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Life Cycles Introduction Lesson topic: Cycles that occur in nature Length of lesson: 45 minutes

Science SOL K.6 The student will investigate and understand basic needs and life processes of plants and animals. Key concepts include: a) living things change as they grow, and they need food, water, and air to survive; Science SOL K.8 The student will investigate and understand simple patterns in his/her daily life. Key concepts include a) weather observations; b) the shapes and forms of many common natural objects including seeds, cones, and leaves; c) animal and plant growth; and d) home and school routines.

Science SOL K.9 The student will investigate and understand that change occurs over time and rates may be fast or slow. Key concepts include a) natural and human-made things may change over time; and b) changes can be noted and measured. Cognitive Objectives Students will: Identify the steps in a plant life cycle, in the correct chronological order. Recognize the four seasons and recall attributes that distinguish the four. Explain what a cycle is.

Materials and Advanced Preparation The Video of plant cycles Worksheet with the different parts of the cycle Markers, crayons, glue Magazines Poster with the different seasons

Teaching and Learning Sequence Introduction/Anticipatory Set Ask students what nature is? Ask for some examples of things we see outside Do our trees and plants always stay the same, or do they change? Tell students that we are going to watch a video of nature changing over time. Lets look to see how nature changes in the video. Lesson Development Play video. While showing the first part of the video, ask what they see and how it is changing. What makes it change? While showing the second part of the video, ask students to look for lots of things that are changing? Also listen for different sounds. Why did nature change in that video? After watching the video, talk through the different steps that occur in the first part. Have real life examples of a plant in each stage of the cycle, for an accurate visual. Ask students what plants need to keep growing. Ask what happens after a plant grows to be a full plant? Where do seeds come from? Have students act out with you the different stages in the plant life cycle (starting curled up as a seed, and growing into a tall plant). Next discuss what was seen and heard in the last part of the video, on seasons. Ask what changed and why? Explain that both videos are cycles (something that repeats over and over again) Can you think of any other cycles, or things that we do one day and then do again the next? Explain to students that they now have two activities to do: color in a worksheet with the stages of plant growth. They will cut out each stage and glue them back down to a piece of paper in the correct sequence. The next project, they will help to make 4 season posters. Students will cut out pictures from various magazines that relate to a particular season, and glue them onto the poster. Along with images, we will write words on the poster related to that time of year. Closure Have students pack up their materials a few minutes early and call them over to the plants at the window. Explain that each student will have the opportunity to nurture a seed and watch it grow during his/her free time this

week. Model how to put the soil in the pot, as well as how to place the seed in the bag with the wet cotton ball. Assessment Formative The teacher will observe students questions and answers during the video and learning time. Summative The teacher will look at students worksheets and contributions to the season posters to assess.

References Commonwealth of Virginia Department of Education. (2011). Science Standards of Learning for Virginia Public Schools. Richmond, VA: Virginia Department of Education. Appended Materials Curriculum Framework Science SOL K.6, K.8, and K.9

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