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JUNE 8, 2022
Dangoy, Chrysxianne D.


Quiz #2
Definition and Features of Multi Grade Classes

1. Give your technical definition of MGC.

- Multigrade curriculums are in primary schools where two or more grade
levels are educated by one teacher in the same room. Multigrade classes
are an international phenomenon and are also referred to as combination
classes, composite classes and vertically grouped classes. Due to the wide
range of abilities which are a typical characteristic of multigrade
classrooms, teachers have opportunities to utilize flexible grouping models
which enable them to develop a strong focus on individual learning needs.
In the Philippine public school system, classes with two grade levels inside
a single classroom and handled by the same teacher are called
combination classes. Classes with three grade levels conducted in one
classroom and handled by a single teacher are called a multigrade or
multilevel class. This means that children with different skills and abilities,
developmental levels, and needs are mixed in a class and work together
under the guidance of one teacher.

2. What are the reasons of having MGC?

- There are several reasons why there is MGC. First, learners are
continuously exposed to re-teaching, as they listen in on, and benefit from
lessons being given to younger students. Students are also exposed to pre-
teaching. MGC also prepares and stimulates the younger child’s thinking
and reduces pressures associated with moving onto higher grades.
Second, their teaching helps them clarify their own learning. The cognitive
development and self-esteem of both younger and older students are
improved. Third, multi-grade classrooms improve personal and social
development. Students learn to work with a wide age span. Cooperative
learning and peer tutoring helps sharpen social skills. Independent work
habits as well as greater feelings of responsibility and self-esteem are
developed. Competition between peers is reduced, as is the anxiety and
pre-occupation of having to compete. These are the reasons why there is
MGC. A Multi-grade class brings together students and teachers while
preparing better stages of development in a learning environment.

3. What are the salient features/purpose of MGC?

- The main function or purpose of the multigrade curriculum or classes is to
teach students by imparting new knowledge not just follow a curriculum.
Teacher must be able to develop skills and inculcate desirable values and
attitudes among pupils. The teacher is expected to be versatile and utilize
different strategies to make learning meaningful and effective for all
students in his or her classroom, no matter what individual differences may
exist among the students.
4. Who are qualified to be enrolled in MGC?
- The most qualified to be enrolled in MGC are learners who belong to isolated
and financially challenged communities, are indigenous peoples, and reside in
far-flung mountains and islands where schools are far apart from each other and
the students who are qualified in MGC are those students who also experiencing
financial income and in rural/remote areas. The number of students for each
grade level, the shortage of teachers, the distance from the community to the
nearest school, and the inadequacy of funds and classrooms are reasoning the
organization of multigrade classes.

5. Describe the MGC Learning Environment in terms of School Plant and Facilities.
- MGC Learning Environment, for children to learn effectively in multigrade
environments, teachers need to be well-trained, well-resourced and hold
positive attitudes to multigrade teaching. Multigrade teaching in many views
represents a more demanding teaching situation and special attention
should be given to it. The ideal classroom is a positive place where a
student can come to work toward specific goals set before them in the
class objectives. The teacher is to be positive, organized, outgoing,
confident, and compassionate. The instructor often sets the tone for the
entire classroom. MGC learning environment can develop healthier social
relationships, positive attitudes and enhance leadership, organization,
listening, sharing, and many other important skills to student.


1. State the CTU VMGO and relate your personal and professional goals to support


CTU as a premier, inclusive, globally recognized research and innovation, smart,

community- responsive, and sustainable technological university.


The University shall primarily provide leading-edge degree programs, innovative

professional, entrepreneurial, and technical instruction as well as research and
extension programs that address both the needs of the region and the nation in the
context of the global knowledge economy, Fourth Industrial Revolution, and


By the end of 2024, CTU will be globally recognized for its quality. Specifically, it will:

 Obtain a Philippine university system status with a CHED SUC Level V

recognition or
 equivalent.
 Be ranked among the Top 10 Universities in the Philippines.
 Be included in the list of internationally recognized ranking of universities
 Quacquarelli Symonds, Times Higher Education, Shanghai University Ranking,
 University Impact Rankings);
 Pursue efforts to pave way for the development of new programs (including
natural sciences
 and Doctor of Medicine) and Transnational Higher Education.
 Achieve world-class performance and excellence in total quality management;
 Lead innovations in the Fourth Industrial Revolution.


• •Relevant, effective, and quality education for sustainable growth

• •Access to quality education for the underprivileged students
• •Relevant research for economic, environmental, and sustainable development
• •Expanded community engagement
• •Effective and efficient management of resources

My personal objectives include experimenting different teaching approaches,

improving the abilities required to teach elementary students, and completing a
bachelor's degree in elementary education and passing the Licensure Exam for
Teachers. The professional goals that I have are to develop new methods, strategies,
and techniques to provide the quality learning experience towards my students, to
inspire the children for them to pursue their dreams, to apply any research findings that
can help improve the learner's ability to learn, and to pursue master’s and Doctorate
These objectives are in line with the CTU VMGO because as a student and a future
educator, I aspire to reach my limits to hone my skills and provide a better learning
environment for students. Applying the knowledge, I have learned from my professional
instructors, reading numerous research, and understanding the varying capabilities of
students, these will guide me in developing my own teaching style and innovating
methods, strategies, and techniques. With my ability and knowledge, I can effectively
teach and share my knowledge to my future students.

