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Identifying and Solving Human Resource Problems

In order to address the problems encountered by a Human Resource, we need to examine problems,
identify, assess, and evaluate it.

Organizational Strategy and Structure

This one here is referring to the plan or steps that an organization may do especially to a Human
Resource Person because looking and hiring the right people for the job may seem an easy job but its
not, it requires proper assessments and evaluation as to make sure we got the person most fitted for the
job. Also, structure means a specific arrangements of things or people. Having a structure within the
establishment can create harmony as it can addressed the job description of each employee and make
well in there job because their expectation will not fall short to what they are entitled to do and receive
after task completion. This here may also refer to the hierarchy in the workplace.

Human Resource Strategy

It means the business’s overall plans that sets direction to all key areas of Human Resource
management which includes hiring, performance evaluation, the wellness of the employees or the
development and the compensations. In order for the organization to flourish we need to set standards
that needs to be followed and adhere as important. Without proper strategy from the Human Resource
it would be hard to have the right people to work with each job needed. Also, aside from looking for the
correct person for the Job we also need to check on our development for the employees and
compensations as these two here will help the organization have expectation that their employee will
grow well within and will stay for a longer period. So, it’s also hard to keep people from leaving and as
an HR we need to be flexible always.
Recruiting and Selection

Recruiting is actually looking for applicants and encourage to apply for the position asked and that is
fitted for them. A selection on the other hand is the part of the process of HR where in we need to
choose and hire on these candidates who pose themselves as person fitted for the job. Since, this one
here is about the recruiting and Selection process, it’s indeed one of the problem of HR. Sometimes,
recruiting comes easy as people tend to look for jobs but the selection process have to be difficult. In
order to address this difficulty, I think HR can always follow the standard process of hiring and that is to
evaluate each candidate and check properly who have the correct attitude, mindset and skills for the
job. Just be careful to be biased since it’s rampant now a days and there will always people wanting to
do the job but not all can do the job well.

Performance Appraisal

It means to look over the employees work performance and its overall contribution to the company.
After encountering the other problems of an HR, this one here is done when the employee is already
hired and have work within the organization in considerable amount of time. From those time the
employee work, the job performance should be regularly checked by an HR manager to make sure we
have the right person for the job and that we do not need to terminate a contract because firing and
hiring a new one is another whole task to do. It’s much easier to just help the one that is already on the
job develop and improve its capabilities. However, if the resources are already provided and when
performance check is still the same then we can now decide to lay off. We need to put faith in our
employees as the HR itself is the one who have evaluated the person to do the job. It would be a waste
of time and money molding a person who is going to leave anyway or is not well suited for the job after
all. So, as an HR, it will really be a hard task to do as they have to decide if the employee is still
contributing well to the company or not and who can stay and who should leave.


It means the task of teaching a person. In Human Resource, training means to have the person learn the
required information to fill the vacant job and to have knowledge of the organization they are going to
enter to curve their expectations. Also, it involves the development and growth of an employee who
have undergo various training of the company. What is taught would be most relevant and important to
the company or organization. Here, Human Resource should prepare the proper tools, materials and
information to share to their employees. It is to make sure each one of them are able to perform
effectively as expected of them. Being the last in the problems encountered by a Human Resource, It
could just simply mean that it’s an important process and it should be done exceptionally well as it will
affect future performance.

Desired Result: The right number of appropriately skilled people in the right jobs at the right time.

After defining and briefly explaining each problems of a Human Resource, we now have here the Desired
Result. It means that the expectation should have been meet. Such as having the fitted employees for
the vacant jobs and having time to work well. Their should be no problem with the overall decision
made by an HR because the HR is doing its best to adhere with the process. Being an HR could be hard at
time because sometimes they have to face versatile people and also they are expected to have good
judgement that put them in tight spot when one employees does a wrong thing.

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