Logistics Question 4

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Roll No: Subject code:DMSCLM03

Paper ID: 24453




Q.l. Attempt all parts of following:

(a) Explain the difference between inbound logistics and outbound logistics with the help of examples

(b) Explain the Bull whip effect in SCM

(c) What should be qualities of purchase manager with reference to FMCG sector.
(d) Explain the difference warehouse and warehousing.

(e) Discus various function of warehouse.

(f) Which type of warehouse is more suitable for export of product.

(g) What do you mean by warehouse layout with reference to a warehouse management.

(h) What do you mean by layout with reference to a logistics management.

(i) What is roles of warehouses in inventory

(j) Explain types of warehouses with example.

(Long Answer Type Questions)

Attempt all questions of the following: (4x10=40)

Q.2. (a) What are the various modes of transport in Supply Chain? Explain when each mode of
transport is suitable to use.
(b) Discuss five advantages and five disadvantage of outsourcing with the help of a examples.

Q3. (a) Cutting edge Info rations technology is the cause of competitive supply chain management of the •
companies like Wal-Mart and Unites parcel services. How do you think development in IT has led
to the development and advancement of supply chain management system?
(b) Discuss various functions of a store manager with reference to a FMCG sector
Q. 4 (a) Discuss the relevance of material handling with reference to logistics management.
(b) Discuss the importance of packaging in supply chain management with the help of examples.

Q.5. (a) What are the various major logistics management? Explain each of
them with the example of Bharti-Walmart joint venture for developing the
retail outlets.
. .
(c) Discuss various role forwarding and clearing agent with reference to export.

Warehouse and inventory (ources of law -Legislation. Making of law by the formal and express declaration of new rules by some
authority in the body politics. Precedent making of law by the recognition and application of new rules by courts. Customary law
constituted by customs which fulfill the requirements laid down by the law as condition for rules of conduct. Conventional law it
is that which is constituted by agreement having the force of special law.)
(Sales of goods act .Contains laws relating to sales of good act .came into force on 1930.conatin 66 section .applicable of the
whole india jamu.proior to the act and transactions related to the sale and purchase of goods were regulated by Indian contract
act 1872 and the general provision of same are still applicable).(Competition act seeks to modernize competition regime and
provides for repeal of the MRTP act.Objective of competion act -.establish of commission in india ,.to prohibit the use of
dominant design.to prohibit anti competitive agreement.to regulate combinations including merger). (Doctrine privity of
contract-.only a party to a contract may sue to enforce it but there are expectation.A principle may sue to enforce a contract
enterered into by agent.A beneficiary may sue a trustee).(Nda agreement-a nda is a legally binding contract that establishes
confidential relation and written contract between two parties people or organization).(caveat emptor-is the principle that the
buyer alone is responsible for checking the quality and agreement of goods before a purchase is made is call caveat).(Employee
agreement specifies terms and condition of employment of an employe in the organization will be working and is a contract
comanly entere into when a business hire new employ.advantage of employ agree.-.safeguard interst of employe.safeguard
interest of employr .set expectations.list down law of employment.) (Construction agreement-is a mutual or legaly binding
agreement b/w 2 parties based on policies and conditions recorded in document form the two parties involve one or more
property owner.). (Contract act is one of the central law that regulate and oversee all the business whenever there is an agreement
is calles contect of act, essential of contract act .offer and acceptance .consideration .intention.capacity).(Environmental act .an
act to provide for protection and improvement of environment and for matter connected there with. To implement various
international conventions on environment. Act to cover protection and improvement of human envirnmnt.Prevention of hazards
to human being other living creatures and plant and property.) .(Fema 1999 -the foreign exchange management act has been
introduced as a replacement for earlier foreign language exchange regulation and came not force on the 1st day of june2000.
*consolidate and amend and the law relating to foeiegn exachnegg...facilitating external trade and payments..promoting the
orderly development and maintenance of foreign exchange market in india .) (Souces of Mercantile are coomon law ,equity law
and merchant and statute law the common law of England or the judge made law is the preliminary source of india law it is the
unwritten law of England that consist of judicial decision and customs eith the passage of time).(Warranty a promise or gurante
made by a seller or lessor Bout the characteristic or quality of property ,goods and service.) (Remedies breach when one of the
parties to a contract does not fulfill his obligation then the other party can rescind the contract and refuse the performance of his
obligations).(Law of agency is an area of commercial law dealing with set of contractual and non contractual fiduciary
relationsip that involve a person called the gent that is authoriied to act on behalf of another to create legal relationwith thierd
aprty )

6(a).What type of warehouse management solution you will offer to Zara and why?
6(b).Explain the inbound and outbound process challenge of Zara in context to this case?

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