Pages From Introduction To Functions-2 PDF

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use or inappropriate mathematical mathematical Mathematical

use of mathematical representation and terminology. representation is
representation and terminology for the actively used as a
terminology for the task. means of
task. communicating ideas.
Precise and appropriate
terminology is used.

It shows some It shows It shows in-depth

understanding of the understanding of understanding of the
It shows no
required required required mathematical
understanding of the
mathematical mathematical knowledge in
problem, The
knowledge. The knowledge. The probability. The
solution addresses
Mathematical solution addresses solution addresses solution completely
none of the
Justification some of the most of the addresses all
mathematical mathematical mathematical
components required
components components components presented
to solve the task.
presented in the presented in the in the task.
task. task.

The proposal is
The proposal is The proposal is The proposal is
Submission submitted on or
submitted more than submitted four to submitted two to
of Proposal before the target
five days late. five days late. three days late.


Looking For What to Do

Comparing functions vs.
Analyze input and output.
Comparing functions vs.  Check correspondence: One-to-one or many-to-one.
relations  Use the Vertical Line test.
Evaluating functions Substitute the value of and simplify.
Solving word problems Construct a working function and solve for the unknown.

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