Christ Vs Disney

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“We lovingly explore how this timeless journey was created.”

“In the eye of the storm, we are witnesses to

the greatest battle of love.

Looking into the window of our minds, we glimpse what is ahead.

Timebound beliefs maturate into immortal ones.

Discover the deepest dreams of your heart.

Obtain golden values of Christ and Disney and build

your new dream kingdom

Discover the magical substance that manifests dreams of color.

Vivify your imagination and awaken within your dream’s brainstorm.

There is a energy science cannot see… It is called royalty.

There is a energy science cannot see… It is called royalty.

Disney’s bricks and Christ’s foundation

The force that can build worlds.

Hold the golden secrets of Christ and Disney.

Architect a blueprint to map your future destiny.

Experience the world of a true kingdom

We are gaining momentum! Inspiration to finish our adventure!

Lets Enjoy Christmas with Disney and Christ

The question that renewed the world

Discover the epic life story of the Author

Why Christ and Disney Blend so well

A world dominated by love, peace and magic

We take flight and meet Disney in the sky of our dreams

Literature for the Angels. The portal back Home.

There is more then one way to heaven

In these days of world tensions, when the faith of men is being tested as
never before, I am personally thankful that my parents taught me at a very
early age to have a strong personal belief and reliance in the power of prayer
for Divine inspiration. My people were members of the Congregational Church
in our home town of Marceline, Missouri. It was there where I was first
taught the efficacy of religion … how it helps us immeasurably to meet the
trial and stress of life and keeps us attuned to the Divine inspiration. Later in
DeMolay, I learned to believe in the basic principle of the right of man to
exercise his faith and thoughts as he chooses. In DeMolay, we believe in a
supreme being, in the fellowship of man, and the sanctity of the home.
DeMolay stands for all that is good for the family and for our country.
Every person has his own ideas of the act of praying for God‘s guidance,
tolerance, and mercy to fulfill his duties and responsibilities. My own concept
of prayer is not as a plea for special favors nor as a quick palliation for
wrongs knowingly committed. A prayer, it seems to me, implies a promise as
well as a request; at the highest level, prayer not only is a supplication for
strength and guidance, but also becomes an affirmation of life and thus a
reverent praise of God.
Deeds rather than words express my concept of the part religion should play
in everyday life. I have watched constantly that in our movie work the
highest moral and spiritual standards are upheld, whether it deals with fable
or with stories of living action. This religious concern for the form and
content of our films goes back 40 years to the rugged financial period in
Kansas City when I was struggling to establish a film company and produce
animated fairy tales. Many times during those difficult years, even as we
turned out Alice in Cartoonland and later in Hollywood the first Mickey
Mouse, we were under pressure to sell out or debase the subject matter or go
―commercial‖ in one way or another. But we stuck it out — my brother Roy

and other loyal associates — until the success of Mickey Mouse and Silly
Symphonies finally put us in the black. Similarly, when war came to the
United States in 1941, we turned from profitable popular movie-making to
military production for Uncle Sam. Ninety-four per cent of the Disney
facilities in Hollywood became engaged in special government work, while the
remainder was devoted to the creation of morale building comedy, short
Both my study of Scripture and my career in entertaining children have
taught me to cherish them. But I don‘t believe in playing down to children,
either in life or in motion pictures. I didn‘t treat my own youngsters like
fragile flowers, and I think no parent should.
Children are people, and they should have to reach to learn about things, to
understand things, just as adults have to reach if they want to grow in mental
stature. Life is composed of lights and shadows, and we would be untruthful,
insincere, and saccharine if we tried to pretend there were no shadows. Most
things are good, and they are the strongest things; but there are evil things
too, and you are not doing a child a favor by trying to shield him from
reality. The important thing is to teach a child that good can always triumph
over evil, and that is what our pictures attempt to do.
The American child is a highly intelligent human being — characteristically
sensitive, humorous, open-minded, eager to learn, and has a strong sense of
excitement, energy, and healthy curiosity about the world in which he lives.
Lucky indeed is the grown-up who manages to carry these same
characteristics into adult life. It usually makes for a happy and successful
individual. In our full-length cartoon features, as well as in our live action
productions, we have tried to convey in story and song those virtues that
make both children and adults attractive. I have long felt that the way to
keep children out of trouble is to keep them interested in things. Lecturing to

children is no answer to delinquency. Preaching won‘t keep youngsters out of
trouble, but keeping their minds occupied will.
Thus, whatever success I have had in bringing clean, informative
entertainment to people of all ages, I attribute in great part to my
Congregational upbringing and my lifelong habit of prayer. To me, today, at
age sixty-one, all prayer, by the humble or highly placed, has one thing in
common: supplication for strength and inspiration to carry on the best human
impulses which should bind us together for a better world. Without such
inspiration, we would rapidly deteriorate and finally perish. But in our
troubled time, the right of men to think and worship as their conscience
dictates is being sorely pressed. We can retain these privileges only by being
constantly on guard and fighting off any encroachment on these precepts. To
retreat from any of the principles handed down by our forefathers, who
shed their blood for the ideals we still embrace, would be a complete victory
for those who would destroy liberty and justice for the individual.

Walt Disney

T h e b e gi nn i ng o f o u r d r e am

he tale of Christ vs. Disney was a truth that unexpectedly
came from my inner child and into my heart.
It is a tale as old as time, a magical story turning into a
dream of two kingdoms competing to be the most loving on this
On this journey, we will travel the heavens and earth to discover the
very best of these two kingdoms.

We will explore them together with Walt Disney and Christ Jesus to
see which has the most significant impact in this world.
My own childhood was not the easiest.
Searching the planet for where I belonged, I knew I was born to see
and do much greater things.
I moved to Orlando, Florida, as a small five-year-old child
predestined to be a master of Disney.
Disney World moved my child soul when I first visited, and to this
very day, that magic still courses through my veins.
Only a child could know the true power of the Disney kingdom.
I knew, as a distonian and Floridian, that Disney was now part of
my young life.
As I grew, my life came full circle when I discovered Christ.
This was the second most powerful kingdom I had ever experienced
in my life, other than Disney and my childhood.
I subtlety realized that these two kingdoms were the two most
powerful to ever be in my childhood.
I learned the magical secrets of wonder and adventure at Disney and
about the power of love and royalty from Christ‘s eternal kingdom.

To this day, these kingdoms mystically move my soul into
adventurous actions, like writing this book. I received inspiration
from Disney, and the Holy Spirit turned it into a trilogy.
In my mind, Christ vs. Disney is a circle of love where these two
kingdoms compete for stars.
Now, when I first wrote this book, I understood that it would be a
glorious story coming to life, like the world of dreams.
The words also rhythmically teach others how to build kingdoms
for themselves.
I feel as though my inner child saw me through to the completion of
this book, as he still calls for his dreams to come true.
Enjoy the journey and adventure of Christ vs. Disney – one of the
most epic yet loving battles to ever exist on the face of this planet.
Join me as we explore the values, worth, beginnings, and never-
ending tales of these two colorful kingdoms.
They have made such wonderful things for our world, endless
collections of treasures everyone desires.
Both dynasties don superabundance of love, timelessness, wealth, and

We also discover that these kingdoms are constantly expanding. Even
to this day, they both want to see us joyful express our inherent self
of natural peace and happiness.
Life is a dance. Where we look above to the kingdom of Christ, we
try to surface to a new plane of existence, like fish underwater.
As men and women, the eternal kingdom‘s price is invaluable, like a
child who would pay anything to spend a day at Disney.
When we stand in these kingdoms, we are stronger than we have
ever been before.
Within every page, you will explore even more magic as we fulfill
our deepest wishes to be part of these worlds.

T h e Ba tt l e

battle has taken place beneath our feet, in the sky, and
on the waters, leaving its after effect.
The kings of these kingdoms strategized to use their
differences to protect their thrones.
In this chapter, we look on as the kingdom of Christ goes head-to-
head with Disney and its beneficiaries.
Now, let‘s look at these kingdoms more closely to determine this
standoff‘s possible outcomes.

Firstly, these kingdoms have no troubles. Their unique colors become
more beautiful as they unite and expand, like bubbles blown at
Naturally, they bring rays of love for everyone to play in the spirit
of their castles, helping them adopt their most significant core
Since these kingdoms are so beautiful, the first question is, do these
kingdoms live up to each other‘s standards?
When children have as much fun in the church as they do in Disney,
and when adults have as much enlightenment in Disney as they do in
church, then the battle will be over.
When the magical smoke settles, churches will transform into
cathedral skyscrapers, all enshrined with stained glass windows. The
paper used to make Disney animations will be speckled with diamonds
of all colors.
The collision will give birth to the most magical kingdoms in the
Even though both kingdoms may have subtle differences, the
beautiful flaming spirit of knowingness lovingly exposes what we can
do in our reality and dreams.
Would Walt‘s vision live up to the church‘s standards?
Would he be able to take the rank of a priest or chaplain if he
chose to be a saint?
Through Disney‘s extreme energy of family togetherness and
Christ‘s teachings of oneness, both superpowers strive for the
highest possible achievement. The feeling that we are One.
Disney set up his throne in the heart of Florida, called Orlando – one
of the most beautiful places in the world. Jesus Christ placed the
kingdom of God within us.
Only Christ‘s light that reflects God‘s colors within our heart can
contend with the smoothest auric patterns existing in our minds and
Disney‘s colors and auroras.
The beauty of these two kingdoms is that we can step into them in
our reality and dreams.
This is the ultimate standoff between the king of this world vs. the
king of heaven.
Will Disney‘s power of unlimited play and fun conquer the kingdom
of endless peace enthroned by Christ?
Who will win this battle to unite the entire world?
It is believed that Walt has enough fun in his imagination to fill the
entire world with happiness. It is even believed that he has the

power to make every color brighter in the entire world with his
thought of magic and wonder.
Can this contest with Jesus Christ, who can move mountains with
His peace and resurrect all life with His cosmic vibration?
He has come to this world with such strong peace in His being that
the entire world is submerged in it, even to this day.
Surely the world will never be the same when this battle is over.
The good news is that the victorious kingdom will uplift everyone to
a new world gleaming with life. This is not like every other same
old battle; this is a battle of love, one much different than of non-
love. This will be a cosmic collision that only bursts more love from
the blows. Each strike will free more life with joy and oneness.
Ultimately, because of the most powerful force in the universe called
love, they will have no choice but to embrace the explosions of
colors, light, and peace they will create.
We will witness these two epic kingdoms battle for the first time
with the power of love.
The blasts will transform Disney characters in Christ‘s light.
Heaven‘s magical dimension will open for the call. Christ‘s angels will
pulsate with Disney‘s imagination. The beautiful world of Disney will

take on the colors of the Garden of Eden, and imagination will test
its supremacy against immortality.
Let us brace the impact of this love. Let us be strong enough to keep
our eyes fixed on the glares of color and light, dispersing and
transforming us forever.
When looking at Christ‘s pure disciples and Disney characters‘
carefree nature, we must ask ourselves if entertainment and true
spirituality can coexist.
This will be a glorious battle before the gods. All thoughts will be
transformed into miracles.
There will be stillness in the eye of this storm. Even the waters are
still enough to see Nemo in the water underneath Christ‘s footprint.
The characters in the Bible‘s 66 books will put forth the effort to
out-love all Disney‘s characters from 58 movie classics. Christ‘s
mind will unite in spirit with Disney‘s, where their thioughts become
miracles and their dreams mix colors.
Their castle doors will open, and we will discover the secret
wonders of their worlds.
All Disney‘s riches and treasures and the church‘s wonderful light
will be revealed to us.

Disneyland is for children, and heaven is for the children of God,
and so all the beings entering both these kingdoms are children.
We see all these children come together and gather, creating a
glowing forcefield as we prepare for the most prominent spectacle of
love we will ever witness in our lifetimes. This is the tale of Christ
vs. Disney.
As the light enters the world, we look up to it because it comes from
above. The same is true with Christ‘s thoughts and Disney‘s
imagination. When they enter our minds, it‘s like listening to the
treetops and whispers of the mountain. The most extraordinary
thoughts of these kingdoms fuel our greatest natural resource – our
Is there any child who would dare not to love Disney? Is there any
Disney character that would not kiss Jesus Christ?
This battle of oneness will be so intense that the impossible will
occur. The miracle that in his greatest dream, Walt would be Christ
They will invade each other in perfect symmetry with their values,
testing each other like flames under gold.
They will fall so deep in love that for a single moment in eternity,
these two kingdoms will become one.

T h e P r e pa ra t io n

hat will you experience inside this book? This is an
adventure into a magical dream, where all our wishes
can come true.
We are opening the gates to the two most lovely kingdoms in the

We will follow this dream toward the lions of Disney and the lambs
of God as we learn about Jesus, ―the great I am,‖ and Disney‘s
deepest secrets.
Jesus and Disney will teach us how to make dreams come true. We
will hold hands and touch the most magical characters from both
worlds, feel the warmth of angels and the loving hugs of Mickey
Mouse and friends. We will also escape the grips of the villains that
lurk after our heroes, Walt, Jesus, and their friends.
Most importantly, we will experience a delightful adventure of self-
reflection as we look within to find the magic Jesus and Walt found
within themselves on their journey to help us build our own kingdom.
This is how we will discover the magic of both kingdoms of
perfection within and all around us.
We will sing new Disney songs and dance with this dream of love
and truth. Mickey Mouse will give us the keys to his castle.
And we will witness heaven open with the power of Jesus Christ‘s
angel wings.
We will feel like the greatest kings and prima donnas as we
personally learn from these two legends how to transform worlds
with our thoughts.

We will play in a dream full of faith to strengthen our inner child‘s
golden heart.
We will discover the spiritual version of Disney World in this dream
while looking forward to our destiny to receive the glory of the
water-like personality who walked on the sea.
We will get lost in these wonderful kingdoms, and when we come
back, we will be glad to have explored the most magical place on
earth, which exists in our minds.
The royal Christ‘s kingdom uncovered deeper in this dream will
unlock our imagination‘s deepest parts as we learn God‘s love and
mystical values.
We will discover the super-powerful secret values allowing Walt to
build a kingdom of global proportions from a black and white mouse.
We will learn how Walt unlocked new possibilities with color to
create the happiest place on earth.
Let us forget about time as we become princes and princesses in a
timeless realm.
You are holding the most magical book that has ever been written.

As princes and princesses, we will hold mantles lit by our minds,
delve deep into these kingdoms‘ inner chambers, and seize what is
hidden within the castles of Christ and Disney.
The empty top-levels of our minds will be filled with the colors of
Disney and the spirit of Christ.
Your wishes, happiness, and life will be fulfilled.
We will follow the father of color on the only way toward the
paradise of Christ.
When we finally touch the sacred holy cloak of Jesus Christ, we
will realize why all legends believe in God.
Leave your worries behind and follow the magical colors of your
mind. With Disney‘s help, Christ has pierced through the illusion of
possibility to supply you with this book, a portal to these perfect
You will feel royal because it is the only book in existence where
everyone is truly happy.
The first secret is that only when everyone is happy in a kingdom
can a king can say, ― I am invincible.‖ This is a core truth of
Christ‘s consciousness.

Walt Disney and Christ both know this, and the royalist palaces are
built with the colors of their mind.
This dream is full of Christ‘s and Disney‘s very best thoughts. All
the doors have been opened for us in these kingdoms so we can
adventure freely.
Heaven and Disney have combined, where all the princesses glow with
God‘s love, revealed to us to protect us forevermore.
We will find pearls, jewels, and diamonds within the heart of this
dream full of magic.
Angels will wear Cinderella‘s perfect Venetian glass shoes, and we
won‘t just feel and see the light through their voices, but we will
hear it too.
We will meet the Fairy Godmothers of adventure, generosity, and
Let‘s get in the carriage; Christ‘s white stallions are ready!
Let‘s travel closer to the kingdoms of Christ and Disney.
Get excited – we will make all impossibles possible through the
strength of the great I am!
Now that we are in our shiny golden carriage, let‘s find the most
magical kings, queens, princes, and princesses in existence.

Let‘s depart now toward the castles, as Jesus and Walt await us in
their kingdoms to share this new world‘s secrets.
There is no looking back; the horizon is complete happiness and
They are waiting, so we can‘t be late.
Look at the sky! The sunset is the most beautiful of all ages! Lit
with Christ‘s and Disney‘s magic. The sun calms all storms and
leaves this dream with the perfect breeze. A wind that loves is all.
By the time we arrive at their chambers, we will be bathed in the
brightest colors and happiness as we learn from them in spirit until
we see them face to face. The supreme ruler is everywhere; we can
even hear Jesus whispering in the trees.
May this journey be one of your heart‘s best experiences.
Be prepared! It will feel like there are no ceilings or floors when we
Words won‘t describe how we will feel when Christ and Disney
welcome us with open arms, the stars and angels dancing.
We will travel the distance, word by word, until we, too, can fly like
the angels.

As they take us back into the arms of love, we will never want to
leave the world we create with Disney and Christ.
This is a magical book prepared for you since the beginning of time.
After you are done, your reality will never be the same.
Our collection of royal garments and treasures compare to the gems
and gifts prepared for us here.
Beware! We must look out for monsters and villains from the
Disney kingdom. Although it seems danger may be along the way,
rest assured they won‘t harm us here; Christ has forgiven and
healed them all.
They are all happy now because they have found Walt – their
They are in love and will point the way as we journey to find ours.
Our long-awaited arrival to their kingdoms is a new holiday for all!
Just like Christmas, we will receive wonderful gifts but also
enormous rewards.
We will realize that magic lies in everything here. Our words are
now full of starlight, our minds full of Christ‘s peace.
You will transform your lit words into worlds and castles.
This is the adventure where Christ‘s and Disney‘s kingdoms collide.
B e l i e fs o f E t e rn it y

e are now going to delight in the great power of
magical belief.
In this book, we will shed the beliefs this world has
given to us and take on the mystical lamp of dreams to go to the
Promised Land of magical belief.
The brightest treasure in life is to have the best beliefs.
Believing in wonders is the way toward the light.
What are your greatest dreams?
What is the most extraordinary belief?
The most significant belief is that you can do anything; you can
achieve the impossible.
This is the magic belief both Jesus Christ and Walt Disney believed
and taught to the world.
Disney believed he could build a worldwide kingdom of music, color,
and happiness from a black and white cartoon. He gave us a new
Walt Disney believed he could build this kingdom from nothing! He
said, ―It‘s kind of fun to do the impossible.‖
Jesus Christ believed He could bring God into this world. His magic
was His faith in God. To have faith in God was what He believed
brought inner perfection.
Just like light is perfectly dispersed in this universe, He believed God
could perfectly disperse the light within us.
He said, ―Truly I say to you, whoever says to this mountain be
taken up and thrown into the sea and does not doubt in His heart but
believes that what He says will come to pass, that will be done for

This is the magic of these kingdoms, where mountains are moved,
angels walk on water, and life never ends.
Jesus said that if you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you can
move mountains; nothing is impossible.
This chapter teaches us the most significant belief and the most
magical gem of any kingdom. When we begin to believe that we can
do the impossible, we will have the power to travel the distance to
meet Christ and Disney.
In this book, we will escape the concept of limited thinking. We will
run with unicorns and Bambi, sing with Pocahontas and perform
miracles with the Holy Spirit and Genie from Aladdin.
We will cross the border into Christ‘s Holy Land. We will become
like children again and travel to Disney of the sky. The adventure in
this book is a dream where you can do anything.
Without this core magical belief, Christ would have never walked on
water, and Walt would have never built his kingdom to such
magnitude. These two legends started from nothing to craft the
finest kingdoms in existence.
The second most important belief is love. Walt Disney and Christ
were united in how much they believed in love. When love fights

love, it gives birth to new stars. When you are loving, you instantly
unite with the greatest kingdoms.
It‘s the church‘s belief in love that allows them to evangelize and
give hope to those around the world. Disney‘s belief in love gave him
the confidence to inject the most amount of magic into our
entertainment industry. Every brick of heaven is built on love.
Men will forever be magnetized to love more than anything else.
With this belief, you can easily find the gemstone of your heart‘s
kingdom – that you can do anything. Words are to eyes what water
is to life. Fill your words with love, and witness your eyes become
deeper with color. After we leave these two kingdoms with the full
understanding of Disney‘s magic and the heavenly wonder of Jesus
Christ, we, too, can follow the way of magical belief.
And after we talk to both majesties about their thrones‘ foundations,
we will understand that Walt Disney and Jesus Christ still live to
this day because their spirits live on and they work with God
directly to bring His colors into our dreams.
Walt‘s father-like character will make us smile so wide it will
awaken an eternal love resting deep in our souls.
This love within his fatherhood to all children manifested Disneyland
and Disney World.

