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3rd Edition


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NAME: ____________________________

“Pursue for excellence, success will chase you”

Dorothy Meets the Scarecrow
Words to Know:

Words Meaning Words Meaning

Gazed ‫وغرےسداھکی‬ Imagine ‫وسانچ‬،‫وصتررکان‬
Grateful ‫رکشزگار‬ Dull ‫ااتکدےنیواال‬
Ripe ‫ایتر‬،‫اکپوہا‬ Yawn ‫امجیئانیل‬
Scarecrow ‫یلقنآدیم‬،‫ڈباوا‬ Politely ‫اشیگتسئ‬
Sack ‫وبری‬،‫الیھت‬ Any away ‫رہباحل‬
Stuffed ‫رھباوہا‬ Tread ‫ریپرانھک‬
Faded ‫ےکلہرگناک‬،‫دبرگن‬ Sniff ‫وسانھگن‬
Growl ‫رغاان‬ Suspect ‫کشرکان‬
Behave ‫روہی‬ Fence ‫ابڑ‬
Dorothy ‫ڈوریھت‬ Emerald city ‫زرمداکرہش‬

Answer the following questions:
a. What is the road made of?
Ans: The road is made of yellow bricks.
b. What is Dorothy‘s pet called and what type of creature is he?
Ans: Dorothy‘s pet is called Toto. He is a dog.
c. Why is the Scare crow in the field?

Ans: The Scarecrow has been put in the field by the farmer in order to scare
away crows so that they do not eat the corn.
d. What does Dorothy do to help the Scarecrow?
Ans: Dorothy helps the Scarecrow to get down from the pole that he is stuck on.
e. What does the Scarecrow do to help Dorothy?
Ans: The Scarecrow helps Dorothy by carrying her basket.
f. What did the Scarecrow want to ask the great Oz for?
Ans: The Scarecrow wants to ask the Great Oz for a brain.
g. How do we know the Scarecrow is kind and polite?
Ans: We Know the Scarecrow is kind and polite because he carries Dorothy‘s
basket for her; he greets Dorothy when he sees her and he talks in a polite
h. Can you explain why the Scare crow is afraid a lighted match?
Ans: The Scarecrow is afraid of a light match because he made of straw and
straw burns easily. A lighted match could kill him.
i. The Scarecrow says that he doesn’t have a brain is it possible to walk and
talk without a brain?
Ans: It is not possible to walk and talk without a brain. It can happen only in

1. Predict what happens next in the story. Share your ideas with your
Ans. Dorothy will reach the Emerald City. She will face some pleasant and
unpleasant incidents on her way this is very much common in adventures
stories. At last she will manage to back home.
2. Answer the questions about these lines from the story:
‘I understand how you feel’, said the little girl, who was truly sorry for him.’
a. Who is the little girl?

Ans: Dorothy.
b. To whom was the girl saying this?
Ans: To the Scarecrow.
c. Why does she feel sorry for him?
Ans: She felt sorry for him because he had no brain.
d. What happened next?
Ans: Dorothy says that if the Scarecrow comes with her to then Emerald city,
she will ask the great Oz to help him. They set off on the yellow bricks road to
3. Which of these Sentence are true (T) or false (F)?

a. The Scarecrow never gets tried. T

b. The Scarecrow is frightened of the farmer. F
c. The great Oz lives in the Diamond city. F
d. Dorothy has a dog called coco. F
e. The Scarecrow is wearing a blue hat. T

B. Working With Words

1. Can you find these words in the story? The letters are not in correct

a. FEDTUF Stuffed
b. CROWSRACE Scarecrow

c. LAMERED Emerald
d. HOT ZER GATE The Great Oz
e. COLD FINER Cornfield

f. GULLET FRAY Great fully

2. Which word in each list is not spelt correctly?

a. friendly, field, freedom, freshly, fryed
Ans: fried.
b. escape, discover, inspect, escuse, accident
Ans: excuse.
c. desided, dismayed, displayed, destroyed, deserted
Ans: decided
d. quickly, queue, quitely, queen, question
Ans: quietly
3. Try to find these words in the story.
a. This keeps an area closed off or protected. Usually made of woods.
Ans: Fence
b. Something worn on the head to keep one warm or to keep the sun off.
Ans: Hat
c. A thin piece of metal a sharp point at one end and a round head at the
Ans: Pin
d. A container used for holding things – often made of interwoven strips of
wire or cane.
Ans: Basket
e. These rodents look like large mice with long tails and pointed snouts.
Ans: Mice
f. The organ of the body in the skull. It controls movements, sensations, and
Ans: Brain

C. Learning about Language

1. Write out these sentence in your note book. Try to put them in the
correct order.

a. He was sitting on a bench, waiting for a bus.
b. The bus did not come.
c. A taxi arrived and the man got in.
d. The taxi went off down the road.
e. The taxi arrived at the house.
f. The driver asked him for some money.
g. The man took a note from his pocket and gave it to him.
2. Now underline all the nouns in the sentence that you just wrote
a. He was sitting on a bench waiting for a bus.
b. The bus did not come.
c. A taxi arrived and the man got in.
d. The taxi went off down the road.
e. The taxi arrived at the house.
f. The driver asked him for some money.
g. The man took a note from his pocket and gave it to him.
D.Listening and Speaking
1. Work in the pairs and complete the following by matching the
statements with the correct question tags.

Incomplete statements Question tags

a. They have met you before, Haven‘t they?
b. Let us see whether he is in, Shall we?
c. You are in the team, Aren‘t you?
d. They are very bright, Aren‘t they?
e. It has been stolen , Hasn‘t it?
f. Don ‘t tell anyone, Will you?
g. I think this is a good idea, Don’t you?
2. Your teacher will read some statements. Listen carefully, then add
a question tag.
Ans: The statements with question tags are as under:
a. She doesn’t’ like mangoes. Does she?
b. You will give me your favorite book. Will you?
c. We haven’t sees him for three days. Have we?

d. This is the best tie you wear. Isn’t it?
e. He has done his work. Hasn’t he?
f. They have listened him whole heartedly. Haven’t they?
g. He goes to bed at 10 pm. doesn’t he?
h. It is not a complicated question. Is it?
i. You are not interested in movies. Are you?
j. I don’t like liars. Do I?
E. Composition
What do Dorothy and the Scarecrow say to the Great Oz when they
meet him? Talk about how they could ask politely for what they
want. Then write a short conversation.
A Short Conversation between Dorothy and great Oz:
Dorothy But I wasn’t to go home now. Please, help me. You have
an always been so kind to children.
Great Oz Yes but children are wicked creatures, and they mock me
when they walk past by.
Dorothy Dear Oz, I beg your pardon on their behalf. Please, forgive
all of us, but do help me.

Great Oz O.K. I‘ll help you go home if you left your dog and the
Scarecrow behind.
Dorothy ( afraid) No, dear Oz, no. My dog is my love, and the
Scarecrow is my best friend. I can’t leave anyone of them
behind. It is better to live with them here than to go
home alone.
Great Oz ( with a Smile) Then, go on living here in my palace. I’ll
teach you the art of wizardry, and you‘ll be able to go
home on your own.
Dorothy Oh no, Great Oz I don’t want to learn any wizardry. I just
want to go home.
Scarecrow Please, Great Oz, let her go back home.
Dorothy Please, Great Oz.
Great Oz But I want a student. Somebody Should carry my
knowledge forward.

Dorothy O.k. How long will it take to become a wizard?
Great Oz Just few days.

Words to Know:
Words Meaning Words Meaning
‫ایپرےادنازںیم‬ ‫دمحوانثئ‬
Sweetly Praise
‫دکمچار‬،‫رونش‬ ‫رسدویںاکوممس‬
Bright Wintry
‫وممسرگام‬ ‫اب یھب‬
Summer Still
‫اطتق‬،‫وقت‬ ‫ولعمم‬
Might Seem
‫زخاں‬ ‫اہبر‬
Autumn Spring

A.Understanding the Poem
1. Answer the following questions.
a. What are the four seasons?
Ans: They are summer, autumn, winter, and spring.
b. When does robin sing with all his might?
Ans: The robin sings with all his might in all season.
c. What does robin say about autumn?
Ans: Robin says that there are fruits for everyone. Let us all praise God.
d. When can we still hear Robin’s song?

Ans: We can still robins in the winter.
e. What does robin say in the spring?
Ans: Robin said in the spring: ‘I had told you to keep singing through the winter
because it will go away one day.
f. Do you think that robin is a happy bird? Why?
Ans: Yes, robin is a happy bird. Because he keeps on singing sweetly in every
g. Which of the following best describes Robin? Say why.
I. careful II. clever III. Hopeful IV. Sorrowful
Ans: ‘Hopeful’ best describes the robin. He sings in every season. He even sings
in the cold days of winter. He says that we should keep singing, and the winter
will always go. This shows that he is a hopeful bird.
2. Say which of the following is true about the poem.
i. Robin sang sweetly throughout the year.

ii. Robin sang with all his might in the winter.

iii. Robin says we should all give praise in the spring.

iv. Robin stopped singing in the cold winter.

v. Summer comes immediately after autumn.

3. Answer the following question about these lines taken from the
poem. In the cold and winter weather, Still hear his song:
a. Who is singing?
Ans: Robin is singing.
b. What does the word’ still’ tell us about the singer?
Ans: The word ‘still’ us that the singer is very hopeful and keeps sing even in
c. What reason does the singer give for singing during the winter?
Ans: The singer says that somebody should keep singing during winter.

B. Working with Words
1. Write opposites for these words. You will find a few of them in the
Word Opposite Word Opposite

a. Never Always b. No one Every one

c. Quickly Slowly d. Liked Disliked

e. Friend Enemy f. Went Came

g. Come Go h. Foolish Wise

2. Match the following and use them in sentences

a. As dark as night
The crow was as dark as night.
b. As good as gold
Knowledge is as good as gold.
c. As sweet as honey
Love is as sweet as honey.
d. As stupid as a donkey
Some people are as stupid as donkey.
e. As dry as a bone
The desert is as dry as a bone.

C. Learning and Speaking

1. Find rhyming words in the poem for the following.
Neatly Sweetly Banks Thanks
Light Brightly Haze Praise
Roots Fruits Rolled Cold

Dream Seem Few You
Leather Weather Bore Or
Leap Keep Fair There

1. Which season do you like the best? Write about it and draw a
Ans: I like spring the best. It is a colorful season. Trees grow new leaves and
many and many fruits become ready to eat. Flowers bloom. We can see
beautiful greenery everywhere. The weather is neither col nor warm it makes
one feel happy and joyful.

The Wooden Bowl
Words to Know
Share ‫ابانٹن‬،‫رانہ‬،‫اسھت‬ Dim ‫ددنھیل‬
Quiet ‫رپوکسن‬ Shake ‫اکانپن‬
Carpenter ‫ڑبیھ‬ Nod of ‫وساجان‬
Carpentry ‫ڑبیھاکاکم‬ Clumsy ‫ےبڈاگنھ‬
Famous ‫وہشمر‬ Spilt ‫اکلھچدانی‬،‫رگادانی‬
In his day ‫اےنپوتقںیم‬ After all ‫رہباحل‬
Earn ‫احلصرکان‬،‫امکان‬ Smash ‫وٹٹاجان‬
Living ‫امکیئ‬ Tiny ‫تہبوھچاٹ‬
Carve ‫رتاانش‬ Cheap ‫اتسس‬
Fetch ‫الان‬ Complain ‫اکشتیرکان‬
Chisel ‫ینیھچ‬ Shake head ‫یفنںیمرسالہان‬
Shape ‫لکش‬ Block ‫دنکہ‬
Q: Were Thekla and Manfred right to get angry? Why or why not? (While
reading discussion).
Ans: Thekla and Manfred were not right to get angry. The breaking of the plate
was small incident. It is not right to get angry about things like that.

1. Answer the following questions:
a. Where did the family live?

Ans: They lived in an old and small house on the end of a quiet street in the
middle of the town.
b. What did Manfred do for a living?
Ans: He made furniture for the people and some carving for a living.
c. Who was Thekla?
Ans: Thekla was Manfred’s wife.
d. Why did Kurt’s hand shake?
Ans: Kurt was not strong. That is why his hands shook.
e. Why was Wilhelm making a wooden bowl?
Ans: He was making the bowl to make his parents realize their error.
f. How did Thekla and Manfred treat the old man?
Ans: They treated him badly. They were always angry with him.
g. Whose eyes filled with tears? Why?
Ans: Eyes of Manfred and Thekla filled with tears. They had realized that they
had treated the old man badly.
2. Answer the question about these lines from the story.
‘They looked in his room, but he was not there. Where could that boy be?’
a. Who looked in the room?
Ans: Manfred and Thekla looked in the room.
b. Who asked the question?
Ans: Thekla asked the question.
c. Who were they looking for and why?
Ans: They were looking for their son, Wilhelm, because the dinner was ready.
d. Where was the missing person?
Ans: He was in the workshop.


