Uychoco, M. A. (2016). English For Academic and Professional
Purposes. Manila: Rex Book Store Inc. pp. 57-78.

Learning Objectives:

1. Identify the different kinds of reaction paper and appreciate the craftsmanship of writing a review
2. Classify the kinds of reaction paper based on purpose and format
3. Compose an insightful reaction paper on a social issue or common experience
4. Express one’s humility in giving out reactions/constructive criticisms whether verbal or written communications

I. What would you learn this week? Why should you study this?

Writing is hard, simply because one hopes to write using the best possible words to articulate the best possible
thoughts in the most creative way imaginable. Despite this fact, writing a reaction paper seems not that different
from a status message in Facebook. In practice, the reaction paper is an informed and insightful perspective on art,
popular culture, and the world. Think about the million sof voices clamoring to be heard and read on the Internet,
and you come to know how to deal with the challenge of sounding original and insightful. In the end, the reaction
paper is a reasoned and reasonable response to the world; the best response can either be intelligent, humorous,
wise, or all of the above.


Senior High School Department


Topic: Writing a Reaction Paper

Read the text entitled “The reaction Paper: A Measured Response to the World” by Marikit Tara Alto Uychoco. From
that text, you will learn the definition of a reaction paper and its forms. Also, from this text, reaction paper was also
compared to a diary entry. An example reaction paper to a social event or phenomenon is also given afterwards.

"The Reaction Paper: A Measured Response to the World"- Marikit Tara Alto Uychoco

1. The world can be a chaotic place. Often, there seems to be no rhyme or reason in the events that happen to us.
Oftentimes, people despair, and the modern alienation articulated by Henry Thoreau may be true for many----"The mass of
men lead lives of quiet desperation."
2. In order to make sense of the world, people write. In order to create a semblance of order and understanding of one's
experiences people write. Often enough, they write a measured response to what has happened to them. This takes on
various forms, but for the purpose of this textbook, the forms, but for the purpose of this textbook, the forms we will explore
are the review and the reaction paper.
3. Of course, some may consider a diary entry to be a reaction paper to the world. However, diary entries are personal in
their significance, while the reaction paper's significance of societal. The reaction paper is written for the enlightenment pf
one's fellow human beings; a diary entry is written for the enlightenment of the self. Both have their significance, however,
only the reaction paper is considered significantly valuable for the academe.
4. There is also a difference in form: the reaction paper is more formal, more descriptive, and often uses the rhetorical
devices of description and narration in order to prove a point; while the diary entry is less formal, less descriptive, and does
not endeavor to persuade or to make another person understand; hence, there is no real effort in using rhetorical devices.
Oftentimes, the diary entry is a way to rage against petty insults and grievances.
5. When one reads a reaction paper, one expects to be informed and amused. Reaction papers help us in our everyday
decisions: from what movie we should watch, to the clothing that we should wear, and the causes that we should believe
in. It tells us that we are not alone in experiencing the world, and that there are others before us who care to tell us what to
watch out for, and how to best experience what we are about to go through.
6. Modern integrations of the reaction paper are the movie, review, gadget review, trip advisor post, and other travel
reviews, restaurant reviews, and essays that discuss a social phenomenon or a common experience. Many editorials can
be considered reaction papers, if not, position papers. Many of them are written in newspapers, magazines, and weblogs.
7. Although the modern world can be a lonely and alienating place, the reaction paper can reach put and tell us that we are
not alone. It helps to know that the other person is going through the same experience as well, and that this person has
something to tell you about how to survive, what to avoid, and where to seek pleasure. A reaction paper, when done right,
can help us process our own experience, and help us see things that we weren't able to see on on our own.
8. In today's multimedia world, this stretches across countries and over territorial borders, where a housewife from Manila
can tell a tourist from Tokyo how to best survive Manila's hot summer. We reach out to one another, in order to make the
world a better place, by mapping the world for others, and letting them know where beauty and darkness reside.


