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Archicad or Revit

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Topik: Archicad or Revit

Memaparkan kesemua 20 kiriman. Avanti i am an architect, practising form last 4 years (using autocad ) & want to learn new software. Then which is the best software for architects? Revit or Archicad please guide me .... lebih setahun yang lalu Rod I think Archicad is better it will make you lift more easier and less complicated. cheers Rod lebih setahun yang lalu Avanti thank u for guidance ... lebih setahun yang lalu Sainisha Well Avanti , i would suggest REVIT is better than Archicad coz sooner or later u will have to learn it. If you are or willing to work abroad then u shud go for REVIT !! coz REVIT is often used here like AUTOCAD in India. lebih setahun yang lalu Avanti Sainisha ... actually in today's scenario i am not planning to work in abroad ..... but for outsourcing work it will be beneficial right ? & i am interested in free lancing work also .. everyone is saying revit is more complicated than archicad ... what is your opinion? thanks 4 information lebih setahun yang lalu Sainisha Avanti, Yea its true REVIT is lil bit complicated. I still feel u shud go for REVIT. Its better u lern it now rather than saving it for later. Nehow u will have to lern it one day as u will be needing it !!! lebih setahun yang lalu Avanti ok... got ur point .... thanks...:) lebih setahun yang lalu Sainisha no problem !! lebih setahun yang lalu Sylvain Revit is the best I used it since Revit 2008, the new version 2010 is great With REVIT it's No limit Look my profil and my Eko Building, in 6 week with revit 2009 lebih setahun yang lalu Susana ArchiCAD VS Revit - ArchiCAD has a faster learning curve than Revit



Archicad or Revit | Facebook

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- ArchiCAD is more visual than Revti (where in archicad you have drawings, in revit you might have numbers and names) - I was told that for collaborative work ArchiCAD was better and more developed at least until Revit 2010 release, which means with the newest Revit 2011 that might no longer be true - Revit makes budgetting, and calculates areas and volumes using schedules (i'm not sure archicad also does it) - Revit is PARAMETRIC! this is the biggest plus of all, you can apply constraints where you want them, and that's the best feature which unfortunatly archicad doesn't have - ArchiCAD has big libraries of pluggins and objects already made, that you can purchase all easily while Revit brings it all in the package or is usually for free (for now.. in the future it might change) If your question is just between archicad or revit then the answer is simple: REVIT without thinking twice! But I'd recommend you'd take a look at: - Rhinocerous + Grasshopper plugging from McNeel - MicroStation + Generetive Components from Bentley these are the best options you have at the moment, personally speaking and considering other colleagues, rhino + grasshopper is easier and very graphic! They are parametric softwares which work with associative geometries = the future!

I'm a Revit user since version 2009, I haven't yet seen the newest 2011... I wouldn't want to change Revit for ArchiCAD lebih setahun yang lalu Avanti Hey thanks Susana 4 ur excellent guidance by giving detailed description .... thanks once again & one thing i havn't understood is .... ' Rhinocerous + Grasshopper plugging from McNeel - MicroStation + Generetive Components from Bentley' so whcih one is easier to get in India ... as in India very few people works on Revit lebih setahun yang lalu Susana rhinoceros http://www.rhino3d.com/ bentley http://www.bentley.com/en-US for that i have no idea, i personally recommend rhinocerous. check the price, check for the support pages and most of all check for india's market, since you are making this investment it would be worth it knowing what will most likely garantee a job. on the other hand rhinocerous and grasshopper are by far easier to learn on your own. But there are numerous trainnings for both softwares happening everywhere. lebih setahun yang lalu Avanti yes sure i will go through these links ... revit has any free online training tutorials ? if incase u know then let me know ... thanks susana ... lebih setahun yang lalu Susana thousands on youtube, and a lot of materials online. many people place "how to" movies on their blogs. it is very helpful. I did not learn it on my own, i had 28h trainning i think, if you have the chance do take some trainning, it will make a major difference from my point of view. revit is a world ;) when you'll control it you'll feel like you could have taken a master degree on it. It is very simple to use until you'll want to model something out of the ordinary, then the nice challenges come, it's definitely worth it! lebih setahun yang lalu Avanti wow ... good to hear all this from you ... very enthu to take traiing ... but atleast i will start downloading youtube video tutorials for revit ....... thanks susana lebih setahun yang lalu Glo i suggest Autodesk Revit...101% :) for more info and downloads please log in @ www.revitcity.com.... lebih setahun yang lalu Avanti thanks ...Glo Guevara lebih setahun yang lalu Lee



Archicad or Revit | Facebook

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Revit is much more interesting than Archicad..so I would prefer you to use Revit obviously... As per Glo's suggestion, sign-up in Revit City and you can download tons of families.. lebih setahun yang lalu Aashish i would also suggest u revit.. it is very easy to learn ... if the buildings u make are not very complicated then u can learn it by yourself it wont take much time.... lebih setahun yang lalu Avanti please suggest me good site to download the tutorials 4 revit ... thanks once again lebih setahun yang lalu

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