Q. Does the story teach us any lessons? What are they?
Ans: They story teaches us that we should be kind and gentle to our parents and
elders when they get old. If we are not nice to them, later on, our children will
not be nice to us.

B. Working with Words

1. Match the following:
a. In the evenings They sat down to dinner.
b. They bought him A cheap wooden bowl.
c. They all lived In a little old house.
d. The son earned A good living.
e. The old man Didn’t complain.
f. The little boy Was making a bowl.

2. Find words in the story for the following:

a. A person who makes things out of Carpenter
b. To cut wood or stone into shapes Carve
c. The father of one’s mother or father Grandfather
d. A room where someone dose a job Workshop
(like carpentry)
e. The wife of one’s son Daughter in law

C. Learning about Language

1. Underline the verbs in the following:
Naila sat beside the road. She read her book and waited for the bus. A boy came
past on his bicycle. The wheel of the bicycle hit a stone. The bike feel over. The
boy went flying through the air and landed in front of Naila. Catch a bus next
time; said Naila. The boy smiled and rubbed his knees.

2. Choose a verb from the box to complete the following. Use the
correct from of the verb and use each verb only once.
Play Drink Watch Catch Rest
a) They rest for an hour every afternoon.
b) Jason and Mary are playing with their friends in the garden now.
c) Sara drank a whole glass of milk before going to bed last night.
d) She watches television every evening.
e) Amina caught a cold last week, but is better now.
Have you ever made anything? What did you make? How did you mark it?
Why did you make it? Who did you make it for? Write about it and draw a
Ans: I once made a bouquet. I picked roses with long stems from our garden
and collected them in a bunch. They I tied a string around the middle of the
stems. I knotted it tightly. I made it because I like roses and think they are very
beautiful. I made if for my mother.

Words to Know:
Base ‫ادتبایاقمم‬،‫اکھٹہن‬ Ferocious ‫دنتوخ‬،‫ویشح‬

Beady ‫کنچوںیسیج‬ Lair ‫اھچکر‬

Captured ‫ڑکپا‬،‫رگاتفرایک‬ Mission ‫مہم‬

Defeat ‫رہاان‬،‫تسکشدانی‬ Munched ‫پچپچرکےکاھکای‬

A.Understanding the Poem

1. Answer the following questions.
a. What game are the children playing?
Ans: They are imagining that they are spies on a mission.
b. What is the mission?
Ans: Getting some gold / apples.
c. Who is the giant beast?
Ans: Their father.
d. What does the child compare the bushes and the wall to?
Ans: The bushes are compared to twisted wire; the wall is compared to a warm
e. What is the safe place or base?
Ans: The area next to the garden shed.

f. What is the dark lair?
Ans: The old garden chair.
g. What do the children do to celebrate their Win?
Ans: They eat the apples they have got.
h. Who do you think says? Ah’ the monster, the best has got you now!? Could
anyone else have said it?
Ans: It must be the sister who said this.
i. Write two short accounts describing: What happens in the children‘s
imaginative game.
Ans: One spy guards the base while the other tries to steepest the beast to get
to the gold. Just after the spy has got the gold, she is caught by the beast but
the two spies fight off the beast and escapes back to their base. The beast goes
back to its lair.
j. What really happens?
Ans: Two sister are playing a game while their father is relaxing in the sister tries to sneak past her father to pick apples. Their father joins
in the game by pretending to be asleep, catching one of them and play-fighting
with them. The girls eat apples from the tree and their father goes back to relax
in the garden chair.
2. Answer the questions about these line from the poem.
‘I did not notice the beast’s beady eye, opening slowly my dad could be sly’.
a. Who does not notice the beast?
Ans: The girl by the apple tree.
b. Who is the beast?
Ans: Her father.
c. How does the poet show us what is really happening?
Ans: The poet tells us what is really happening by writing the real situation in

d. What happens next?
Ans: The father joins in the game and ‘captures’ the girl.

B. Working with words

1. Find rhyming words in the poem for the following:
a. Old Gold, Hold f. Head Shed

b. Grew Flew g. East Beast

c. Pie Eye, I, Sly h. Call Wall, all

d. Losing Snoozing i. Dreamed Screamed

2. Match the word that have similar meanings.

Grabbed Captured
Snoozed Dozed
Pretend Act
Defeated Beaten
Battle Fight
3. Match the following:
a) as green as grass
b) as white as snow
c) as proud as a peacock
d) as sharp as a need
e) as old as hills
f) as fresh as daisy
C. Learning about Language
1. Find at last ten verbs in the poem. Use them sentence of your own.
1) Woke When she woke she saw her mother standing near
her bed.

2) Opening The mother was opening the cupboard.
3) Reached When we reached the school gate, the bell had
4) Captured I captured a few scenes in my mobile camera.
5) Took He took his tea and went out.
6) Screamed When he entered the gate, the children screamed
7) Returned He returned home quite late at night.
8) Munched They all munched the parched grams.
9) Escaped The little bird escaped the cage.
10) Fought They fought for the first position.

2. Underline the adjectives in these line from the poem:
a. The mad beast was asleep.
b. I crept past the twisted bushes.
c. Happily, we munched on the big, tasty apples.
3. Add suitable adjectives to the following, using the letters given:
a) An enormous mango.
b) A cute kitten.
c) An amazing actress.
d) A broken ladder.
e) A traveling salesman.
f) An ugly duckling.
D.Listening and Speaking
1. Listen to the sentences benign read aloud. Underline the correct
word from the given.
a. The vest/ west is more expensive than the socks.
b. The man said that this dress would suit/ shoot him.
c. There is a fly sitting on his pack / back.
d. He sold some chips/ships to the captained.
e. We brought/ broth them from the city yesterday.
E. Composition
Q. Talk about the games that you like to play. Write a paragraph
about a game you like to play. (It can be any type of game: imaginary
play, a team game, a board game, or a computer game.)
Ans: Hoot Owl is my favorite board game. It has two different play levels: one
for younger children and one for older children. In this game, players work
together to help a band of owls fly back to their nest before sunrise. The goal of
the game is for EVERYONE to win, not just one player, and to do that, all awls
must make it back in time, it is currently my favorite board game.

My Early Home
)‫( ریماالہپرھگ‬
Words to Know:
Box ‫وھگہسن‬ Rushes ‫اھگسنماوپدے‬
Brook ‫دنی‬ Well-bred ‫زیمتدار‬
Colt ‫وھگڑےاکہچب‬ Whinnied ‫انہنہٰی‬
Gallop ‫رسٹپاھبانگ‬ Hedge ‫ابڑ‬
Gig ‫اتہگن‬ Pleasant ‫وخوگشار‬
Lodging ‫راہٰشی‬ Grove ‫ڈنھج‬
Meadow ‫زبسزہار‬ Fir ‫رسواکدرتخ‬
Plough ‫لہالچان‬ Steep ‫اہنتی‬،‫ومعدی‬
Frequently ‫ارثک‬ Neigh ‫انہنہان‬
Temper ‫زماج‬ Trot ‫وہےلوہےلاھبانگ‬
Q. Will you take the horse mother’s advice? How will this you in life? (While
Ans: Yes I will take the horse mother’s advice. If I am kind and have good
manners, others will also me kindly.

1. Answer the following questions:
a. What did black beauty live on before he could eat grass?
Ans: He lived on his mother’s milk before he could eat grass.
b. What happened once black beauty was old enough to eat grass?

Ans: As soon as black beauty was old enough to eat grass, his mother began to
go out to work in the daytime.
c. What advice did black beauty’s mother give him?
Ans: Black beauty’s mother advice was to behave in a kind and gentle manner
and to never adopt bad ways.
d. What job does the master do?
Ans: The master is farmer.
e. What do we learn about black beauty’s grandparents?
Ans: Black beauty‘s grandfather twice won the cup at the new market races and
his grandmother had a very sweet temper.
f. What did the master call black beauty and why?
Ans: The master called black beauty, Darkie because he had a dull black color.
g. Who is old Daniel?
Ans: Daniel was the man who looked after horses.
h. Why did the boy throw stones at the horses?
Ans: They boy was mean or bored and liked to have what he called fun by
making the horses gallop.
i. Who was the boy and what happened to him when he was caught?
Ans: The boy worked on the farm as a ploughboy. When he was caught, the
master slapped him and dismissed from his job.
2. Who might have said the following?
a. Have a good day at work, mum.
Ans: Black beauty.
b. Would you like some bread?
Ans: The master.
c. You are my favorite horse.
Ans: The master.

d. That boy will never work here again.
Ans. The master
3. Here is a line from the story. Think about it carefully, then answer
the questions.
‘When he had eaten all he wanted he would have what he called fun with the
a. Who are these words about?
Ans: Dick
b. What has been eating?
Ans: Blackberries.
c. What is his job?
Ans: He is a ploughboy.
d. What does he do that he calls fun?
Ans: He throws sticks and stones at the horses to make them gallop.
e. Why is it not fun for the colts?
Ans: Sometimes the stones hit them and hurt them.

B. Working with words

1. Add not to the following sentences. You will have to change some
of the verbs.
a. Black beauty ate grass.
Ans: Black beauty did not eat grass.
b. The master went to market.
Ans: The master did not go to market.
c. The colts liked rough play.
Ans: The colts did not like rough play.
d. The master moved slowly.

Ans: The master did not move slowly.
e. Dick heard a sound in the bushes.
Ans: Dick did not hear a sound in the bushes.
f. Dick spoken kindly to the horses.
Ans: Dick did not speak kindly to the horses.

C. Learning about Language

1. Underline all the pronoun in the sentence given below:
a. I am a horse and my name is black beauty.
b. This is the farmer. He is called Mr. Jones.
c. He gives us carrots and hay.
d. We have a lot of horses in our field.
e. I like watching them gallop.
2. Complete these sentences using to + a verb:
a. The boys were allowed
The boys were allowed to explore the fort.
b. Nobody is permitted
Nobody is permitted to enter the fort.
c. Rahim likes
Rahim likes to visit his grandparents on Sunday.
d. The builders wanted
The builders wanted to finish their work.
e. We have always tried
We have always tried to help the poor.
f. I long
I long to play outside.


Q. Pick an animals that you know about. What does that animals do? What
does it like to eat? Where does it live? Write a short passage describing the
animal’s life. Or, if you can write as if you are the animal using I.
Ans: Meet Loki, the hedgehog
Loki is an adorable six month old hedgehog. Loki enjoys eating; exploring and
sleeping. He is great fun for his parents; he sleep all day long and gets up early
in the evening. He has very poor eyesight, and relies heavily on hearing and
smell. He prefers to live in the woods. He does not like cities. In fact, there are
very few safe places for hedgehogs. His overall number is therefore declining.
He feeds on insects and shrubberies. He is omnivorous. Unlike porcupine quills,
hedgehog quills are not barbed and are not poisonous. Many countries do not
allow them as pets and instead consider them wild animals.

Words to Know:
Blazing ‫اتپتوہا‬ Rags ‫پ ھڑے‬

Compost ‫ولخمطاھکد‬ Sheltering ‫آڑانیل‬

Finally ‫ابالآرخ‬ Stuck ‫اگلان‬

Gaping ‫الھک‬ Victim ‫اکشر‬

Oncoming ‫زندکیآیتوہی‬ Prop up ‫کیٹدانی‬

Q. Why didn’t anyone reply to Faiza’s letter? (While Reading Discussion)

Ans: Because Faiza was just a little girl. Nobody paid any attention to her letter.

A. Comprehension
1. Answer the following questions?
a. What had happened to the car that faiza saw from her window?
Ans: It was stuck in the road and needed to have a tyer changed.
b. When did a traffic jam occur and why?
Ans: The traffic jam occurred on August 1st because of pothole.
c. How many accidents had taken place in two weeks?
Ans: Nine.
d. Which words are used to describe the pothole?