Senior High School Department

In order to write a competent and qualitative reaction paper one must understand what these factors that
need to be considered before you start writing your paper. It is imperative that the writer must have enough
confidence in the paper that needs to be written. Without any further ado, let’s understand what reaction paper
actually means.
Reaction paper is a type of assessment that requires personal opinions and conclusions on an article or
Producing a reaction paper can be a complex task for students. Therefore many students use samples
and examples to learn more about their guild and essential features. Here are a few tips that can help you in
completing the best reaction paper:

1. Keep the first-hand knowledge of the article on which you are making your response or reaction paper.
Contemplate the article, and make a note of the areas of the article that amused you towards writing. Highlight the
main ideas and statements that you want to discuss.
2. Demonstrate your point of view and support it with extra information where you feel it prudent. Evidence your
article with enough examples.
3. Find enough resources to prove your article’s authenticity and argumentative.
You can use some of the ways, which will help you in preventing common mistakes as much as possible. First, try
to write a 1000 words essay on it. Most commonly, the writers make a mistake of summarizing the paper in the
beginning. It reduces the opportunities to expand the depths of the article. You should create your own personal
opinions, not just as the overview or basic layout. You should always support your ideas with examples. Be
careful with the examples that you showcase to support your evidence. Do not commit the mistake of producing
examples which are difficult to relate to the topic. These are some simple and useful techniques. They can help
you to learn how to write the best reaction paper. You will be able to create a spectacular work!
While writing the response paper ensure the content addresses the original work. This should be in essay
style. Do not just focus on answering or responding to the context. It mainly concentrates on providing evidence-
based opinions and conclusions with a strong baseline of facts and ideas.
It is recommended to make a summary in two or three paragraphs. Summarize the content of the paper you want
to analyze. Write a good critique and by that means it should be more like constructive criticism. It helps the
reader to make a good understanding out of the conclusion that you have drawn.
Remember, you are required to analyze the given content critically. This does not necessarily mean that you just
focus on stating the negatives about the paper. You should simply analyze the paper addressing issues.
Whether the writer presents the ideas in a fair manner. The strengths of the content of the text you are analyzing
as well as weaknesses. Whether there is any material that could be added to the text to enhance it, make it better
or complete.
Always remember that the best reaction paper should provide several paragraphs to give meaning to the paper.
Do not focus on leaving your opinions and ideas with weakness facets of truth. It is not wise to present your
criticism bluntly and without providing any proper conclusions.


Senior High School Department

Understanding the insights

For this reason, it is wise that you choose a major scheme for the work you are analysing critically. Show how the
text author develops the theme. Give specific examples, cite theme and show the reader how the theme is
presented in different parts of the work. It is one of the ways to attract the reader’s mind.
Give your reaction, state your personal reaction to the content. Your response could include why you feel the work
of the author is bad or good. It could be a good or bad choice for you to read and analyze.
Whether you enjoyed reading followed by an explanation of why and what you find surprising about the reading.
What delighted or angered you among other responses.
The reaction paper is becoming one of the most popular assignments in the writing platform. It tests the student’s
ability to reading and comprehending the articles. How well the student understands, makes it easier for him to
make conclusions as well. Followed by this, next comes the research and writing skills.
The main aim of writing reaction papers is to motivate students to grasp the concepts better. To later know of what
they read and clarify any cross-questions. Also, the aim of this paper is to find out your opinion about the subject.
Also to determine how well you have learned information. In most cases, you are expected to have some definite
reaction. You can show if you agree or disagree with a statement.

Reaction paper format

Structuring the layout of the
reaction paper helps the
student in creating an
outstanding paper. You can
use previous scenarios and a
clear plot of actions. With the
help of such an outline, you
will be able to see how the
paper’s end result will appear.
The reader’s interest must be
seamless while going through
every paragraph of the paper.
Basically you will have the
prudent insight of the paper
and the size of the paper. So
planning everything can lead
you with sufficient help.
A reaction paper basically
comprises of the following

1. Introduction
2. Body
3. Conclusion
4. List of Citations and Sources


Senior High School Department

Reaction Essay about the Societal Issues; Corruption

Corruption and poverty are the major social issues in the Philippines. Politics has always been the reason why these issues
have been omnipresent throughout the country. Philippine corruption is considered the most serious among East Asian nations according
to the surveys. This widespread corruption includes embezzlement or stealing, bribery and etc. I think corruption as an evil disease of
modern society because all levels of Filipino government experience corruption that's why poverty will then enter.

