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Name of site:- Job/ Activity/Task: Retaining

Risk Assessment

Sr. Risk level

Risk Rating
No Activity Hazards/Risk Hazard Effect low 1-4,

. Mid 5-14
High 15-

Lack of awareness about

work leads to Personnel
Poor execution of
Transmission through
structure , failure to
droplets from a close
Mobilization of follow workplace
1 contact with a possible 3 5 15 H
manpower safety , difficult to
COVID-19 infected person.
respond in
Lack of awareness on how
emergency situation.
to protect yourself against
the infection of COVID-19.
Community spreading
emergency situation.
to protect yourself against
the infection of COVID-19.
Community spreading

Underground facilities ,
cave in ,rest restricted
Electrocution Damage
access , Lack of Lighting ,
2 Excavation to pipeline , water 3 3 9 M
oxygen deficiency , Water
flooding .
flooding , poor

Hit to Person.
Vehicle Misleading of Vehicle
3 Movement Overturning Physical Injury 3 3 9 M
At site Toppling of vehicle
Vehicle accidents
Vehicle Misleading of Vehicle
3 Movement Overturning Physical Injury 3 3 9 M
At site Toppling of vehicle
Vehicle accidents

Fall from height falling

objects In adequate
experience Damaged
Errection of Injury to the person,
4 scaffolding tubes, In 3 3 9 M
scaffolding 3m Scaffolding Collapse
adequate base plate , In
appropriate bracings to
the scaffolding

Manual handling Overload

IInhalation of fine
particles awkward body Injury to the person ,
Construction of posture fall from height Back ache , Spain ,
5 3 4 12 M
Retaining Wall falling object ingestion of Unable to understand
cement dust slip/trip poor the language
communication lack of
training and experience

Curing of Slip/ trip fall from height

6 Personal injury 3 3 9 M
Retaining wall Wet soil
Curing of Slip/ trip fall from height
6 Personal injury 3 3 9 M
Retaining wall Wet soil

Lack of Earthing
Poor PPE's to work
Spark & Flash
Electrical shock *PH = Physical
7 Welding 4 5 20 H
Burn Injury
Poor cables connections

Absence of ELCB

Poor cables connections

Damaged Wheel Gaurd
Inadeqaute Wheel Size
Poor Insulation of handle
Electrical shock
Cut Injury *PH = Physical
8 Grinding 4 5 20 H

Slip trip & fall

Infection with Covid-19
Cleaning of Site / Inhalation due to dust *PH = Physical
9 2 3 6 M
Housekeeping generated during cleaning Hazard
Slip trip & fall
Infection with Covid-19
Cleaning of Site / Inhalation due to dust *PH = Physical
9 2 3 6 M
Housekeeping generated during cleaning Hazard
Poor illumination
Personal injury

Observations / Comments:

Reviewed By Prepared By

Job/ Activity/Task: Retaining Wall Date :- 05/10/2022

Risk Assessment Remark/Sign

Risk level

Risk Rating
CONTROL MEASURES low 1-4, Responsibility


Mid 5-12
High 15-

Ensure that self -deceleration should be provided after

entering at site premises.
Ensure Fitness certificate mandatory for all.
Ensure to use mask all the time and keep social distancing.
Deployment of employee from containment zone of COVID
19, shall not be allowed at site.
Ensure that Body temperature monitoring through Thermal
Scanner or other devices to monitor the body temperature of
each employee at entry gate.
Implementing safe distancing (at least 6 Feet) on
camp/accommodation, workplace area, Mess Hall, Rest
Shelters and other Welfare Facilities to avoid spreading of
the virus.
No Hand Shake Policy.
Conduct awareness on how to protect yourself against the
infection of COVID-19 through campaign (posters,
distribution of brochure, HSE Messages). 1 2 2 L Site Supervisor,Engg
Social Distancing to be maintained during manual entry at
gate. Person to person shall maintain at least 6 feet’ distance
when stand or moving towards security point at gate itself
Hand sanitization should done before entering at site.
Ensure nose mask and hand gloves using by everyone during
entry at gate
Only inducted worker/ staff shall be deputed at the work
place. All operators, helpers and supervisor have medical
health check-up shall done before safety Inductions.
Fit person should allowed at site.
Not to enter any other place than confined for work
when stand or moving towards security point at gate itself
Hand sanitization should done before entering at site.
Ensure nose mask and hand gloves using by everyone during
entry at gate
Only inducted worker/ staff shall be deputed at the work
place. All operators, helpers and supervisor have medical
health check-up shall done before safety Inductions.
Fit person should allowed at site.
Not to enter any other place than confined for work