Ans: The pothole is described as big, like a gaping mouth waiting for its next
e. Which things did faiza collect?
Ans: Faiza collected a basket, soil, compost, small flowering shrubs, a watering
can full of water, three long lengths of woods, some, board –pins, and three
large sheets of card.
f. Where did faiza place the three signs that she had made?
Ans: Faiza placed one sign at each end of the road, then she placed the third
sign in the pothole garden.
g. What made faiza take action to fill the pothole? Give as many reasons as
you can.
Ans: She was worried about the safety of the children in the kindergarten next
door; she had seen a lot of accidents; she had written a letter to ask for help
and had not received any reply or help.
h. Make a list of the types of accidents that took place because of the pothole.
Ans: There are a range of accidents: vehicles get stuck, there are crashes and
servers that lead to crashes, and damage to vehicles, a cart loses its load and
many other accidents.
2. Here is a sentence from the story. Think about it and then answer
the question. ‘I am not waiting a moment longer!’
a. Who said these words and when?
Ans: Faiza said these word; after she had been keeping a log for over three
b. Which words best describe the mood of the speaker at this time?
1. Angry 2. Sad 3. Fed up 4. Cheerful 5. Determined
Ans: Angry and Determined
c. What did the speaker do after this?
Ans: After this, Faiza collects the materials she need so that she is ready to build
her pothole garden the next morning.

d. Did the speaker’s actions have any effect?
Ans: Yes, it attracted the attention of lots of people, including the media and
the town officials; the pothole is fixed properly as a result.

Q. What do you think the mayor and the chief of police said when they saw
the pothole garden?
Ans: It is likely that they would thank faiza but they might also express their
guilt and give their apologies. That might also mention that they would take
action to fill the pothole and preserve the garden.

B. Working with Words

1. Find words for the following in the passage.
a. A channel at the edge of a street Gutter

b. A class or school for very young children Kindergarten

c. A mixture of leaves and manure compost

d. A small woody plant Shrub

2. Who might have said the following?

(You may wish to discuss each statement to decide who made it, when it was
made and where.)
a. I wish they would hurry up; it’s so hot!’
Ans: The woman or one of the two children who were sheltering from the sun
at the side of the road while the wheel of their car was being fixed.
b. ‘And that’s another one!’
Ans: Faiza
c. Thanks to her, our children will be safe?
Ans: A parent or teacher at the kindergarten.
d. Please do something about it now?

Ans: Faiza in her letter. Someone from the crowd to the Mayor Or the chief of
police when they visit Faiza‘s pothole garden.
e. ‘The editor will like this one?
Ans: The photographer from the newspaper.
3. Add capital letters and full stop to the following.
Ans: Maliha and Maira both went to Saint Mary’s school. They were in class
three. Their teacher was called Miss Shama. She was a very good teacher. She
wore a shalwar kameez. She carried a black handbag. Her father worked in a
Commercial bank on Zaibunnisa Street.

C. Learning about Language

1. Under the preposition in the following. Then write new sentences
of your own using the prepositions.
a. The carpet under the table was old.
b. The river under the bridge is flowing very swiftly.
c. The fence round the house fell down.
d. The cat fell into the puddle.
e. Flying the aero plane past the town was not easy.
1. The children hid themselves under the bed.
2. The bench under the tree was covered with falling leaves.
3. They went round the garden and saw nothing interesting.
4. We went past our old friend but could not notice him.

2. Fill in the blanks with the correct from of verb.

a) Faiza____________ back to her room. (Go)
Ans: Faiza went back to her room.
b. The children of the Kindergarten ________________ delighted. (Be)
Ans: The children of the kindergarten were delighted.

c. She ___________ the piece of wood into the soil. (push)
Ans: She pushed the piece of wood into the soil.
d. Faiza ____________ it all together. (Mix)
Ans: Faiza mixed it all together.
e. Cars ___________ carefully round the garden. (Drive)
Ans: Cars drove carefully round the garden.
D. Composition
Q. Pretend that you were the photographer who took photographs of Faiza’s
pothole garden. Draw a picture and write a short report about it for the
This is faiza’s pothole garden, an innocent way to register her protest, but a
brilliant way to solve a problem. She filled this hole to save people from
accidents. She has filled it with Soil from her garden, and has also planted the
pothole from Distance and avoid it. She has not only solved the problem of the
pothole but has also made the road more beautiful. This is a Wonderful effort
on the part of a child. The people have praised her efforts, and the Mayor has
taken a special notice also. He has advised His people to either fill the potholes
or change them into gardens.

The Moon
Words to Know:
Harbor ‫دنبراگہ‬
Quay ‫ہتشپ‬،‫اھگٹ‬
Fork ‫دواشہخ‬
Squall ‫وشراچمان‬
Squeak ‫چخپنا‬،‫چخپناان‬
howl ‫وہانکن‬
A.Understanding the Poem
1. Answer the following questions.
a. What is the moon’s face compared to?
Ans: The moon‘s face is compared to a wall clock.
b. What are the various thing the moon shine on at night?
Ans: Theves, streets, fields, harbor quays, birds, sleeping in Trees, and animals.
c. Which creatures love to be out at night?
Ans: Cats, mice, dogs, and bats, love to be out at night.
d. What do the things that belong to the day at night?
Ans: Things that belong to the day sleep at night.

e. The poet has mentioned various creatures of the night. Which other
creatures the moon shine on at night?
Ans: The moon shines on every creature at night.
f. Name some creatures you know that love to cuddle up at night.
Ans: Humans, horse, sheep, birds, and many other creature love to cuddle up at
2. Which word at the end of lines rhyme? Write down the rhyming
Ans: hall/wall, quays/ trees, mouse/ house, noon/ moon, day/way, eyes/rise.
3. Show is the word ‘Quays’ pronounced?
Ans: The words ‘quays’ is pronounced like keys.
4. Answer the questions about these lines from the poem.
‘But all the things that belong to the day Cuddle to sleep to be out of her way’
a. Who or what is be being spoken about?
Ans: People, animals, and plants that are ‘awake’ in the daytime.
b. What are some of the things that belong to the day?
Ans: Flowers, children, birds, and cattle belong to the day.
c. What does ‘cuddle’ mean?
Ans: It means to hug, to nestle together, or hold somebody something close for
comfort and warmth.
d. What are some of the things that belong to the night?
Ans: Dogs, cats, mice and bats belong to the night.

B. Working with Words

Here are some English proverbs (sayings).
1. Read them and talk about them. When do we use the expressions?
a. Better late than never.
Ans: It is used to advise that it is better to do a job a bit late than never doing it.

b. Never do things by halves.
Ans: It is used to advise that one should always complete one’s work.
c. Many hands make light work.
Ans: It is used to describe the effect of collective work.
d. A stitch in time saves nine.
Ans: It is used to advise that one should repair something as soon as it gets bad.
It will save time later on.
e. Too many cooks spoils the broth.
Ans: It is used to tell that if too many people help, the work may not be well
2. Here are the meanings. Can you write the proverbs and the correct
meaning in your notebook?
a. If you repair something as soon as it gets bad, it will save time later on.
Ans: A stitch in time saves nine.
b. It is better to do something late than not at all.
Ans: Better late than never.
c. If you have a lot of people to help, the work is done quickly.
Ans: Many hands make light work.
d. If too many people help, the work may not be well done.
Ans: Too many cooks spoil broth.
e. Try to finish every part of job:
Ans. Never do things by halves.

C. Learning about Language

1. Put suitable conjunctions in the following blanks and write the
complete sentences in your notebook:
a. I have lost my knife and fork.

b. She is very thin but she eats a lot.
c. Are you going tom buy a shirt or a pair of trousers?
d. Is that a Robin or a swallow?
e. My father and my mother are going to the market.
f. I can sign but I can’t whistle.
2. Complete the following sentences in your own words. Pay careful
attention to the conjunction used:
a. He is tall and thin but strong.
b. He visited them last Sunday and Tuesday.
c. We visited them last Sunday but not last Tuesday.
d. We shall buy it in the market or in a general store.
e. We shall buy it in the market and the general store.
f. We shall buy it in the market but not in the general store.
E. Composition
Q. Write a paragraph describing the things you might see and hear at night.
Ans: Everything is bathed in the milk-white moonlight. The silence of the night is
interrupted time and again by the barking of the dogs and squalling of the cats.
Rats are circling in the air in search of food quick and cowardly mice are currying
hurriedly across streets. All the houses are dark except for a few windows that
still shed light. Markets street and r roads have lost their hustle and bustle. The
watchman is doing round streets giving and occasional call for everyone to
remain alert.

Message in a Bottle
Words to Know:
Decided ‫فصنلہایک‬ Scampered ‫زیتیےساھبانگ‬

Difficulty ‫دوشاری‬،‫لکشم‬ Wondered ‫ریحان‬،‫وسانچ‬

Discovered ‫یلمدرایتفیک‬ Fisherman ‫رھچما‬،‫امیہریگ‬

Foolish ‫ےبووقف‬ Excitedly ‫اجیہنرھبےادنازںیم‬

Message ‫اغیپم‬ Quietly ‫دریھے‬،‫وہےلےس‬

Q. Have you ever found an interesting object on the beach? Did you collect it
or leave it there? (While reading)
Ans: Yes I once found a very colorful shell on the beach I have never seen the
shell with so many colors I have kept it as a decoration piece in my room.

1. Answer the following questions:
a) Where did the children lived?
Ans: They lived in a small fishing village by the sea in the south of Pakistan.
b) What did the children’s father do?
Ans: Their fathers were both fishermen.

c) What did the children all day?
Ans: They played all day long’ they build sand castles chased crabs, swamp in
the sea and climbed in the coconuts palms.
d) Why did the children not go to school?
Ans: They did not go to school because there was no school in the village.
e) What did the children do when the found the bottle?
Ans: They took off the cap and found a piece of paper in it.
f) Why did the children take the paper to Old Babu?
Ans: They took it to Old Babu so that he could read it.
g) How did the Old Babu help the children?
Ans: He read them, the letter and then he started to teach them how to read
and write.
h) Do you think the children were lucky to find the bottle? How?
Ans: They were very lucky! It is a long way from New Zealand to Pakistan; the
bottle could have been smashed or floated some ware else because of this fine,
they began to learn reading and writing.
i. What would you like to find in a bottle on a beach?
Ans: If I find the bottle on the beach, I would like it to have a genie in it that
could grant my wishes.
2. Say which of the following is true about the story?
a. The children had a difficult life. F

b. Hassan found the bottle. F

c. The bottle was easy to open. F
d. The children knew what to do with the message. T
e. The message was from a girl in New Zealand. F
f. The children learn to read and write in few months. T
3. Answer the questions about these lines from the story:
a. Who says these words?
Ans: Hassan

b. To whom are the words spoken.
Ans: To Afia
c. What was it?
Ans: The message in the bottle.
d. Where was it taken and why?
Ans: It was taken to old Babu because he could read it.

Q. If you could write a letter and put it in a bottle what would you say in it?
Ans: If I have to write a letter and put in a bottle, I would write in plain English
and say that anyone who finds it, is liable to plant ten fruit trees in his or her
area. I would further instruct him to write a similar letter and put it in the bottle
in the same way, and sugest someone else to plant ten fruit trees in his or her
B. Working with Words
1. Put inverted commas in the following.
a) What does it say? Cried Afia, excitedly.
Ans: ‘What does it say?’ cried Afia, excitedly.
b) You are not foolish at all! Said old babu?
Ans: ‘You are not foolish at all!’ said old babu?
c) I do not know, replied Hassan.
Ans: ‘I don’t know, replied Hassan.
d) Why are you looking so sad? Asked Old Babu.
Ans: ‘Why are you looking so sad?’ asked Old Babu.
e) Here is the boy’s address, he said.
Ans: ‘Here is the boy’s address’, he said.
2. Now add inverted commas, full stops, question marks and comas.
a) We cannot read or write, can we replied Afia quietly.

Ans: We cannot read or write, can we?’ replied Afia quietly.
b) Look babu cried the children excitedly.
Ans: ‘Look babu!’ cried the children, excitedly.
c) There is no school here said Hassan How can we learn
Ans: ‘There is no school here’, said Hassan ‘How can we learn?’
1. Complete the sentences in your notebook.
a. Foolish means not to clever, not bright.
b. Wondered means thought about, with curiosity and doubt.
c. Scampered means ran quickly and lightly.
d. Address means the details of the place there someone lives or there a
business is situated.
e. Deep means far into a below the surface of something.
f. Nearly means almost or very close to.
C. Learning about Language
1. All the following sentences have grammatical mistakes try to find the
mistakes and rewrite the sentences correctly. Can you explain why the
sentences are in correct?
a) The children did not went to school
Ans: The children did not go to school.
b) Old babu helped the children to reading the letter.
Ans: Old babu helped the children to read the letter.
c) Hassan haven’t seen the letter before.
Ans: Hassan hasn’t seen the letter before.
d) ‘Where you were?’ Asked Afia.
Ans: ‘Where were you?’ Asked Afia.
e) ‘It was friendly, isn’t it?’
Ans. ‘It was friendly, wasn’t it?’
f) ‘New Zealand is beautiful, no?’
Ans: ‘New Zealand is beautiful, isn’t it?’

g) He didn’t found the letter in a bag.
Ans: He didn’t find the letter in a bag.