Today, corruption is one of the greatest factors hindering development and stifling the realization of democracy and it gives me
headaches experiencing it. Corruption affects the growth Few of amore stepsIt and
nation adversely. reducesyou are ready
the Government’s to go!
income, Enjoy reading.
and creates
inequalities in distribution of income in every sector of the cities in the Philippines. Corruption affects a nation’s development,
economically, socially and politically. Politicians on a quite regular basis have beenevery detail
found guilty and Politicians
of corruption. stay focused.
use unethical
techniques to gain an advantage in an election, to gain more money and buyGood votes. Now,luck!
due toYou can
corruption, do
poverty that!
became a major
social problem in the Philippines. As of 2012, more than one-fourth of the Filipino population earns income below the poverty line of
16,841 pesos. The decline in poverty in the Philippines has happened more slowly than in other nations in the region. The poverty rate in
the Philippines is about the same as in Haiti, as of 2012. Many people experience lack of foods to eat, lack of shelters to live and that
mostly of the citizens in the Philippines sleeps beside roads, lack of clothes to buy and most importantly, lack of jobs to be employed.
Corruption is definitely caused by stealing of money from the people who gives their taxes because instead the tax from the people will all
be distributed to every sectors in the Philippines, it's not enough because politics already stole some of it. And for that i just think
corruption is wrong, very wrong. It also produces violation of human rights affecting the quality of life of many people especially the poorest
throughout the Philippines and also around the globe. And as for globalization, the corruption destroys nations and companies' trust where
they don’t think all will be treated as equal as others, putting high risk in their potential investments. Human rights abuses in the Philippines
include violations of civil liberties by various security forces. The forces are known to be responsible for disappearances, torture, unlawful
detentions and killings. Prison conditions are poor, and the corrupt judicial system makes the legal process inefficient. Abuse and forced
prostitution of women and children are also major concerns in this said issues.

Therefore, corruption must be stopped at all cost. I repeat, corruption must be stopped! Us teenagers may not know any further about
the works of the politics, but the way we see it, the way they act, the way we observed it, it's the crime that they did that should be stopped
and give justice for us to succeed. Because corruption is the abuse of high-level power that benefits the few at the expense of the many,
and causes serious and widespread harm to individuals and society. It often goes unpunished. It concerns millions of victims throughout the
Philippines and also, around the world. It’s time the corrupt face the consequences for their crimes. Together we can make that happen!

Links and references:


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Performance Check #3: Make a reaction paper of the recent

story/news/article/movie related to your field. Be able to follow the standards in
writing a reaction paper. You will be graded using the following criteria.


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Content and Analysis: -insightful clear ideas that fully Some ideas are clearer The paper contains an
the extent to which the and/or sophisticated address the prompt and than others and attempt to address the
response conveys ideas that fully address the are supported by address the prompt. prompt, but the writer
complex ideas and prompt and are fully relevant, accurate and Ideas are supported by provides little
information clearly and supported by relevant, sufficient evidence. some relevant clear, relevant evidence.
accurately in order to accurate and specific Evidence used is evidence.
respond to the task and evidence from appropriate justified and developed
support an analysis of sources.
the text Evidence used is justified
and clearly developed.
Organization The paper follows a clear The paper follows a The paper follows a The paper does not
and logical logical train of thought. somewhat confused follow a train of thought. The
train of thought. The paper’s introduction train of thought. paper is missing
The introduction and and conclusion The paper has an introduction or
conclusion are effective are functional an introduction and conclusion and the writer
and the writer always and the writer always conclusion and the uses few
uses topic sentences and uses topic sentences but writer uses some topic sentences and/or
effective transitions less effective transitions. topic sentences and transitions.
adequate transitions.
Command of Evidence Quotations are smoothly Effectively utilizes Evidence is present, Evidence chosen does not
blended in. Evidence is quotations, Evidence is but support
highly persuasive and believable and Superficial. Quotes are ideas/claims. Quotes are
effective. convincing. used, but not well irrelevant.
Reflections Conscious and thorough Thoughtful Basic understanding of Ideas lack
understanding of the understanding of the the writing prompt and development;
writing prompt and the writing prompt. Analysis the subject matter. No misunderstanding of
subject matter. is believable in-depth reflection. prompt or text; little to no
Creative/original ideas and and convincing, a few reflection on the text.
insights; extensive, insightful assertions may lack
commentary. specific examples, but
are still logical.
Mechanics and Demonstrates a mastery of Demonstrates control of Demonstrates control Demonstrates emerging
Conventions writing conventions the conventions of the conventions control of
Language use includes a variety of that do not hinder with infrequent errors, conventions with some
sentences marked by comprehension, includes includes minimal errors that hinder
varying opening words and some variety in variety in sentence comprehension, lacks
structure; effective syntax transitions and sentence structure and variety in sentence structure
and grammar. structure. transitions. and transitions.


