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Name: Muheeb ur Rehman

SAP ID: 29640

Lab Task 2 [SE 4-1]

Task 01: Installing Ubuntu [with steps]

• First install VirtualBox then open it.

• After opening the program, we’ll see “Add” on top of the program bar

and then click it.

• A new popup screen will appear and asking name for your Virtual OS

and what kind of OS it belongs to and where your want to save it.

• I’m installing Ubuntu so I choosed Linux and clicked Next.

• On the next page, it’ll ask for memory allocation that how much
memory you want to give to it. If you’ve 8GB or more than
allocating it 4GB would be enough.

• Then in the next step, we have to allocate a virtual space on the

hard disk. Allocate it dynamically and give 10GB or more .
• After all the above steps, click start and the popup screen will ask
for the Ubuntu ISO file so choose that.
• Choose the first option “Try or Install” and then wait. Now it depends
on the PC or laptop, how fast it is. Usually it’ll t ake like 15-20 minutes.
• Choose “Try Ubuntu” if cause you’re running it virtually but you can
also install it as your OS.
• After that, you can use Ubuntu.

Task 02: In how many ways we can run Multiple Operating

There are two ways to run Multiple OS:
• Dual-Boot: In Dual-Boot, an OS is installed separately and is dedicated
a separate part of SSD, RAM and ROM. Due to which further partitions
of hard drive are made.
• Virtual Machine: In Virtual Machines, an OS can be installed within an
OS. For example, if we’re on Windows, we can run Linux through Virtual
Machine but the drawback would be that Linux would not run with its
full potential and might lag down and stutter. If there’s more RAM then
running it smoothly wouldn’t be a problem.

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