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Copyright © IFAC Adaptive Systems in Control and

Signal Processing. Budapest, Hungary, 1995

Adaptive dual control methods:

An overview

Bjorn Wittenmark
Department of Automatic Control, Lund Institute of Technology
Box 118, S-221 00 Lund, Sweden, email: bjornlllcontrol.lth.se

Abstract: This paper gives an overview of different techniques for solving the dual
control problem. The optimal solution can quite straightforwardly be characterized.
The solution is, however, numerically demanding, A large number of suboptimal dual
controllers have been developed over the years and the paper gives an overview and
discussion of different approaches.

Keywords: Adaptive control, Optimal adaptive control, dual control, self-tuning


1. INTRODUCTION 'selkuni;:;g r-;guj;tor- -

Specification I r-_Pr-,oc--,e-,-"'-"'---'--""~
Feldbaum's seminal work, Feldbaum (1960) and
Feldbaum (1961), gave the foundation for the
dual control problem. The main idea is that in
controlling an unknown system it is necessary
to let the controller have dual goals. First, the
controller must control the process as well as ,--_ _-, Output
possible. Second, the controller must inject a
probing signal to get more information about the
unknown system. By gaining more information
better control can be achieved in future steps. Figure 1. Self-tuning adaptive control sys-
The main problem is that to get a better model tem.
it is necessary to disturb the process, which is
in conflict with the goal of the control purpose. numerous ways and we will try to classify the
The compromise leads to a controller with dual proposed schemes into a handful of principles.
Feldbaum showed that a functional equation gives
Most adaptive controllers typically have the struc-
the solution to the dual control problem. The
ture shown in Fig. 1. The information transferred
derivation is based on dynamic programming and
from the estimator to the design part is usually
the resulting functional equation is often called the
only the estimates of the parameters in the pro-
Bellman equation. The numerical problems when
cess. This is the case, for instance, in the self-
solving the functional equation are very large
tuning regulators, see Astrom and Wittenmark
and only a few very simple examples have been
(1995). The uncertainty of the parameter esti-
solved. There is thus a great need for looking at
mates are not used in the design part of the algo-
different approximations that can lead to simpler
rithm. This type of controllers is said to be based
solutions with dual features. Wittenmark (1975)
on the certainty equivalence principle. The pro-
gives a survey of different ways of approaching the
cess parameters are estimated and then used in
dual control problem. Since then there have been
the design as if they are the true ones. The con-
many new attempts to derive suboptimal dual
trol action determined in the design block do not
controllers. The paper gives an updated survey.
try to take any actions that will influence the un-
In the (suboptimal) dual controllers it is necessary certainty. Any improvement of the parameter esti-
to have both cautious and probing features. Both mates is then only a consequence of the new mea-
parts of the control action can be obtained in surements of the inputs and outputs of the pro-