Senior High School Department

In this module, you learned to:

✓ Identify the different kinds of reaction paper and
appreciate the craftsmanship of writing a review
✓ Classify the kinds of reaction paper based on purpose
and format
✓ Compose an insightful reaction paper on a social issue
or common experience
✓ Express one’s humility in giving out
reactions/constructive criticisms whether verbal or written

Yay! You successfully finished the entire Week 4 topics. I hope you learned from
this modules. Go on to the next pages to see another set of fun and excitement in
Until you become

You may submit to me through my Gmail or Messenger. :’))


Senior High School Department




1. Uses knowledge of text structure to glean the information he/she needs
2. Uses various techniques in summarizing a variety of academic texts
3. States the thesis statement of an academic text
4. Outlines reading texts in various disciplines
5. Determines the ways a writer can elucidate on a concept by definition, explication and clarification

Subject Matter: Concept Paper

Reference: Saqueton, G. M., Saqueton, G. M., & Uychoco, M. A. (2016). English For Academic and Professional
Purposes. Manila: Rex Book Store Inc. pp. 79-98.

Learning Objectives:

1. State what concept paper is and its characteristics

2. Distinguish the content and structure of a concept paper using various sample paragraphs and essays
3. Produce a concept paper given a specific context
4. Adopt an attitude of humility regardless of knowing all or more than anyone else by sharing one’s knowledge to
others in a group/class

I. What would you learn this week? Why should you study this?

In the previous module, you were introduced to the reaction paper and you learned that writing a reaction paper
involves considerable thought and deliberation, and is not a careless comment to an issue. In this module, you will
be introduced to the concept paper and how it is similar or different to a reaction paper. After accomplishing this
module, you are expected to acquire the skills of defining, identifying content and structure of a concept paper, to
use definition and other techniques to define a concept and of course, to enhance your critical thinking skills in
evaluating the content and structure of a concept paper that you will also write at the end of this learning packet.


Senior High School Department


Topic: Concept Paper

The Art of Defining

Definition is a mode of paragraph development that answers the
questions: What is it? What does it mean? What are its special features?? The
word to be defined may be an object, a concept, a person, a place, or a
Definition is important because it clarifies the meaning of a word or a
concept and it also limits the scope of that particular word or concept. Limiting
the scope controls and avoids misinterpretations, vague notions, and/or broad
There are different techniques of defining. The most common is the formal definition in which you are given
a term to be defined and you define the term by giving the class where the word/term belongs (the genus) and the
characteristics that distinguish the term from other terms, known as the differentia. For example:
Term = genus + differentia
Definition = a mode of paragraph development + that answers the questions: what is it, what does it
mean, or what special features
In the example, definition, the term to be defined, belongs to the genus mode of paragraph development.
What distinguishes it from other modes of paragraph development like narration, description, etc. is that it
answers the specific questions, what it is, what does it mean, or what are its special features.
However, not all words or concepts can be defined using the formal definition. For instance, words like,
love, equality, democracy cannot be defined by giving their genus and differentia. You cannot say that love is an
emotion that all human beings feel because that definition would be too vague.
An extended definition is needed to define abstract concepts. It allows you to broaden your definition by
using analogy, metaphors, comparison, and contrast, descriptions, analysis, functions, etymology, and semantic
Below is an example of definition of democracy. Notice how the formal definition is first used and
expanded with the use of the different techniques of defining.