Q. Using the words and phrases given below, write a short story of your own.
You may use them in any order.
Discovered foolish Learn Sat with
Great Difficulty wondered Able to Without any

Ans: There was a man who was very fond of reading stories wizards, witches,
genies, princes and princesses. All the time he sat with such books, reading
them wondering about what happened in them. He wished that something like
this would also happen to him. He may discover a magic lamp or learn a magic
spell that would bring him health and happiness. He would able to live without
any worries. It is quite clear that he was a foolish man. This wish became so
strong that he began to spend all his time, waiting for something like this to
happen. But nothing of that sort ever happened to him he wasted nearly the
whole of his life. He grew all and helpless. He had not work to earn from and no
home to go to. He had not raised any family either. He was in great difficulty.
When he died there was no one around him. His dead body lay forgotten in his
room for three days, and then the neighbor then reached then and buried in a
remote graveyard. Somebody wrote on his tombstone’ ‘False hopes lead
nowhere, but to grave’.

My playmate
Words to Know:
Often ‫ارثک‬ Puddle ‫وھچاٹوجرہ‬

Wonder ‫ریحانوہان‬ Tread ‫اپئں‬

Rainy Day ‫ابرشاکدن‬ Surely ‫انیقی‬

Strange ‫بیجع‬،‫اونیھک‬ Opposite ‫اخمفلرخرپ‬،‫اسےنم‬

A. Understanding the Poem
1. Answer these questions:
a. When does the playmate come to play?
Ans: The Playmates come to play when it rains.
b. Does the playmate come to play when it is not raining?
Ans: No he does not come when it is not raining.
c. In what position is the playmate at all time?
Ans: The playmate is always upside-down.
d. What makes the boy feel sad?
Ans: Having to step on the feet of his playmate makes the boy feel sad.
e. Why does the speaker think the playmate lives in another land?

Ans: The Playmate never talks to the boys that makes him think that the
playmate lives in another land.
2. Answer this questions about this lines taken from the poem.
‘I really wish he had talk to me’
a. Who is talking about whom?
Ans: The boys is talking about is playmate.
b. What reason does the speaker give for wishing this?
Ans: The boy says that his playmate is very kind. He always smiles when the boy
smiles. That is why the boy wishes to talk with him.

B. Working with Words

a. What do you think the following are?
Ans: Something which grows and have leaves and branches, Tree.
b. Something made of leather which goes on the feet.
Ans: Shoes.
c. Something to make clothes flat after washing them.
Ans: Iron.
d. Some people wear this on their noses to help them see well.
Ans: Glasses.
2. What’s the difference?
a. Wonder/Wander
b. Sight/Site
c. Puddles/Paddles
a. ‘wonder’ means ‘to be amazed’ or to think about something’ ‘wander’ means
‘to travel without destination’ or ‘to walk here and there’
b. ‘Sight’ means ‘something that is seen ‘or ‘the ability to see’. Site’ means ‘a
place where something stand’.
c. ‘Puddles’ are small pools of water which often form after the rain. ‘Puddles’
are short, flat oars used for small boats. They are also the blades which are
rotated to move a bicycle.

3. These are common words for collection in English. Try to use them
in sentences of your own.
a) A flock of geese
A flock of geese flew across the sky.
b) A swarm of bees
A swarm of bees attacked the boys who had disturbed their hive.
c) A crowd of people
A crowd of people gathered to hear the leader speak.

C. Learning about Language

Using ‘The, A, An, And’
Fill in the following blanks with a, an, or the:
1. Do you know what an ostrich is?
2. It’s a very large bird.
3. It lives in a country called Australia.
4. A kangaroo is the best jumper in the world.
5. It can jump over a fence ten feet high.
D. Composition
My best Friend
I have many friends but my best friends is my dog. He lives in our house and stays with me
all the time I am in the home. He does not ask for anything except a bowl of milk and some
bones. He is always so happy to see me. He plays with me. When I throw a ball, he goes
running and brings it back. He also guards our house at night. He is happy when I am happy.
And he becomes sad when I am sad.

The Flying Machine (I)
Words to Know:
Nearly ‫رقتابی‬ Borrow ‫اداھرانیل‬
Moustache ‫ومھچن‬ Screwdriver ‫چیپسک‬
Bald ‫اجنگ‬ A great deal of ‫تہباس‬
Shiny ‫دکمچار‬ Joint ‫وجڑ‬
Happen ‫واعقوہان‬،‫وہان‬ Delighted ‫وخش‬
Bamboo ‫ابسن‬ Loop ‫ہقلح‬،‫الھچ‬
Q. Was Sami confident about the glider’s design that he had drawn? How can
you tell? (While Reading Discussion)
Ans: Sami seems quite confident about his design he says to uncle Salim that he
will build it in two months.

A. Comprehension
1. Answer the following questions:
a. What was Sami drawing?
Ans: Sami was drawing the design of a flying machine.
b. Describe uncle Salim:
Ans: He was old and heavy. He had a long moustache and a shiny bald head.
c. What were the loops for?
Ans: The loops were to be used to change the direction of the glider.
d. What materials and tools did Sami use to build his glider?

Ans: Sami used bamboo, wood, newspaper, screws, string and bright blue
colour to build his glider.
e. How long did it take to make the glider?
Ans: The glider took two months to make.
f. How could the pilot control the glider?
Ans: The pilot could the control the glider by means of the bar and loops of
g. Why did uncle Salim think Sami’s machine would not fly?
Ans: Uncle Salim thought that Sami’s machine would not fly because it doesn’t
have an engine.
h. Why was uncle Salim not frightened?
Ans: Uncle Salim knew that the glider would not fly. That is why he was not
afraid at all.
i. Would you have been frightened?
Ans: Yes, I would have been frightened.
2. Say whether the following are true about the story.
a. Uncle Salim was not very heavy. False

b. Sami used the garage as a workshop. True

c. Sami didn’t use any screws. False

d. Sami covered the wings with cloth. False

e. Uncle Salim thought the plane wouldn’t fly. True

3. Answer the questions about this line taken from the story.
‘At that moment he heard a knock at the front and ran to see.’
a. Who ran to the front door?
Ans: Sami ran to the front door.
b. Who was at the front door?

Ans: Uncle Salim was at the front door.
c. What had been finished at that moment?
Ans: the drawing of Sami’s flying machine‘s design was finished at the at the
d. What happened next?
Ans: Sami showed the design of his flying machine to uncle Salim.

Place yourself in uncle Salim’s shoes. Would you have encouraged Sami? If a
child wants to do experiments and new things, he or she should be
encouraged. But I would also have advised to be a little more careful about
testing his inventions.

B. Working with Words

A general name for the boys, girls and babies is children.
1. Find general names for the following.

a. Beans, peas, potatoes. Vegetables

b. Lilies, rose, orchids. Flowers

c. Tigers, lions, dogs. Animals

d. Robins, eagles, doves. Birds

e. Argentina, ltaly, Canada. Countries

2. Copy the words in the list into your notebook.

Add another item to each list. Then write the words in each list. Then write
the words in each list in alphabetical order.
a. Beans, peas, potatoes, tomatoes.
b. Lilies, jasmines, orchids, roses.
c. Cats, dogs, lions, tigers.
d. Doves, eagles, robins, sparrow.
e. Argentina, Canada, ltaly, Pakistan.

C. Learning about Language
1. Underline the verbs in the following sentences.
a. The girls danced and boys ran.
b. Our teacher smiled when the students sang.
c. The elephant trumpeted loudly.
2. Which word in Exercise C.1.C above tells us how the elephant
Ans: Loudly.
3. Find the adverbs in the following sentences.
a. The teacher spoke crossly to one of the boys.
b. The boys spoke politely to the teacher.
c. The dog ate his dinner quickly.
d. The boys marched smartly.
4. Underline the verbs in the sentences below. Then fill in the blanks
using adverbs above.
a. Yesterday I was nearly run over by a car.
b. Go quickly to the shop and buy some rice.
c. My father lived happily until he was ninety.
d. My mother can sit comfortably in that chair.
D. Listening and Speaking
1. Here is a limerick. But the printer who printed this textbook left
out the first letter of all the words! Can you write the full limerick
in your best handwriting?
The missing letters are:
A,A, B,B, I,I, L,M,M,N,O,O,P,P,S,T,T,T,T,T,T,T,T,T,T, W,W,W,W.
Here as n Id an n a ree, hose
Hiskers are ovely o ee UT he
Irds f he ir, lucked hem
Oake hemselves ests n hat ree.

Ans: There was an old man in a tree, whose whiskers where lovely to see, but
the birds of the air, Plucked then perfectly bare, to make things themselves nest
on that tree

E. Composition
Try to write a limerick of your own. Remember that there is a special rhythm
in a limerick. There are 8 beats in the first second, and last lines. And there are
six in the third and fourth lines. Be rhyming pattern is: (a. a b b a) Read your
limerick aloud to your friends who wanted so much to go ashore, but the bad
luck prevailed, alas she terribly failed. Now she doesn’t want to go anymore.
Complete the composition:

The Flying Machine (II)
Words to Know:
Hurl ‫انکنیھپ‬
Shriek ‫خیچ‬
Let out ‫خیچامران‬
Straighten up ‫دیساھوہان‬
Gust ‫وھجاکن‬
Curve ‫مخاھکان‬،‫ڑمان‬
Rush ‫زیتیےساجان‬
Mend ‫رمتمرکان‬
Tilt over ‫وغہطاھکاجان‬،‫وھگماجان‬
Painfully ‫وتقےکاسھت‬
Head ‫یسکتمسںیماجان‬
Catch hold ‫دوبانچ‬،‫اھتانم‬
Shot ‫زیتیےساجان‬
Tremendous ‫تہبڑبا‬
Q. What could Uncle Salim have done differently to avoid crashing? (While

Ans: Uncle Salim could have changed the direction of the glider to avoid

A. Comprehension
1. Answer the following questions:
a. Who pushed the glider of the rock?
Ans: Sami and his ten friends pushed the glider of the rock.
b. Why did the glider tilt to one side?
Ans: When uncle Salim tried to catch hold of the end of the broken string, the
glider tilted to one side with weight.
c. What happened when uncle Salim caught hold off bamboo sticks?
Ans: Nothing happened when uncle Salim caught hold of the bamboo stick.
d. Did uncle Salim enjoy his flight? Say why.
Ans: Uncle Salim didn’t enjoy his flight he barely escaped an injury. He declared
that he shall not ride another flying machine in his life.
e. What other materials could Sami have used to build the glider?
Ans: Sami could have to use plastic sheets instead of the newspaper. He could
have used steel wires in place of strings. He could use steel roads in place of
bamboo sticks.
f. When did Uncle Salim shriek and why? At what times do people shriek?
Ans: Uncle Salim shrieked because he was afraid of falling people shriek when
they are afraid.
2. Answer the following questions about this line from the story.
‘Oh, my goodness! He said to himself, ‘Now what shall do?’
a. Who is the Speaker?
Ans: Uncle Salim was speaker.
b. Where was the speaker when this line was spoken?
Ans: The speaker was on glider when this line was spoken.
c. What made the speaker say, ‘oh, my goodness!’?

Ans: The breaking of the string made the speaker say that.
d. What did he do to get out of this trouble?
Ans: He tried to catch hold of the broken string so that he may be able to mend

B. Working with Words

1. What are these? Some may have two correct answers:
Something that:
a. Keeps us warm at night. Blanket
b. We can see our self in. Mirror
c. We can use to stir tea. Spoon
d. We can use to cut with. Knife
e. We wear on our hands. Cap,
f. We eat off. Plate,
C. Learning about Language
1. Add ‘not’ to the following sentences. You will have to change the
verbs in some of them.
a. Sami’s father informed the police.
Sami’s father did not keep quiet.
b. Uncle Salim kept quiet.
Uncle Salim did not keep quiet.
c. Uncle Salim landed on a tree.
Uncle Salim didn’t land on a tree.
d. Uncle Salim was very happy.
Salim was not very happy.
2. Use conjunction from the box to fill in the blanks below.

for but that because and
a. The man was young and smart.
b. He was old but he was strong.
c. She was shouting because she was angry.
d. He was hungry for he had eaten nothing.
e. You knew that I was coming.

