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The villages of Skelton, Shipton, Newton-on-Ouse, and Linton-on-Ouse

The Revd Malcolm Wainwright, The Rectory, Church Lane, Skelton, York, YO30 1XT Tel: 01904 471351
The Revd Trevor Gant, 6 Lumley Road, York, YO30 6DB Tel: 01904 527423 (office hours) 01904 654784 (evenings)

CHURCH WARDENS: Online version at

Skelton Shipton Newton
Carolyn Evans 01904 470125 Kathy Peacock 01904 471980 Margaret Trowbridge 01347 848605
Ian Holbrook 01904 470674 David Theakstone 01904 470550 March 2019

Sunday 3rd March:

Sunday before Lent
T he Bible encourages mindfulness – very much in vogue at
the moment. Living in the present, living in God’s love, is
seen as the way to stop fretting about the mistakes of the past
Skelton 9.30am Holy Communion and not get too anxious about the future. Step by step we live
Shipton 10.00am Family Worship (no Communion) in God’s love. Trust in a greater purpose for our lives is
Newton 6.30pm Evensong with choir essential, to counter despair and a sense of emptiness.

Wednesday 6th March: Ash Wednesday As we enter the season of Lent, it is a good opportunity to
Skelton 6.30pm Imposition of Ashes examine how we live and what or who we put our faith and
Sunday 10th March: Lent 1 trust in. On Ash Wednesday we begin Lent and then follow
Skelton 9.30am Family Communion the theme of looking at our lives with honesty and care.
Shipton 10.00am Family Communion Instead of giving up something for Lent, why not take up
Linton 11.00am Family Communion things that you meant to do but never got round to doing?
Village Hall
The answer to all our questions lies ultimately in knowing
Sunday 17th March: Lent 2 God, of whom the full revelation is his Son, Jesus Christ. By
Newton 8.00am Said Communion the wonder of his life, death and resurrection, we can see
Skelton 9.30am Holy Communion God’s nature, shown to us in the loving action of Christ dying
Shipton 10.00am Family Communion on the cross for us. God, the Creator of this amazing universe,
Newton 4.00pm Prayers for healing & wholeness loving each one of us, at great cost.
Sunday 24th March: Lent 3
Of Faith, Hope and Love, St Paul tells us, Love is the greatest.
Skelton 9.30am Family Communion
Let’s bear that in mind as we examine our consciences in Lent.
Shipton 10.00am Family Communion
God reaches out and breathes his life onto us through all the
Newton 11.00am Holy Communion
world of darkness and failure.
Sunday 31st March: Mothering Sunday What a message to take us up to the Easter season!
Skelton 10.00am All Age Mothering Sunday
(no Communion) Blessings, Rev. Trevor and Rev. Malcolm
Shipton 10.00am Family Communion for
Mothering Sunday NOTICES FOR THE NEWSLETTER should be received by the 15th of
Newton 11.00pm Family Communion for March for the April issue. All notices should be sent to Meriel Fawbert, 70
Mothering Sunday Half Moon Street, Linton On Ouse, York, YO30 2AG or via email to
Sunday 7th April: Lent 5: Passiontide ***Please be careful to submit accurate information (especially dates and
Skelton 9.30am Holy Communion phone numbers.)*** The editor cannot be held responsible for the content of
Shipton 10.00am Family Worship any notice submitted.
Newton 6.30pm Taize Evensong


FROM THE REGISTERS: Children's Society Home Collecting Boxes £272.95 was collected this
Baptisms year to help vulnerable young people who find themselves homeless, often
27th January 2019 through no fault of their own. If you would like to help by collecting small
Chloe Madeline Grace Hick, All Saints Church, Newton change in one of our boxes, contact Margaret on 01904 470241.
Funerals Love reading but can’t get to the library?
22nd January 2019 NYCC and Easingwold Community Library offer a free service for
Brian Christopher Rockliff, All Saints Church, Newton people of all ages who find it difficult to get to the library or carry books.
Our volunteers select books to suit the customer’s tastes and they can be
Holy Evangelists' may shortly have a limited number of pews to re-home., collected from the library or delivered directly every two weeks. Delivery
minimum donation £100 each. Contact Rev. Trevor or Kathy Peacock. volunteers are all DBS checked & cover Easingwold & surrounding
villages. We offer free access to books, audio books, DVDs, music on CD
Wanted 2-3 acres of grazing land. Good price offered to rent or purchase.
& information. Know someone who may be interested? To find out more
Please contact 01904 635359.
please contact Easingwold Community Library on 01609 534584.
Benefice Service for Healing and Wholeness Held at Newton Church on We are always looking for volunteers to help with deliveries,
the 3rd Sunday of each month at 4.00pm. A short service with music and particularly in holiday periods. Contact Easingwold Library for more
prayer with the laying on of hands for yourself or on behalf of others. information.