He listened to his brother Christ and chose to believe in love.
Once we make this decision, life‘s magical force takes care of the
Jesus Christ was a master of love and taught its extreme forms.
This belief allowed Him to create super miracles and be the most
powerful man ever to exist.
This love lifted Him to heaven, where He is known as the God of
Love. He has dedicated His soul to transform us all into Gods of
Christ and Disney are masters of these two beliefs, and when they
combine, there is nothing humans cannot do. We can create new
colors, worlds, and miracles, as well as the most desired treasure in
the world – love.
We will continue exploring these kingdoms as they set each other‘s
kingdoms on fire with the flames of peace, bliss, and love.
These two beliefs are divine, like the colors of God‘s throne.
We can build anything with these two beliefs – even worlds of our
These are two of the Gospel‘s central beliefs and the very two legs
that the Disney Empire stands on. I want you to grab these two

magical gemstones now and place them in your heart, and when you
leave this magical world and go back home, you will have new
Now that you have hidden these two magical gemstones in your
heart, you become stronger with a higher vibration.
The dream has been activated, as everything in this dream world
becomes fuller with love. The reds of the sky turn orange, the
orange sun turns yellow, the yellow brick road turns green, the green
grass turns blue. The blue water turns purple, and the sunset-filled
sky glows with ultraviolet iridescent colors.
Exploring these mystical and magical kingdoms now lights up the
entire dream world with the new beliefs hidden within your heart.

H e a rt D r eam s

reams are the deepest part of our existence.
To find our dreams, we have to be courageous
adventurers, traveling to the deepest places of our
Our thoughts transform, and our hearts‘ dreams are filled with the
magical gold dust from the Disney kingdom.
The pure light from the heavenly world of Christ.

And so when we talk about dreams, we talk about the deepness
within our hearts.
Jesus had the courage to travel deep within His heart to find that He
was the son of God.
Walt Disney captured a very friendly mouse within his heart and
brought him to life, creating a magical world with its happiness.
Walt Disney says there are four C‘s of making dreams come true:
Curiosity, Courage, Consistency, and Confidence, just like there are
four chambers in the heart.
These four components are just as integral to our dreams‘
Are you curious and courageous enough to look deep within?
Are you consistent and confident enough to take your hidden dreams
and manifest them into reality?
The dreams we have when asleep all manifest from our mind,
produced solely from our past.
But the dreams within our hearts are much brighter in substance
because they are produced from our future.
The deeper we adventure into the deep magical places within our
hearts, the bigger, brighter, and more magical our dreams become.

Turn off the limitations from your outside world, like income and
expenses, and explore a deeper place with Christ and Disney as they
point within your very own heart.
Travel as deep as you can, as all beings from Christ‘s kingdom and
all characters from the world of Disney cheer you on to find your
biggest dreams hidden within you.
When you decide to leave the pages of this book, do not share these
newfound dreams; instead, keep them a secret and learn how to
manifest them with the hidden knowledge, tools, and keys you will
find and discover as we journey further to find Christ‘s castle and
Disney‘s eternal world.
One of my deepest dreams is to return to Christ or have Him return
to me, but my inner child also yearns to return to Disney World.
I dream of seeing this world fully optimized with our newest
technologies, humanity exploring the entire ocean, all of us to be
intelligent enough to provide abundance for everyone.
I dream of being the truest expression of myself and defining the
deepest, longest-lasting portions of my soul.
Dreams don‘t have to be realistic because they‘re created from your
heart, which is not from this world but a faraway place beyond
magical. It‘s wonderful and perfect.

Some of the dreams hidden within our souls are more powerful than
stars in the sky, and sometimes it‘s even more enjoyable to follow
your dream than it is to achieve it, just as it is more enjoyable to
bask in the sun‘s rays than to enter it.
These four C‘s of curiosity, courage, consistency, and confidence are
expansive enough to enter our hearts, so we can find these
wonderful golden dreams.
Christ had a dream that He would return after His death.
Many people didn‘t believe it, but He did. He believed in His dream to
be with God so much that something special occurred.
The impossible happened: the magic of God‘s kingdom brought Him
back to life.
We, too, must search and find our souls, our hidden light, expressed
as our hearts‘ deepest dreams.
I have found a wonderful hidden secret to manifesting dreams, no
matter how big they are, through visualization.
By repetition, the more we see the same image, the more that image
can turn into reality.

Yes, we can create our dreams – no matter how big they appear at
first. There is nothing that the concentrated mind cannot lift. Carry
your produce.
If we think about the same image and try to perfect it repeatedly,
these visualizations will start to reflect in our world.
Repeat that image a hundred times a day until it is perfect, bright,
vibrant, and super powerful; until that visualization burns with the
fire of your concentrated mind.
Then the weightiness of your soul‘s aspirations will not seem as
heavy to lift into your outer experience.
If you were not from Earth but looked at it from space, you would
never dream that roses dwelled within this sphere of green, white,
and blue.
In the same way, you will never know the beauty within yourself if
you do not pierce your soul‘s atmosphere and go the deepest you can
into your heart to find your dreams.

V a l u es o f Lo v e K i ng d om s

his book‘s values are created to teach you how to
manifest a kingdom. Just like water is not the only
purifying agent, but fire, wind, earth, and spirit also
bring purity, your kingdom is just as important as those of the past,
present, and future.
Each value of Christ or Disney is worth more than billions of
dollars. Each thought can monopolize a market.
The closest thing to their thoughts‘ worth is 24k pure gold.

These values are like stars you can place within the orbits of your
Your thought streams can flow purely with light and magic as these
kingdoms crash into each other.
These two masters of light will give us gifts to make us brighter
and more intelligent princes and princesses of our kingdom.
Christ will help us transform our world with His love, and Disney
will color it with his magic.
Our minds will create new ideas when these values are applied.
Imagine your mind creating thoughts worth more than 24k gold as
they liquefy and flow into your world and kingdom.
The most valuable kings to exist produced billion-dollar thoughts like
―forgive your enemy‖ and ―this is the happiest place on earth.‖ Just
like underwater produces new colors not seen on earth when light is
applied, there may be new colors we have never known about within
our minds.
We have now begun exploring the deep ocean, discovering colors we
have never witnessed through bioluminescent life.
These values are so deep that we will find colors we never knew
existed within our minds.

Realizing the value of understanding is the path to truth.
This is what both Walt did and Christ taught us to do. The values
we follow are measurable in dollars. This chapter helps you pave
your kingdom‘s roads with gold, adorn your castle with the most
colorful diamonds, and silverize your words.
You now have the crystallized magic of timeless values to bring
peace and superabundance to your throne forever.
These principles were used 2000 years ago, and they can be used
2000 years from now.
You receive the greatest gift when you start mastering these values.
You receive visions of all the colors of Disney‘s animations glow with
the dream he had for the world‘s future as a happy place to live.
Christ‘s vision of peace for all beings was developed through biblical
values revolving around God‘s love for creation.
Vision can only be produced through the light emanating from true
Jesus combining His vision with Disney‘s is like watching the world
through a telescope; the world‘s happiness expanded through Christ‘s

Rest assured that just as the sun rises and transforms the lay of the
land, our soul‘s values will change us into living dynamos.
We will burn with the invisible fire of love producing every smile
Disney created and every soul Christ saved.
This love will bring certainty, assurance, and knowingness that the
world will revolve once again.
Time will repeat itself with the truth that the goodness of life far
outweighs the bad.
We can now protect ourselves with a new forcefield of energy
emanating from both Christ‘s and Disney‘s values.
One of the most significant values I learned was to protect myself
and others. This emanated from learning Christ‘s values, and so you
can start learning the values you were meant to live by, stars guiding
you to your true values.
These values are the most prominent ones because, with them, you
can do anything. You can civilize the moon, free and love all life, and
achieve all you desire.
If you apply these values for long enough, you will start to think like
biblical kings, angels, and Disney‘s finest princes and princesses.

Follow Christ‘s values, and you may even start thinking like the most
magical being that exists – the creator of infinity. These values will
help us bring heaven to our earth, just as Christ brought heaven to
Disney World.
It is inevitable for you to be successful with the values Walt Disney
Learn and embrace these values, and together, we will allow them to
enter our hearts, making us stronger, wiser, healthier, and wealthier.
This is one of this book‘s most transformative chapters.
As this book reaches closer to our dreams, our lives can launch
through the power of these values from these kingdoms.
The values of glory and truth in the heart of Jesus Christ and the
belief of color, beautiful sound, and magic from the wonderful world
of Disney will transform you into a master of your own light.
The clouds will roll by, and you will have a mind as bright as your
The more you learn, apply, and master these values, the more of the
kingdoms‘ secrets will be revealed to your heart.
Values are powerful because they hold within them the potency to
direct all your thoughts.

Beliefs stem from your values, generating your thoughts.
If you have a value to bring more color into this world, as Disney
did, then one day, the secret of impossibility will be revealed to you,
and you will learn that a mouse can rule castles.
If you have the value to teach people about our loving creator, then
you will align with the universe, and the magic of Christ‘s miracles
will be yours to harness and utilize.
Not only will you be able to perform miracles, but you will witness
God‘s best miracles in your life because all your decisions to embrace
beliefs from the kingdom of love and all your thoughts will glow
from the beautiful fountain of your values. Only a few kingdoms of
love are known to exist in this world – Christ and Disney are at the
very top of the list.
Imagine all your daily thoughts generating from the values of these
two kingdoms every day.
Can you imagine how your life would transform?! How many of your
dreams can come true? How you would look and feel? How abundant
and happy you would be?
This is why we should learn and understand these values. These are
massive kingdoms, and there are a lot of values to learn. Let‘s

explore the mountains of miracles formed from Christ colliding with
Disney in this dream book.
The more we believe in these values, the more love will rest in our
This is the secret key to help us achieve our life‘s dreams.

The source

race for impact! The kingdoms are glowing in battle!
The magic of Disney‘s colors explodes with heaven‘s
Hidden within these pages is love and color you can only imagine.
The magic creating heaven from God‘s heart and the strength of His
angels‘ wings can be subtly felt on your fingertips as you turn the
pages. Disney‘s enchanting energy is filling every letter in this book.
When we look up, we see the colliding explosions of light color the
stars in the sky.

This magic dispersed from this impact is miraculous.
Just like Christ blazes Disney‘s kingdom with love, we can burn our
strongest love within our dreams.
This battle creates a magical resonance, uplifting the entire world!
Disney‘s mind is starting to unite with Christ‘s, and both their
kingdoms are becoming one!
Christ is attacking with great silence and peace, while the Disney
kingdom is defending with its beautiful colors and magical music.
This battle is uniting them as we witness the highest vibrations of
happiness taking place.
Let‘s discover these lovely kingdoms as their lights and colors flare
in the sky and we journey deeper into the heart of their magic
circulating from this battle of love.
After we walk with Jesus Christ on His path of eternal faith, we
learn that the magic of His resurrection power is lasting peace and
invincible truth. These are love‘s two building blocks, just like
hydrogen and oxygen form water.
Just like Disney dedicated his life toward animation, this was the
totality of who Jesus was.
He walked the earth, living the most wonderful dream ever.

Mickey Mouse was born from the fire within Disney‘s eyes. Even
though he was created in black and white, Disney‘s most vibrant
colors were hidden within him, manifested from the softest lead of
Walt‘s pencils. Walt‘s soul moved the world, disguised as a mouse
with a rabbit‘s heart.
Fragile and without color, Mickey felt naked, but he still dominated
the cartoon realm. Even with little detail, he accepted his destiny to
build Disney‘s kingdom through his love.
Little did Walt know that his creation would transform into the
fantasia and bring his dream world to life with wonderful color and
The secret manifesting both Christ‘s and Disney‘s magic is their
Just like specific colors create new ones when combined, certain
sounds create resonance when put together.
These combinations of sounds and colors can create new worlds and
dreams. The combination of Christ‘s vibration with Disney in the
battle gives birth to a new kingdom, a resonant one full of peaceful
imaginations, creating new complementary colors when heaven and
earth‘s merge.

This magical vibrational resonance power that births color and sound
is in the words of this book, where the Gospels achieved harmony
with Disney‘s songs and colors to create pure magic.
The words of biblical kings and Disney princesses intertwine, and
the miracles of Jesus enter our imagination through Disney
It isn‘t until one sound or color resonates with another that magic
takes place.
As Christ and Disney grow closer with their armies, new sounds and
colors are birthed into existence.
As we begin to relax and drift off into this timeless dream, these
vibrations and resonance will forever transform our emotions.
We could spend a lifetime in Disney World and never find the magic
located here in his spiritual kingdom.
Allow these higher vibrations to carry away your emotions as we
follow angels as beautiful as Alice in this wonderland.
They will teach us that we already have the highest vibration within
us; we just need to enter into Christ‘s stillness to release our godly
vibration. Now that you own vibration‘s mystical magic and your own
God‘s resonance, let‘s follow the path before us to meet Christ and
The closer we get to their kingdoms, the brighter we will glow.
Love‘s forcefield is now protecting our body and our thoughts are
finally allowed to be free.
Now we can think as big as we want and learn how to dream like
Christ and Disney.
Every atom in our body has awakened and come to life, singing
with joy and dancing with the rhythms of invisible love at finally
being close to Christ.
We can feel the heat of this battle within our hearts, and we are
beginning to understand Jesus Christ‘s love.
Disney, the very best of human creativity, vs. Jesus Christ, God‘s
greatest creativity.
Our emotions will transform through tears of joy when we discover
the truth.
We will move up to the highest freedom until we reach the thrones
of Christ and Disney.
All beings can perform Christ‘s miracles at this altitude once we
We will be out of reach from the worries of this world and receive
the most colorful thoughts ever created, emanating from the kingdom

of Christ, given to us by His spirit, the unifying factor. Our thoughts
will turn from vibrations into perfect pieces of God‘s soul with this
Your every transformed thought will be a miraculous flame, taking
on perfection and resonating with all things. Just like an angel‘s
environment transforms its mind, the spirit of Christ has requalified
our thoughts.
Watch the miracle of your thoughts transform as your inner voice
takes on the tone of Christ and His angels, and His and Disney‘s
Now we can move on to find new gifts as we discover your
thoughts‘ magical source.

T h e Dr e am e rs B r ai ns t o rm

ur greatest gift as humans is our fantastic imaginations.
Walt Disney knew this and magnified the imagination
process by brainstorming and collating with others. After
this brainstorming process, he then began praying to God.
Brainstorms rained thoughts that built Disney‘s kingdom.
When these people brainstorm or ―Imagineer,‖ they touch perfection
with their imagination through a two-step process.

First, they collectively brainstorm, then they pray within the
I‘m going to teach you how to be an Imagineer so that you can feel
your imagination come to life and awaken from the dull places of
your mind – impossibility and limitation.
The first thing I would like you to know is that a part of your
magical mind doesn‘t know limitations.
All you have to do to reach this area of your mind is ask yourself:
What if I had absolutely no limitations and I was completely
How can you use your imagination in regards to an image or thought?
With this, the color white will turn to the whitest and purest in
your mind, which will quieten and dance in the kingdom of your
Once you discover that your mind is unlimited and can do anything
with thoughts and emotions, you become an Imagineer.
We can also look at Walt Disney and Jesus Christ‘s imaginations to
expand our own.
They both had naturally more imaginative minds than most people.

They were legends of imagination. You will naturally become an
Imagineer by learning from them. Jesus Christ walked on water, and
Walt Disney built a futuristic city in the ‗60s, one better than ours
today, where no automobiles were needed, and everyone prospered.
We can learn from people who have trained their minds to produce
creative thoughts.
When we learn how to become an Imagineer, our minds will operate
with the most magical lights and fluidity.
Jesus and Walt constantly Imagineered, and we can, too.
Through the trade of being an imaginer, you will locate your most
creative ideas and use them to create worlds, kingdoms, and timeless
Walt had a cardinal rule for his Imagineers: to ask the question,
―How do I make this better?‖
We can constantly improve our most creative ideas until we master
them. We can create art and content and continue to add details to
them, building on the themes to lead your audience into your kingdom
of imagination.
The message you express is the magic of creating your best.

Once you‘ve attracted your audience‘s attention, you can start making
changes and improving the details to make your story the smoothest
and most seamless as possible.
Remember that each story you‘re telling should focus on a bigger,
overlaying picture. This will introduce and reinforce your creativity
to help your kingdom stay engaged.
Imagineers use perspective and are masters at simplifying complex
subjects, images, and sounds. They combine all these talents to really
make the experience real and dynamic.
As an Imagineer, you get your point across through repetition and
reinforcement, preferably with hidden secrets your audience can
discover. Become chief Imagineer by asking, ―How will the audience
in my kingdom see this story?‖
Find your story‘s heart and immerse your audience. Discover what
people love about your story and brand and keep building on it.
One of the greatest secrets about magic is not to forget to reward
your audience for making this journey possible. Without them,
creativity is not complete.
With that being said, everybody in the world is naturally an

Many people tell us what we should be, but no one can tell us what
we can be.
Creating the momentum and space for this true imagination to arise
within you is the key.
You create the space by quieting the mind – less thoughts equal more
space. We can quiet the mind through meditation.
When you start meditation to become an Imagineer, your imagination
will explode like fireworks over Cinderella‘s castle.
Quieting the mind will help you see new possibilities and believe in
Be passionate about innovation and choose the path where you want
to direct your creativity. Find out where your creative thoughts come
from to open the door to the most beautiful, brightest place within
your soul.
In this place, everything whispers soft enough that you know it is
not part of this world.
A place that generates thoughts as beautiful as Disney parades in
Jesus‘s loving light.
One of the main things about being a princess or prince Imagineer is
not caring what others think about your imagination.