Comparing Things
3. Fill in the blank using the words below.
smaller prettier cheaper brighter taller
a. She is prettier than I am.
b. He is taller than his son.
c. This torch is brighter than yours.
d. His house is smaller than mine.
e. A big is cheaper than a suitcase.
D. Composition
Would you like to go up in a flying machine? Write a paragraph explaining
your answer.
Ans: I would like to go up in a flying machine if it is built solidly and tasted
carefully. I always wanted to fly. People fly in planes but I want to do it alone. A
flying machine can make my wish come true. But the flying machine should be
safe to fly. It should be made of proper materials. It should be carefully tasted to
find out if there is any problem with it. Only then I would like to use it.

The White Window
Words to know
Folk ‫ولگ‬
Pretend ‫ڈراہمرکان‬،‫انکٹرکان‬
Stealing ‫ےکپچےکپچانلچ‬
Tippy-toes ‫وجنپںےکلبانلچ‬
Peep ‫اھجانکن‬
A. Understanding the Poem
1. Answer the following question:
a. When does the moon come to the house?
Ans: The moon comes every night.
b. What does the moon come there to do?
Ans: The moon comes there to peep at the poet.
c. What does the person in the room do?
Ans: The person in the room pretends to sleep.
d. Does the Moon make any sound?
Ans: The Moon makes no sound at all.
e. Where does the Moon then go to?
Ans: The Moon then goes to the house next door.
f. How does the Moon go to the next house?
Ans: The Moon goes to the next house very quietly.
g. Why does the Moon go next door?
Ans: The Moon goes next door to peep at the folk asleep there.
h. Why do you think the speaker pretends to sleep?
Ans: The speaker does not want to let the Moon know that he is aware of her.
i. When you look at the Moon, do you think about?
Ans: When I look at the Moon, I think about going there one day.
2. Answer the questions about this line from the poem.
‘She stands and stares! And then she goes.’
a. Who stands and stares?
Ans: The Moon does.
b. Where is the person who is being stared at?
Ans: He is in his bed.
c. What does she go after standing and staring?
Ans: She goes to the house next door.
d. What does she do after this?
Ans: She peeps at the folk asleep, and she never makes a sound.

B. Working with Words

1. Use the following in sentences of your own. The meanings those
used in the poem.
a. Stealing/ stole
Somebody is stealing our apples.
The thief stole by the sleeping policeman.
b. peep/ peeping
Aisha is peeping through the window.
He peeped into the room from an open window.

c. pretend / pretending
Do not pretend to be asleep
I was just pretending to be asleep.
d. asleep/ sleeping
Do not pretend to be asleep.
I was not sleeping in my room on that night.
2. Change one letter of each of the following to make a new word.
Eat Cat , bat, mat, ear
Tent Bent, sent, went, dent, tend, tint
Bat Cat, mat, sat, rat, bet, but, bit, bad, ban, bag
Lamp Camp, damp, ramp, lame, lamb, limp, lump
Book Look, cook, took, boon
Catch Match, batch, latch
Talk Walk, tank, task, tale, tall
Read Bead, dead, road, rend, reap, ream
House Moue, douse, louse, rouse
Door Poor, moor
Wall Call, ball, tall, well, will, walk
Rent Bent, sent, dent, went, rant, rend
Pick Tick, sick, lick, nick, pack, peck
Jump Bump, lump, dump
Must Bust, rust, mast, mist, muse
3. Use these phrases in sentences of your own. Make your own
a. as swiftly as
The kite went up as swiftly as a rocket.
b. as frightened as

When the dog growled, the children were as frightened as little kittens.
c. as thick as
His hair is as thick as a jungle.
d. as bright as
Her face was as bright as the room.
e. as painful as
His harsh words were as painful as a blow to my head.
f. as dull as
His ideas are as dull as a rainy day.
C. Learning about Language
1. Read the poem below. Some of the words are missing.
There was a jolly Miller once
Lived by the _______ Dee. (a)
He worked and sang from morning to _________. (b)
No lark blither than ___________. (c)
And this the burden of his _________. (d)
For ever used to be ‘I care for nobody no not I
If __________ cares for _________. (E/f)
Ans: There was a jolly Miller once
Lived by the river Dee. He worked and sang from morning to night.
No lark blither than he and this the burden of his song. For ever used to be
‘I care for nobody no not I If nobody cares for me’.
2. Copy the poem into your notebook. But first read he clues below to
find the missing words.
a. A noun, but also an adjective, meaning ‘water which flows from the
mountain to the sea.
b. A noun meaning the time when it gets dark.

c. A pronoun standing for the jolly Miller.
d. Another noun. Something we sing.
e. A pronoun, meaning not one single person.
f. A pronoun standing for the speaker of the lines.
(Please use your best handwriting!)

D. Listening and Speaking

1. Find words in the poem which rhyme.
‘Then see how many words you can think of which rhyme
With these words. Do not use a dictionary, but think the
Words your selves. Find out which words the other group
In your class have thought of’.

Peep, Asleep Keep, deep, weep, heap, leap

Lie, By Die, cry, sty, shy, by, my

Goes, Toes Throws, shows, mows, those, flows

To me, May be Tree, see, sea, bee, be, fee, free

2. Now find words which rhyme with the following:

a. Pain
Pain, Drain, Stain, Lane
b. Jug
Jug, Mug, Bug, Rug
c. Green
Green, Scene, Lean, Clean, Bean
d. Slip

Slip, Grip, Hip, Sip, Clip
e. Smack
Smack, Whack, Track, Back, Shack
f. Slow
Slow, Glow, Blow, Show
g. Jump
Jump, Lump, Pump, Dump, Thump
h. Deep
Deep, Sleep, Sheep, Keep, Weep
i. Foot
Foot, Shoot, Soot
j. Wind
Wind (noun), thinned, sinned, pinned
Wind (verb), find hind, rind, mined, signed

E. Composition
Write a short poem about the sun.
‘Your poem can be about how the sun shines on you during the day,
How it appears first thing in the morning, and wakes everybody up,
How it sets in the evening and puts everyone to bed.
‘I wonder why does shine this sun
On every house and hill and way,
And there he finds what kind of fun
In shining all along the day.

He comes when we are all asleep
He wakes us up and smiles a lot,
We understand his plans so deep
And do what he for us has got.
And this how we spend our time
In jobs and works and chores of home,
When all at once he brings a chime
Of evening bells for years to come.’

The Old Man and the Tiger
Words to Know:
Woodcutter ‫ڑکلاہڑا‬ Coat ‫اھکل‬
Chop ‫اکانٹ‬ Purr ‫رخرخاان‬
Tie ‫ابدنانھ‬ Handsome ‫وخوصبرت‬
Bundle ‫اھٹگ‬ Indeed ‫انیقی‬،‫وایعق‬
Still ‫ےبسحورحتک‬ Extremely ‫تہبزایدہ‬
Ghost ‫رغاٹہ‬ Sigh ‫رہگیاسسنانیل‬،‫آہرھبان‬
Frightened ‫وخزفدہ‬ Graces ‫وخایبں‬
Surprised ‫ریحتزدہ‬،‫ریحان‬ Fault ‫بیع‬،‫اخیم‬
Load ‫الدان‬ Stink ‫دبوبوھچران‬
Lap ‫وگد‬ Smelly ‫دبوبدار‬
Stroke ‫الہسان‬ immediately َ
Hurt ‫زمخدانی‬،‫فیلکتدانی‬ Heal ‫رھباجان‬،‫دنملموہان‬
Shrug ‫دنکےھااکچان‬ Exclaim ‫ےباسہتخانہک‬
Spurt ‫وھپانٹ‬ Enormous ‫تہبڑبا‬،‫دنلب‬
sticky ‫سیلدار‬،‫اپچپچ‬ fear ‫وخفاھکان‬

1. Why did the tiger offered to help the old man? (Class Discussion)
Ans: The tiger offered to help the old man because he took pity on him.

A. Comprehension
a. How did the old man earn his money?
Ans: The old man earned his money by cutting wood and selling it in the market.
b. Why did the old man become frightened in the forest one day?
Ans: The old man heard a loud growl, which frightened him.
c. What did the old man say about the tiger?
Ans: The old Man said that the tiger was very smelly.
d. What did the tiger ask the old man to do?
Ans: The tiger asked the old man to strike on the back with his axe.
e. How deep was the wound?
Ans: The wound was about two fingers deep.
f. In the story, what healed and what did not heal?
Ans: The wound healed but the harsh words of the man did not heal.
g. Has anyone ever hurt you with harsh words?
Ans: Yes, something people say things that hurt me.
2. Answer the questions about this line taken from the story.
a. Who put down the axe?
Ans: The woodcutter put the axe down.
b. Where was the person when this happened?
Ans: He was in the forest.
c. What made him stand still?
Ans: Fear of a ghost made him stand still.
d. What happened next?
Ans: A big tiger came out of the bushes.
3. Who might have said the following?

a. ‘Don’t ask me to do such a thing.’
Ans: The Old man.
b. ‘I can‘t help you cut the wood. I have too much work to do.
Ans: Old man’s wife.
c. ‘I ‘m sorry’
Ans: The Old man.
d. ‘Your words have hurt me more than the wound.
Ans: The tiger.

If you were in the old man’s place how would you have? Answered the tiger’s
If you I would have answered most of the question in same way as the old
man did. But I would certainly not have made any remark about tiger‘s stinky
skin. We should never say anything that might hurt our friends.

B. Working with Words

1. The words in the following sentences are in the wrong order. Write
the sentences so that the meaning is clear.
a. The axe picked up him.
He picked up the axe.
b. Stopped the purring tiger immediately.
Immediately, the tiger stopped purring.
c. Remember said what stinking I will you skin my always about.
I will always remember what you said about your stinking skin.
d. The stroked had tiger’s man.
The man stroked the tiger’s head.
2. What are these words? They all end with -ess.
a) The female of a tiger Tigress

b) To try to give the write answers without having Guess
real knowledge.
c) A dirty or untidy state of thing. Dirtiness
d) Details of where someone lived. Address
e) A king’s daughter. Princess
3. Use the underline phrases in sentences of your own.
a. Put away
Your bat and wash your hand.
b. Talking about
They were talking about their school.
Leave out the ticked sentences:
c. Look for
I looked for some books in the library.

C. Learning about Language

1. Change these adjectives into adverb then use them in sentences of
your own.
a. Heavy Heavily The stone fell heavily.

b. Proud Proudly I proudly displayed my drawing.

c. Neat Neatly She does her homework neatly.

d. Sad Sadly The old man shook his head sadly.

e. Hungry Hungrily We at our lunch hungrily.

f. Busy Busily They were busily doing their work.

g. Fierce Fiercely The tiger growled fiercely.

h. Happy Happily We went to the zoo happily.

1. Make sentences using the following.
a. I will buy a computer if I had some money.
b. She didn’t come to school because she was ill.
c. If they come tomorrow they will be able to see the snow fall.
d. She will be very happy if she wins the cup.

D. Listening and Speaking

Your teacher will read a description of three tools. Listen carefully. As you
listen, fill in the table with useful notes lastly by reading your notes. Draw the
tool in your notebook and name it, if you can.
Tool-1 Tool-2 Tool-3
Used for Cutting Cutting wood Cutting grain
wood or long grass
Handle made of Wood Wood/Plastic Wood
Handle Shape long Short Short
Blade made of Metal Metal Metal
Blade Shape Short, Long and Flat, with Long and
heavy, sharp teeth curved in
slightly semicircle
How it is With both With one hand With one
held/operated hands hand
Name of tool axe saw sickle

E. Composition
1. You were out on a camping trip with your friends. Something happened
that frightened you very much. Complete the letter. Write a letter to your
mother telling her about it.
Dear Mother,

I am fine here, and shall be home by next Tuesday. We are having lot of fun. But
something happened today that gave us all a bad fright.
I and three other boys were wandering in the woods. We went to the other side
of the stream. Trees are very thick on that side. One boy suggested that we
should climb the tallest tree. I refused to do so, because our teacher has
forbidden any climbing. The boy insisted………………………………………………………….…
I miss you all. Please pay my regards to father and other members of the family.
Your loving son,

Puppy and I
Words to Know:
Barely Grains used to feed ‫وج‬
cows and other farm
Hay Cut and dried grass. ‫کشخاھگس‬
Oats Another grain used to ‫یئج‬
feed cows and other
farm animals.