GENERAL NOTICES continued… Mobile Library in Skelton. The Mobile Library visits Skelton every two
weeks. As well as borrowing books & audio books, you can update your
1st Kyle Valley Beaver Leader Needed 1st Kyle Valley is recruiting for a library card or York Card, return books from any other York library, &
Beaver Leader & Assistant Leader. These are rewarding roles that will see request books to be brought to Skelton for you to borrow. The library stops
you guiding 6 to 8 year olds through exciting adventures & supporting their in Fairfields Drive from 2.40pm to 3.10pm and Brecksfield from
personal development. The role requires 1 hour a week during term time 3.15pm to 3.50pm. Alternate Mondays, 25th February and 11th March.
for the sessions & some planning time. Lots of support from an established Contact 01904 552655, email or go to
team will be given. Could this be you or someone you know? (You don't
need to be involved in Scouts to apply). If you want more information
please contact Megan at 1stkylesecretary or Tom at Christmas Tree Many thanks to the Village Trust for the beautiful
illuminated tree in the churchyard over the Christmas season. It was
Easingwold District Community Care Association based in the Police greatly admired and appreciated.
House in Easingwold is a registered charity which seeks to improve the
quality of life in our local community with a small professional team & team Quiz Night Friday 8th March, 7.30pm at the Forest of Galtres Golf Club,
of volunteers. We offer a range of services which include, a car scheme, by kind permission of Mrs Sue Procter. Tickets £7 per person includes
day centre, befriending & sitting scheme, a dementia day centre, a mini- refreshments, available from Carolyn 01904 470125 and Jill 01904
bus service, meals on wheels and various clubs including knitting and 470555. In aid of St. Giles’ Church.
crossword groups & wheelchair hire scheme. As part of our promotional
campaign this year we are happy to come and give a 10-30 minute chat on
the services we can offer your parish. Please call 01347 822875. SHIPTON WITH OVERTON NEWS
Tiny Stompers A music & movement sensory development group for Shipton Parish Council Next meeting will be in the Village Hall at
under 5s & their parents/carers. Shipton by Beningbrough Community 7.30pm, on Wednesday 13th March 2019. The following meeting witll be
Centre, Mondays, 10.30-11.15am. A relaxed environment with lots of on Wednesday 10th April. Contact
exciting resources to explore, with Becky, BA in Childcare & Education.
Baby massage classes are now available on selected dates and times. A ‘Big Breakfast @ Shipton’, Saturday March 9th. 9.00-11.30am.
Visit Tiny Stompers on Facebook or Contact Kaminari UK Taiko "Drums and Crumbs" Saturday 23rd March, 10.30-
07739 960910, email 12.30 at Shipton Community Centre. A community workshop for anyone
Lent Course This year we have been invited to join Bishop John’s Lent interested in trying taiko drumming - an exciting & fun form of drumming
Group in Easingwold at the Methodist Church, starting on Wednesday 13th from Japan. £5 per person. There will be refreshments & cake. To book,
March at 7.00pm. The theme will be the Beatitudes. We will try to arrange email: or phone Mary on 07979 813804.
shared transport. Further details from Rev Malcolm on 01904 471351. Shipton Space Cinema presents
‘Talking Jesus’ Saturday March 23rd
10.00-3.30pm at Manor School. Led Three Billboard Outside Ebbing Missouri 139 mins
by the National Advisor for Evangelism, about sharing our faith with others. Friday 1st March 2019 Doors open 7pm Film rolling at 7.30pm.
Refreshments provided but a packed lunch is needed. The day is free but A mother personally challenges the local authorities to solve her
please book in advance. We will try to arrange shared transport. Please daughter’s murder when they fail to catch the culprit.
contact Rev Malcolm on 01904 471351. Hot dogs, tea/coffee, sweets & popcorn, soft drinks & ice creams available
before & during intermission. To sign up to our Cinema email group, visit or contact John
SKELTON NEWS Farbrother on 07906 890465 or 01904 470187. Shipton Chill Zone Youth Club at Shipton Community Centre, fortnightly
Thursdays, 5.30-7.00pm, next sessions 14th March & 28th March 2019.
Facebook: St Giles Church, Skelton, York Open to children from immediate & surrounding areas in school years 5-9.
Skelton Village Hall Please note new contact details for bookings and £1.50 entry, includes drink & snack. Lots of activities: table tennis, table
enquiries. Tel: 07547 393958. Email: football, pool, fun games & tuck shop. For more information contact or Facebook page, Shipton Chill Zone.
Skelton Parish Council The next meeting will be in the Villag Hall at
7.30pm on Thursday 28th March 2019. The following meeting will be on Shipton Preschool & Toddler Group At Forest of Galtres Anglican
Thursday 25th April, preceded by the Annual Parish Assembly at 7.00pm. Methodist Primary school. Preschool sessions, Mon-Fri, 9.15-3.15pm
Please see website or parish notice boards. excluding Tuesday. Toddlers group, Tue 9.30-11.30am. For admissions
contact Jenny Currey on 07546 571089 or email
Skelton WI Next meeting Thursday 14th March 2019 at 7.30pm, Skelton
Village Hall for an evening with Mike Greatorex talking about family history.
Visitors always welcome. Contact 01904 470605 for further information. Shipton 100 Club Congratulations to the February 2019 winners:
1st Prize £53.13 - Jeff Winter, 2nd Prize £26.56 - Angie Kaya, 3rd Prize
Skelton Gardening Club, 3rd Thursday of each month, 7.30pm start. We £26.56 - Vince Taylor. We currently have 80 members, it would be brilliant
are into our new season & are always pleased to welcome guests (£3) & to get our membership to the full 100. For details of how to join, at £30 per
new members (£15 for the year). We have a good selection of speakers year, cont act Dawn Malloy on 0 1904 470 749 o r
booked, host a bit of a do in January, & organise two outings in the The money raised from the 100 club goes
summer months. Please come along & join in. towards the maintenance running costs of our community run playground.
Thanks again everyone. Next draw in March 2019.
Skelton Walking Group Next walk on Saturday 2nd March. Meet at the
Village Green at 9:30am for an easy 5.5 mile walk from Ripley, taking in Middleton School Foundation Applications are invited for grants offered
the historic hamlet of Knox. Pub lunch. Contact 01904 470454 for details. from this charity, available to persons under 25 and who live, or whose
parents live, in the Parishes of Shipton or Overton. Grants are available for
Coffee, Chat and Books Wednesday 6th March at Skelton Village Hall,
costs associated with academic or vocational training, at the discretion of
10.00-11.30am. Pop in for a drink & a chat & possibly find something to
Trustees. Applications will not be considered for expenditure that has been
read. For information & requests for lifts on 01904 471351.
incurred more than six months prior to the date of application. For an
Toilet Funds for Newton and Skelton. If you would like to help with either application form, contact Mrs J. Jordan at
of these funds, please contact Rev Malcolm or the wardens.
Shipton Community Café welcomes customers old and new to Shipton
Distributors urgently needed each month for the Newsletter in Community Centre every Tuesday, 2.00-4.30pm. Tea, coffee, homemade
Skelton. If you can help please phone Pam on 01904 470016. cakes & scones. Children's activities. We look forward to seeing you.