Don‘t concern yourself about what people will think about your
creativity because it is where the most royal colors in this world are
You can use these colors to paint any thoughts you want.
This is the miracle of imagination, creating thoughts from the place
of meditation and the Disney and Christ-like kingdom of space in
your mind.
Then you will naturally access your creative potential as an
Creativity does not exist in the place of your usual, existing thought
patterns; it is born from new thoughts. Each new one you have
births new light into this world of infinite possibilities, magically
manifested through the realm of meditation or the gap between your
Creativity speeds up when you slow the mind. The less thoughts you
have, the more creativity becomes available. Logic and reason are
villains to your creative source. Logic says the earth is flat, we
cannot fly, and we are not different.
But when your mind slows and you have less logical thoughts,
relaxation, peace, and meditation reign in your kindom, and your
creativity becomes unlimited.

Jesus Christ preached peace as the most crucial part of His kingdom.
This peace allows you to generate the most abundant thoughts with
the most valuable creativity.
The beautiful thing about an Imagineer is that you don‘t need even a
dollar to create the most valuable thoughts because your creativity‘s
realm is beyond this world. It is the world of dreams and magic.
You graduate from being a prince or princess into a queen or king of
your imagination once you master it, graduating from an artist into
Disney or a disciple into Christ.
You can be a master Imagineer and achieve your greatest dreams
through meditation and the force of your creativity that can lift
anything in this universe. You can pick up a star in the sky of your
All your dreams will come true if you use the most powerful thing
you have in this world – your free, flying imagination.
Your kingdom‘s true riches and the greatest secret are to combine
your imagination with love.
God gave you your creativity to help the world, just like Christ and
Walt welcomed us into their kingdoms and taught us how to build
our own.

We can masterfully create through Christ‘s love. Everybody knows
they can count on you, and all creation will love you like it did
Disney and Jesus when you use your creativity like this.
I talk about Imagineering and perfecting the art of being an Imagineer
because you can undoubtedly be one of the strongest people on the
earth if you have your own kingdom.
It‘s one thing to be a leader and another to be a ruler. A leader
controls another person‘s kingdom, but a ruler leads his own. How
great is a ruler of love? The creator of the universe Himself adorns
them! If you master Christ‘s and Disney‘s values, then you will not
only be a phenomenal leader, but you will be an amazing ruler and
creator of love.
The most powerful people in this world are leaders helping others
live easier and happier lives, the same way both Walt Disney and
Jesus Christ did.
They both ruled their kingdoms in love, but they were also masters
of imagination and making impossibilities a modern-day reality.
Thanks to Christ and Disney, your imagination can now use its force
toward your kingdom of love!

You are now an unstoppable and invincible person, full of magic
called creativity, the tremendous energy that can bring happiness to
everyone across the entire world.
Even if you don‘t want to expand your kingdom that far, you can
consolidate that lovely world for your family, friends, and the people
you love. You will see the most amazing creations and have the
incredible life the future can hold in this world.
There is no better world than combining the two kingdoms of Christ
and Disney.
Disney‘s power doubles then embraces Christ‘s kingdom.
How many more smiles would Christians have in a Disney-themed
We must stop the battle! So much light has dispersed between the
collision of these two kingdoms! Let us plead with Jesus and Walt
to make peace! The love their resistance magnifies is too much for
our strength! Cinderella has turned into an angel, archangel Michael
is training Hercules, and Mickey Mouse has a halo, hugging Jesus‘
disciples. It is just too much! We have learned that when two
kingdoms of love battle, they can only connect stronger in light.

Now that this eternal light has irradiated us, we can forever be
young and childlike in spirit as the universe‘s new hidden colors
within Walt Disney‘s mind and Christ‘s heart are revealed!
Can you imagine a future where these two kingdoms unite and take
over the world?
In this dream, they have.
Let‘s Imagineer together as we grow closer to the thrones of Christ
and Disney.

T h e c at h e dr a l o f ima g ina t i on

ou can create perfect alchemy for the most amazing
creations life can offer by combining the energy of
Christ‘s and Disney‘s kingdoms.
When combining any two thoughts, people, or even kingdoms of love,
the love magnifies like putting a mirror toward the sun.
Disney‘s kingdom has doubled by embracing Christ‘s in this mystical

We‘re finally at the gates at the castle of dreams, one made from
the very best dreams you‘ve ever had. The inside is full of light
never seen before. Every color has been transformed into ultraviolet
dream light to give birth to new colors. Here is where all your
brightest ideas exist. Christ and Disney came and blessed the castle
with brilliant ideas for us to explore! Here, we will receive ideas
from their hearts, burning bright and transforming our future.
As we step inside, we see Disney cartoons painted on the wall in 24
karat gold, created by Walt Disney himself! Even the newest
characters have been rendered with his classic touch. The frames
are adorned with the finest diamonds and gems ever dreamed of.
The Holy Spirit opens its eyes as we enter, and the castle glows
with the dazzling perfection of Christ. The paintings turn into
windows, where we can see our world‘s brightest future as it would
look if entirely dominated by these kingdoms. We run to the
windows and look out to get a better view of the most magical world
we will ever experience.
Can you imagine if Disney and the church worked side by side to
rule the Earth?
Disney would help Christians and the church have their own theme
park, bringing faith to all.

Jesus‘ presence through prayer and Christian faith would add rest
and peace to Disney‘s kingdom and resorts, maximizing its magic.
Disney would help the church open up hotels for Christians to get
the dreams they deserve in Christ.
Christ‘s intelligence could flow through Disney, helping it expand in
love and light. Impossibilities could become possible in the power of
In Luke chapter 17, verse 5, the Lord said, ―If you had faith like a
mustard seed, you would say to this mulberry tree.‖ Be uprooted and
be planted in the sea, and it will obey you.
Imagine a branch of Disney theme parks establishing itself
underwater. This is possible in today‘s age!
A complete underwater amusement park, where Little Mermaid‘s
castle is more supreme than Cinderella‘s.
I envision tubes flowing through the whole amusement park, with
real life from the most exotic sea in the world.
The tubes could end in beautiful fountains, where the sea life could
play, feed, and have the freedom to swim back into the tubes and
out into the sea from the underwater park.

I can imagine patterns and shapes of these tubes, lighting up and
glowing across the entire park to a place where maybe even whales
could be loved and observed in the underwater Disney. Dolphins could
swim through and kiss children from the open pools.
Can you imagine what Christ‘s intelligence could do to optimize the
Disney kingdoms of the future?
Jesus Christ sings through His creation, ―We must focus on the
future!‖ Let us remake all Disney movies, like The Lion King, and
listen to the music as it speaks!
The future has always been a safe haven for our best creativity.
We must know the sun always shines there! Where is our theme
park for Christ and His people? Is our faith destined to endure
without fun?!
Let us harness our newest technologies, model after Disney, and
provide Christ rides so His body can taste the magic of adventure!
We have the perfect synergy for possibilities in this book that are
now endless due to merging heaven and Earth‘s magic.
We see how new technology changes animation, but how is it
changing the church? Disney will rescue temples from an outdated
future and revive the church through mastering today‘s technology.

We can even fill artificial intelligence with the light of Christ‘s
It wouldn‘t be Disney of the future versus the church of the future –
it would be the future helping these two kingdoms unify.
The future has been helping all kingdoms do this without our
knowledge because our God is love.
The slow progression goes unnoticed, just like when a new rose petal
or tree leaf grows.
We overlook the new forming unifications because the future‘s
power is slow and patient.
When alive, Christ called to the church many times to sing in praise
and further unify in God‘s love. He called to a sleeping church of His
time! They did not understand the magic of His miracles.
His works were a symbol of Him being a wayshower of unification.
When I say that it is valuable for the church to benefit from
Disney‘s values, I am suggesting that all established churches around
the world must unify for one singular goal. Just like Disneyland
welcomes the same people from Disney World in the name of Walt
Disney, Catholics can embrace Jehovah‘s Witnesses and Mormons in
the name of Jesus Christ.

If Disney was separated by denomination then by its very own
beliefs, it would no longer be able to afford the imaginations
originated from Disney‘s mind.
Disney World would still be a dream, not a reality.
The secret is that oneness provides a perfect structure for any
kingdom to grow. The Master of Oneness, Jesus Christ Himself,
said, ―The truth is that a kingdom divided against itself shall not
stand.‖ This applies to any church believing in His name.
Humans can do anything through the power of unification, and the
possibilities are endless through the magic of oneness. A person who
dreams through the power of oneness can create a world with their
mind when asleep. Imagine what they can do when awake!
Humans can create miniature planets to orbit our Earth the size of a
theme park and name it Disney Out of This World.
We can populate the moon and walk on water through the belief of
Jesus Christ.
Walt Disney said that if you think it‘s achievable, then it can be
Taking it further, just thinking it makes it potentially achievable.
Only an idea unthought remains out of our grasp.

This key is the true magic of thought.
This brings a more magical understanding of thought‘s cosmic
foundation, and we can build Disneys and churches of the future
from this foundation of belief.
Can you imagine far off in our distant future the inevitable survival
of these two kingdoms of love and how they will reveal themselves?
Cosmic Disney would be located in outer space, perhaps called
Andromeda Disney, and maybe the church can follow suit.
Will Jesus Christ lead our destined space age and direct churches in
orbiting Earth, where we can be out of this world with Jesus
This is a peek inside the cathedral of my imagination.
Walt wanted to build Epcot even before Disney World. His vision for
the future was to borne a city to bring peace and love to all its
inhabitants. No vehicles or smog are in the city, covered by an
environment-controlling bubble that would consistently produce
perfect temperature and air conditions. I believe this architecture is
perfect for our civilization on other planets and cosmic bodies,
offering optimal living circumstances for our species‘ future and
benefit. Can you imagine his Epcot design on our moon, mars, or
even a perfectly round human-made orbiting mini-city or theme park?

This city of love called Epcot may not have been destined for our
past but engineered for our future as we claim the universe as our

D r e am s R o y a l e

e must learn more about royalty before we go deeper
into this magical dream journey. We will explore the
most royal dream ever as we read further. Let us
embrace the knowledge of royalty to have proper etiquette with the
kingdoms of Christ‘s love and Disney‘s happiness.
So, what is royalty?

We usually consider royalty as having nice things, like cars and
houses, and having lots of money.
Royalty really has nothing to do with material substance at all, it is
the mentality of someone who has fully organized their thoughts for
kingdom-based mentality.
This is why I chose Christ and Disney as the protagonist and
antagonist because Disney has the very best values, resulting in
everybody feeling magical.
Christ‘s kingdom makes everybody feel powerful through extreme
With both kingdoms rooted in love and the highest values, they
integrate perfectly, like the flow of water from one channel to the
Royalty is when you‘re living life and you‘re the one with the very
best solution in a room full of other people.
It‘s when you‘re among a group of people talking about a specific
topic and you are the most knowledgeable. Royalty is when you‘re in
your community, exercising actions with the most values and giving
the most to others. There are no chariots, red carpets, or robes

This book is not about the castles, treasures, and crowns of these
two kingdoms but the magic producing all these things. If you have
the mentality of a kingdom of love and follow the most successful
kingdoms of this spirit‘s values, then you can get all these things,
which are just secondary in nature. Jesus‘ purple robe represents His
fierce love. The Cinderella castle is an outward expression of Walt‘s
dedication to the magic of imagination and animation. When you look
at nice cars, shiny gems, and fancy clothes, you‘re actually looking at
secondary royalty.
The primary royalty is a leader‘s mindset and his people. So this is
why these two beings of love and happiness are both saying the
same thing.
Love is the most royal all the way around. It‘s is why some
kingdoms fall while others last forever.
You don‘t have to sit on a throne to be royal; you need to follow the
kingdoms of love. When you love, your blood grows purer, your hair
thickens, and your eyes brighten.
Let us further explore this magical dream journey together and
become more royal as we absorb our understanding of the true way
to life.

This is the most royal dream we will ever have. Look at the
horizon! The sky is lit with a northern light aurora that seems to
be alive, calling you further. The sky dances as we move closer, on
our way to meet Christ and Disney!
One of the greatest wisdoms of royalty is that happiness is holy.
It is what we seek in our life with our souls. For the simple reason
that our heart always flows toward happiness, it‘s the most royal
thing you can have in life. It is sacred. Most don‘t understand that
happiness is the fruit grown on the tree of love. This tree can only
grow under the sun of peace we call Jesus Christ.
When we watch a Disney movie, listen to Disney music, or visit his
kingdom, we naturally become happier because of the values and
mindset Disney creates.
It is an attempt from Walt Disney to bring heaven onto Earth. In
this regard, Christ is the cat to Walt Disney‘s Mickey Mouse.
To simplify this concept, the royalties from mental spheres
manifesting into thoughts create cathedrals and golden thrones in our
This is an energy field of vibration, so even if you light a candle or
fire, royalty comes from the sun‘s nonjudgmental all-pervasiveness to
all life.

Our love will make the flames dance even more beautifully.
Love is magic filling the air, so thick you can almost breathe it in.
It is the extra energy needed to make your heart switch rhythms to
a more beautiful, magical tune, where you‘re in sync with the
creative universe through your heartbeat.
Christ had the most splendid crown of love because He died for
people who wouldn‘t even receive a dollar from a normal man if
asked. In the realm of spirituality, He is king because He not only
died for people in need to give them spiritual power, but He died
through crucifixion.
To this day, his dominion stands unmatched. It was only right to
pick Walt Disney to stand up against his kingdom in battle, as he is
the legend known for leading the happiest place on Earth.
It is imperative to know the true royal lifestyle. Christ wasn‘t
walking around in a red velvet cape, opening big cathedral windows
to flash His jewels and waving to a city from high places.
His crown was His thoughts, knowledge, wisdom, and power.
Even though He wasn‘t walking the earth with a golden kingdom like
King Solomon, His kingdom was still the most spacious.
Both these kings breathed the royal aroma of God‘s love.

Walt Disney‘s brother, Roy, said it‘s not hard to make a decision
when you know your values. This quote perfectly explains royalty
within the kingdom leader‘s mindset, producing long-lasting resources
of royal materiality, sounds, and colors.
Obviously, we know color is one of the most royal things both these
kingdoms use to captivate their people.
Churches and Disney‘s parks and stores always choose the highest
quality colors.
We also know that sound is one of the most royal things both of
these kingdoms use.
When we use sound and color for love, a unique vibration is born,
one that can do anything with the parents of its love, invisible to the
eye but excitable, like a voltage ion.
It can create dreams, wonders, and life.
What is more valuable than diamonds, rubies, or gold? Colors and
sounds born from love.
This is a chemical process that enhances anything coming into
contact with the living vibration.
This vibration is saturated in the kingdom of love, creating things in
Disney‘s and Christ‘s kingdom. Let us fill our minds with these

loving vibrations of color and sound that flow so heavily within this
dream book as we move forward to speak to the kings.
Let us mix the magic of sound and color with love to create the best
world imaginable for our future!
Now that we know how to produce the most value, let us master the
art of royalty as it is available to everyone.
You‘re the most royal person on Earth in God‘s eyes. Let Him see
the beautiful colors and sounds you produce with your soul made of
pure love. There is an infinite amount of royal expressions to you
now. Let your kingdom expand in the light of this royal knowledge!
Like Christ mixing colorful dyes to make royal clothing for your
journey, express your royalty by singing with the sound of your love.
There are hundreds of different expressions of love, but they all
have the common denominator of freeing others and making them
happy. How can we use sound and color to do this? By following
these kingdoms!
You are in a state of high love when you do not expect anything in
Sometimes when I‘m at the supermarket or out shopping and see
little children around, I‘ll sing a tune – not to anyone in particular,

but I know that everyone around me hears me fill the air with love
and this royal vibration.
Through the power of my voice, I know I can make people feel more
royal. This is how all the princes and princesses were formed in
Disney. They all hold this vibration.
This is how all the kings were manifested from the Bible. God
created them from this royal vibration. We all have it within us.
We don‘t need to look into our magical mirror to ask who‘s the
fairest of them all to know who‘s royal. We need to master the art
of combining our love with sound in color to share with the world.
This was the secret magic of all Disney‘s and the church‘s artists,
like Michaelangelo. Although we do not know what Walt Disney and
Michaelangelo would create if they were to make a movie together, I
do know it would carry the royal vibration of love.
Now I give the secret to you so that you know how to become more
Christ was so royal that if you look close enough with a microscope,
you will find light shimmering like fine gold in His blood.
Christ was like a Disney fairytale that came true on this earth, the
only one with a real-life magical story. A Disney fairytale.

I point to this energy of royalties because it is the very reason for
both these kingdoms‘ success.
When it comes to royalty, the Looney Tunes are to Disney what
today‘s leaders are to Christ.
Both kingdoms exercised the secrets of true dominion, which is love.
I‘d also like to talk about reciprocity as the recipe.
When we‘re in a royal place, we always try to build as much
reciprocity as we can. The more reciprocity available, the more royal
that kingdom is in the realm of eternity.
Through the art of reciprocity, the believer in Christ is showered
with spiritual love, inspiration, and creativity.
Likewise, the loving child who believes in Disney is given access to
the greatest dreams of this world.
As we move forward on this journey and closer to Disney‘s and
Christ‘s castles, we see that, like a rearview mirror, they are closer
than they seem.
From a distance, these two kingdoms look like they‘re uniting
through this royalty!

Disney‘s dream kingdom showers you with magic as Christ‘s light
and glory clothe you. Your garments are changing into perfect colors.
The knowledge of love and royalty are magnifying you!
Now that your mindset is shifting, the dream moves closer to
Christ‘s and Disney‘s kingdoms. Everyone is donning royal robes,
dresses, and jewelry, acknowledging your new knowledge.
In your pocket is a diamond of a different color for every loving
thought you received from this dream book.
Now let us hurry and offer all the stones to Disney and Christ for
the wisdom they are about to give us, which is worth much, much

Y o u r k i ng d om o f l i gh t

he book you hold in your hands right now is a portal into
one of the greatest dreams you‘ve ever had.
As you read these words, your thoughts will connect with
them and gain more Christ and Disney color.
Your dreams will be full of beauty, song, and life.
You can come to this dream world to refresh yourself and learn
everything you need to know about building your magical kingdom
with Christ and Disney.