A. Understanding the Point

1. Answer the following questions:
a. How many other walkers did the poet meet on the way?

Ans: Five: man, horse, women, rabbits and the puppy.

b. Where were most of them going?

Ans: Most of them were going down to the village.

c. What kind of day was it?

Ans: It was a fine day.

d. Where was the woman going and why?

Ans: The woman was going down to the village to get some barley.

e. What answer the poet give to the rabbits?

Ans: The poet says: ‘No, not I’

f. What answer does the poet give to the puppy?

Ans: The poet says: ‘I shall come with you, Puppy’.

g. What the puppy is doing different from what are doing?

Ans: The others are working going to the villages to get food for themselves or
their animals. The puppy is going away from the village, up to hills to have fun.

h. What kind of person do you think the poet is?

Ans: The poet is someone who likes to play and have fun. He does not want to
join the workers. Perhaps the poet is a carefree person.

2. Answer the questions about this line from the poem.

‘Down to the village to get some bread.’

a. Who says these woods and wow?

The man to the poet.

b. What work does the speaker have that is the same as others?

They are all going to the village to get food.

c. What else does the speaker say?

Will you come with me?

d. What answer does he get?

No, not I.

B. Working with Words

1. How do they do it? See if you can match the following.



A Dog Leaps over the fence.

A Horse Gallops along the road.

A Yak Carries a heavy burden.

A Tiger Prowls in the jungle.

A Robin Hops onto the branches.

2. Try to put these in order of size from small to large.

a. Palace, cottage, castle, house

Cottage, house, castle, palace

b. Baby, boy, giant, man

Baby, boy, man, giant
c. Beetle, mosquito, frog, mouse
Mosquito, beetle, frog, mouse
d. Eagle, robin, owl, ostrich
Robin, owl, eagle, ostrich
3. Add an apostrophe to the words in the following:
a. I can see the owls looking at me. (How many owls?)

I can see the owl’s looking at me. (One owl is looking at me. If the apostrophe is
left out. It becomes a statement indicating that the speaker can see a number
of owls looking at him/ her.)

b. Lets see if he lets us in.

Let’s see if he lets us in. (Lets us see….)

c. Hes signed the letter, yours truly.

He‘s singed the letter, yours truly. (He has singed….’yours’ is a pronoun used to
indicate the one or ones belonging to you. It is never written with an

d. Its not standing up; its on its side!

It’s not standing up; it’s on its side! (It is not standing; it is on its side. The last
‘it’s’ is the possessive from of ‘it’ it is never written with an apostrophe.

e. That hats not hers, its yours.

That hat’s not hers, it’s yours. (Hat’s= hat is. The other possessive pronoun are
never written with an apostrophe.)

C. Learning about Language

1. Change the adjective (given in brackets) to adverbs and fill in the
a. She opened the door and smiled ___________ at me. (bright)

She opened the door and smiled brightly at me.

b. I went in ___________ and sat down. (swiftly)

I went in swiftly and sat down.

c. She __________ opened the cupboard. (cautious)

She cautiously opened the cupboard.

d. She spoke to me ___________. (sweet)

She spoke sweetly to me.

e. Then she _________ gave me bowl of rice. (Generous)

Then she generously gave me a bowl of rice.
2. Change the following sentence into questions.
a. You will come with me.
Will you come with me?
b. You are going early.
Are you going early?
c. Horses can also talk.
Can horses also talk?
3. Use the words in the column B in sentences of your own.

Good Better Frightening More Frightening

Little Less Bad Worse

Much More Many More

Pretty Prettier Far Farther

Interesting More Interesting Holy Holier

Better His answer is better than mine.
Less The shirts were less costly than the pants.
More Ali is more intelligent than his brother Sohail.
Prettier She is prettier than her elder sister.
More This novel is more interesting than the previous one.
More Ghost stories are more frightening than the ghost films.
Worse Your handwriting is worse than mine.
More I have more shoes than you.
Farther He can run farther than me.
Holier He thinks he is holier than others.
D. Listening and Speaking
1. Find rhyming words in the poem for the following.
a) Walking Talking
b) Said Bread
c) Hay Today
d) Oats Coats
e) Play Day

2. Can you thinks of words that rhyme with the following? Who can
find more rhyming words?
Do shoe, blue, grew, true, sue
Night Flight, sight, site, bite
Snow grow, throw, blow, doe, dough,
Round sound, bound, mound
Long song, gong, wrong
Fat hat, bat, mat, that

Stitch rich, pitch, which, which
Brick trick, kick, stick
Flock clock, block, smock, rock
Key bee, sea, me, fee
Mate late, gate, rate, date
Lop hope, crop, chop
Sick lick, trick, click, chick
Soap rope, cope
Yak back, lack, black, track
E. Composition
1. Imagine you are person in the poem. Write a short letter to a
friend, saying how you spent the morning with the puppy. Where did
you go? What did you return? Did you enjoy yourself?
22 – B Model Town,
December 31, 2018
Dear Ahmar,
I could not imagine it could be so fantastic and wonderful. I enjoying each and
every moment of my stay here in Swat. Today, I got up and went out when it
was still dark. I was walking to the nearby hill when I heard a sound. I turned my
head and found that a little puppy had also been running at my heels. I picked it
up. It was so cold and I didn’t want to leave it out here. Then I went to a hotel to
have breakfast. I ordered fried eggs, parathas and tea. I put the puppy on the
floor and ordered some milk for it too. It was a wonderful morning and I
enjoyed a lot. The company I of this little animal had given me so much joy that I
have decided to keep it as my pet. I am bringing it back to Lahore with me, so
you will also be able to meet him.
Pay my regards and love to all at home.
Your friend,
Ali Asif

The Story of Silk
Words to Know
Artefacts ‫دپسچلزیچ‬ Manufactured ‫انبای‬
Bearing ‫اچلڈاھل‬ Weaver ‫وجالاہ‬
Cocoon ‫وکام‬ Immediately ‫وفرا‬
Confined ‫دیفم‬،‫دحمود‬ Magnificent ‫اشدنار‬،‫اعیلاشن‬
Custom ‫رواج‬،‫رمس‬ Yarn ‫اون‬،‫داھےگ‬،‫وست‬

Elaborate ‫تنحمےسانبوہا‬،‫دقیق‬ Throughout ‫بسہگج‬،‫رہےصحںیم‬
Emperor ‫اشنہشہ‬ Royalty ‫اشیہاخدنانےکولگ‬
Reveal ‫ااشفرکان‬،‫اتبان‬ Legend ‫رپاین‬،‫دااتسن‬
Why do you think the Chinese wanted to keep the knowledge of
making silk a secret?
Ans: Silk was the finest clothes so it could be sold at a high price to other countries.
If they began making their own silk China would not be able to earn as much money from
sale. That is why Chinese wanted to keep the knowledge of making silk a secret.

A. Composition
1. Answer the following questions:
a. Where was silk discovered?
Ans: Silk was discovered in China.
b. What did the girl who because an empress do the fill her time before she
got married?
Ans: She worked from dawn to night; surrounded by friend and family who
exchanged news and gossip as the worked.
c. Why was the empress sad?
Ans: She missed her busy life and the company of her family and friends.
d. What did the emperor do to make the empress happy?
Ans: The emperor bought her grand clothes, jewels, and artefacts, threw
elaborate parties, hired the best musicians of the land to amuse her.
e. Where was the empress when she discovered silk and what she doing?
Ans: She was in her garden when she discovered silk. She was sipping hot water
at that time.
f. What was the great idea that the empress had?
Ans: The empress had the idea to use the threads from many silk cocoons to
weave soft, strong, cloth from them.

g. How did the empress, how this discovered silk, know how to weave?
Ans: She belonged to the family of a weaver. That is why she knew how to
h. What were the differences between the empress‘s life before and after she
got married?
Ans: before marriage, she spent a lot of time in open countryside .she was very
busy. She was always surrounded by friends and family. Talking and working all
day long. After marriage, she was confined to the palace. She did not have
anything to do and nobody to talk to .Such big changes in her life her sad.
2. Answer the question about this line from the story.
‘But then she took a closer Look, and she saw some threads peeping out from
the cocoon.’
a. Who took a closer look?
Ans: The empress.
b. Where was the cocoon?
Ans: In the cup of hot water she had been drinking.
c. Who was she feeling at this time?
Ans: Sad.
d. What did she do for this?
Ans: She pulled out the threads and had a great idea: to take the threads from
many cocoon and weave soft, strong cloth from it.
e. What is this an important movement in the story?
Ans: This is the movement when silk was this discovered.
3. Fill in the blanks.
a. She_________ sipped hot water from a cup.
She slowly sipped hot water from a cup.
b. They had _________ a fair amount of yarn.
They had gathered a fair amount of yarn.

c. The empress had a __________ idea.
The empress had a great idea.
d. She had hidden the cocoons in her long ___________ hairdo.
She had hidden the cocoons in her long elaborate hairdo.
e. She had grown up in the ___________ open spaces of the _____.
She had grown up in the wide open spaces of the countryside.

Why do you think silk is such a special cloth?
Ans: It is soft, strong, and bright- the best from of cloth.

B. Working with Words

1. All these words are in the story. Unscramble them!
a. IEEPNGP Peeping
b. AT EARLOBE Elaborate
c. AV WEER Weaver
d. ON COCO Cocoon
e. GRIN ABE Bearing
f. CRISPENS princess
2. How many words can you make from the letters in each grid
below? You must use the middle letter in all the words you make.
a. Y R S
Yes, yet year, yeast, rate, red, read, rest, reed, ready, set, seat, seed, seer,
seedy, sedate, tread, tea, tear, tease, ease, east, ear, easy, dear, deer, deter,
desert, dare, date, ate, are.
b. R T S

Respite, ripe, tip, trip, sip, step, spire, sprite, spite, spit, spire pet, pest, pester,
peer, pier.
c. E E A
Ewe, awe, awed, sway, swan, way, wand, wade, was, wad, wane, wend, yawn,
wean, yawn, new, dew, dawn.
3. Given below are the meaning of some word can you guess them?
In the past Previously

Most lovely Prettiest

In the week weekly

C. Learning about Language

Subject and Predicate
1. Divide the following sentences into their subject and predicates.
a. Birds Fly in the air

b. Carpenter Make furniture

c. The girl Sang as they walked along.

d. My mother Went to Hyderabad , Yesterday

f. My two brother Made a box

2. Using the correct from of verb:

See if you complete the following. Use the words in brackets but change it.
a. Yesterday, we _____________ in the river. (Swim)
Yesterday we swam in the river.

b. Last night a thief ________ my bicycle. (Steal)
Last night a thief stole my bicycle.
c. Last week my mother ____________ some new clothes. (Buy)
Last week my mother bought some new clothes.
d. Yesterday, I _______ him a letter. (Send)
Yesterday I sent him a letter.
e. My brother ___________ his friend home. (Bring)
My brother brought his friend home.

D. Listening and Speaking

Your teacher will read a short passage. In it, a new teacher introduces
herself. Read the questions first, then listen and tick the correct
answer for the questions below.
A passage to be read aloud:
The New Teacher
Hello! My name is Mrs. Zeb. I came from Sialkot in Punjab, but have lived for the
past ten years in Islamabad. I completed my Schooling at Cathedral High School,
and my higher studies at Kinnaird Collage in Lahore , In my free time , when I am
not teaching, I like to go travelling and I read a lot . I don’t take part in sports,
but love to watch cricket on television. I also like old films. I sometimes eat
Italian food such as spaghetti and pizza, but I like food that is too spicy. My
favorite colors are green and blue! Hate red!
1. What is the teacher’s name?
a. Mrs. Zafar b. Mrs. Zaid
c. Mrs. Zeb
2. Where is the teacher from?
a. Karachi b. Sialkot
c. Quetta
3. What was the name of the teacher’s school?
a. City b. Cathedral High
c. Oxford High
4. What does the teacher like doing?
a. Eating and traveling b. Traveling and sports
c. Reading and traveling
5. What does the teacher watch on television?
a. Sports and films b. Cricket and old films
c. Cricket and serials
6. What does the teacher not like to eat?
a. Italian food b. Chinese food
c. Spicy food
7. What colors does the teacher like?
a. Red and blue b. Blue and green
c. Green and red

E. Composition
What would you do to cheer up someone who is feeling sad?
What could you say, do, or arrange to make someone feel happy?
In praise, role play a few different ideas. Write about how you would cheer up
some body how is feeling sad.
Ans: I would cheer him up with smiles and laughter .I would pat him on the
shoulder or knee again and again, and tell him some jokes and humorous
anecdotes. Human touch has a healing power, and so has the company of
animal and birds. I will take some pet along, and made him talk to my pet or my
pet to him. I will show him some beautiful pictures. Also, I will discuss with him
his dreams. I will talk to him about his parents ‘love for him.