Do the keep
the excavated
soil near the
area , vehicle
should nonot
be allowed
near the
Check for any existing underground facilities , shoring must excavation ,
be provided to avoid sliding of soil , person should enter in warning signs
exavaexcavation with adequate PPE'S , If water floodin 1 2 2 L Site Supervisor,Engg should be
occurs must be drained out prior to enter in to displayed,sta
exavaexcavation. standard man
should be
available , use
adequate ppe

Driver will be confirmed that he is not infected by Covid-19

Only License Operator /Driver allow operating the vehicle.
Maintain Speed Limit Up to 15 km/ph.
Ensure the access route is free from all obstacles

1 2 2 L Site Supervisor,Engg
Continuous Supervision should be there.
Managing traffic by providing safety & traffic signboards,
signalman etc.
Ensure the signal man & banks man near work area.
1 2 2 L Site Supervisor,Engg
Continuous Supervision should be there.
Managing traffic by providing safety & traffic signboards,
signalman etc.
Ensure the signal man & banks man near work area.

tubes should
not have any
bends ,
Material Should be transferred from lower level to higher scaffolding
level through buckets , experienced person should erect the 1 2 2 L Site Supervisor,Engg erection should
scaffolding. be monitored
by supervisor
plumb checks.

Ensure experienced Masons are carrying out activities , Do

not throw materials from different level , use PPE , ensure 1 2 2 L Site Supervisor,Engg
the workers able to understand language.

Adequate PPE'S must be available ensure the worker should

take extreme care while working on wet soil Curing should 1 2 2 L Site Supervisor,Engg
be done in specific time
Adequate PPE'S must be available ensure the worker should
take extreme care while working on wet soil Curing should 1 2 2 L Site Supervisor,Engg
be done in specific time

Tool box talk should be conducted before start the activity

Workman should wear adequate PPE provision
Provide proper area barricading for work
Work permit system shall be fallowed
Ensure ELCB must be secured with Electrical DB & Welding
Fire watcher must be deploy for monitoring the activity
Fire blanket must be used for reuire areas to avoide spatters Welder, Site
1 2 2 L
Ensure all tools must be good condition and inspected for
Provision of Earthing must be in working condition, needs to
ensure in regular basis
Ensure the erconomics for working condition of workman
Area must be barricaded with adeqaute housekeeping
Ensure the welding machines has checked and maintain the
Tool boxetc.
talk should be conducted before start the activity
Workman should wear adequate PPE provision
Provide proper area barricading for work
Work permit system shall be fallowed
Ensure ELCB must be secured with Electrical DB & Grinding
Fire watcher must be deploy for monitoring the activity
Fire blanket must be used for required areas to avoide Welder, Site
spatters 1 2 2 L
Ensure all tools must be good condition and inspected for Supervisor,Engg
Provision of Earthing must be in working condition, needs to
ensure in regular basis
Ensure the ergonomics for working condition of workman
Area must be barricaded with adequate housekeeping
Ensure the Grinding machines has checked and maintain the
record etc.

Supervisor should deploy workers with maintaining social

distancing and ensure on regular basis.
Ensure that whole area is sanitized before start of work
Ensure area should be free from obstruction.
Ensure use of required PPE’s like helmet, safety shoes,
reflective jacket, safety hand gloves, nose mask etc.
After finishing the work area should be clean and clear.
Work permit should be closed by authorized person 1 2 2 L Site Supervisor,Engg
Supervisor should deploy workers with maintaining social
distancing and ensure on regular basis.
Ensure that whole area is sanitized before start of work
Ensure area should be free from obstruction.
Ensure use of required PPE’s like helmet, safety shoes,
reflective jacket, safety hand gloves, nose mask etc.
After finishing the work area should be clean and clear.
Work permit should be closed by authorized person 1 2 2 L Site Supervisor,Engg

All machine/cables shall be stored properly.

Ensure that workers are following social distancing while
House keeping work activities are carried out.
Ensure that workers are using covid-19 nose mask and
sanitizing their hands at regular intervals

Prepared By Approved By

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