One of this book‘s main gifts is to teach you how to build your very
own kingdom.
Moving forward, we need to learn how Christ and Disney would
strategize. This will bring the magic to our own strategy.
A true kingdom‘s deepest secret is that all strategy is built on the
motivation for expansion.
This can be an expansion for happiness, truth, health, healing, and
love for your inner kingdom, or a physical expansion of your outer
Let this one principle be like your most beautiful fairy godmother
shedding light.
All strategy is executed for expansion.
When we know this, we can all expand through learning. Your
dream worlds will now become larger at night because of this book.
Even Christians could learn from Disney in the church and gain
popularity by reaching younger audiences, making worship colorful,
magical, and fun. Disney could learn from the church about how to
gain an even deeper artistic expression for a Disney age of

We naturally expand when we learn from other people‘s best
strategies. These two powerful bringers of joy and peace will expand
our personal kingdom and the kingdom of our dreams..
As we enjoy this dream, let‘s learn how to be fuller in spirit.
To do that, you must be completely transparent, just like water must
have no impurities to see at its center.
When you‘re more transparent in your business, family, and kings,
then your strategies and ideas will expand.
For me, being a good author is not about the size of my words but
the ideas I share.
The bigger the idea, the greater the vibration.
Once we understand that all strategy is based on expanding, we can
use many principles and values to strategize for any solution we
We can then look at the problem through a value filter.
For example, Disney holds great value for creative expression.
So, you can solve any problem and create new solutions just from
this value, looking at how you can create a solution through
creativity. We can solve millions of problems through principle-based

solutions. For example, let‘s say the lawn needs to be mowed, and
you can‘t find the lawnmower in the garage.
You can look at the problem through this value and try to find a
solution using creative expression.
Maybe go online and optimize a new way to mow the lawn with new
technology. Maybe make a cake for a neighbor and ask if they can
help, or call a landscaper and have them cut the lawn and create a
new beautiful landscape around your house that resembles Disney!
Dozens of solutions can arise just from this one principle alone.
We look at Christ‘s values for the kings and queens of life.
I can look at any one of my problems through the filter of
forgiveness and find a solution.
When we apply any value of any worth and use it as a filter to
generate solutions, we immediately have a great strategy.
That is a secret I share with you so that together, you can build
your very own kingdom with Christ‘s and Disney‘s help and grace.
We will learn the strategies and values of their kingdoms.
Afterward, we will follow our hearts with our dream magic and
build the most magical kingdom from our souls‘ imagination.

Love rules these kingdoms, and it‘s the ultimate value to use as a
filter to bring about solutions. Love turns royalty into loyalty, just
like Jesus can transform black dye into vibrant colors.
Just like Disney uses perfect circles as the primary strategy in
animation, we can use love as the main strategy to build our kingdom
and solve any problems that get in our way.
The more we master these values and the better we become at
strategizing, the deeper we can go into our dreams. The deeper we
go into a dream, the more colorful it becomes.
Our kingdom can come to life as we use our intelligence to give to
and love others. A kingdom where your library is full of the truth
and magic. A thousand pages of a non-loving book is worth less than
a page of a loving one, just like a thousand pages of a good book is
worth less than one page of the gospel.
You can welcome people to a place where you don‘t just celebrate
holidays but holidays celebrate you. After we are done dreaming
together, you will finally have your own kingdom thanks to Jesus
and Walt‘s love for you. A perfect kingdom of love where
imagination, not gravity, is the dominant force.

The same imagination that makes children feel like Disney characters
really do breathe our air at Disney World will be used to build your
values. Your kingdom will bring joy to the heart of the world.
We can solve any problem now with this secret, and we can store
this hidden power with our hearts.
This value-based problem-solving can even heal the planet.
Walt Disney instilled the essential value of planet conservation
toward his business. To this day, Disney promotes value and teaches
it to its staff.
Look at any problem in your life. You will generate incredible results
and solutions if you apply this value as a filter.
Disney taught us that our connection to Earth is how we breathe and
animate, and this intimate connection is why our decisions affect this
Although Earth can never be portrayed as a Disney character, it is
nevertheless alive, a devoted being that Disney loves.
We nourish the soil and, in turn, we nourish ourselves as humanity.
We need to advance and accelerate with this secret tool and
technique to increase the value of our lives.

If you relived moments of joy in your life and excluded the rest,
how long would your life be? A day, a week, a month, a year? It is
of the utmost importance of building our own kingdoms based on
values to increase our lifespan and moments of joy in our lives,
which is our wellbeing, happiness, and health‘s main magical force.
Does God strategize? Does Christ, the universe or galaxy strategize?
Is it just humans who do?
This is one of Walt Disney‘s greatest superpowers, to take his
imagination and strategize a plan to make it a reality.
Just like our bodies and immune systems strategize life for us and
our health through wellbeing, we should also be just as tenacious
with our outer circumstances.
This shiny gemstone of hidden knowledge will help you surpass all
competition Simply use the best values to strategize anything in your
life. This is the secret shiny gemstone you can take from the depths
of this dream and place it back into your reality.
Now you can strategize anything – even your greatest dreams and
desires. As dreamers, Christians, distonians, Imagineers, and believers
of the light, let us follow these pages even deeper in search of Walt
Disney and Jesus Christ and talk with them personally! They have
many gifts and much love to share with us! One of the greatest gifts

is that an enormous kingdom is waiting for you when you leave this
This text was created so that you can dream whenever you want to,
simply by opening a magical book and finding hidden gems to bring
them into your reality. Here, you will produce thoughts as shiny as a
diamond. Even now, you shine with a light that has never been seen
As you apply the knowledge, values, secrets, and power from this
dream, the spirit of Christ and Disney will follow and guide you
when you reawake from this book.
Let‘s prepare to open our minds and receive Disney‘s dream power
and Christ‘s light as we move closer to our destination and their
magical thrones.

H u m i l it y

his chapter explains the power and magic of humble
beginnings. Jesus Christ was born in a manger, and
Disney lived in a very rural area in Missouri, unknown to
Jesus Christ lived in a town called Nazareth – which was just as
popular as this town in Missouri.

They both came from very humble beginnings! Walt Disney never
graduated from college or even high school. Before he dropped out,
people in his school said he had no good ideas, leading him to chase
after his magic.
We notice in most legendary stories is a legend born from very
humble beginnings.
Where is the magical power to overcome these places of humility
into building a legendary kingdom? How is it that a carpenter became
the most powerful religious figure in the world?
How is it that a simple cartoonist could create the most colorful
entertainment kingdom ever known?
It started from a manger for Jesus, and for Disney, it started with
a mouse from one of its holes.
At what point did Christ go from building doors o the legendary son
of God super? He catapulted from the most simplistic living into the
most popular figure in any religion.
He changed the timetables from the BC era to a whole new one –

Yet when He was born, His mother couldn‘t even afford to give birth
to Him in a proper setting!
When Walt began his career, one of the humblest experiences
occurred…the largest companies in the entertainment industry stole
his cartoon character called Oswald the Lucky Rabbit and claimed it
as their own!
Oswald the Rabbit looked much like the Disney character Mickey
Mouse. This universally known cartoon was now officially the rights
of a larger entertainment company, and Walt was left with nothing
to show for his main Oswald character.
Walt had to humble himself and create his main character all over
Jesus ended up being an outcast when He preached in His
neighborhood. Because of His faith in His God and that He healed the
poor and blind in His community, they said He was demon-possessed.
That was the only way He would be able to heal.
People pleaded with the priests and churches of that time, saying
how can this man be demon-possessed if he‘s healing ailments the
church could not cure? Even Christ‘s saliva restored people‘s vision
from blindness more efficiently than our science today.

Walt Disney and Jesus dealt with great villains who tried to steal
their identities because of this.
Scar, Cruella DeVille, and Ursula do not compare to the monsters
who stole Walt‘s character and the churches who stole Jesus‘.
The true magic is that they carried on. They had the strength and
courage to lift themselves out of these humble beginnings.
Even after the ultimate humiliation of their character being stolen,
they found a small light at the end of their tunnel. Little did they
know that this small light would grow into their very own kingdom.
As dreamers, Imagineers, and believers of the light, we have humble
beginnings, too.
That doesn‘t mean a kingdom is waiting for you when you leave this
dream, close this book, and carry on with your normal life.
This book was created so that you can dream whenever you want,
receive the hidden gems from the dream world, and bring them into
your reality. Through the power of the mind, you can bring these
gems of knowledge and wisdom that collect in this dream into your
real world to protect you and help you build your kingdom in Christ.
Only from your dreams will you find gems shining with every color
of the universe.

The shinest diamond of reality is not in this world but other areas
of the universe.
When you leave these pages full of the words from your dream,
people will see you shining with a different light they‘ve never seen
As you apply the knowledge, values, secrets, and power from this
dream, you will learn you also started from humble beginnings, just
like Christ and Disney.
Christ and Disney know who you are. Let‘s prepare to open our
minds and receive Disney‘s dream power and Christ‘s God light. As
you move closer to their thrones, their paths will combine with
yours, and you will realize the reason for you being here is an
essential part of your story that will last forever.
We see this as an essential ingredient in the magic of building a true
If you look at most Disney and biblical characters, you will see that
these legendary characters all have humble beginnings, just Christ
and Walt.
Here‘s the key – it‘s such a critical piece of the puzzle to success
that it was essential for me to write an entire chapter on humble

All legends start at the bottom because it is necessary to have a
floor as the foundation when climbing the ladder to our destiny.
The sun rising produces the same magical colors in the sky as when
it sets.
When we look at both parts of our life – the high times and the low
– and consider them both, a magical process begins to occur in our

T h e c as t l e o f s e cr e ts

e have finally arrived at the castle of secrets!
The most beautiful castle known in all dreams ever
It was built by Christ‘s angels and Disney‘s characters.
The windows are stained perfectly with the brightest colors the
mind can produce.
The designs are Disney‘s lovely characters, like Nemo, the 12
princesses, Mickey, and Donald Duck.

The Fantasia magic swirls around the outside of the castle. All the
rooms inside are lit with Christ‘s love! The lights seen from outside
bring the characters in the windows to life as they shine outward
into the sky, dancing with the great light of God‘s truth.
The secret password to get inside the castle is ―I am the open
door.‖ As you say the password given to you in your heart, light
surrounds you, and for the first time, your words become visible.
We watch as the great door encrusted with the finest Disney and
church gems slowly open and your words fly through the castle.
Christ‘s love illuminating the castle immediately improves our vision
by at least double.
We can now see writings on the wall we weren‘t able to before. We
look around the castle and see writings in the most beautiful font all
across the walls that can only be read through this improved Christ
These writings are Christ‘s and Walt Disney‘s secrets.
Let‘s explore and learn as we journey further into the everlasting
The letters change color as you read them, as though the castle
itself is connected to your soul.

One of the writings says, ―Love is an absolute necessary ingredient
on the path to full realization. We must increase our love until it‘s
complete.‖ You keep reading the writings until you discover a secret
suite on the other side of the castle. A sign says it is only open to
the believers of Disney magic and the Christ‘s love.
If we go inside this suite and close our eyes, all Christ‘s and Disney‘s
secrets will be placed lovingly in our hearts.
As we open the door, all thoughts of non-love completely turn black
and white, while our thoughts of love and happiness are given their
colors, making them brighter and lovelier.
We close our eyes and thank Christ and Disney for the secrets
they‘re about to reveal to us.
After your prayer, you leave the suite with many revelations. You
stay in the castle for as long as you like until you are ready to
explore the dream deeper.
Now we know the place within our dreams where Disney and Christ
brainstorm together to create miracles for our world. Let‘s
adventure and explore some other of Christ‘s secrets. In the Bible,
we know that Jesus demanded His disciples to keep that He was
Christ a secret.

When His disciple Peter said to Him, ―You are the Christ,‖ Jesus
commanded him to keep this a secret.
Jesus also demanded other people, like His mother and certain family
members, to conceal His true identity as the divine son and living
In Mark, chapter eight, verse 29, Jesus asks, ―Who do you think I
am, who do you say I am?‖ Peter responded, ―You are the Christ.‖
Christ‘s power is the most secretive thing to exist because it contains
certain mysteries only scripture can reveal.
God created the earth before anything in the Bible. Earth is the
tenth word!
We still have so much to be revealed to us because the world is built
on secrets.
We have never discovered many of these wonders yet. We have not
even discovered thoughts in our minds or the wonders of our bodies.
Every time we have powerful energy, we enter a new world.
Even heaven is hidden within our minds.
I want to explore with you the secret of repetition. When you think
or say something for long enough, that thought or those words
become much more potent in vibration.

Words contain vibration. In the Bible, God created everything with
His words, not His hands.
Our goal is to be God-like, with words powerful enough to create.
Someone who does not think a thought or speak a word as many
times as you will not compare to your vibration‘s magical force.
This is why it‘s suggested you read and speak the words of Christ
as much as you can. His law is profoundly influential – it‘s one of
His greatest secrets. No nation has been bold enough to make His law
that of the people.
His law is so powerful that whatever nation is brave enough to use it
for the land will rule the world.
What is Christ‘s secret law? The vibration of love we all desire. It
can dissolve any enemy we have. This is why Jesus said to love
your enemy. In doing this, you won‘t have to fight them, you‘ll just
dissolve them. If you love your enemy, you will have none.
Even though it‘s tempting to use non-love to remedy our problems,
the magical secret vibration of love can only dissolve these people in
our life. There is no being of non-love who has prevailed against
Disney‘s loving characters.
If we exercise this law as individuals, we will conquer as a
community, a state, and a nation. We will conquer the world.
More mysteries will be revealed to us as we too become Christ‘s
disciples and follow His commandment to become His children in our
Disney dream world.
Just like a meteor comes from deep space and into our solar system,
piercing through our atmosphere into our Earth, so too do our
greatest thoughts come to our soul from God, enter into our
subconscious, then peer through our conscious awareness, where we
can produce and manifest our desires.
This is how powerful a thought can be! When we use the secret of
repetition and inject our thoughts with love and gratitude, we shoot
the meteor of love back out toward our soul.
If we take one of these thoughts, inject it with love, and are grateful
for it, it will grow to be intensely saturated with force.
When a villain like Cruella DeVille comes barking up the wrong tree,
her thoughts will no longer be as powerful.
The secret far more powerful than any other is to keep nurturing
your thoughts, feed them love, and shower them with gratitude.
Give that thought cosmic Christ strength by lovingly repeating it.
Do this with as many thoughts as you can until you have so much
magic and love within your mind that your kingdom will go to
infinity and beyond.
Y o u r L eg e n d

e‘ve identified the two greatest legends that exist in
this book.
When it comes to happiness, adventure, and the magic
of love, Christ rules forever, and Walt followed suit on Earth.
Now we‘re going to learn how to be brave enough to start the tale
of our own legendary life.
We have danced within the minds of Christ and Walt Disney and
found their thoughts magical stars lighting up the sky of this dream!

Let‘s continue on this journey as we discover even more magical
paths and secrets.
We can also build our own character based on loving values –
essential to our future success.
I would first like to recognize the primary characteristics of our
physical and mental bodies and our dreams.
In this chapter, we will optimize our legendary character to mirror
these masters of love so we can have the most satisfying dream of
our lives.
Get a new notebook and create an entry called ―legend of dreams.‖
In this dream, you will transform into a legend so dramatically that
you will be stronger when you enter back into the real world.
Let‘s begin.
First, write down a list of your physical characteristics, then write
one thing you love about each one.
If you can‘t find anything to love about each of these physical
characteristics, then reflect and research one that you can love in the
Be as detailed as possible!

Write down what you love about your height, eye color, blood and
body type, date of birth, species, or skin color.
Try to identify as many dimensions of your physical self as you can,
such as your astrological sign, alias, dexterity (right or left-handed),
and uncommon physical characteristics that make you unique.
Identifying what you love creates a legendary mental avatar
representing your Christ and Disney character‘s very best self!
This will ultimately increase your self-image from where you are
now and into the legend you are in your kingdom.
This magical journal will eventually optimize your attributes to
reflect a superhuman character, just like Walt and Christ.
Next, identify your strengths. Name at least fifty of them.
This may take time, so be patient. As you identify each one, imagine
this dream becoming more vivid in color!
Now create your own constitution for your kingdom that Christ and
Disney will help you with by writing down a simple statement about
what you want for your people.
Next, we will identify your strengths in regards to your intelligence
and wisdom. Christ‘s and Disney‘s magic will open your mind and
make these strengths even more profound in this dream.

On a new page, list what makes you feel lucky to have and what you
are grateful for.
Also include your best qualities and how these kingdoms‘ values can
improve them.
Now you have a better idea of what you‘re representing, and your
magic is starting to shine!
When you have a better idea of what you represent, you can build
your kingdom in a much more preferable way.
Let‘s move on…
Identify your favorite things in this life so that you can visualize
building your kingdom around these specific ideals.
Wonderful things emerge in your experience when you identify and
focus on your likes.
For example, Jesus liked to teach and be connected to God. He loved
spirituality, and He ultimately loved what He believed in. He grew a
kingdom so vast that we grow it even today.
He could build the kingdom around what He liked – love.
Walt liked drawing and imagination. He wanted to follow his dreams
and make families happy. This is how he built his kingdom.

You can master the art of identifying your favorite things in life,
using them as magic to build a heaven-like kingdom and become a
legend with them.
This allows you to stand for what you think is right, and you can
start to plant seeds of the morals that the people within your
kingdom will hold.
Identify the beliefs that should be held within your personal
In regards to governments, people, families, and religion, who do you
truly believe in?
Understand that your beliefs are the gates to these kingdoms,
allowing others to enter and leave. Others governing their own lives
with different beliefs than yours usually see closed gates.
Let‘s move on to the next part of growing your journal of dreams!
One of the main things as a legend is to know your goals. Identifying
your aspirations and wishes helps you share the future with others.
Like Walt Disney and Jesus Christ, it helps others share the same
dream. You can only do this with another by thinking together.

We both share Christ‘s and Disney‘s dreams as we think together,
and we can now travel through their mind with more light and love
as we develop our journal.
One of the fastest ways we can turn into legends is to remember
when we were children and who we felt were our guardians, our
heroes, and the people we chose to be with the most.
When we understand this, we can then remember their values and
build our realm by edifying those values within our lives.
If you were unlimited and could imagine anything you wanted with
the help of Jesus, Disney, and God, what would your castle look
Where would it be located?
How would the land surrounding your kingdom look?
Would it look like a skyscraping cathedral of perfection or a
Cinderella castle of holiness?
Now that we know where you would dwell and sleep, we have
enough information to build on your legendary story.
Keep writing these things in your journal until it gets bigger and
bigger. This journal is a magical book where you can start to
discover true powers.

Allow Christ‘s love and Disney‘s imagination to help build your
kingdom and legendary character.
Now that you have a journal, you can find mentors who have
mastered the same type of powers and strengths.
Keep searching until you find a teacher, and you can start training
into being the person you want to be.
Continue from your goals and start identifying your achievements in
life and what they unlocked for you.
How did they make you feel when you achieved them?
What do you want to achieve in the future because of these doors
that opened because of your success?
As you continue to level up in your legendary status and building and
working on your magical journal, know that your created journal
supplements this book you‘re reading now. They will work together
until we finally meet Disney and Christ in their kingdoms.
Keep it in the most protected place you can and reference it for your
Next, I would like you to do an exercise.
Within your journal, draw an image of yourself as best as possible,
the very best reflection of yourself you can imagine.

Just as Walt would have taught you to do, continue drawing simple
portraits of yourself in this light.
Even if you‘re not an artist, with the very best of your ability,
continue doing this, and keep these images in the back of your
These images will water your mind, working miracles to complete
the pictures in your dreams and reality with the finest detail.
These images may not seem like much, but you will have a better
idea of a person who can build a kingdom as powerful as Christ did
as you continue making this a habit.
Let‘s now journal about the people in your life.
Just like Walt Disney, you will be able to identify your allies and
villains almost immediately.
Who do you want to make allegiances within the future?
Who are your friends right now who will help you?
These beings are pivotal within your legendary story, even if they‘re
an animal companion. Even Superman had a superdog, and Walt
Disney had Mickey.
Welcome all the friends you have right now who can help you and
you would like to have in the future. Imagine what your perfect

friend would look like. As Walt Disney used to do, ask Christ for
help in prayer when you need more creativity in developing these
characters in your imagination.
You will now have much better relationships in the future because
you have identified your most desired friends.
Congratulations, you have a legendary team!
As we all ultimately have to face rivals and villains, we will be
better positioned to fight glorious battles with our enemies due to our
allegiances. We‘ll even be able to take on monsters with this method.
Of course, legends have trials and tribulations; if they didn‘t, they
would never have become legends.
So, embrace your new magic book.
This is your connection from the real world to this dream. You can
now achieve as many moments of truth as you can in your life,
moments where you‘re saving the day.
Just like Christ defeated evil and Disney defeated Universal Studios,
you will have many triumphs and find many treasures in your life by
using the journal building technique from this chapter.
Journal building in your real world builds your legacy and kingdom
in this dream.