‫دوھپ سنکتےوہےئ‬
Words to Know:

Flap Itch ‫یلجھک‬

Buzz Doze ‫اوانھگن‬
Wink Whimper ‫وکںوکںرکان‬
Sleepy Force of Habit ‫اعدتےکتحت‬
Scratch Porch ‫ڈویڑیھ‬
A. Understanding the poem
1. Answer the following question:
a. What did the dog flap its ears?
Ans: The dog flapped its ears to get right of a buzzing fly.

b. Where did the dog scratch itself?
Ans: The dog scratched itself on an itching spot.
c. What did the dog dream about?
Ans: The dog dreamt about chasing a rabbit.
d. Why do you think the dog lay down in the sun?
Ans: The dog lied down in the summer because it was too old and lazy to run
e. Which words best describe the dog?
i Hot ii active iii dreamy
Ans: Hot and old best describe the dog.
f. What are differences between the old dog in the poem and the puppy you
read and about previous poem?
Ans: The old dog is lazy. It prefers to lie down and rest than run around because
it has grown too old. The puppy previous poem is young and full of energy.
It much prefers to play and have fun than to lie down and rest.
2. Answer the questions about this line taken from the poem.
‘He whimpered a bit.’
a. Who whimpered? What does ‘whimper’ mean?
Ans: The dog whimpered. ‘Whimper’ means to make a low whining sound or to
cry softly.

Q. Write a picture description above mentioned image:

The Railway Journey

1. Answer the following questions:
a) Why were Saher and Razi travelling by train?
Ans: Saher and Razi were travelling to Lahore to stay with their friend Moiz.
b) How did the boys pass their time on the train?
Ans: The boys spread their sheets on the bunks, ate their food while enjoying
the cool night air blowing through the open window, watched the lights of the
cars in the distance, and then settled down for the night.
c) What happened when train stopped at the station?
Ans: When the train stopped at the station, a man put his hand through the
window and stole Razi’s wallet.
d) How was the thief caught?
Ans: Razi and Timmy chased the thief on to the platform. Razi told the
stationmaster and some other men what happened, and just then they heard a
cry from the railway yard. They climbed over the railings into the yard, and
found that Timmy had trapped the thief.
e) What did Saher do to stop the train? Would you have stopped the train?
What might have happened if train had not been stopped?
Ans: Saher pulled the (emergency) chain to stop the train. Pupils will give their
own responses and reasons for the other two questions.
2. Who said the following?
a) ‘I pulled the chain.’
b) ‘Over there, near the wall!’

One of the men
c) ‘What happened?’
The stationmaster
d) ‘Don’t do anything foolish.’
Razi’s father
e) Stop! Thief!
f) Well done, Timmy.
Razi (everyone).
3. Answer the questions about these lines taken from the story.
‘The guard blew his whistle. Slowly, the train began to move.’
a) Who were on the platform? Who were in the train?
Ans: Razi’s father and mother and Saher’s young sister were on the
platform. Razi, Saher, and Timmy were in the train.
b) Where was train going?
Ans: To Lahore City Station.
c) What advice had those on train received, and from whom?
Ans: Razi’s father told Razi to be careful and not to do anything foolish.
Razi’s mother told him not to stand near the door or to put his hands
out of the windows. Saher’s sister told the boys to look after their
d) What did those on the train do as soon as the train left the station?
Ans: They spread their sheets on their bunks.

B. Working with words

1. Use the underlined words in sentences of your own.

Pupils will make up their own sentences. Make sure the verbs and the adverbial
particles or prepositions are used in the correct sense.

C. Learning about the language

1. Read pages 85 and 86 again. Then divide the following sentences
into their subjects and predicates.
Subject Predicate
a) The boy fell off his bicycle.
b) The bicycle was lying on the ground.
c) The boy was on the ground too!
d) He had hurt his arm.
e) A man took the boy to hospital.
2. Join the sentences with the word who:
Give further examples.
a. Find me a man who is rich and brave.
b. This is the teacher who taught my grandfather.
c. This is the carpenter who made your chairs.
d. This is the girl who came by bus.
D. Listening and Speaking
1. Your teacher will read a poem aloud. Listen carefully. When you
hear the name of a colour, mark it with a tick.
Read the poem on page 133 of the Textbook aloud. When you have finished, ask
the pupils to tell you how many words they have ticked on their lists. If the
numbers don’t tally, read the poem again.
The following colours are mentioned in the poem:

red, brown, orange, pink, blue, grey, purple, black, yellow, cyan

2. Do you know what all these colours look like? Do some research
and find out. If possible, get a colour chart to show the pupils what
the colours look like. Which word in the list above is not a colour?

‫‪Outside my window‬‬
‫‪Words to Know:‬‬
‫‪Bicker‬‬ ‫ڑگھجان‪،‬ثحبرکان‬ ‫‪Ruts‬‬ ‫درز‪،‬رہنخ‪،‬ریکل‬
‫‪Din‬‬ ‫وشرولغ‬ ‫‪Squabbling‬‬ ‫چ ھڑےتوہےئ‬
‫‪For aging‬‬ ‫وخراکالتشرکان‬ ‫‪Wriggle‬‬ ‫تملان‪،‬انلچم‬
‫‪Hollers‬‬ ‫الچیتےہیتخیچےہ‬ ‫‪Swoop‬‬ ‫وغہتاگلان‬
‫‪Plucked‬‬ ‫چنیھکاکنانل‪،‬وتڑان‬ ‫‪Window‬‬ ‫ڑھکی‬

A. Understanding the Poem
1. Answer the following question.
a. The two animal get along which each other?
Ans: No, they do not get along which each other at all.
b. Who is the narrator of the poem?
Ans: A girl watching the animal from her room.
c. What are both animals collecting?
Ans: They are collecting food.
d. What food is a favorite for both of the animals?
Ans: Littles bugs.
e. What does Squirrel say to magpie?
Ans: ‘Ha, it’s my garden.
f. What does Magpie say to Squirrel?
Ans: ‘Hey’ don’t take my snack.
g. The person listing to the animal imagines that they are quarrelling. Find for
words that man the same as quarrel.
Ans: Fight, arguing, squabbling, bicker.
h. How do we know that the animal’s noise is disturbing the person in the
Ans: Because the poet uses the words ‘Din’ to describe the sounds of the
animals. ‘Din’ means a disturbing noise. This words shows that the animal’s
noise is disturbing the person in the house.
i. In what ways are the two animals different? Think about how they move
and what they eat?
Ans: Magpie is a bird. Squirrel is a land animal. Magpie files. Squirrel runs.
Magpie loves to eat berries. Squirrel to eat nuts.

j. Now make a list of all the similarities between the two animals. Take hints
from your answers to c and d above, but also think about their behavior.
Ans: They both like bugs, collect food and fight with each other.
2. Answer the question about this line from the poem.
I watch and I wonder:
Why must they bicker?
a. Who is the narrator watching?
Ans: The squirrel and the magpie.
b. What does ‘bicker’ mean?
Ans: To argue over minor problems.
c. The narrator imagines that the animals are bickering. What do you think
they are doing that sounds like bickering?
Ans: Making noises.

B. Working with Words

1. Match the words in A with the abbreviations in in B. Abbreviations
are short forms.
Mister Mr.
Street St
Doctor Dr
saint st

2. Write these names using short forms.

a. George Bernard Shaw G .b Shaw
b. Charles dickens c. dickens
c. William butler Yeats w. b Yeats

d. Your own name a. Ahmed
3. Use the following in sentences of your own. Be careful, the meaning
changes when the words are split!
a. Nobody Nobody can defy god.
b. Somebody Somebody will come to deliver the letter.
c. anyone Anyone can be successful.
d. No body When the police searched there was no
e. Some body He has painted some of his body.
f. Any one Any one person can this job.
C. Learning about language
1. Find the object of the verbs in the following sentences.
a. The squirrel eats nuts.
b. The old man built a new house.
c. My father killed a very large cockroach.
d. My uncle lost an extremely valuable watch.
e. The farmer caught the chicken.
f. Eat your vegetables!
g. She shouted at the magpie in the garden.

D. Listening and Speaking

1. All these words contain the letter Z. what are they?
a. The noise made by a bee. Buzz

b. An animal like a horse, with stripes. Zebra
c. A place where you might see this animal. Zoo
d. Not hard –working sluggish and idle. Lazy
e. A sharp tool with which to shaves. Razor
2. Note the sound of s in the following. Say the words aloud, and
listen carefully to the sound.
cosy toast television Island
mouse daisies sizes please
measure roses sausage sample
sugar pose mass misses
safe leisure rise rust
3. Work with a classmate. First sort the words into groups one for
each sound. (How many groups can you make? Then try to add
words to the groups. Say the words aloud a number of times to
make sure you have put the words in the correct groups.
a. Sound like z Cosy, daisies, sizes, roses, pose, please, rise.
b. Sound like s Toast, misses, (finals like z) mouse, sausage, sample,
mass, safe, ruts.
c. As a silent Island.
d. Sound like Television, measure, leisure.
e. Sound like Sugar.
E. Composition
Write about a time when you showed determination.
Ans: Last years, when I was in class two I was very poor in speaking before the
class. The students made fun of me when I was asked to

Recite my lesson before the class, and I could not. One day, it all got very bad. I
could not read even a single word. The teacher encouraged me but I could not
go on. At last, she asked me to go to my seat. My class – fellows had a hearty
laugh. I felt greatly ashamed of me. I determined to make amends. The next
day, the teacher ignored me. She did not ask me to read before the class. But I
had made up mind. I voluntarily got up from my seat and started reading .As I
went on, my voice grew stronger, clearer and louder. At last, I had overcome my
fear of speaking in public.

The Nawab of Salimabad (I)
Words to Know:

story teller ‫دااتسنوگ‬ cavalry ‫راسہل‬،‫ڑھگوساروفیج‬
moneylender ‫اسوہاکر‬ sire ‫اعیلاجہ‬
ruler ‫رمکحان‬ disguise ‫سیھبدبانل‬
subject ‫امتحت‬،‫اخدم‬،‫الغم‬ robes ‫ڑپکے‬،‫ابلس‬
palace ‫لحم‬ journey ‫رفسرکان‬
regiment ‫وفیجدہتس‬ worn ‫یسھگیٹپ‬
cloak ‫اچدر‬ serve ‫اھکاندانی‬
soaked ‫رشاوبر‬،‫یگیھبوہیئ‬ strip ‫یٹپ‬
terrible ‫تہبربا‬ awful ‫زیت‬،‫تہبربی‬

1. Was the Nawab a popular leader? How do we know?
Ans: Yes, the Nawab was a popular ruler. Being apart from their sons for so
long, farmer and his wife praise the Nawab. This proves his popularity among
his people.

A. Comprehension
1. Answer the following questions.
a. Why did Nawab enter the small house?
Ans: Nawab entered the small house to take shelter from rain.
b. Why didn’t the three sons send letters to their parents?
Ans: The sons could not write and the parents could not read.
c. What is a regiment?

Ans: A regiment is a large group of soldiers.
d. What made the Nawab’s cloak wet?
Ans: Nawab‘s cloak had become wet because of rain.
e. What did the farmer and his wife grow on their land?
Ans: The farmer and his wife grew wheat and onion on their land.
f. In what ways were the farmer and his wife kind?
Ans: They gave the Nawab shelter in rainy weather. They provided him with
warmth, food and a place to sleep.
2. Answer the question about these lines from the story.
How can I tell whether those people who are poor are also happy?
a. Who asks this question?
Ans: The Nawab asks this question.
b. Who is asked this question?
Ans: The Wazir is asked this question.
c. What answer is given to the speaker?
Ans: The wazir answers that the Nawab cannot tell whether the poor people in
his kingdom are happy or not.
d. How does the speaker find out the answer to the question?
Ans: He finds out the answer to the question by travelling through his kingdom
and observing the condition of his people.
3. Match the following.
The Nawab of Salimabad Was a very great man.
He travelled For many months.
He wore a cloak Over his shoulders.
Cover yourself With this blanket.