cess. The controllers do not take any active mea- parameters are estimated separately from the de-
sures to improve the estimates. sign part. The estimation must, of course, be done
In connection with analysis of different adaptive as well as possible. The design part is then us-
algorithms it has turned out to be advantageous ing the result from the estimator to determine the
to introduce nonlinearities in the estimation al- control signal, with or without any intentions to
gorithm. Examples of this are limitations on the introduce dual features. A recent survey of esti-
residuals or changes in the estimation algorithm mation methods for time-varying systems is Ljung
when the residuals are small, see, for instance, and Gunnarsson (1990). They distinguish between
Egardt (1979). It is also important to match the four different descriptions of parameter changes
criteria for identification and control, see Astrom
• Random walk
• Random walk with local and global trends
In many adaptive schemes perturbation signals are
introduced see, for instance, Anderson and John- • Jump changes
stone (1985) and Praly (1988). The excitation is • Markov chain
in these cases used to guarantee the convergence
of the parameters in the controller. These algo- In the Markov chain model the parameters are
rithms show that it may be advantageous to in- changing between a finite number of possible
troduce probing signals into the process. There is, outcomes.
however, no guidelines how to choose the pertur-
bation signal and especially when to use probing. 4. NON-DUAL ADAPTIVE CONTROLLERS
The probing should not be used all the time. In Most adaptive controllers discussed in the litera-
the dual control formulation the probing is intro- ture are based on the certainty equivalence princi-
duced by minimizing a loss function. ple and are thus classified as non-dual controllers.
The different modifications in the adaptive algo- Some exceptions and modifications are discussed
rithms that are discussed above indicate that it below.
from theoretical points of view is good to intro-
When a loss function is minimized one step ahead
duce different types of nonlinearities in the al-
based on the current estimates we will get a con-
gorithms. These experiences lead to some of the
troller that also takes the parameter uncertain-
questions discussed in connection with dual con-
ties into consideration. This type of controller is
trol. It is, therefore, of interest to make a survey
called a cautious controller. This controller hedges
of different ideas in the area of dual control.
against poor process knowledge. A consequence
A general survey of adaptive control is found of this caution is that the gain in the controller
in Astrom (1987). Robustness of adaptive con- decreases. With small control signals less infor-
trollers, mainly based on the certainty equivalence mation will be gained about the process and the
principle, is surveyed in Ortega and Tang (1989). parameter uncertainties will increase and even
smaller control signals will be generated. This vi-
3. CLASSIFICATION OF CONTROLLERS cious circle may lead to turn-off of the control.
Adaptive controllers for stochastic systems can This problem has mainly been reported for sys-
be divided in different ways. In this survey it is tems with strongly time-varying parameters, see
convenient to divide the controllers into Astrom and Wittenmark (1971) and Wieslander
and Wittenmark (1971). In Veres (1994) an adap-
• Non-dual controllers tive control scheme is denoted weakly dual if it uses
• Controllers with dual features the model uncertainties when deriving the control
Within these two classes the controllers can be
classified in the ways that they determine the To illustrate the different methods we introduce
control signal. In the non-dual controllers the the following notations: y(t) is the process output,
learning is "accidental" or "passive". I.e., there u(t) is the control signal, O(t) is the possibly
is no intentional probing signal introduced. The unknown parameters of the process, 8(t) is the
certainty equivalence controllers are typical for parameter estimate, and P(t) is the parameter
this class. Optimal dual controllers are difficult uncertainty. Old inputs and outputs are collected
to compute except in very simple situations. It into the vector
is thus of interest to to look at different ways of
making suboptimal dual controllers or at different Yf.-l = [ y(t - 1) u(t - 1) y(O) u(O)]
ways to introduce probing or active learning in
adaptive algorithms. These controllers will be the If the parameters are known it is assumed that the
main interest in this survey. optimal controller is
Many of the controllers are based on the sepa-
ration principle. This implies that the unknowll u(t) = fkntnDn(y(t), Yt-b O(t))
The controller based on the certainty equivalence where V({(t), t) can be interpreted as the mini-
principle is mum expected loss for the remaining part of the
control horizon given data up to t - 1, Yt-l. Fur-
U(t)cE = /JcnOVln(y(t), Yt-l, 8(t)) ther { is the so called hyperstate of the problem.
This includes the parameter estimates, their ac-
and the cautious controller has the information
curacy, and old inputs and outputs of the system.
Using dynamic programming it can be shown that
UCGutiou.(t) = !cGutiou.(y(t), Yt-l, 8(t), P(t)) the optimal dual controller satisfy the Bellman