Understand the moral of your story!
May your magical journal glow with the colors of Christ‘s and
Disney‘s dreams in your real world.

C l o s e r t o t h e t h ro n es

e‘re getting closer to the thrones. The nearer we get,
the more we see everything surrounding us transform
into love. If you look close enough, you‘ll see that even
the wings of insects have turned into pure gold.

We‘ve learned a lot about the timeless realm of Christ‘s dreams. In
His reality, all creation has become His mind.
As for Disney, time itself has manifested into a living and breathing
These two kings are just a little bit different than any other rulers
in existence.
They have not a collection of people but worlds in their kingdoms.
We have made it to their kingdoms‘ borders, and it is finally time to
Mufasa valiantly sits outside the ―gates of Christ‖ with a spiritual
aura surrounding His entire body.
We hear His resounding voice echo as we listen to Him explain to
visitors that Judah‘s lion is the true king and the head and tail of
We can start to feel the new energies within us as the vibes shift
entirely from the other side of the gates, waves of feeling so
unbelievable that they are difficult to explain – similar to when
you‘re holding diamonds in your hands.

Only two kings understand the meaning of crystals‘ dazzling clarity
and how they represent the light touching their kingdoms because
God shines on the good and evil in this dream.
Whose legacy is greater than the ones who put their minds together
to make their dreams come true?
Christ‘s and Disney‘s minds united like the dancing sun and Earth in
perfect proximity, birthing this bright and blue dream world.
Here lies freedom for all families who enter. They all receive a
blessing from Christ and Disney when they slumber to assist them
during their waking state.
Even though this journey has been long to the gates, we are now
mastering the dream world as we come closer to the throne of truth.
The left side of ―the gates of Christ‖ reads, ―Forgive, not because
they deserve forgiveness, but because you deserve peace.‖
The right side of the gate reads, ―For if you forgive other people
when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive
Mufasa sternly asks us for the password to the kingdom.
The answer gently bubbles up within us with the Holy Spirit‘s

You answer, ―Silence.‖
Mufasa gives a surprisingly sweet smile as he sings an ancient song
of beauty, activating the massive silver gates to open as we witness
for the first time Disney and Christ‘s fantastic dream world.
Every single one of our thoughts is given breath and comes to life as
we step into the kingdom.
We look around, miraculous, and see everything as our very own
self, realizing that everything we see around us is really an
expression of what is within us, just as in every dream.
We finally made it to the kingdom of love! Christ‘s kingdom!
The small little beauties of life here are grander than the Seven
Wonders back in the real world. This is because you are now
looking at everything through the eyes of your omnipresent self.
This allows us to immediately see that love is the greatest vibration.
We haven‘t scientifically discovered the power of love on Earth, but
here, everything is architected in reverence to the power.
Symmetrical patterns of perfection manifest this kingdom from
God‘s words and heart.
We realize these patterns are also within us due to our new
enlightened perspective.

We have fulfilled our dream of finally discovering our greatest
moment, the true feeling of love as we explore with the mind of God
as ourselves.
We finally now have more answers than questions.
A consciousness full of light draws us nearer to the all-powerful
magnetizing energy of love emanating from Jesus‘ throne in the
We are aware this is our life‘s ultimate adventure as we move
We find princes and princesses with shimmering hearts and eyes full
of magic, all ready to teach us this new love of Christ. Here, angels
succeeded in creating new colors with their vibrations of light, gifts
to all dreamers who travel here.
These angels of Christ are so magnificent that the sky changes color
in their presence.
Their wing colors shift in alignment with those in the sky, remaining
undetectable during flight.
How can we bring these new angelic colors home with us?

This dream was created so that Christ and Disney collide through
love to teach us how to build our own kingdom in an entirely new
We are now outside Christ‘s mansion.
We see His 12 disciples dancing with Disney‘s 12 princesses under a
tree that can produce roses of all different colors.
We pick up some of the tree‘s fruits to eat and enjoy.
These fruits are the cure Christ gives to us, saving us from the
wrongfully eaten apple in the Garden of Eden.
After eating His fruit, we will be ready to speak to Christ about
building our kingdom in the real world.
As we climb the tree to fetch fruit, we see a purple river in the
distance, where Jesus turned the water into wine.
We can smell the grapes in the wind as we take a bite of Christ‘s
It‘s more magical here than in the first dream you‘ve ever had.
As we swallow the fruit, we see millions of doves fly in the sky that
we thought were clouds.
We look up and hear the most loving voice whisper, ―It‘s time.‖

Beloved, come!
We instantly retrieve all our lost memories of love within our minds.

i n s ig ht

e have grown closer to Christ. Now we have
everything that we need as we move forward towards
exploring and learning. When you leave this dream,
you will be fully equipped to build your very own kingdom.
Your real world is now full of magic. Every moment, infinite amount
of magical things happen within our universe. This book is capable
of giving you the keys needed to build the kingdom from the magic
of love.
Did you know that your kingdom could be the biggest Kingdom in
history? Just like Walt Disney's or Christ‘s?

Usually we don't see this because we don't have the people to help
us build the kingdom of love. The truth is, people that are not
helping us build our kingdom is false authority with lesser
knowledge. We can pray that one day they will find their magic but
until then we must increase our own freedoms.
Right now, we pay others with money. One day, we'll pay others
with increased freedom in exchange for their work.
Walt Disney was like the real life Wizard of Oz and Jesus Christ
was the real life Son of God. They call Jesus King of kings, because
he was the most loving king that existed in the Bible.
God was always with him, helping him teach others how to build a
Jesus taught others on what type of foundation to build their
kingdom on and what type of doors to use.
Ultimately, he held the secrets of what would keep the kingdom
You have to decide what type of Kingdom you want. Do you want it
to be a kingdom of healing, lie Christ?

A kingdom of intelligence? A kingdom of happiness? The biggest
Kingdom in history was Jesus Christ. If you look in your back
pocket, you'll find a key. This key unlocks the gap within your mind.
The deepest place where our most loving thoughts are.
It's the space between one thought and another. With this key, you
can go deep into the spaces andl find vast treasures of your hidden
knowledge. It is a place where you can always have peace.
It is an extension of your magical kingdom. You will need this
peaceful place.
You can dwell in this magical Kingdom of spaciousness that will help
you in tremendous and wonderful ways. You will finally be able to
know who you are when you're not thinking.
Christ said to us that the kingdom is within.
We must master this open door to a deeper place within ourselves.
This is key to perfecting our outward kingdom.
When Disneyland was first broadcasted to the world it was in black
and white. Then he brought his kingdom to color.
When Jesus came, he was using scriptures in black and white. But
then he explained the entire Bible with his intelligence and his words.
With his miracles he brought color to our faith.

Now you too will bring color to your world. With this key of
Christ, you can enter deeper into your mind.
Look on top of your head, you Mickey's sorcerers hat. Now you
have the ability to create anything with your imagination.
You can manifest anything in this dream with your imagination. With
the key and hat you have conquered yourself.
You can create a million Disney worlds amidst a billion of the most
beautiful churches!
You can imagine anything.
It's much easier to be the king of your life when you know who you
Now that you are unlimited, you finally are yourself.
It‘s time to build your kingdom. Expand through the magic of love to
be and do and have whatever you want.
Just like Christ you can conquer all religions! Just like Disney, you
can take over all of entertainment!
We have transformed our mind in this dream now. Just like Toy
Story. When we are not looking, our thoughts come to life in our
worlds. Let us always look to generate the best thoughts we can.

The power of your mind is now quadrillions of times stronger with
your hat and key.
You can wield the strongest power of your mind to expand
everywhere and perfect everything.
If you were to combine every single thought that you had in life into
one thought, you would understand that our thoughts are diversified
expressions of our inner God or oneness.
Believe in yourself and the magical kingdom that you will create.
Just like Christ, the light from your dreams will expand into your
real world.
Your thoughts are greater and larger than any magical city we could
The most difficult thing to do is not to think because this is where
an entirely new world exists.
Yet, this is an integral part of your magical Kingdom where you
realize deeper truths.
We can call our Creator, the CO creator. It's our destiny to create
with our Creator. I believe this is why you received this key, and
Walt gave you his best friend's hat. I believe that you will create a
kingdom with the source of all happiness.

Do you want the most beautiful expression of yourself?
Creating with the magic of light, music, and loving vibration, the
magnitude of your kingdom is in alignment with your thoughts that
are vibrating through the emanation of Christ Consciousness.
This Christ consciousness is the combination of your hat and key.
Never again will you find a greater value than within your mind. It
can heal you, protect you. Shield you and guard you.
Everything you see externally now submits to you.
There are some billionaires in our world, like Jeff Bezos, who at
one time or another, earned up to $160,000 per minute.
There was actually one time he made $150,000 per second. I want
you to understand the value of your time. No man's time is more
valuable than another's. Just like any king of a great kingdom, great
values create great value.
Jesus said, the last in his kingdom shall be first and the first shall
be last.
If you put others first, then you will prosper in your kingdom.
This is the potential of the value of putting others first in your
kingdom. Jeff Bezos called this customer obsession.
Build the kingdom for others. This is a greater desire then to build
a kingdom for yourself.
Let me give you a few more secrets. We shall journey from this
kingdom of silence towards the castles in the sky where Disney
dwells. The first secret is to find your 12. Just like Disney had 12
princesses who run his world. And just like Christ had 12 of the
royalist disciples you too can find 12 beings to appoint in your
kingdom. 12 is a very important number. It's the same number that
completes a basketball roster. It's the same number that completes
the months of the year. The hours from day to day. It is the
transition from teenage to non teenage years.
The Next secret is to find and generate peace and quiet. Jesus would
always say ―Peace be to you‖ because he knew that all people need
peace and quiet in order to succeed, no matter who it is. No one
needs anything more than love, peace and quiet in any circumstance
they are in.
Please reflect on this as we discover the future of your kingdom.
We can now move towards Disney's castle, that looks like
Cinderella's castle in the sky!

A wa k en i ng on C h r is tm as

hristmas is a magical time with Disney. All the snow in the
Frozen film turns to gold on this magical day.

Christ is upon us each individually for the two thousand plus

Christmases since He was born.
His spirit filled each gift we have we opened without us even
Can you imagine how much love is produced in our world?

Our happiness would not exist without Christmas, which wouldn‘t
exist without Jesus.
Just like Christmas is the diamond of our calendar, Jesus Christ is
the most valuable being of our time.
In truth, the dearest person of Christmas is the master of love
This chapter will explore what happens when Christmas and Disney
It‘s where the characters from Frozen say, ―Let it snow!‖ instead
of ―Let it go.‖
Love is like warm fire magically transforming perfect particles into
In this dream, on this day, all the snowflakes of Christmas are
different colors and rainbows dancing in the snow. Yet nothing
comes close to the pure white snow surrounding Jesus on this day.
It‘s the day where God‘s love personally makes all our thoughts.
Disney has taken Santa‘s place, offering everyone gifts from the
Disney kingdom. Instead of elves, dwarves distribute the packages, all
with a distinguished name given after their vibrant personalities.

Our minds are utterly pure in color as our eyes neither feel open nor
closed in God‘s presence and Disney‘s magic.
This is finally Christmas morning with God in our hearts.
All the children in our dreams have become the light of the world
through the force of these two kingdoms uniting with their magic of
eternality and creativity.
The magic of Disney‘s kingdom has turned into Christ‘s light, and
now only Disney can portray these colors of Jesus‘s love.
Let‘s explore this day that holds the universe‘s most royal vibration.
Let us bring the fire of Christ‘s Christmas into our dreams.
When these two kingdoms unite on this day, such magic weaves any
two thoughts together with ease and grace, no matter how separate
they seem.
Wonderland merges with Neverland, SeaWorld with Disney World.
Disney unites with Christ.
Christmas brings Disney to its potential.
In Christ, Disney reaches its prime.
Today, they share their kingdoms. Walt rests on Jesus‘ throne,
while Christ rests in Cinderella‘s castle.

Magical pixie dust is everywhere, intertwining with Christ‘s light to
replace the tree lights.
In the most profound comfort and peace and with Santa‘s silence, we
celebrate the Christ savior being born.
We celebrate His kingdom‘s unknown miracles.
Disney‘s visible magic is excitable around Christ‘s love as they chase
each other on their best day.
Our breath‘s condensation swirls perfectly on this beautiful snowy
day as it comes to life, forming shapes of heaven as your breath
playfully flies away.
This Christmas is the day where it feels like every cell in your body
has loving emotion.
All the space in the cosmos comes alive and loves.
We finally understand the divine inspiration of the meaning of
Once Disney and Jesus unite with their essence, we know how to
truly celebrate His birthday together.
Just like Santa would travel to the moon to get gifts out to the
children, Disney will do anything to make this the most magical day
in history.

We hear all types of birds singing together like a choir. We look up
and see Mickey riding in Santa‘s sleigh with a Christ-like spirit.
Holy angels are everywhere, like a flying parade for the savior. We
hear Christ singing in the clouds with them as the sky changes to
the color of love and truth speaks.
The song goes, ―Somewhere in the universe, there is a star that
loves you more than anyone on Earth. Know this when you wish on
a star.‖
Listening to Jesus sing brings us heavenly peace as we all gather in
Christmas play.
Heavenly light blesses dreams of Christmas morning and returns
them to dreamers around the world, now heavier and perfected with
This is our glimpse of heaven on Earth, and we finally realize who
God is through our dreams.
Even the sun to God just seems like a candle in the universe.
Right now, Christmas is the ultimate light of our year because
Christmas wouldn‘t exist without Jesus.


ne of the most magical questions we can ever ask
ourselves is what Jesus would do.
This is a question Christians have been asking for ages
and will do until the end of time.
Let‘s expand this question into the wonderful world of Disney and
ask what Jesus and Disney would do.
When we do this, we receive a Floridian pearl – we get two answers
for one question!

This question will become super powerful within your mind after
reading and mastering this chapter.
This glorious question brings the enchanting world of make-believe
together with the wonderful world of truth.
Asking this question of timeless wonder will activate eternity‘s secret
colors in your mind. The Holy Ghost will bleed into Disney‘s smooth
ink to give you a satisfying rush of wellbeing.
This is a question of imperishable joy and incredible pleasure. Asking
questions in your dreams brings a magic from the deep ends of
A phenomenon healing from the blissful thought the inquiry produces
allows you to sulk in the marvelous beauty of these kingdoms‘
everlasting paradises.
Just like every person has the spirit of Christ within them, every
Disney character has a piece of Mickey inside of them. The mouse
even governs the great Simba.
When we look within, we can find the origins of our lives that may
not be apparent if we look in the mirror.

The power of the question dangerously intensifies within these two
So, how does the Christ within all of us improve Disney day by day
and year by year?
And how would the most colorful legend known as Walt Disney
improve the church if he were alive?
The cartoon world‘s Michaelangelo and archangel Michael‘s leader
will fuse their powers every time you pose these words.
Christ and Disney combined is the best expression of heaven on
Earth I can imagine.
If taken seriously for the betterment of our world, this book will
vastly improve and magnify both kingdoms by combining music,
architecture, values, and the legends holding them together. Even
more importantly, this simple question will bring together a whole
new world for the dreamer that aligns with their best dreams.
Can you imagine the ageless Christ teaching supernatural divinity
with Disney‘s majestic, brilliantly colored animations to our children?
These images naturally arise when you ask yourself what Jesus and
Disney would do in your situation with your problem.
Walt will always point back to our dreams for the answers.

In listening to his advice, we realize that it takes effort to remember
last night‘s dreams.
We have to strive to remember our childhood dreams to achieve our
future destiny.
As for Jesus, He would teach us that God can dwell in every single
one of our thoughts.
Just like water doesn‘t take form until it fills the cup, He would help
us change every negative thought into golden and heavenly love.
When we ask this question long enough, we can become Christ-like
ourselves, representing God‘s light.
While He blasts immortal perfection into our hearts, we can help
others reach new opportunities and achieve victories with His echoing
In this book, we‘re not only asked to be Christ-like but Disney-like.
And when we ask the question, ―What would Disney do?‖ we can
also identify his attempt to bring more color into the world around
him, as he did with technicolor and the technology of his day.
Walt‘s legendary problem-solving abilities created the magical
kingdom of Disneyland and its wonders.
The more we ask this question, the better decisions we will make.

An excellent new perspective we could have is to imagine what it
would be like if Jesus or Walt Disney were our father. We can
achieve a whole new view of life this way.
If you can imagine this with clarity, then you will open your mind to
Christ‘s light and universal imagination.
Be prepared for enormously expansive thoughts after reading this
Being the child of Jesus would undoubtedly blaze our nation with
God‘s grace. Christ‘s empire endlessly flowing onward with the Holy
Spirit would perfect everything within and around us.
Jesus or Disney as our father would birth the belief in magic and
bring endless possibilities.
Disney‘s new children might attempt to build a time machine to go to
the most loving time in history. Whatever this visualization surfaces
will be the plateau to rise your past to present circumstances.
If we remember that Jesus Christ is a supernatural being from our
souls, then we will soon have the vision to do the most significant
thing we‘ve ever done before when we answer this question.
Jesus always gives us a picture of what we look like through His
eyes. He sees us all through the eyes of perfection. The secret is

that He saw everything and everyone as perfect through His
miraculous powers.
This was Jesus Christ‘s secret, only discovered when He opens the
door to the light of eternity within us.
Just like the sun is the truest cure, Christ supplies the most refined
As immortality assists us in a more radiant world, let us embrace His
vision of us. He saw everything as Himself, as we do when we
realize we are dreaming. What does this make you and I who believe
in magic?
The knowledge of our afterlife lies only in our dreams while we are
alive. A door in our dreams opens to heaven‘s light as the sun rises.
The heavenly beings with phoenix-like light will, at last, reveal our
concept of eternity when we finally find Jesus in this dream
together. We will discover a dimension of His kingdom expressed as
God‘s brightest love.
God‘s glory will fill our mornings as we return to the real world
with a new awareness and attention to reach out to the entire world.
Let us reflect that even though Christ was the king of heaven and
had a throne there, He was on the streets without a home, healing
the sick.
If one question could produce the most vivid colors of God‘s
mysterious and wonderful magic, it would be, ―What would Christ
and Disney do?‖

T h e O r ig in s

wanted to share a little about how this book became a
I have always dreamed of being a writer.
At a young age, writing seemed like a world I would never be able to
reach. As years and experience grew, my faith in God and my
confidence increased. This was the principal reason I finally did
reach my own world when I wrote my first book.
Christ vs. Disney is my eighth book.

