Espino NickaTTL2Elem PRELIM

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Technology for Teaching in Elementary Grade

Prelim Examination


Minane, Concepcion, Tarlac

Second Semester A.Y. 2021 – 2022

Technology for Teaching in Elementary Grade

Prelim Examination

Name: Nicka Espino Score ____________

Course, Year & Section: BEED 3C Class Schedule: THURS. 10:30-12:00
Instructor Miguel F Baluyut Jr

LEARNING PLAN (Matrix Completion)

General Instruction:

1. Each pre-service teacher must create a 1-day (40-minute) learning plan using the framework
given. This output serves as your prelim examination.
2. No two students can have the same lesson in the learning plans in each section. Please
coordinate with one another.
3. Copying learning plans from the internet is cheating, and the student found doing so shall
not merit a score.
4. The learning plan must follow the following categories:

a. It applies to any grade level from 4, 5, and 6 students of ANY SUBJECT MATTER AND
TOPIC. If the subject is MAPEH, choose only one component.
b. The lesson plan must be Filipino if the subject matter is taught in Filipino, like
Edukasyon sa Pagpapakatao, Araling Panlipunan, or Filipino.
c. Must be Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Bound.
d. The grammar must be impeccable.
e. Topic and objectives are based on the Most Essential Learning Competencies. Refer to
Bloom's taxonomy attached to this file.
f. Follows the correct ways and forms of stating the objectives. Identify if the objectives are
Lower or Higher Order Thinking Skills by identifying them at the end of the objectives
with (LOTS) or (HOTS).
g. It must have a clear and specific objective/s that is measurable. It must cover the three
learning domains in the learning objectives.
h. All objectives must be evident in the lesson proper, assessment, or evaluation.
i. Methods are identified in the lesson correctly
j. Activities, questions, and directions are found in the framework
k. It must be a learner-centered learning plan.
l. An outcome-based learning plan is a must.
m. ICT tools and integration must indicate what part of the lesson they incorporate and what
n. References and Learning Materials are enumerated.
Technology for Teaching in Elementary Grade
Prelim Examination

5. This template is editable. Limit your pages to 1 to 2 pages. It must be computerized and
submitted in the prescribed format (Font: Georgia, 12, Paper size: LONG BOND PAPER)
6. Submit the printed output on or before March 5, 2021 (Saturday) to your respective class
mayor. Failure of submission is equivalent to no prelim exam. Print the rubric together with
your learning plan.
7. Submit your softcopy at for plagiarism checker. If students are
caught to have plagiarized their learning plans, they will merit no score.

------------------------------------------ Nothing follows--------------------------------------------

Prepared by: Checked by: Noted by:

Mr. Miguel F. Baluyut Jr. Dr. Agnes A. Taguines Dr. Lylani S. Claro-Dela Cruz
Instructor Program Chair College Dean
Technology for Teaching in Elementary Grade
Prelim Examination

Name: Nicka Espino Year/ Section: Beed 3C


The objective/s are Most of the objectives Some objectives are Objectives are vague
clear, well-matched, are clear and SMART. clear and SMART. and not SMART.
SMART, and evident Most objectives are Some objectives are Objectives are not
in the lesson, evident in the lesson, evident in the lesson, evident in the lesson,
methodology, methodology, methodology, methodology,
evaluation, and evaluation, and evaluation, and evaluation, and
assessment. assessment. assessment. assessment.
20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0

The lesson and Most of the lesson Most parts of the The lesson and
methodology manifest and methodology lesson and methods procedure are teacher-
learner-centered manifest learner- manifest limited centered
strategies centered strategies learner-centered
20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0

There is a clear output in the There is an output in the lesson that There is no output in the
lesson that is aligned with the is somewhat aligned with the lesson
objective/s of the lesson. lesson's objectives.
20 18 16 14 12 10 0


There are clear and ICT integration and There is limited There is no ICT
evident ICT tool are incorporated integration and use of integration in the
integration and tools in some parts of the ICT tools in the learning plan.
in the learning plan. learning plan learning plan.
20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 0

The grammar and the There are some Most of the learning The learning plan
use of punctuations in grammatical errors plan contains contains many
the learning plan is and missing or grammatical errors grammatical errors,
flawless misused punctuations and misused or misused and missing
in the learning plan. missing punctuation. punctuations.
20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 0


Objectives _________
Learner-centered Stragtegy _________
Outcome-Base Integration _________
ICT Tools and Integaration _________
Grammar _________

TOTAL _________
Technology for Teaching in Elementary Grade
Prelim Examination
Technology for Teaching in Elementary Grade
Prelim Examination

Grade Level: 4 Subject: English

Topic: Clear Directions Duration: 40 mins

General objective:
At the end of the lesson, the students should understand how to write clear directions using signal words effectively.

Specific objectives:
a. To understand clear directions using signal words.
b. To compose clear directions using signal words.
c. To appreciate the significance of reading directions to avoid mistakes or accident.

English Grade 4 Learner’s Material Pp 299

Lesson Proper Duration
and tool/
Motivation ( Probing Question ) Powerpoint
5 mins presentation/
Have you ever try to baked and read the direction on how to make it? laptop

Methodology Powerpoint
1. Discussion 10 mins laptop
2. Groupings ( I will group the student by 5 and do a Role Play on How to Get There using their construct 5 mins
direction) 10mins Video
3. Role Playing presentation

Technology for Teaching in Elementary Grade
Prelim Examination

10 mins. Answer sheet

Complete the directions below by filling out the missing signal words.

1. _____, clean rice by removing stones insects and palay.

2. _____, put it in a pot and place over fire until it boils.
3. _____, cover the pot and place over the fire until it boils.
Finally! Lessen the heat and let simmer until rice is cooked.

Write the dirctions on how to use Washing Machine. Notebook

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