The Nawab was proud of his cavalry. What do you think made him proud of
the cavalry? Are you proud of anything? Talk about it.
Ans: The riders and horses of Nawab’s cavalry were the finest in the kingdom.
That is why, the Nawab was proud of them. I am proud of my school. I think it is
the finest school of the city. We are treated with kindness. All this makes me
proud of my school.

B. Working with Words

1. Chose the correct words from the box to complete the sentences.
war walking wasted waiter wail

a. We often move from one to another by walking.

b. This happens when countries fight each other: war
c. If you don’t eat your food it may be wasted.
d. He serves in a restaurant as a waiter.
e. A long, loud, sad cry is called a wail.
2. Write the opposites of the following words. You will find the words
in the play.
a. cool warm b. ill well
c. ashamed proud d. badly well
3. Write words with the same meaning as the following you will find
the words in the play.
a) cross = unkind e) dreadful = awful
b) in the end = finally f) relaxed = comfortable
c) get by = manage g) pleasure = enjoyment
C. Learning about Language
1. Fill in the blanks in the following by changing the words in
brackets, and something by adding a word too.
a. Gold is _________ than paper. (Heavy)
Gold is heavier than paper.
b. This book is---------- then that one.

This book is more interesting than that one.
c. Is eating __________ than sleeping? (Good)
Is eating better than sleeping?
d. Is stealing _________ than hurting people? (Bad)
Is stealing worse than hurting people?
e. Is a poem _________ than a picture? (Beautiful)
Is a poem more beautiful than a picture?
2. Add articles in the blank below. (Not all the blanks need to be
Once upon ________ time there lived _____ ugly miser. He was _____
Very rich man and he grew ________ oranges and ______ apples. He sold them
in ________ market. One day I asked him for _______ apple. He said, ‘I can’t
give you _______ apple, but I’ll sell you ______ one. Then give me ______
orange,’ I said. I put _______ fruit in my bag and walked off down _______ road.
Ans: Once upon a time there lived. An ugly miser. He was a very rich man and
he grew oranges and apples. He sold them in the market. One day I asked him
for an apple. He said,’ I can’t give you an apple, but I‘ll sell you one.’ Then give
me an orange,’ I said. I put the fruit in my bag and walked off down the road.

D. Composition
Who did the Nawab meet on his travels around the kingdom?
Write about some of the people he might have met.
Ans: The Nawab met a carpenter in village. He stayed for one night with him
and noticed that the carpenter has a very large family. He has to work very hard
to provide for the needs of his family but he is a happy man. That is because he
earns an honest living and loves his family. The Nawab requested the
permission to spend a night in his guest- house but the rich man refused. He
instead told the Nawab that he can stay with the servants if he likes. The Nawab
found out that the rich man was very afraid of the robbers and he thought that
the Nawab might want to rob him if he allowed him to stay in the guest-house.

Due to his fear, the rich man befriended on one. He thought that his servants
were thieves. He was by everyone who came to know him.

The Nawab of Salimabad (I)
Words to Know
commander ‫ہپساسالر‬،‫امکدنار‬ window ‫ڑھکیک‬
overjoyed ‫اہنتیوخش‬ valuable ‫مپنی‬
miserable ‫ریغامہ‬،‫اکیبر‬ cost ‫تمیقرانھک‬
What kind of a man was the moneylender?
Ans: The moneylenders was a greedy man.

A. Comprehension
1. Answer the following questions.
a. How did the Nawab meet the farmer’s three sons?
Ans: He asked the commander of the cavalry to bring them before him.
b. Who felt proud at serving the Nawab?
Ans: The sons of the farmer were proud at serving the Nawab.
c. What did the farmer’s wife give to the Nawab?
Ans: The farmer’s wife gave a basket full of onion to the Nawab. This was to
thanks him for sending her sons back.
d. What did the old lady receive as a present?
Ans: She received a box full of a hundred mohars of gold.

e. Did the moneylender get a valuable present?
Ans: No, he got a box full of on.
f. Why do you think the Nawab sent the boys home?
Ans: The Nawab wanted the boys to live with parents and help them in their old
g. What kind of a man was the Nawab?
Ans: The Nawab was a kind and generous man. He was also very wise.
2. Complete the following sentences in your own words.
a. After some months the Nawab was tired.
b. ’Your onion are very bad.
c. ‘When I was travelling, I got very bored’.
d. The old woman was very frightened.
e. ‘Tell him to bring some food’.
f. I am going to visit a friends to borrow some money.’
g. ‘Are you not angry that I broke your ink- pot?’
h. Thank your mother for her kindness.’
3. Answer the questions about these lines taken from the story.
A businessman, sire. Yes, a businessman. I have brought you a gift.
a. Who speaks these words?
Ans: The moneylender speaks these words.
b. To whom are the words spoken?
Ans: The words are spoken to Nawab.
c. Why does the speaker repeat the word ‘businessman’?
Ans: He repeats the word to emphasize that he is a businessman. Being is
respectable, while being a moneylender is not so respectable a profession.
d. What gift has he brought, and why?
Ans: He has brought a fine horse. He expects to receive an even more valuable
gift in return for the horse.

Why did the moneylender give the Nawab a horse?
Ans: The moneylender was expecting a more valuable gift in return for his gift.
He thought if the farmer’s wife got a box full gold coins for some onions, he
would get much more for a fine horse.

B. Working with Words

1. Fill in the blanks with one of the words given in the box.
neigh howl hiss

trumpet hum roar

a. Two or three bees started to hum near his ear.

b. In the distances he could hear a wolf howl.
c. Have you ever heard a horse neigh?
d. A cobra reared his head at him and began to hiss.
e. Last weekend in the zoo we heard the lions roar.
f. I heard an elephant trumpet in the jungle.
C. Learning about Language
1. Add ‘not ‘to the following sentences. You may have to make some
other changes too.
a. The Wazir talked to the woman.
The Wazir did not talk to the woman.
b. I have brought him a present.
I have not brought him a present.
c. The money lender travelled home.
The moneylender did not travel home.
d. The old woman wishes to see you.
The old woman does not wish to see you.
e. You said they were good onions.
You did not say they were good onions.
2. Complete the chart using the correct from of verbs.

a. get got gotten
b. see saw seen
c. find found found
d. come came come
e. shake shook shaken
3. Use suitable adverbs in place of the underlined words.
hurriedly bravely well badly
quickly beautifully slowly easily
a. He did some work badly.
b. She did something easily.
c. He fought against the enemy bravely.
d. He walked quickly.
e. He ate his breakfast hurriedly.
D. Composition
You may have noticed in the play that the sons, Salim, Hamid and Irfan do not
have much to say. With the other members of your group read the two parts
of the play again. Think about how the three sons might contribute to the
conversation. You may have to change the story a little. Give the three boys
(or any other character in the play)
Some more line to say and write out the dialogue. There is a knock on the
Hamid: Who is it?
Moneylender: It’s me. The moneylender.
Salim: What does he wants? We don’t him any money.
Irfan: Let us see.
He goes and opens the door. Moneylender enters.
Hamid: May we ask why you are here?

Irfan: I don’t think we owe you any money.
Salim: And we heard that you don’t go to anyone’s home expect to ask for your
money or the profit due on it.
Moneylender: No, no, it’s nothing like that. I just wanted to meet your mother.
Hamid: Mother is not home.
Moneylender: Eh, she is not home? Er, when shall she be home, if you don’t
mind telling me?
Irfan: He and father went to visit some relatives in the other village. It might
take them some weeks to gets back.
Moneylender: (hesitating) I just wanted to ask her what’s so special about her
onions that the Nawab paid hundreds of coins of gold for them.
Irfan: Oh!
Salim: I see!
Hamid: (smiles) so you wanted to know the secret of my mother’s onions?
Moneylender: Er, yes.
Hamid: it will cost you.
Moneylender: (with more hesitation) How much?

Salim: (catching on) I think a hundred coins of gold.

Irfan: Oh, no brothers. You have asked for too little. I think it should be at least
two hundred coins.
Moneylender: A hundred it is. I will pay you right now. (He counts out the
money and hands it over to the brothers. They smiles at each other)
Hamid: Now listen carefully. The most special thing about those onions was
that they satisfied the huger of a hungry man.
Salim: And they were not given in anticipation of any return.
Irfan: Add Nawab sahib did not pay for them. He returned a kindness with a
Moneylender: What rubbish is this?

Hamid: It is what you paid for. Now you know the secret of our mother’s onions.
We have given you a fair deal. You can test this formula yourself if you like. Now
please leave. We have a lot to do.
The Moneylender scratches his head and stays lost in thought for some
moments. Apparently he is beginning to understand something he has never
thought about before. He smiles at the brothers, turns and exits.

Nuruddin Uncle

Words to Know
spectacles ‫کنیع‬،‫ہمشچ‬ warrior ‫ڑلےنواال‬،‫وجگنج‬
band ‫داھیتہلھچ‬ deeds ‫اکرانےم‬،‫اکم‬،‫اامعل‬
usually ‫ومعام‬،‫اعموطررپ‬ fairies ‫رپایں‬
munch ‫ابچان‬ courtyard ‫نحص‬
A. Understanding the poem.
1. Answer the following questions.
a. What does Nuruddin Uncle wear on his nose?
Ans: He wears his spectacles on his nose.
b. Why is the boy not frightened by the stories?
Ans: The boy is not frightened because Nuruddin uncle is sitting near him.
c. What happens when the last story has been told?
Ans: Uncle Nuruddin says ‘goodbye’ to the boy and laughs with joy.
d. What kind of man is Nuruddin Uncle? Say what qualities he has, giving
examples from the poem.
Ans: Nuruddin uncle is a kind and loving man. This is shown by the fact that he
brings sweets for the speaker in the poem. He entertains the joy as is told in the
last line of the poem.
2. Answer the questions about this line taken from the poem.
They ring in my head all night long.
a. What ‘rings in his head?
Ans: The stories ring in his head.

b. Do them really ‘rings’? The stories ring in the poet’s head the whole night
Ans: This means that all the night he keeps thinking and dreaming about the
c. Why do you think the stories ring in the poet’s head the whole night long?
Ans: The stories keeping ‘ringing in the poet’s head because he keeps thinking
about them the whole night long.

B. Working with words

1. Write sentences of your own, using the verbs above.
Draw: My sister draws beautiful pictures.

My father drew ten thousand rupees from the bank.

A bull was drawing the cart.

The boy drew some water from the well

The bow broke while the archer was drawing it.

Break: The plate broke when I dropped it accidently.

People who break the law are punished.

I had to break open the lock of cupboard.

I had to break open the lock of cupboard.

I had to break the news of his father’s accident to him.

A Muslims does not break his promise.

Make: I made a request to the teacher about getting leave.

Do not make false promise.

The children were making a great noise.

Ali’s father made a huge profit in his business.

We made a great effort to win the match.

C. Learning about Language

1. Joint following sentences using ‘which’
a. This is the pen. I sold it to you last week.
This is the pen which I sold you last week.
b. This is the letter. I sent it to my mother.
This is the letter which I sent to my mother.
c. This is the rice. I bought it yesterday.
This is the rice which I bought yesterday.

D. Listening and Speaking

1. Find two rhyming words in the poem for the following.
a. Punch Lunch, munch
b. Rose Goes, nose
c. Shawl Tall, all
2. Add at least one rhyming word (not in the poem) to each set above. Read
the sets of words aloud.
a. Punch Lunch, munch, crunch
b. Rose Goes, nose, hose
c. Shawl Tall, all, call
E. Composition
1. Use the following in sentences of your own.
a. As clear as day
The water of the stream was as clear as day.
b. As pale as a ghost

After the operation, he looked as pale as a ghost.
c. As loud as thunder
The elephant’s trumpeting was as loud as thunder.
d. As quiet as a lamb
After having his milk, the baby was as quiet as a lamb.
e. As flat as a board
This bed is as flat as a board.
f. As weak as a baby
The old man was as week as a baby.

2. Use one of the phrases in a paragraph. Can you use two or more that are
Ans: Ali caught malaria fever and took to bed for several days. After a long treatment, when
he was finally able to stand up and walk a few step, he felt himself as weak as a baby His
friends who came to visit him remarked that he looked as pale as a ghost. He did not went
out to play for many days. Most of the time he spent in bed, as quiet as a lamb.

Composed by: Miss Zara

Edited by: Muhammad Ibrahim Ahmed
Published by: The Roots School System


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