As a seasoned author, I attempted to allow people to see, if they used
their very best imagination, combing how they would look and feel as
a royal Disney character and as a holy king or queen of the Bible.
My story had a very humble beginning. My intent is to be as
experienced as I can in this life.
I was taken from an abusive and addicted family as an infant to an
Through God‘s grace and divine intervention, a very magical family
took me into foster care.
I healed from the wounds of being separated from my biological
family and the pain of never seeing a father who remains unknown
to me.
As I grew roots with the most wonderful family that existed, who
had an intense passion for Jesus Christ, I realized God was my true
We eventually moved to Orlando, Florida, where we transformed
into a Disney family.
Being so deeply rooted in family and Christianity, the kingdoms of
Christ and Disney merged in my child‘s eyes.

My foster mother was Jeanette, a beautiful pure-blooded Puerto
Rican full of dance, color, and love.
She taught me how to pray, and we went to theme parks in Florida
Disney World felt like going to heaven for me the first time I went
as a child.
These adventures finally gave me an amazing assurance that
everything would be okay and that life was on my side.
I knew I was safe, and this gratitude added a unique dimension to
Disney that no one else saw.
The characters were like angels, and Disney World transformed into
heaven in my mind because of the amazing transition I came from.
Just like all stories have another side, my biological family eventually
wanted me back.
They won a custodial court case, so I moved from Florida back to
New York, where I was orphaned, and my freedom was gone once
On the plane ride back, I realized I had lost my Spanish family and
the magic of Disney.

I was six years old when I went from a beautiful home close to
Disney, with gardens and a lemon tree, to the complete opposite.
My biological mother had married an extremely abusive, narcissistic
We lived on a junkyard, where I witnessed my step-dad argue with
my mom daily. Rats were normal because my mom and step-dad
would never clean the house.
I longed to go back to my Disney family.
It was a difficult time for me, but God placed Christ‘s light in my
heart, and I absorbed, endured, and grew.
The circumstances became so severe that my mother once again
could not take care of me. My step-father died, and I was sent to a
juvenile facility center, where I was severely restricted. I was often
banned from the kitchen, living room, outside to get fresh air, and
even the basement.
I lived in these types of group homes until I was 18 years old, where
I learned street life by being around the toughest kids in the city.
Although I became much stronger and resilient, I yearned for
freedom and family more than anything.

At 18 years old, I was emancipated and immediately went to college,
where excelling there restored the freedom I longed for as an
I eventually learned I wasn‘t the troubled kid that the state and
government had always labeled me as in these facilities. I finally
healed through those experiences by teaching myself that I was
bright, creative, and able to excel in college. I took pride in my
exceptional grades and the freedom of my intelligence as I dominated
my academics. I felt like a superpower thinker.
I eventually graduated and felt like I was on top of the world.
Like I could do anything.
I overcame my family‘s and the government‘s judgment in the
junkyard and group homes.
I was now a scholar!
Due to my Christian sentiments, I decided I would become a healer,
and at 25, I became a nurse. The waiting list for this particular
program was over five years at the time. I applied anyway because
of my confidence in my consistent grades.
Helping and healing people directly was where I decided to allocate
my intelligence.

I had a car accident while waiting to be accepted into the nursing
I had to learn to walk again, as well as overcoming and surviving a
pulmonary embolism.
The car that hit me instantly crushed in half. Miraculously, I
remained conscious and prayed to God for forgiveness during my last
perceived breath.
The car ended up on someone‘s lawn. They came out, and I asked,
―Am I going to die?‖ They looked at my face, put their hand over
their mouth, and did not respond. They ran inside and fetched a
towel to stop the blood gushing from my face.
On the road to recovery, I knew God was my airbag that didn‘t
deploy. During my first steps of recovery, I realized deep down that
I had a new light and strength of who I am.
I reapplied to nursing school as soon as I gained balanced.
This time, I applied not only to heal others but my self. I knew if I
was accepted, I would have the knowledge to possibly heal myself
I was accepted into one of the most competitive nursing schools in
NY state in 2010.

I could rehabilitate fast enough to start my first day of class.
I excelled amongst my peers and used every moment to learn the
most powerful medical secrets I could find.
I healed myself by learning these secrets.
After I graduated with the highest honors, I received a settlement
from that accident for the faulty airbag not deploying. I used the
money to move to Philadelphia to start a real estate business and
initiate my nursing career.
After getting used to the lay of the land, I decided it was time to
become more spiritually knowledgeable and equipped.
I learned all the spirituality I could at the historical Penn State
Through all this research, I eventually decided to choose a man
named Lester Levinson as my spiritual teacher in Christ after
hearing His recordings.
In my personal opinion, they were the closest thing to Christ and the
words in the Bible that I had ever heard.
Very soon after choosing this being and His teachings, I received a
compelling spiritual revelation.

It was a Christ revelation that came upon me and made me release
more than I ever had in life.
It felt like I was releasing all this experience I had gained during my
childhood at once.
For almost three days, I was in a state of constant crying and
communion with my father.
This spiritual purging of my past felt like I had transformed as a
human being forever. I looked in the mirror, and my eyes shone like
a God‘s.
I started receiving thoughts I‘d never had before.
Thoughts like ―everyone is God,‖ and ―I am Christ, and so is
everyone else.‖
The more I cried and released, the more of a light being I felt.
All this pressure from my childhood came out as even deeper
thoughts arised.
I finally realized what love was and why we call it spiritual.
At this level, everyone I looked at was myself connected to a very
intense consciousness of omnipresence.
For the first time, I became Christ‘s love.

After this, I endured many dark experiences that I felt were an
attack response to this light and knowledge revealed to me.
Yet, I am here to say that I survived them all and matured into the
author with eight published books, including Christ vs. Disney.
To this day, I believe Christ is in my mind, guiding my thoughts as I
create books that come from the creativity pumping in my heart.
Christ‘s consciousness guides and strengthens me, even though it is
not the intensity of my realization in Philadelphia.
Just like a fire can seem invisible within smoke, it can reappear and
blaze even more sharply at any moment.
I share this revelation with you to tell my story, which I call Christ
vs. Disney.

T h e p e rf e ct c omb i nat i o n

he combination of Christ and Disney creates a new type
of magic, one I‘ve been trying to explain ever since I was
introduced to Disney as a child.
Words will never be able to describe this interconnecting energy that
synthesizes the magic from God‘s mind.
God‘s colors and sounds are the same magic linking the stars in His
cosmic pond.

He created a nuclear kingdom on Earth that transmutes when Christ
and Disney unite.
In this unity, all our primary feelings can go free.
Even our enormous passions exemplify when Jesus and Walt hold
hands to open the door to heaven and Earth.
As the angels sing special chants with romantic sounds from their
golden breasts, Jesus, chief of brotherly love, shines cohesively with
Disney‘s enjoyable aura, making the Disney magic flicker with God‘s
We realize this alchemical process between them can birth glorious
spirits, fluorescent melodies, and new magic for our souls.
No symbiotic beauty such as this has ever existed in the universe.
We close our eyes and see Jesus emerge from within us as He
manifests in our minds.
Jesus looks at us, and we can see God‘s heart shining in His eyes, a
kindness not yet known. He says, ―I will see you soon.‖
We now understand that we are connected to light.
Like a ball socket joint, our mind moves smoothly around His light
that heals us. From our deep dream centers, we hear Walt Disney
call with his electrifying voice.

He gently speaks, telling us to lead a life of elegant recreation from
now on.
They unite their light within you, echoing a strong, subtle vibration
with holy tones formed from the music made on heaven and Earth
during Christ‘s birth.
The sounds gently fade as we open our eyes, reemerging reenergized.
We now know the perfect combination synthesized by the Holy
Spirit as this magic saturates us. We are so empowered by this
force that the wind whistles when blowing on our skin.
I‘m in Epcot, sitting with my family in the finest Italian restaurant in
Disney World.
Fine Italian curtains over the window are made of Disney silk. Disney
characters pass through them, their silhouettes turning golden as
food is carried across the restaurant on pure silver platters.
I debated with my foster mother while thinking about the Last
The debate was about diet and exercise, as we both blissfully shoved
the finest Disney fettuccine in our mouths.
The bread was as soft as what Jesus gave with His wine.
The whole ambiance glowed like His last day with His disciples.

All meals should aspire to achieve the taste I had this day.
After the debate, we both finally realized that diet and exercise are
the perfect combination.
There‘s no better comparison between these two kingdoms than a
son and his mother, fettuccine and an Italian restaurant, bread and
wine, and diet and exercise. I knew Chris vs. Disney was at work.
Let‘s explore how perfect these two kingdoms can dwell within each
The way Disney makes a child feel is how Christ makes an adult
feel. This is why Jesus says in the Bible that the believer will
become like a little child again; the joy is very similar.
The same way a child feels at Disney World with their family is
the closest thing to a person being touched by Christ.
When we leave this dream, we can ponder on how Disney and the
church can unite to help the world together. Jesus says, ―Suffer not
the children to come to my kingdom.‖
We see that the greatest spiritual following for adults is Jesus
Christ, and the greatest religion for children is Disney.

Just as we look through the church windows to see the world in a
new light, it is better we view others through their gifts, the true
window to their soul.
Focusing on how powerful and perfect this combination I have
created for you allows children and adults alike to manifest their
greatest mentality.
This is how I enjoy viewing Christ in Disney.
An open window to a child‘s soul in Christ allows the spirit of love
to commune with human souls. I see a great need for the younger
generation to be involved in church.
People holding this book have the most powerful key to optimize the
church for our younger generation. Just like people of all ages merge
for a split second at midnight on New Year‘s, this gives an
opportunity or portal for our younger generations to acclimate within
our older traditions.
Now, all ages can see Jesus‘ heart as it continues to grow bigger
than the universe itself.
God‘s will ignited this battle of love.
Through Disney, one day, children can understand the name of
Jesus, a man walking on Earth yet stronger than the entire Earth
Knowing how powerful Jesus is alleviates the fear associated with
this faith to the cross.
Even though the cross was torturous to us, it was just a splinter to
Jesus in the eyes of His immortality.
As He plucked that splinter out and rose again into a resurrection, He
became the light forming into anything through God‘s mind.
Our relationship with Christ is literally a dimension of God‘s mind,
allowing children to see this power by making the church more fun
and entertaining. It is like light and water coming together, like Jesus
waltzing on water.
This goal is an opportunity for Disney and Christ to merge
This book is the first self-development fairytale.
Christ vs. Disney invokes your spiritual imagination, bringing new
ideas to life and making you think in brighter ways.
It doesn‘t take a genius to find love, but it takes love to find a
As these two superintelligences continue to manifest our dreams
through Jesus‘ and Walt‘s ideology, the balsam blend of Christ and
Disney perfectly infuse.

This magic made the creation of this work effortless. I kept coming
up with more ideas than I could possibly write down.
I could only imagine a bible full of Disney‘s magic. A Disney bible full
of both the kingdoms‘ best to expose this combination and heal the

C h r i st Wo r l d & D isn e y W or l d

n this part of the dream, we‘re going to look at these two
kingdoms in a whole new life and explore a world
completely dominated by Christ, then our same Earth from
a different view. A whole new world completely dominated by
What would our planet look like if Disney ended up ruling it?
What would the world look like if it was dominated by Christ and
the church?
A world whose worth is limitless, and so is yours.

Our economy would shift entirely, and each individual would be
considered the same value as a magical Disney character.
As the magic starts to set in, all our houses would eventually
transform into castles, and all our schools would morph into Disney
We would learn Disney values and grow up to be great creative
If it were a Christ world, we would not even need money. The
extreme nature of giving within our collected Christ consciousness
would view currency as obsolete as we all become expressions of
Christ‘s way, truth, and life.
We would eventually all express ourselves as a temple for the Holy
Let‘s watch as these two worlds go head to head for world
domination! Will Disney‘s Swarovski-encrusted world overcome
Jesus‘ free and eternal one?
Watch as the battle begins! Witness the two finest kings of miracles
build and discover who will rule this dream‘s world.
Walt Disney did not originally plan to build a Disney World when he
first went to Florida.

He planned to build an entire city called Epcot, a city of the future,
where people can live in harmony.
A city of love the world can look to that holds the values of peace,
safety, and prosperity.
The city was beautiful, a perfectly symmetrical futuristic city, where
everyone‘s needs and desires are completely fulfilled.
Everyone made a good living, and there was no danger of
automobiles in the entire city.
The entire transportation system was laid out in a playful and
transparent city of goodness and gifts.
I can only imagine how this city would have evolved today with our
improvements in architecture and technology.
Epcot was the closest thing this world has seen to the Promised
If Christ ruled the world, the Promised Land would be located in
Natural progression and optimization would occur in both these
kingdoms as they focus on the wonderful world of expansion. A
world where rest is upon us all, so our dreams can come true.

It‘s beautiful to think about these two kingdoms ruling the world. In
our dream, waterfalls flow with Fantasia‘s colors intertwining with
Christ‘s light.
Healing the world would occur through play and fun as we harness
the wonderful world of God‘s miracles.
Christ would bring new colors, as He did 2000 years ago.
We know that even when sleeping, Jesus is lord of the entire dream
world, one where people would be free to dream and express their
gifts and talents, where we choose our life through our natural gifts
and abilities for the first time.
Both Walt and Jesus Christ had the ability to create a new world.
Walt with his thoughts and Christ with His words.
Like these masters of love, we would live with an expansive global
mindset, better able to inform, entertain, and inspire.
As globally minded individuals, unity would grow, and we would
transform into the greatest storytellers to reflect Christ‘s and
Disney‘s worlds.
With new soil, creative minds would plant seeds to innovative
technology for love like never imagined.

Due to the nature of their values, the world would be a karmic
fortune of health and happiness.
This portion of our Christ versus Disney dream entices us to expand
our mindsets to global ones and ask questions such as, ―Will this
ever be Christ‘s world? Will He return as the scriptures say? How
different would the Disney World theme park look compared to a
Disney Earth?‖
Walt Disney architected a plan for this real city in the 60s, a
direction toward these beautiful imaginations shining like rainbows in
our neurons.
The more God-like and universal our way of living, the more our
Earth can be built as a temple rather than a separated sphere.
Not only was Disney an innovator of sound and color, but he aimed
to be an innovator of our world, to animate not just characters but
the future of our wellbeing and happiness.
We would be much healthier humans as all insurance dissolves into
Disney and Christ healthcare.
The magic of Disney would create cures.
Christ would bring healing to the soul.

This health and increased resources would align with God‘s floating
foundation of light ubiquitously glowing and flowing beyond our field
of vision.
Just like the Bible graduated to the gospel and Disneyland graduated
to Disney World, our world needs to graduate into a more evolved,
distinct way of life.
I believe we are destined to end our species in the same position it
was created. A world where humans can once again eat off the land
and our God creator can communicate with us.
Society will finally move toward the light and pledge allegiance to
our mind‘s true power.
Jesus pronounced this when He preached about the inner kingdom.
He said heaven was an internally focused kingdom.
The mind is stronger than miracles; it is a God realm, a spiritual
region of ourselves that can create beliefs, light, and kingdoms.
If we had a world dominated by either Disney or Christ, selfishness
would naturally dissolve.
Walt Disney once said, ―You reach a point where you don‘t work
for money.‖

We can reach this point collectively with the kingdoms of dreams.
The closest thing to Disney‘s magic is miracles, which is why these
two worlds would compliment each other perfectly.
I heartily believe that if either one or both of them ruled this world,
it would birth a graceful generation in our blue universe.
What if all money came from working for a unified goal of
happiness and love?
Our economy working for specific unified goals toward this purpose?
Today, we are isolated from our true family – humanity.
Everyone has their own way of life, governed by harsh laws forcing
them toward their agenda. Without Christ, a common purpose is lost
amid crises.
But here in Disney‘s and Christ‘s worlds, money is plucked from its
It is first requalified toward our longevity as a human family,
initially used to expand rather than expend ourselves.
Christ‘s world would eventually dispose of bartering as our
imaginations butterfly into the Godhead realms of Christ‘s
consciousness. His spirit would be able to orbit at Godspeed around

the Earth to all of us, with no human ignorance chasing its tail of
Humanity would awaken to omnipresent awareness, the gift of Christ
that guides our hearts like a worldwide compass.
We would rest in our true identity as undefeatable, unstoppable
beings, where our love reigns above the law, victorious in our family
forever because of Jesus Christ.
Although not quite immortalized, Disney would teach children the
bright values of magic at a young age.
On the other hand, leaders in Christ‘s world would teach children
how to connect with God and His peace and happiness.
These two worlds would create a shifting constitution so colorful
that it would resemble the universe‘s kaleidoscopic magic. Every law
would have the words ―Jesus Christ‖ or ―Walt Disney‖ until we all
become free and receive the love we deserve.
This is the superabundance I dream of for all humankind.
Jesus brought technicolor to spirituality through His miracles. Even
more important, His wisdom. Imagine if His religion came to fruition,
and everyone in the world read the Bible, went to church, and
prayed. This would eradicate ignorance and replace it with God‘s
wisdom for all.
God could have given us just one fruit, vegetable, one type of fish,
and only one berry to eat, but our creator is a superabundant God of
He gave us millions of options.
What would the leaders look like leading people in these new
Can you imagine if our leaders today were like Walt Disney and
Disney‘s and Christ‘s worlds combined is my deepest fantasy.
A world where the biggest wings of God‘s angels can shield us, just
like Christ is, making Him untouchable.
Not only would we have a fancy budget with fresh currency, but the
world would be full of Disney‘s magic fountains and resurrection
power, making miracles normal.
All people would be Imagineers with Christ‘s healing power and light.
An enchanting world where even our thoughts and emotions will
become completely magical.
Here, we could live freely, like Jesus Christ always wanted for us.

Even though this world may never exist in our future, our
imaginative exploration together can create it in our minds the next
time we dream.
If you read this book for long enough, the words will bring you to
the dream where Christ and Disney are waiting!
Just like water, dreams must have no impurities to see their center.
We should always search for the center of our dreams.
The center of this dream is where Christ‘s and Disney‘s worlds
exist. The power of this book can turn dreams into reality and
reality into dreams.
These pages reveal that every thought is a seed that can birth a
dream – whether we think it real or completely make-believe.
This book unites us all in one dream where make-believe transforms
into truth.
Just like the same sun shines on all of us in the real world, these
words allow us to enlighten within at the same intensity together.
All secrets will be revealed!
All are welcome in Christ‘s world; all are welcome in true Disney

This is the magic of complete acceptance, like gold nourishings our
homes or bread. Acceptance reveals all!
This is the goal as the entire world gains communion with God.
We would have knowledge and wisdom restored to us, hidden until
Power of our words is one of the first secrets we would learn in
Christ‘s world.
The Bible says, ―In the beginning was the Word,‖ and the first
thing God said in Genesis chapter 1, verse 3, is, ―Let there be light.‖
So, here‘s the secret…We also need to create light with our words!
If you were to only speak the same words for a year, you would
know that they completely create your reality.
I experimented with this, and my life completely transformed! The
more light, full, and loving your words are, the more God-like your
life will become.
We would not be focused on the value of money here, but we would
know how to manifest even greater worth – the value of our words.
Just like thoughts create our dreams, our words create our life.
Coming out of this dream, out of Christ‘s world, this wisdom now
requalifies your words.