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Democracy was first given a formal definition- a term that belongs to the class,
“ form of government.” What distinguishes it from other forms of government is that
“all eligible citizens participate equally-either directly or through elected
representatives- in the proposal, development, and creation of laws.” The definition
was further extended using analysis by saying that “democracy” encompasses social,
economic, and cultural conditions that enable the free and equal practice of political
To make definition even clearer, the origin of the word was traced in sentence
3: “The term originates from the Greek demokratia “rule of people”, which was coined
from “demos” “people” and “kratos” power” or “rule” in the 5th century BCE to denote
the political systems then existing in Greek city-states, notably Athens. This is what
you call definition by etymology. In sentences 4 and 5, the word is defined by the use
of opposites, also called definition by contrast. The contrast is further established in
sentences 6 and 7 by giving examples of called definition by example.
Aside from the formal definition, you have added definition by etymology,
definition by analysis, definition by contrast, and definition by example to your
reservoir of knowledge.
Other techniques of defining include definition by synonym (using a similar
word pr phrase to define a word); definition by function (stating what the term is for);
definition by analogy (comparing the term from another object/concept/idea that
shares the same characteristics as the term being defined; definition by comparison
and contrast; and definition by negation (defining the term by stating what it is not).
Defining a Concept Paper
The concept paper defines an idea or a concept and explains its essence in
order to clarify the “whatness” of that idea or concept. It answers the questions: what
is it and what about it (Dadufalza 1996:183). A concept paper starts with a definition,


Senior High School Department

either formal or informal, of the term or the concept and proceeds with an expanded
definition and an analytic description of the aspects of the concept.
According to Dadufalza, the purpose of a concept-is to stipulate the meaning of
a term by limiting, extending, or redirecting the reference or sense in which the term
is commonly understood or to use in a special way a term borrowed from either field
in which it is made to apply. In this sense, a concept paper can be subjective
because the writer can choose what areas to emphasize, what explanations and
analyses to include and exclude, and what complex ideas have to be simplified.
Below is an example of a concept paper. Read and try to identify the
techniques used in defining the concept.

Few more steps and you are ready to go! Enjoy reading.
Cherish every detail and stay focused.
Good luck! You can do that!


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Senior High School Department

First Quarter Major Performance Check: Think of a term/topic in your strand

which you can clearly define, describe and give information about. Write a
concept paper on your chosen topic/term following the steps and guides in
writing this kind of academic text. You will be graded using the rubrics below.
Total= 100 pts.


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TRAITS 20 16 12 8

Written Work Journal Writing #4: What was your biggest and deepest learning
gained in the first quarter of this subject? How will you use these learnings in your
future endeavors as a professional in your chosen field? Write your ideas below.
Content- 30 pts. Language Use- 20pts. Total= 50 pts.



Senior High School Department

In this module, you learned to:

✓ State what concept paper is and its characteristics
✓ Distinguish the content and structure of a concept paper using
various sample paragraphs and essays
✓ Produce a concept paper given a specific context

✓ Adopt an attitude of humility regardless of knowing all or more

than anyone else by sharing one’s knowledge to others in a group/class

Congratulations! You just finished the first wave of First

Quarter in our subject English for Academic and Professional
Purposes! I would like to express my deepest gratitude for your
utmost trust, effort and compliance in the course requirements.
With that, I believe you are now ready for the next challenges
that learning will throw at you. See you next week for the
Second Quarter of our subject! As our students, keep in mind
that like any goods in this situation, you are definitely
Sending virtual hugs,
Ms. Laurice Marie Cotanda

You may submit to me through my Gmail or Messenger. :’))


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