Consider an integrator in which the unknown gain

v ({(t), t) min E { (y(t) - Yr (t )) 2
is changing, i.e. we have the model
+V ({(t + 1), t + 1) IYt-l}
y(t) - y(t - 1) = 9(t)u(t - 1) + e(t)
The difficulty with this equation is the nested min-
where e(t) is white noise. The minimum variance
imization and mathematical expectation. Even in
certainty equivalence controller is given by
the simplest cases the Bellman equation has to be
1 solved numerically. Since both V and u have to
u(t) = - . y(t) be discretized it follows that the storage require-
9(t+ 1)
ments increases drastically with decreasing grid
and the cautious controller is size. The resulting control law will be nonlinear in
the parameter estimates and the covariance ma-
8(t+l) trix of the parameter estimates. The problem to
u(t) = - 82 (t + 1) + P9(t + 1) y(t) find the optimal solution has made it interesting
to find approximations to the loss function or to
where P9 is the uncertainty of the estimate 8. 0 find other ways to change the controller such that
A development of the cautious controller is found a dual feature is introduced.
in Moore et al. (1989) and Ryall and Moore
There are some simple examples where the dual
(1989). In these papers a central tendency con-
controllers have been obtained numerically, see,
troller is derived. The key idea is to avoid ill-
for instance, Bohlin (1969), Astrom and Wit-
conditioned calculations and to improve transient
tenmark (1971), Sternby (1976), Astrom and
performance. The controller maximizes the proba-
Helmersson (1986), and Bernhardsson (1989)
bility of achieving the control objective given pro-
cess parameter uncertainty information.
5. OPTIMAL DUAL CONTROLLERS The problem with the turn-off and the numerical
To understand some of the difficulties of calculat- problems with the optimal dual controller have
ing the optimal dual controller we will give the lead to different suggestions how to derive con-
functional equation that can be used to calculate trollers that are simple, but still possess some dual
the dual controller. Assume that the loss function features. Some ways are:
to be minimized is
• Adding perturbation signals to the cautious
• Constraining the variance of the parameter
where y is the process output, Yr is the reference
signal, and E denotes mathematical expectation. • Using serial expansion of the loss function
This is called an N -8tage criterion. The loss func- • Modifications of the loss function
tion should be minimized with respect to the con- • Finite parameter sets
trol signal u( 0), u( 1), ... , u( N - 1). The controller
• Using ideas from robust control design
obtained for N = 1 is a cautious controller and
is sometimes called a myopic controller, since it 6.1 Perturbation signals
is short-sighted and looks only one step ahead.
The turn-off phenomenon is due to lack of excita-
The minimizing controller will be very different if
tion. The addition of a perturbation signal is one
N = 1 or if N is large. Define
way to increase the excitation of the process and
V ({(t), t) to increase the accuracy of the estimates. Typi-
cal added signals are pseudo-random binary se-
= min
u(t-l) ... u(N-l)
E {t
(y(k) - Yr(k))2IYt_1} quences, square-waves, and white noise signals.
The perturbation can be added all the time or

only when the variance is exceeding some limit. turn-off and slow convergence. A two-step-ahead
The controller may have the form loss function is also considered in Sternby (1977).
In Birmiwal and Bar-Shalom (1985) the functional
Uperturb(t) = UcCluhou. + v(t) equation is approximated by evaluating the value
where v is the intentional perturbation signal. of the future information gathering. This is done
The addition of the extra signal will naturally through the use of preposterior analysis. The ap-
increase the probing loss but may make it possible proximate prior probability densities are obtained
to improve the total performance by decreasing and used to describe the future learning and con-
the control loss in future steps. See Wieslander trol.
and Wittenmark (1971) and Jacobs and Patchell 6.4 Modification6 of the 1066 function
An approach that is similar to constrained mini-
As mentioned above perturbation signals have mization is to extend the one step ahead 1055 func-
been used in "conventional" adaptive controllers. tion. The idea is to add terms in the loss function
In these cases the perturbation is introduced to that are reflecting the quality of the parameter es-
be able to guarantee convergence of the param- timates. This will prevent the cautious controller
eter estimates to the true process parameters. A from turning off the control. One possibility is to
drawback of with the introduction of the pertur- use the covariance matrix of the parameter esti-
bation signal is that there is no systematic way of mates and add a function of the covariance ma-
deciding when and how large the signal should be. trix to the loss function. See Goodwin and Payne
The introduction of perturbation signals in adap- (1977) and Wittenmark and Elevitch (1985). In
tive controllers is also discussed in Lozano-Leal the latter the loss function is
and Zhao (1994).
6.2 Conlltrained one lItep ahead E {(Y(t + 1) - Yr(t + 1))2 Iyt } + >.f(P(t + 2))
Another class of suboptimal dual controllers is where>. is a weighting factor and P(t + 2) is the
obtained by minimizing the loss function one step first time at which the covariance is influenced by
ahead under certain constraints. The constraints u(t).
are used to guarantee a certain level of accuracy In Milito et al. (1982) the quadratic loss function
of the parameter estimates. Suggested constraints is extended with a part that reflects the need to
are gather as much information as possible about the
• Limitation of the minimum value of the con- unknown parameters. Their 1055 function is
trol signal, Hughes and Jacobs (1974).
• Limitation of the variance, Alster and J = E{ (y(t + 1) - Yr(t + 1))2
Belanger (1974).
->.(t + 1)v 2(t + 1)!Yt}
6.3 Serial ezpan6ion of the 1066 function
One approach to obtain a suboptimal dual con- where v is the innovation or prediction error, i.e.
troller is to make a serial expansion of the loss
function in the Bellman equation. The expansion v(t+ 1) = y(t + 1) - y(t+ 1,9(t + 1))
can be done around the certainty equivalence or
the cautious controllers. The numerical compu- This leads to a closed form solution for the
tations are, however, quite complex and the ap- control signal. A similar approach is used in
proach has mainly been used when the control Yame (1987) where the use of an information-
horizon is short. See Tse and Bar-Shalom (1973) theoretical viewpoint and the optimization of the
and Bar-Shalom et al. (1982). loss function give to cubic form for determining
the control signal. The optimal control signal is
Another approximation is to try to solve the
obtained using a root-finding algorithm.
two-step minimization problem (N = 2), see,
for instance, Mookerjee and Bar-Shalom (1989). Chan and Zarrop (1985) uses a generalized loss
In Mookerjee and Bar-Shalom (1989) an adap- function which includes the variance of an auxil-
tive dual controller is presented for a multi-input iary output and its prediction error. This results
multi-output autoregressive moving average sys- in a optimization problem which has an analyt-
tem. The plant is assumed to have constant but ical solution. A weighting or learning coefficient
unknown parameters. A suboptimal dual con- makes it possible to obtain the cautious or the
troller with a two-step horizon is determined. The certainty equivalence controller as special cases. In
suboptimal dual control modifies the cautious con- Radenkovic (1988) the convergence properties of
trol design by numerator and denominator correc- the suboptimal dual controller in Chan and Zarrop
tion terms which depend upon the sensitivity func- (1985) are investigated. To avoid lack of excitation
tions of the expected future cost and avoids the a dither or perturbation signal is introduced.