It may take months to notice due to natural time, but just like
thoughts in dreams, your life will inevitably shift.
You can‘t love God and not life on Earth. It‘s like respecting a son
and not the father – you will eventually lose respect from the son,
no matter how good you treat him.
This secret of word manifestation will bring superabundant reserves,
just like the heavy tongue of God.
Use your words to support life!
Then life will support what you say.
Disney proved that you can rule the world by building your own.
What would your world look like if you ruled it without the fear of
humans? This is what you should strive to say.
If we exercised the secret for long enough, Christ‘s world would
manifest where everyone thinks like God.
If Christ saw all of us as one with the Father and Him, the question
remains, who is God‘s authority?
Did Jesus Christ think like a man?
These thinking patterns in this collective world would create a
beauty that comes with intelligence, wealth, and adventure for
treasure with the new allegiance of the Disney family.
Now, let us move forward in this dream where we meet the kings of
both kingdoms – the time of your life, where all space in the cosmos
comes alive in love

T h e C as t l e i n t h e Sk y

e finally made it to Disney‘s castle!
Just like the tadpole, caterpillar, and flower bud, all
our thoughts in our dreams have transformed like
seeds in the fertile sun. As we look high in the sky, we can see the
castle of Disney‘s dreamworld glow!
Peter Pan and Tinkerbell are flying around us, laughing and playing,
excited to bring us to Walt Disney. Realizing this is only your dream,
you understand that you can fly too.

They give us the secret our greatest dreams hold – our ability to
fly. When we think our greatest thoughts, gravity is overpowered.
They further explain that the most extraordinary thoughts you
generate when awake remain hidden in your greatest dream worlds
when you sleep.
As we follow Peter Pan‘s and Tinker Bell‘s instructions in our
dream, we continue to think the greatest thoughts we‘ve ever had.
We magically look at the ground beneath us as we lift up in flight.
We continue to think our greatest thoughts and start to fly even
more masterfully as we become focused.
Now we are flying with precision and speed as our mindset shifted
to our best.
Peter Pan and Tinkerbell twirl with joy at seeing our new flight
abilities and say we are ready to travel to Disney‘s castle!
As we fly closer, we feel the castle‘s tender warmth blanketing us
with comfort and ease.
Peter Pan informs us that this is where all Disney‘s princes retreat
to find happiness forevermore.
As we fly higher in the sky, the air is so thick that you can almost
see its blueness.

It feels like God‘s breath mixed with the atmosphere and winds.
Looking at the castle, we see its walls are the same colors as the
clouds during sunset.
This is a superior palace, with chambers made for the sky.
The secret colors of our dreams have painted the castle in pure
smoothness as we open the castle doors with our lucid minds.
We witness the magic of a miracle as we enter.
The inside of the castle is a thousand times bigger than its outside.
We enter with Peter Pan and Tinker Bell, who explain the miracle.
They alert you that this is a deeper part of your dream, and as
with all deep sleep, objects transform in their interior, with the
complete continuum of that deep spaciousness.
We look and see the inside of the castle as no walls, ceilings, or
This is when we realize that we are free in our deeper dreams.
Disney welcomes us to share a moment in his dream as we journey
Among his creations in the castle, we see princesses playing with the
Dalmatian puppies.

The beauty and the beast petting Simba and his cubs.
We witness Pinocchio playing with Woody and Buzz Lightyear and
Bambi lying with Dumbo.
Mickey Mouse sings with the children who are completely liberated
and forever free. Their voices echo and flicker off the walls like
small sparks of gentle warm light.
Disney is the supreme authority here, and all life is free.
The colors of the walls are the same as his Disney classics.
The stairs spiral endlessly, as high as we can see, limitlessly circling
to magical rooms of luxurious light in upper chambers touching the
For the first time, we feel the truth of complete safety in Disney‘s
As soon as the doors opened to this magical palace, we were given
the best gift our mind could receive. The moment we realized we are
dreaming, Disney appears as a humble man, perfection and loving
purple light surrounding him.
The light is transparent like sun rays but so deep in its purple hue
that the aura looks like flames.

He looks at us happily and completely peaceful, confident in our
abilities to have traveled a single dream this far.
His presence expands as time itself fades in his castle and we learn
his true love for his creations, us, and all life.
We learn the secrets of life from Walt as we explore the castle
with him.
His voice is so strong that it sounds like light and fire are fused
within it.
We realize we are listening to the dream maker himself. The colors
of our minds and hearts intensify as we learn about his secrets of
freedom and creation.
He speaks to us, as we are his children.
These secrets are only available in his castle, sacred to our deep
He teaches us impossibilities, like how darkness can produce flames,
like Jesus born at midnight.
This castle represents us. He says, ―Who we truly are cannot be
expressed in words but only in the architecture of your dreams.‖
We learn that we have entered into ourselves and, like the castle, we

are created beautiful on the outside yet completely spacious within,
with the same substance of our dreams.
Disney teaches us how to remember and protect our dreams. He says
they‘re just as precious and valuable as real diamonds.
He then teaches us about Jesus Christ. He says, ―Flowers in heaven
and on Earth are different.
Light itself unclothed and became naked to form the first flower for
God. This flower was full of thorns, called the savior of humanity,
also known as Jesus Christ‘s cross.
He enlightens us on the magic he has prepared to use in full force
for us to reach heaven through our dreams.
He teaches us about this next journey. He finally unrolls the plan for
this dream – to reach the impossible.
We are mesmerized.
He tells us he has gifts for us, and he will get them and return in a
We are nervously excited as we wait for Disney! Will we make it to
heaven? What gifts does he have for us?
We look through the castle‘s windows and realize they instantly
improve our vision.

We can see beyond anything we have before. We can see the sky
and the sun, just like eagles. We can clearly see everything on the
ground below.
He returns with a carpet in his hands. He gives it to you, and you
unroll it.
The carpet is made with the best quality material and has all the
patterns of traditional Disney work, combined with their perfect
colors. It has beautiful borders on all sides and seems to be an old
carpet made of pure silk.
He says we will need this to travel through our dream‘s final stage.
He then gently puts his hand on the top of your head. You feel a
purple loving presence as he unlocks your mind to remember all the
dreams you‘ve ever had.
Having this remembrance, you see the world in a whole new light.
You even remember the first dream you ever had, where you dreamt
life itself.
We then see him laughing as he holds pure color in his hands.
He masterfully throws it in the air, and the color forms into the
thought he held in the present moment.

The color perfectly comes to life as a beautiful dove that looks like
a leading character in one of his movies.
It is flawless. The dove flies to his hand as he explains how
thoughts are pure color forming everything in our dream world.
He says our thoughts have so much power because of the power
behind them.
He explains that omnipresence is the force generating all thoughts.
He guides us to our very own omnipresence as we see everything
within ourselves and our minds.
We finally learn that our omnific self rises when we think, our
omnipotence when we speak, and our omniscience when we dream.
After learning all these things, he informs us that we are finally
He has one more gift for you.
He gently hands you a book. He says it was created by Jesus Christ
and His angels to help you reach heaven. He says the only way we
can reach heaven is through the afterlife or our dreams.
Just like us, the book is made from both reality and truth and
make-believe in dreams. Its chapters are a combination of the real
world and the dream world. We notice tiny beads of light between

the pages, moving as though jumping from letter to letter, almost as
a flicker in Disney‘s hands.
He hands you the book, and your heart opens up to pure love. You
look at the cover to see the true face of Christ, with the title The
scrolls of Life. You gain ten times more energy and your heart fully
activates with love, light, and empowerment.
Every being in his castle emanates kindness toward you, uplifting
your thoughts, creativity, and intelligence to prepare you for the
You realize this is the most magical book to exist, one combining the
wisdom of angels and Christ together.
He restates that this book is the key to entering heaven through
your dreams.
He tells you to close your eyes as you open the book. You follow his
directions, and when you open the book, a new dimension of light
opens to you behind your eyelids. He whispers, ―Only when your
eyes are closed when you dream can heaven be revealed.‖

S c r o l l o f L if e

Chapter 1
And concerning that which He said, In [this] year of Jubilee [each of
you shall return to his property (Lev. xxv, 13); and likewise, And this is
the manner of release:] every creditor shall release that which he has
lent [to his neighbour. He shall not exact it of his neighbour and his
brother], for God‘s release [has been proclaimed] (Deut. xv, 2). [And it
will be proclaimed at] the end of days concerning the captives as [He
said, To proclaim liberty to the captives (Isa. lxi, 1). Its interpretation is
that He] will assign them to the Sons of Heaven and to the inheritance
of Melchizedek; f[or He will cast] their [lot] amid the po[rtions of
Melchize]dek, who will return them there and will proclaim to them
liberty, forgiving them [the wrong-doings] of all their iniquities.
And this thing will [occur] in the first week of the Jubilee that follows
the nine Jubilees. And the Day of Atonement is the e[nd of the] tenth

[Ju]bilee, when all the Sons of [Light] and the men of the lot of
Mel[chi]zedek will be atoned for. [And] a statute concerns them [to
prov]ide them with their rewards. For this is the moment of the Year of
Grace for Melchizedek. [And h]e will, by his strength, judge the holy
ones of God, executing judgement as it is written concerning him in the
Songs of David, who said, ELOHIM has taken his place in the divine
council; in the midst of the gods he holds judgement (Psalms lxxxii,
1). And it was concerning him that he said, (Let the assembly of the
peoples) return to the height above them; EL (god) will judge the
peoples (Psalms vii, 7-8). As for that which he s[aid, How long will you]
judge unjustly and show partiality to the wicked? Selah (Psalms lxxxii,
2), its interpretation concerns the enemy and the spirits of his lot [who]
rebelled by turning away from the precepts of God to ... And
Melchizedek will avenge the vengeance of the judgements of God...

and he will drag [them from the hand of] the enemy and from the hand of all
the sp[irits of] his [lot].And all the ‗gods [of Justice‘] will come to his
aid[to] attend to the de[struction] of the enemy. And the height is ... all the
sons of God... this ... This is the day of [Peace/Salvation] concerning
which[God] spoke [through Isa]iah the prophet, who said, [How] beautiful
upon the mountains are the feet of the messenger who proclaims
peace, who brings good news, who proclaims salvation, who says to
Zion: Your ELOHIM [reigns] (Isa. lii, 7). Its interpretation; the mountains are
the prophets... and the messenger is the Anointed one
of the spirit, concerning whom Dan[iel] said, [Until an anointed one, a
prince (Dan. ix, 25)] ... [And he who brings] good [news] , who
proclaims [salvation]: it is concerning him that it is written... [To
comfort all who mourn, to grant to those who mourn in Zion] (Isa. lxi,
2-3). To comfort [those who mourn: its interpretation], to make them
understand all the ages of t[ime] ... In truth ... will turn away from the

by the judgement[s] of God, as it is written concerning him, [who says
to Zion] ; your ELOHIM reigns. Zion is ..., those who uphold the
Covenant, who turn from walking [in] the way of the people. And your
ELOHIM is [Melchizedek, who will save them from] the hand of the enemy.
As for that which He said, Then you shall send abroad the trump[et
in] all the land (Lev. xxv, 9) ...

Chapter 2
all their fe[stiv]als in their ages... of Thy marvels, for from old times
Thou hast ordered for them his judgement until the age of determined
judgement through all everlasting commandments. vacat [Kenan was
from the fourth generation and Mehalalel] his [son] was the fifth
generation. [ ... and Jared his son. And Jared his son was sixth
generation and Enoch] his son. Enoch was seven[th] generation...
II Thou hast imparted Thy name as his inheritance to make Thy
name dwell there... She Qerusalem?) is the glory of the territory of Thy
land and on her [Thou] ... Thine eyes on her and Thy glory shall be seen there
for... to his seed for their generations an everlasting possession
and al[l] ... Thy good judgements Thou hast purified him for... in
everlasting light and Thou hast established him for Thee as a first-bor
[n] son... like his, as a prince and ruler for all the territory of Thy land...

[the] c[rown] of the heavens and the glory of the clouds Thou hast set
[on him] ... and the angel of Thy peace in his congregation and...
[given] him righteous rules like a father to his son...
Thy soul clings to
his love... for through them Thou [hast established] Thy glory

Chapter 3
I... and he will pass on [to them (his sons) his w]isdom. He will atone
for all the sons of his generation and will be sent to all the sons of his
[peo]ple. His word is like a word of heaven, and his teaching is
according to the will of God. His eternal sun will shine, and his fire will
spring forth to all the ends of the earth, and will shine over darkness.
The darkness will pass away [fr]om the earth, and deep darkness from
the dry land. They will utter many words against him and many [ ... ]s.
They will invent stories about him, and will utter everything
dishonourable against him. Evil will overturn his generation [because...
] will be, and because lies and violence will (fill) his existence, and the
people will go astray in his days and will become perplexed.
Do [n]ot mourn in sackcloth... and do not... redeemed whether they
are hid[den] fault[s] or revealed faults and... Search and seek and

know what is sought by the dove and do not smite one who is
exhausted with consumption and troubles ... And you will make a
joyous name for your father and a tried foundation for your brothers.
And you will see and rejoice in the everlasting light and you will not be
from among the enemies. Vacat

Chapter 4
[‗And they will know that I am the Lord] who redeems My people, giving
them the Covenant.‘ vacat [And I said, ‗Lord,] I have seen many from
Israel who have loved Thy name and walked [in] the ways [of
righteousness (?), and] when will [these] things come to pass? And
how will their piety be rewarded?‘ And the Lord said to me, ‗I will make
the sons of Israel see and they will know that I am the Lord.‘ vacat [And
He said,] ‗Son of man, Prophesy concerning the bones, and say,
[―Come together, a bone to its bone, and a bit [to its bit.‖ ‘ And] s[o it
came to pas]s. And He said a second time, ‗Prophesy, and let sinews
come on them, and let skin spread over them above.‘ [And] s[o it came
to pas]s. And He said again, ‗Prophesy concerning the four winds of
heaven and let the win[ds of heaven] blow [on them and they shall live].‘
And a great crowd of men revived and blessed the Lord of hosts wh[o made
them live.] And I said, ‗Lord, when will these things come to

pass?‘ And the Lord said to me, ‗... a tree will bend and stand up ...‘
... Lord. And all the people stood up ... [prais]ing the Lord of hosts. I
also s[pok]e with them ... vacat And the Lord spoke to me: ‗Son of
[man, Sa]y to them ... [in] their [graves] they shall lie until ... [from]
Their [tom]bs and from the land ... ... instead of my grief rejoice
my soul. And the days will hasten quickly until men will say,
‗Are not the days quickening so that the sons of
Israel may inherit?‘ And the Lord said to me, ‗I will not tur[n aw]ay your
face, Ezekiel. Be[hold,] I will shorten the days and the year[s] ... a little,
as you have said to [Me] ... [For] the mouth of the Lord has spoken
these (words).‘ ...

Chapter 5
In the Council of the Community there shall be twelve men and three
Priests, perfectly versed in all that is revealed of the Law, whose works
shall be truth, righteousness, justice, loving-kindness and humility. They
shall preserve the faith in the Land with steadfastness and meekness and
shall atone for sin by the practice of justice and by suffering the sorrows of
affliction. They shall walk with all men according to the standard of truth
and the rule of the time.
I will pay to no man the reward of evil;
I will pursue him with goodness.
For judgement of all the living is with God
and it is He who will render to man his reward.
I will not envy in a spirit of wickedness, my soul shall not desire the riches

of violence.
I will not grapple with the men of perdition
until the Day of Revenge,
but my wrath shall not turn from the men of falsehood
and I will not rejoice until judgement is made.
I will bear no rancour
against them that turn from transgression,
but will have no pity
on all who depart from the way.
I will offer no comfort to the smitten
until their way becomes perfect.
I will impart/conceal knowledge with discretion
and will prudently hedge it within a firm bound
to preserve faith and strong judgement
in accordance with the justice of God.

I will distribute the Precept
by the measuring-cord of the times,
and ... righteousness
and loving-kindness towards the oppressed,
encouragement to the troubled heart
XI and discernment to the erring spirit,
teaching understanding to them that murmur
that they may answer meekly
before the haughty of spirit
and humbly before men of injustice
who point the finger and speak of iniquity
and who are zealous for wealth.
As for me, my justification is with God.
In His hand are the perfection of my way
and the uprightness of my heart.
He will wipe out my transgression
through His righteousness.

Chapter 6
And concerning that which He said, In [this] year ofJubilee [each of
you shall return to his property (Lev. xxv, 13); and likewise, And this is
the manner of release:] every creditor shall release that which he has
lent [to his neighbour. He shall not exact it of his neighbour and his
brother], for God‘s release [has been proclaimed.
[coming from little children] t[o women, and they shall read into their
ears all the precepts of the Covena]nt and to ex[pound to them all their
statutes that they may no longer stray in their err]ors. And [this is the
Rule for all the host of the congregation, for every] na[tive] in I[srael.
From his youth they shall inst]ru[ct him] in the B[ook of Meditation and
according to his age they shall make him understand the precepts of
the Coven]a[nt. And he shall receive his discipline in their judgements
for ten] years

Chapter 7
I will cause my spirit to flow and I will divide my words for you according
to your kinds ... [a p]arable and a riddle. And those who search for the
roots of understanding together with those who hold unto the
[wonderful] my[steries] ... those who are silly, and the scheming men for
all the acomplishments of their actions ...
[Behold, Iwill make a covenant.]
[For it is something dreadful that I] will do [to you.] [I myself will expel
from before you] the A[morites, the Canaanites, the Hittites, the
Girgashit]es, the Pe[rizzites, the Hivites and] the Jebusites. Ta[ke care
not to make a cove]nant with the inhabitants of the country [which you
are to] enter so that they may not prove a sn[are for you.] You must
destroy their [alta]rs, [smash their] pillars [and] cut down their [sacred
trees and burn] [their] idols [with fire]. You must not desire silver and

gold so [that you may not be ensnared by them; for that would be
abominable to me]. You must [not] br[ing any abominable idol] into your
house [and come] under the ban together with it. You shall de[test and
abominate it], for it is under the ban. You shall not worship [another]
go[d, for YHWH, whose name is] [Jealous], is a jealous God. Take
care not to make a [covenant with the inhabitants of the country]

Chapter 8
because of Thy name and ... Michael, G[abrie]l, [Sariel and Raphael]
... with the elect of ...
[Answering, he shall say] to the sons of [I]srael: May you be blessed in
the name of the Most High [God] ... and may His holy name be blessed
for ever and ever. [May all His holy angels be blessed. May] the M[ost
High] God [bless] you. [May He shine His face towards you and open
for you His] good [treasure] which is in heaven [to bring down on your
land] showers of blessing, dew, rain, [early rain] and late rain in His/its
time, and to give [you the fruit of the produce of corn, wine and o]il
plentiful. And may the land [prod]uce for [you fruits of delight. And you
shall eat and grow fa]t. And there shall be no miscarriage [in yo]ur
[la]n[d] and no [sickness, blight or mildew] shall be seen in [its]
produ[ce. And there shall be no loss of children n]or stumbling in [your]

congrega[tion, and wild beasts shall withdraw] from your land and there
shall be no pestil[ence in your land.] For God is wi[th you and His holy
angels stand in your congregation, and His] holy [name] shall be
invoked upon you ... in your midst...

