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54 Business The Economist October 1st 2022

The business of Indian weddings an Indian couple in Australia; another is

destined for Oklahoma.
Matrimony Inc Not far from invitation lane is Zaveri
Bazaar, the old jewellery district, with per-
haps 7,000 shops offering everything from
“American diamonds” (the polite name for
fakes) to precious gems. Weddings account
for more than 70% of sales, estimates Sidd-
harth Sawant of Tribhovandas Bhimji Zav-
An industry that is a marriage of everything
eri, a chain founded in 1864. Other jewel-

V ishal punjabi sounds groggy over the

phone. “You know when you can’t re-
member where you are when you wake up,”
high-rises. Classified adverts (often placed
by parents hoping to get their children
hitched) still appear in Sunday news-
lers say much the same. Weddings are a big
reason why India is the world’s largest gold
importer, buying $46bn-worth of the yel-
he says. “I’m in Cannes, before that Barce- papers, often written in shorthand inscru- low metal in the past year.
lona and before that Dubai, London, Udai- table to the uninitiated. Indian cyberspace Parents and other kin begin buying
pur, Delhi, Chennai and Bangalore. Now teems with “matrimonial” sites; the big- wedding baubles in the first two weeks
off to Charlotte, North Carolina and then gest publicly listed one,, after a girl’s birth, says Devaunshi Mehta,
the Napa Valley.” This globetrotting life- has a market value of around $160m, and owner of the DiA shop at the posh Taj
style would be familiar to high-powered last year reported annual revenues of Mahal Palace Hotel in Mumbai. By the time
ceos, venture capitalists or investment $57m, 850,000 subscribers and 100,000 the newborn sits at the altar, she is be-
bankers. Mr Punjabi is none of these. In- successful matches. For the globetrotters jewelled head to toe (sometimes literally)
stead, he produces intricate wedding vid- and the diaspora, a new breed of cross-bor- with what still serves as portable dowry. To
eos for Indian nuptials: 65 in the past year, der specialists charge an upfront fee of as be a bit less outshone, some grooms have
two-thirds of them for Indian couples who much as $15,000, plus other commissions. begun to sport bling, too.
wed outside India. His expanding work- Besides jewels, the soon-to-be-newly-
force includes set designers, sound and An inviting enterprise weds and their retinues need clothes. Giv-
light engineers, composers, video editors, Once the match is made, the preparations en Indian weddings’ multi-day run time,
even script writers. for the ceremony begin. Specialisms have the bride and her bridesmaids may need at
Indians take knot-tying seriously. Con- emerged to cater to every aspect of the least half a dozen formal outfits, plus cus-
sequently, Indian matrimony is serious event. One road in Mumbai is lined with tomised t-shirts to throw on between mat-
business. The amount of money which more than 70 businesses devoted to invita- rimonial setpieces and even pyjamas. In-
changes hands in relation to it can be stag- tions, from calligraphers to printers. A Kol- tricate handcrafted saris from top design-
gering. Mr Punjabi charges between kata-based invitation guru travels around ers such as Tarun Tahiliani and Sabyasachi
$5,000 and $50,000 a day, and some pro- Asia in search of items that would make his can fetch tens of thousands of dollars. A
ductions stretch to a few weeks. India’s re- custom products stand out. Invitees to the town in the state of Gujarat is said to have
gions have different traditions, each de- wedding in 2018 of the daughter of Mukesh 4,000 people employed in stringing beads
manding specific services. The festivities Ambani, one of India’s richest tycoons, re- and crystals, both directly by the fashion
often last for days, requiring constant at- ceived a box that included an album and houses and by subcontractors. Rendering
tention from one business or other. Annu- four smaller boxes filled with jewels and the bride fit for Instagram has led to a
al spending on these—from matchmakers treats; one unpacking video on YouTube boom in professional sari drapers.
and caterers to film and construction has been viewed 9m times. Some invita- The wedding venue, too, is beautified—
crews—may exceed $130bn, reckons Pra- tion businesses seize export markets. by architects, set designers, florists and,
veen Khandelwal, secretary-general of the Shantilal & Sons, a Mumbai firm founded evanescently, fireworks artists. Hoteliers
Confederation of All India Traders, which in 1943, has just dispatched a shipment to do a brisk trade hosting the festivities and
represents small and medium-sized enter-
prises. If he is right, that would make mar-
riage the country’s fourth-largest industry,
behind energy, banking and insurance but
ahead of cars, steel and technology.
And India’s Matrimony Inc is getting
bigger. In the short term, weddings are
booming as couples who postponed the
festivities because of covid-19 rush to the
altar. Mr Khandelwal expects 2.5m wed-
dings in November and December in India,
on top of 4m events in the spring wedding
season from April to July, and not counting
those footloose brides and grooms. In the
longer run, the ceremonies are getting big-
ger and more lavish as Indians grow richer.
Businesses across this vast nuptials-in-
dustrial complex are adapting accord-
ingly—and themselves growing.
In India the business of weddings typi-
cally begins before the two people theoret-
ically at its centre have ever laid eyes on
one another. Matchmakers operate every-
where in India, from rural huts to urban A merger and lots of acquisitions