2. State the CTU Goals by the end of 2024 and give the significant impact towards
you as graduate.


By the end of 2024, CTU will be globally recognized for its quality. Specifically, it will:

 Obtain a Philippine university system status with a CHED SUC Level V

recognition or
 equivalent.
 Be ranked among the Top 10 Universities in the Philippines.
 Be included in the list of internationally recognized ranking of universities
 Quacquarelli Symonds, Times Higher Education, Shanghai University Ranking,
 University Impact Rankings).
 Pursue efforts to pave way for the development of new programs (including
natural sciences
 and Doctor of Medicine) and Transnational Higher Education.
 Achieve world-class performance and excellence in total quality management;
 Lead innovations in the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

The CTU Goals has an impact on me as a future graduate student since I have
acquired the necessary leanings and skills that the school has taught to their students.
The school’s goals have already reached before the desired year of achieving it. I am
inspired to really do my best to pursue my dream as a future educator and to teach my
future students efficiently and effectively.
Dear Ma’am/Sir,

Good day!

We would like to ask your permission to allow us the 3rd year Bachelor of Elementary Education students of
Cebu Technological University - Danao Campus to conduct a survey among the MG teachers in Danao
Division as part of understanding our subject. The survey questionnaire is done to determine the number of
schools implementing the multigrade program in Danao City.
This is intended for educational purposes only. Attached to this is the survey questionnaire.
Thank you for your cooperation.

Respectfully yours,
The Researchers
Survey questionnaire on MGC implementation in Danao City
As a requirement for our subject in MultiGrade Classes, Cebu Technological University—Danao Campus,
3rd year BEED students will conduct a survey to determine the number of schools in Danao City that are
implementing the multigrade program. The data generated from this survey will be used as inputs on learning
and understanding about Multigrade class. Rest assured that the survey will not be used in any way to
evaluate personnel performance.

Please complete the questionnaire by either filling out the needed information or by putting a check mark
in appropriate spaces. Note that there are items in which you may have one or more answers. In such cases,
you can check as many options as applicable. In cases where your answer is different from the given options
(“others”), please specify your answer.


Name of School:

Complete Address: (street, barangay, municipality/city, province)


School Division:


Name of School Head:

Contact Number/Mobile:

Email Address:
Official Title/Designation of School Head at current post (e.g. Teacher-in-Charge, head teacher, principal, cluster

1.1 Type of School

Pure Multigrade School
Monograde/Single-grade Class School
Multigrade School with Single-grade class/es
Pure Multigrade School
Monograde/Single-grade Class School
Multigrade School with Single-grade class/es
Integrated (Elementary and High School levels) Annex/Satellite

1.2 Urban/Rural Setting of the School.

Check one box only.

Highly urbanized city area

Municipal or town center
Outside the town center
Rural area
Others (please describe)

1.3 Pupil’s data

Types of learners accommodated by the school in School Year 2021-2022 (Check all that apply.)

Children with disabilities Street children

Formally assessed “gifted” children Disaster-affected children
Indigenous peoples Over-aged children
Muslim children Abused children
Indigent (4Ps Beneficiaries) Abandoned children
Children in far-flung remote areas Displaced/homeless children

Others (please specify) _______________________________________

For Multigrade Schools and schools with Multigrade classes, specify grade combinations.
(Pick all appropriate combinations).
K and Grade I K, Grade I and II

Grades I and II Grades I, II and III

Grades III and IV Grades II, III and IV

Grades IV and V Grades III, IV, and V

Grades IV, V and VI Grades V and VI

Grades I, II, III and IV Grades I, II, III, IV and V

Grades I, II, III, IV, V and VI Other combination (please


1.4 Teacher’s data

Number of Total years Years of Service in

Teachers of Service Multigrade program

resident near in
the school area

resident far from
the school area

2.1 Learning facilities available and being used by students and teacher/s for multigrade instruction.

In columns 1 and 2, write if Yes or No or N/A for not applicable or N/I for No Idea. In column 3,
indicate source (e.g., DepEd, NGO, LGU, teacher).
1 2 3
Available Utilized

ICT Computer

resources LCD Projector

Mobile devices, (e.g.,

iPad, etc)

Virtual library

Online educational

Others (please specify)

Audio/visual equipment (e.g.,

CD/DVD player, speaker, etc)

Reading Corner

Learning Corner

Group work tables

Boards (aside from traditional


Movable dividers

Learning Areas (kiosk)

Others (please specify)

2.2 Challenges related to multigrade school facilities

Describe the general state of facilities provided for multigrade pupils. Put a (√) check under the
appropriate column/s.

Facilities Insufficient Damaged/ Unavailable


1. Classrooms

2. Desks
3. Chairs

4. Electricity

5. Ventilation

6. Lighting

7. Water supply

8. Handwashing

9. Common

10. Boy’s

11. Girl’s

12. Teacher’s

13. Principal’s

14. Library

15. Computers

16. Internet

17. Computer room

18. Audio Visual/Media


19. Office of the


20. Faculty Room

21. PTA Office

22. Parents’ waiting


23. Canteen/Cafeteria

24. Medical clinic

25. Bulletin Boards

26. Gymnasium
/covered court

27. Stage

28. Multi-purpose hall

29. Orchard/garden

30. Outdoor space

31. Trash cans

32. Gate / Fence

33. Others (please



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