An one-step-ahead controller where the loss func- and it is desired to operate the process close to
tion is supplemented with two sensitivity functions the extremum point. The gain of the linearized
to capture the parameter uncertainties is found in model will then change sign and at the same time
Padilla et al. (1980). some of the parameters may be small. One such
example reported in the literature is grinding pro-
6.5 Finite parameter 6et6 cesses in the pulp industry discussed in Dumont
When the parameter set contains a finite number and Astrom (1988) and Allison (1994). The appli-
of elements it is easier to numerically solve the cation in Allison (1994) is probably the first ap-
dual control problem. The mathematical expecta- plication of dual control to process control. The
tion in the Bellman equation is then replaced by a controller is an active adaptive controller, which
summation. In Casiello and Loparo (1989) an ex- consists of a constrained certainty equivalence ap-
tended loss function is used for the case when the proach coupled with an extended output horizon
parameters belong to a finite set. Using a standard and a cost function modification to get probing.
quadratic loss and the calculation of a posteriori
probabilities the optimal controller is derived. The 8. SUMMARY
case where the gain of a first-order system may
There are many ways to make suboptimal dual
take only two values is numerically solved in Bern-
controllers. Many of the approximations use the
hardsson (1989).
cautious controller as a starting point and intro-
6.6 Robu&t de6ign method6 duce different active learning features. This can be
Much research has been devoted to find controllers done by including a term in the loss function that
that are robust against plant uncertainties. No- reflects the quality of the estimates. To introduce
tice that in robust design methods hard bounds a dual feature this term must be a function of the
are required on the uncertainties. In the discus- control signal that is going to be determined and it
sion above the uncertainties have been given in should also contain information about the quality
probabilistic terms. One drawback of the robust of the parameter estimate. The suboptimal con-
controllers is that they by nature must be con- trollers should also be such that they easily can
servative, since any combination of the assumed be used for higher-order systems. The paper have
uncertainties may occur. So far very few of these given an overview of different ways to construct
methods have been used for adaptive control. The suboptimal dual controllers.
main reason is that it is difficult to find estimation Acknomledgement&
methods that on-line can update the hard bounds
This work was partially' supported by the Swedish
on the uncertainties. There are, however, a few
Research Council for Engineering Sciences (TFR)
attempts in this direction. In Polak et al. (1987)
under contract TFR-91-721.
on-line tuning is done based on worst-case de-
sign using semi-infinite optimization together with
a plant uncertainty identification scheme. Similar
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Brittish Columbia.
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