The Economist October 1st 2022 Business 55

housing all the guests. Tata’s Indian Ho- hearted—or for amateurs. When family dozens of such advisory firms. Around 25
tels, the country’s largest chain, estimates members are assigned organisational offer services nationally and a few, inter-
weddings account for 20% of its business. roles, which used to be the norm, the result nationally. A big part of their job is to
Even a modest village affair involves extra- can be chaos. Ever more lavish and com- obtain official permits for assorted aspects
ordinary amounts of food and countless plex celebrations have therefore led to the of the event (such as live music, road
cooks. All marriages involve a lot of music rise of the wedding planner. Vandana Mo- closures, beach bookings, pyrotechnics,
and dancing: some Bollywood choreo- han, a Delhi-based planner behind some of booze, power generators and vehicles, in-
graphers run side gigs teaching clutzy fam- the country’s largest and poshest nuptials, cluding elephants). At least this is becom-
ily members to dance with a modicum of begins by walking clients through a list of ing easier, reports Vikram Mehta, a high-
grace. Big weddings often enlist profes- 712 distinct components, from the hum- end planner, both in India and abroad.
sional backup dancers. The biggest bring drum (how many colour schemes to use) to Local authorities have become more wel-
in A-listers, and not just from India the extravagant (how many hotels to rent coming to nuptials, he says, as they have
(Beyoncé graced the Ambani festivities). in their entirety). twigged just how big a fillip even a single
Managing all this is not for the faint- Many Indian metropolises now have event can give the local economy. 

Bartleby The grip of vice

Nobody’s perfect. Managers should not forget that

T he arc of current management

thinking bends towards virtue. Co-
operation is what makes teams purr.
malign and benign versions of envy. In
one, people try to close gaps in status by
bringing others down. In the other, they
always the best quality in a leader. Re-
search on the impact of managers’
moods on performance is pretty thin:
Low-ego empathy is the hallmark of a are motivated to improve their own per- one deeply unpersuasive paper from 2017
thoroughly modern boss. Purpose mat- formance. A recent paper by Danielle used facial-recognition software to
ters to employees as much as pay; society Tussing of the University at Buffalo and analyse ceos’ TV appearances and con-
looms as large as shareholders. But ap- colleagues discovered a third type of be- cluded that expressions of anger and fear
pealing to people’s better nature, and haviour: people who skipped work or even were associated with improved profit-
ignoring their vices, is an incomplete quit their jobs in order to avoid feelings of ability in the following quarter. Yet for-
approach. Nor is being good necessarily envy. Understanding such emotions is a bearance can plainly go too far. Anyone
great for your own career. step towards harnessing them. who has worked in an office knows that
Take a look at the seven capital virtues Pride can also lead to greater effort (as the boss’s wrath can sometimes be the
and the seven deadly sins laid out in well as to gigantic signatures). In an ele- only thing that gets things moving.
Christian tradition. The virtues are chas- gant paper looking into the performance Greed is not something to admit to in
tity, temperance, charity, diligence, of German fighter pilots in the second polite society but acquisitiveness still
kindness, patience and humility; the world war, Philipp Ager of the University motivates an awful lot of people. In their
vices are lust, gluttony, greed, sloth, of Mannheim and other researchers found research into CEO behaviour Ms Dey and
envy, wrath and pride. that personal rivalry fuelled risk-taking her co-authors defined excessive materi-
In aggregate the first set of qualities is behaviour. When pilots received public alism as owning a private home worth
the one for managers to emulate. Neither recognition for their exploits in a daily twice as much as the median house in
chaste charity nor lustful gluttony have bulletin to the German armed forces, peers the area; owning a car worth more than
much to recommend them as a manage- with whom they had flown in the past $75,000; or owning a boat that was lon-
ment ethos; but only one is a lawsuit redoubled their own efforts. Something ger than 25 feet. Of her sample of CEOs,
waiting to happen. Diligence clearly propelled them to fly more missions, even fully 58% ticked one or more of these
beats sloth. Greed is out of fashion. though that meant a greater chance of boxes; only 42% counted as frugal.
Aiyesha Dey of Harvard Business School being killed, and it wasn’t humility. Gluttony may not fuel ambition but it
and her co-authors have found that Patience may be a virtue, but it is not could well be a side-effect of the hier-
excessive materialism on the part of a archies that characterise companies.
chief executive can be a warning sign of Research experiments in which strangers
fraudulent activity and out-of-control are assigned a high-status role and a
risk-taking. Pride is also increasingly low-status role and put in a room togeth-
seen as problematic: in a paper from 2018 er have found that those placed in posi-
academics identified narcissistic bosses tions of authority help themselves to
by the size of their signatures and found more biscuits than the others. Even
a correlation with poor financial out- people who mean well may end up be-
comes at the firms they ran. having badly if they acquire power.
Yet saintliness is rare and sinfulness If management is about getting the
can be underrated. Take envy, for ex- best out of people, it helps to understand
ample. By design organisations rely on base behaviours as well as noble ones.
competition as well as co-operation. A Employees are humans and humans are
kind person might well be content to complex. They seek to improve the world
applaud other people for their success. and would quite like their own swim-
An envious one will see someone to ming pool. They want to mentor the
catch up with. disadvantaged and see their rivals fail
Psychologists distinguish between miserably. They grab the biscuits.

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