Chapter 9
[Rise up, O Hero!
Lead off Thy captives, O Glorious One!
Gather up] Thy spoils, O Author of mighty deeds!
Lay Thy hand on the neck of Thine enemies
and Thy feet [on the pile of the slain!
Smite the nations, Thine adversaries],
and devour flesh with Thy sword!
Fill Thy land with glory
and Thine inheritance with blessing!
[Let there be a multitude of cattle in Thy fields,
and in] Thy palaces
[silver and gold and precious stones]!
O Zion, rejoice greatly!

Rejoice all you cities of Judah!
[Keep your gates ever open
that the] hosts of the nations
[may be brought in]!
Their kings shall serve you
and all your oppressors shall bow down before you;
[they shall lick the dust of your feet.
Shout for joy, O daughters of] my people!
Deck yourselves with glorious jewels
[and rule over the kingdom of the nations!
Sovereignty shall be to the Lord]
and everlasting dominion to Israel.

Chapter 10
Blessed be the God of Israel
who keeps mercy towards His Covenant,
and the appointed times of salvation
with the people He has delivered!
He has called them that staggered
to [marvellous mighty deeds],
and has gathered in the assembly of the nations
to destruction without any remnant.
He has lifted up in judgement the fearful of heart
and has opened the mouth of the dumb
that they might praise {the mighty} (4Q491) works [of God].
He has taught war [to the hand] of the feeble
and steadied the trembling knee;

he has braced the back of the smitten.
Among the poor in spirit [there is power]
over the hard of heart,
and by the perfect of way
all the nations of wickedness have come to an end:
not one of their mighty men stands,
but we are the remnant [of Thy people.]
{Blessed be} Thy Name, O God of mercies,
who hast kept the Covenant with our fathers.
In all our generations Thou hast bestowed
Thy wonderful favours on the remnant [of Thy people]
under the dominion of the enemy.
During all the mysteries of his Malevolence
he has not made [us] stray from Thy Covenant;
Thou hast driven his spirits [of destruction]
far from [us],
Thou hast preserved the soul of Thy redeemed

[when the men] of his dominion {acted wickedly)
Thou hast raised the fallen by Thy strength,
but hast cut down the great in height
[and hast brought down the lofty].
There is no rescue for all their mighty men
and no refuge for their swift men;
Thou givest to their honoured men a reward of shame,
all their empty existence [hast Thou turned to nothing].
But we, Thy holy people, will praise Thy Name
because of the works of Thy truth. We will exalt Thy splendour
because of Thy mighty deeds
[in all the] seasons and appointed times for ever,
at the coming of day and at nightfall
and at the departure of evening and morning.
For great {is the design of Thy glory} (4Q49I)
and of Thy wonderful mysteries on high

that [Thou shouldst raise up] dust before Thee
and lay low the ‗gods‘.
Rise up, rise up, O God of gods,
raise Thyself in mig{ht, King of Kings} (4.Q491)!
May all the sons of Darkness [scatter before Thee]!
The light of Thy greatness [shall shine forth]
[on ‗go] ds‘ and men.
[It shall be like a fire bur]ning
in the dark places of perdition;
it shall burn the sinners in the perdition of hell,
in an eternal blaze
... in all the eternal seasons.

H e a v en

he words are so condensed with God‘s light that the
magical book transmutes what seems like an infinite
amount of light hidden in the words of the scroll into a
Christ dream.
We know we are dreaming, yet we know we are in heaven.
The Holy Spirit invites us with love and teaches that in this hidden
dream, our mind unifies with that of God. The spirit guides us and
says, ―No one can take your joy here.‖

We have transformed into children under the clouds full of peaceful
God light and love.
The light within this world is so loving that it even chases the wind,
allowing us to see its direction and effortless hypnotic rhythm.
This love takes us so high that it allows all beings here to think,
feel, and say the perfect thing in every moment.
Even the silence tastes to our soul like royal honey from the fattest
Our feelings have transformed, feeling as though they glow in the
dark matrix of our bodies.
Every little detail here is a seed transformed into new and more
God-like colors of our inner kingdom when we awaken.
Purple here is as dull as gray in our world.
With these colors robing their curvatures, we see the angels flying
peacefully in the sky, their wings extended like eagles, allowing us to
see their perfect faces.
We, too, fly on our Persian magic carpet as we float like Aladdin
and jasmine with the Holy Spirit and the angels.
One of the angels looks at us as we finally see what perfect ovals
look like.

Light emanates between the angels‘ perfectly shaped wings.
You reach and touch one of their wings, and the softness and
smoothness tranquilize you. A pure white light remains glowing on
your fingertips, a residue from the feathers.
The Holy Spirit whispers, ―They never lose their immortal
There are mountains as big as Everest, made of pure diamonds,
emeralds, rubies, and sapphires, flawlessly symmetrical patterns of
perfect shapes that shine and reflect the light of God.
The only thing not perfect here is our carpet, and everything
emanates its love toward this imperfection to absorb these qualities.
Every being here is a great soul of light.
We are still grounded in their midst by the feeling of Disney‘s magic
beneath us on our carpet.
The magic carpet Disney gave us is double the size of Aladdin‘s! We
glide in heaven and slice through the clouds of love. Being here
inevitably opens and activates the light within ourselves, and a great
gentleness rushes through our blood, collecting at our heart‘s center
as we travel closer to Jesus.
His greatest law here is deep peace.

This reigns supreme as the highest authority, while the second law
remains eternally as love.
The final law of this kingdom is bravery.
We look down from our carpet and see ascended masters clothed in
great peace and holy light blessing the mightiest archangels with
Angels play with the heavenly lions of love and light.
The archangels have golden hair thicker than a lion‘s mane and hair
as long as Rapunzel‘s, every strand perfectly glowing with golden
healing and Christ‘s light.
Their wings change color with the sunrise and sunset of heaven,
colors too immense to speak of, all blessed by the son of God.
Their eyes are big and beautiful, like a child‘s but with the same
power of the biggest stars of our universe giving them Godly vision.
We have finally made it to our greatest dream, where we lucidly
receive Christ‘s light and illumination.
We have found an alternate way to heaven!
Everyone here speaks the eternal words of Christ.
Even the ugliest beings here are more beautiful than any being that
exists on our planet.
We see life-sized beings in this miniature universe. All their cells are
stars as they shine in love for God. They tell us, ―No one will take
away your joy in Jesus Christ.‖
One of these beings asks, ―Where did you come from?‖ And we
reply, ―Disney‘s Magic Kingdom.‖
This is a realm of pure bliss, a celestial paradise that invisibly
uplifts all creation on our world.
We know little about heaven, but we see that, like the tides lift all
ships on the ocean, heaven helps and spiritually uplifts all creation.
As we don‘t dwell here for long, we realize that life is about
growing closer to our natural personality of omniscience,
omnipresence, omnificent, and omnipotent character.
The beauty of dreams is that it hints of this character to our
awakened mind and body.
We see Christ everywhere. The halos on beings here are as fine as
blown glass, glowing the same color as God‘s thoughts.
Molecules in all beings‘ atomic structures are replaced here by
perfect forcefields of immortal flames and intelligence. The infinite
thoughts of Christ are so perfect in peace that they instantly
manifest new objects here with each one.

The resources and wonders for all beings in this infinite realm are
constantly expanding from His intelligence.
This is why this kingdom has no borders or ends.
The closer we get to Jesus Christ, who emanates these thoughts, the
more pronounced perfection becomes.
As we fly closer, we and our carpet take on even more beauty as we
notice symmetry at its finest.
We realize He is the only one He fully delights in His own presence,
which grows more glorious with our carpet‘s every floating wave.
The perfection and peace of mind generated from the union with
God the creator and His son have built such an expansive kingdom
that our world‘s universe just seems like a planet here.
We hear Jesus‘ mother, Mary, singing with archangel Gabriel
echoing in the sky. They sing a heavenly language we cannot
understand as we continue to effortlessly glide through heaven.
We realize Christ‘s love for us opened the door, allowing us to hold
this book and pass through heaven.
We look down and see sweet cherubim pouring out fine grape juice in
a colorful garden for the Lord. They have God-like halos of love
blazing with Christ‘s purity.

We smell the aroma of love as they make their offering that
nourishes the garden.
The spiritual aroma smells like an exotic blend of lotus, jasmine, and
rose flowers.
Almost making our way to the city of the Lord and Savior Jesus
Christ, We see castles, palaces, temples, and cathedrals holding the
great councils of grace He governs.
The windows are lit, blazing with the peace that forms the
universe‘s intelligence and consciousness. The night here is replaced
by a constant sunset only your soul can describe.
This is where we started feeling the depth of love, giving us tears
of joy knowing that we are eternally loved.
In this territory, we hear the songs of the archangels‘ sons.
This city is where the most beautiful voices reside.
It is the first time we have ever felt warmth in our minds rather
than our bodies.
The closer we get to Jesus, the more powerful the light we see
At this proximity to Jesus Christ, the angels are so full of light it
makes fire appear as water.

The angelic bodies this close to Jesus are with minds stronger than
planets and smarter than galaxies.
We realize the forms of the strongest immortals surround us.
Every being in the city is a fully trained master of Christ‘s secret to
love thy enemy.
Because they have mastered this teaching, they have no enemies.
We fly lower to the ground with our carpet and see butterflies with
immortal wings. One lands on your fingers, and you feel God‘s love
rushing through your veins. It feels like the miraculous healing power
of Christ.
All doors are unlocked in this city; even God‘s temple is welcome to
everyone, everywhere, forever.
Even just thinking about Earth at this intensity of light would be a
massive help for the planet.
As you do, you see your planet Earth in a whole new light.
Being around these beings reveals that Earth is loved by a light so
bright it can take over the night.
We understand now that Earth itself is a garden hidden in a secret
place in the universe, where we can eat as much of God‘s fruit as
we want.

Seeing the world From this heavenly view, we admire Earth‘s
perfect design, a heaven hidden from view.
Even genetic design is an architecture of perfection from God.
On Earth, many wait for the second coming of Christ, but being this
close to Him, we realize it will be His third coming.
He has already returned to His disciples as a resurrected being and
will arrive a third time to be one with us.
From the vantage point of our carpet, we know now that God is
with us wherever we go, even in all our dreams.
As we look up, we witness the souls of the angels turning the whole
sky golden, signaling our arrival.
Even the dullest voices and most distant echos here resonate finer
than harps made of Maplewood and golden leaf.
All of life embraces their oneness here with God, and we finally
realize that He appears when everything is one.
We see Jesus as a perfect angelic figure as soon as we make this
As soon as His eyes connect with yours, your heart instantly sets
aflame with eternal God-light of oneness.

Looking into the eyes of Jesus feels glorious, as though we are
climbing through the window of immortality.
Time itself now dissolves within you because of this ONE power,
making all time just one moment. This dissolution of time into
oneness gives you awareness of the eternal presence all beings feel
The Holy Spirit descends into your heart like a dove, performing the
greatest miracle in your life. Christ uses His ability to unlock even
more areas of our minds that we‘ve never discovered,
We look around and realize the secret that everything in life is
seeds of pure gold that will eventually transform into Christ‘s light
one day.
And as Jesus opens His mouth, we hear for the first time the voice
created with His word. Everything from the center of the universe.
As we grow this close to Jesus Christ, everything around us becomes
bigger, including ourselves.
This uniform enlargement expands our inner self while our external
bodies don‘t seem to get bigger at all. Christ and His beings are now
the size of suns and stars with wingspans that can only be measured
from within.

When Jesus was on Earth healing people, He would touch them, and
spirit would heal their whole mind, soul, and body.
This God-light is so intense that it reenergizes every atom of healed
beings. Seeing Him in His heavenly form, we realize He was really
like an archangel among us.
As we look around at all these angelic beings with Him in admiration,
we learn Christ‘s secret – that the son of God has the power to die
for anyone with His love.
And this is why He is the king of kings.
His kingdom is like Fantasia‘s remastered colors but magnified by
He tones down His light for us so we can see Him clearly in our
He transitions smoothly into a beautiful human form, clothed in a
robe of perfect purple flames shining with glory.
The flames around Him do not burn but give comfort and love.
Only Disney could come close to depicting the colors we are
witnessing during His resurrection power right now!

The book transporting us here was a gift from Disney, but more
importantly, it is a testimony of Jesus Christ‘s intelligence that is
also within us.
This intelligence within us holds the latent resurrection power of
We have experienced so much love here that we are turning Christ-
like. We look at Jesus and love Him as much as children love
These beings in this city of Christ located at the core of all creation
have all graduated from the universal mind of light on Earth into
the Christ consciousness of oneness.
Earthly living was a prerequisite for all these great beings holding
close to Christ.
God Jesus has unearthed a new star within us, the knowledge of this
beautiful resurrection power within and surrounding us.
Disney would call this power Easter. As we witness Jesus‘ inner
circle and all the beings with this resurrection power, we see it‘s a
different truth than what is understood on Earth.
It is a magic that‘s never been discovered before, yet all the gospel‘s
teachings led to this resurrection power we‘re experiencing right
If you could mix the most beautiful colors of the universe and the
afterlife, you could better imagine what Jesus Christ is emanating
from His true form in this dream.
We share the beautiful feeling Jesus Christ holds of being in heaven
and Earth at the same time.
The book given to us was a gift for us to see God‘s power, just as
He returned to His disciples after His death to teach them about His
resurrection peace.
The churches around us are simply astounding. They are living and
breathing temples come to life. The images in the stained windows
even have life as we grow near and watch them animate and shine
The temples sing to Jesus and the children of God of this realm.
With church bells as their voice, the temples fill the city with songs
of perfection. Our eyes have now adjusted to the omni-color of
heaven, a Christ-light spectrum allowing all colors to infinitely shine
within each other at once, giving new hues, dazzling with diamond-
like luminosity.
The light is so perfectly uniformed and condensed here that God‘s
gardens resemble galaxies of light, spiraling in infinite amounts of

new colors and unlocking the love of God within every one of our
Like King Midas, we learn that everything Christ touches turns into
pure love.
A prayer to Christ here is stronger than a thousand words due to
the power and allegiance of eternally beings with all power over
The oneness of love and spirit is so pronounced in this city that all
beings see themselves and each other as God Himself. This was
Christ‘s ultimate gift that He is now sharing with us
Jesus Christ isn‘t a part of you here; He is you, and you are Him.
When you see Jesus, you also see yourself, and for the first time,
you are looking in your own eyes as you fix your gaze on His.
Through this growing revelation, you realize that you are the light
perfecting everything. This is the gift of Christ, also called
God‘s memory bank is full of the most magical thoughts of the
universe. Jesus Christ is one of the brightest regions of God‘s mind,
and now so are you.

Who else would have thought to walk on water other than this
oneness of God?
The life forms here are like mirrors reflecting God‘s love to each
other as though it was light.
Jesus was successful in His mission with all these souls here.
He has helped them all achieve complete forgiveness toward
themselves. This self-forgiveness removed the barrier to His love
within them, transforming them forever.
The city is full of flowers resembling galaxy roses spiraling in light.
We are grateful as we have circled the city on our carpet, knowing
that all life strives to come where we are now in these teachings of
oneness we‘re experiencing. In this gratitude, we look to Jesus as the
author and finisher of our faith. Like the stars in our sky, He never
forces us to look up to Him because true greatness never does.
The righteousness of truth here is as vital as money is to humans
on our homeworld.
Walt Disney is probably drawing new animations back in his
kingdom, as we see Jesus crystallizing our consciousness from afar.
We subtly realize we have no more negative thoughts, just as a pain
or ache passively dissolves away without notice. Our thoughts now
form perfectly with love and peace.
These upgraded thoughts reveal to us mystical truths, helping us
understand that all atoms of the universe will eventually rise to God
with the assistance of these Christ dimensional beings.
Like water flowing from an inlet, Christ‘s miracle power is
inexhuastible in the hands of these immortals as a man is
uncomparable to our imagination with His resurrection in this
kingdom. After internalizing the enormous force of His kingdom of
ascension, we gain the epiphany that Jesus came to Earth to give to
men the same religion as angels.
His love is so intense here that everything inanimate is worth more
than diamonds in His presence.
All beings were given new minds to dwell and rest with God forever.
Jesus wasn‘t born in the Garden of Eden, but He was the only other
man born without the genetics of another man. This is why He is
the holiest religious figure in this world.
In His garden, He teaches us how to be reborn by the spiritual light.
We see Daniel, the dream master of God, playing with Judah‘s lion
down below!
We intuitively know this is a sign to finally speak to Jesus.

He died to give us His words, and He is exuberated to finally spend
time with us.
He loved us so much that He has bypassed death through this dream
to allow us to see His home.
Through the automation of Disney‘s magic, the carpet flies us to
Christ‘s feet. Extending His hand, you get off the carpet, and He
gently puts His palm on your shoulder. You feel the flames of peace
rush through your blood. Immediately, all fear in you vanishes
His eyes are clear, like water from the most tropical ocean.
His skin glows with perfection and smells like the Garden of Eden.
We have arrived at our immortal destiny. He smiles at us so gently
that we know He‘s loved us from the first moment we laid eyes on
Our savior flows with mercy stronger than our universe!
He is so vibrant that we can even see God‘s light swimming in His
Through the help of Disney, we are finally with Christ. We now
realize the battle was about us.
His words are for our soul, like honey glowing in the sun.

He says, ―God‘s kingdom, righteousness, and all things are now yours
forever. I am the light. Whatever you desire, it will be done for
He said that in Him, we can do anything because of the power of
He teaches the secrets of the powers we can produce with this
energy of the one. He said every star, angel, and human carries this
oneness, which is why it‘s so powerful on Earth. He reveals it is the
only connecting force to heaven and Earth, God and man. He speaks
gently of the ONE until we fully understand it. We learn that
oneness is the greatest love, and everything else is fragile and brittle
in its presence. ―I am the ONE,‖ He said, ―and so are you.‖
Jesus taught us how to synthesize love with the ONE the same way
a science professor would teach a formula. He taught us how we can
walk on water and do many other miracles with this oneness.
He teaches us other secrets, like all true secrets are in God‘s
kingdom and that our words are the only thing that cannot be
He emphasizes that they are the only thing more powerful than

He makes us understand that His words have more of an impact than
all His miracles combined.
After our intimate lesson with Jesus, He says, ―Now it is time for
me to give you peace.‖
A gentle wind blows around us with a breeze so pleasurable that we
close our eyes. Jesus whispers, ―That is the breath of God.‖
You open your eyes and are fully refreshed in God‘s love.
Jesus asks you for the scroll of life Disney gifted you.
You grab it and give it to Christ.
The scroll immediately transforms into a book with magical purple
and blue colors of Disney and Christ, with a golden title: Christ vs.
Disney. Diamonds and jewels glow from the book.
He gives the book back to you and says it will help you accomplish
wonders when you return and awaken.
You open the book, and just like Jesus, we return from heaven to
Earth, now transformed through this epic battle where Disney and
Christ collided and became one.
You also realize that you have become one. You look around and
notice that the ONE light has followed you home.
The colors of your dreams and reality perfectly blend.
Every time you pick up this book, Christ and Disney will be waiting
for you.
The magic of these pages will last forever because you never die in
your dreams.


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