Scope3 Skills EOY

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End-of-year Skills test


1 Listen to a conversation between Maya and her grandfather. Tick () the four correct
statements. (4 marks)

1 Maya’s grandfather was born in the 1950s. ___

2 The 1950s was a good time for young people. ___

3 Everyone enjoyed rock ‘n’ roll music in the 1950s. ___

4 Women often wore trousers in the 1950s. ___

5 Very few people travelled abroad in the 1950s. ___

6 Maya’s grandfather went on holiday with his family every year. ___

7 Young people felt optimistic about the future in the 1950s. ___

8 Maya’s grandfather thinks that young people care less about politics now. ___

2 Listen again and answer the questions. (6 marks)

1 How does Maya’s grandfather describe rock ‘n’ roll music?


2 According to Maya’s grandfather, what did young people most enjoy about rock ‘n’ roll music?


3 How have attitudes to clothes changed from the 1950s to now?


4 When did Maya’s grandfather first travel by plane?


5 Where did Maya’s grandfather go on holiday when he was a child?


6 What did young people want to prevent in the 1950s?


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End-of-year Skills test

3 Read the text and match the headings A–D with the paragraphs 1–3. There is one extra
heading you don't need. (3 marks)

A Virtual Stores

B Shopping Wherever You Are

C Voice Controlled Shopping Apps

D Social Shopping

The Future of Shopping

How will digital technology continue to change shopping in the 21 st century? Retail expert Amber
Henson describes a few trends, some of which are already in development.
1 _____________________________
Nearly 30% of online purchases are already made by mobile phone, double the figure of just five years
ago. Experts predict this trend will continue and accelerate. With SIRI, the iPhone's inbuilt personal
assistant, many people already use voice controlled software. Henson confirms that younger people will
be more likely to demand the technology. 'Right now, the majority of users find inputting credit card
details on their phones annoying, and a large number are failing to complete their mobile shopping
transactions because of this. This is particularly true of impulse buys. Unless retailers develop the
technology to allow buyers to just tell their phones to purchase something, they'll lose sales,' she says.
2 _____________________________

Most online shopping is still happening through websites that are no more than a digital version of
traditional shopping catalogues. All this, however, is set to change. Luxury retailers are busily
developing virtual stores, where customers can move around, and quickly connect to sales assistants
for expert advice. Wealthy shoppers in Shanghai, Hong Kong or Los Angeles will be able to browse
stores in Paris, London or Milan without leaving their homes. 'This sort of thing was impractical just
three or four years ago,' says Henson. 'But now we can deliver the kind of high quality experience that
these shoppers expect. We are starting with fashion and see a future for galleries, furniture stores and
specialist shops – anything with a unique offer and store experience to share.'


Particularly when trying on new outfits, consumers still really value the social side of shopping, and the
opinions of their friends. With this in mind, a Japanese fashion store, Urban Research, is developing
'paper doll' software. Users will be able to input their body measurements, and the application will allow
them to virtually try on different outfits, sharing the results online with their friends. It'll be some time
before this development becomes available, but simpler prototypes are already in use. In the Superdrug
store in Cardiff, for instance, there is an interactive mirror that lets customers try out different hairstyles,
and a large interactive screen which allows them to take "selfie" photographs and share them on social

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End-of-year Skills test
4 Are the statements true (T), false (F) or not mentioned in the text (NM)? Correct the false
statements. (7 marks)

1 30% of all shopping transactions are now completed using a mobile phone. ___

2 Currently, you have to input your credit card details to make any online purchase with your mobile

phone. ___

3 People will be more likely to make unplanned purchases, if they can use a voice-controlled

shopping app on their mobile phones. ___

4 Most online shoppers buy something on the internet after looking at it in an old-fashioned

shopping catalogue. ___

5 More expensive clothes shops are becoming the first ones to develop virtual stores. ___

6 Customers can use the Japanese 'paper doll' software now. ___

7 The interactive mirror in the Superdrug Cardiff store has increased sales. ___


5 Choose the correct words. (10 marks)

1 We're going out to a film tonight. Do you intend / fancy coming?

2 I'm busy on Tuesday. Can you make / change it on Wednesday, instead?

3 All of your family were there? That sounds to be / like fun!

4 What do you think of / to my project? Is it any good?

5 What time do the buses leave? We'll / Let's see ... They set off at 9 or 10 a.m.

6 You've got student cards? In that case / For that, the tickets will be £6 each.

7 Yes, of course you can exchange that shirt, if you've got your bill / receipt.

8 This queue is so long. I'm really fed out / up!

9 We'll be here for ages. How / What a nuisance!

10 That’s bad news. I'm sorry to hear / for hearing that!

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End-of-year Skills test

6 Write about a decision or event which changed your life. Think about these things:

 What was the event? When, where and why did it happen?

 How did you feel at the time?

 What changed because of this?

 How might things have been different?

Write 200–250 words. (20 marks)

Listening ___ / 10 Reading ___ / 10 Speaking ___ / 10 Writing ___ / 20

TOTAL ___ / 50

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