BENINGBROUGH NEWS Please mention the Parish & Community Newsletter
when contacting advertisers
Newton-on-Ouse WI Next meeting at 7.15pm on Thursday 7th March for
Kaminari Taiko, Japanese drummers. The following meeting will be on
Thursday 4th April. Not quite calendar girls but we offer fun & friendship to
women of all ages & interests. Contact Maureen Stringer on 01347 848268
or via Facebook page newtononousewi. for quality, good value
products and accessories for
Churchyard Clean Up Day Saturday 23rd April, 9.00-12.00. Thanks to all you & your dog.
keeping the churchyard tidy but we like to give it an extra tidy for Spring.
We are a local business so free delivery to
Newton on Ouse Parish Hall 100 Club Lucky winners of the February Easingwold & surrounding villages.
draw were Evy Wardill (£35), Martin Dukes (£17.50) and Margaret
Trowbridge (£17.50). Congratulations to all. To join the 100 Club, for just Enquiries & local orders: Please contact
£2 a month, contact Wendy Key on 01347 844036., 07792 192860 or
message through Paws Plus One Facebook page.
Newton-on-Ouse Allotments Association Only three half-plots now
remaining. The annual rental rate for a half plot is £20. We are happy for
you to share with a friend if that suits. If you would prefer to try a ‘taster’
quarter plot the rental rate is just £10. Both options have a one-off set-up R BEAN & CO
fee of £10. Contact our Secretary Kay Scott, on 01347 848465. Domestic Appliance Engineers
Lent Lunch Wednesday 13th March, from 12 noon until 2pm, a simple Unit 1
lunch of soup and bread, coffee & biscuits will be held at Tanglewood Wigginton Grange
Cottage, Cherry Tree Avenue, Newton On Ouse. All welcome. Bring a York YO32 2RD
friend & join the fun. Donations for church funds.
General knowledge quiz Friday 29th March at 7.30pm at Linton Village
Tel: 07976 152 591
Hoover & Hotpoint Specialist
Hall, organised by the Village Hall Committee. Entry fee £2 adults, £1
children, includes refreshments & nibbles. Participants welcome to bring
Sales Repairs & Spares
their own. Teams limited to 6 individuals. Various prizes on offer & a raffle.
To book a table, contact Mark on 07961 361048. Would you like a helping hand to keep your
Church Coffee Morning Saturday 9th March, 10.30-12.00, at
garden beautiful?
Watermeadows, River Walk, Newton on Ouse. Raffle, bring/buy & home
baking for sale, plus refreshments. All welcome. Proceeds to All Saints.  weeding  garden tidying  lawn edging
Thanks to everyone who attended, or helped at the coffee morning on 9th
March at Village Farm Cottages. £230.00 was raised for church funds. Call Alex on:
Tel: 01347 848060 GARDEN BEAUTIFUL
Pot Luck Supper Saturday 16th March at 7.30pm in Newton Parish Hall.
Mob: 07530 569026 garden maintenance
Hot food, raffle and quiz. Please bring your own drinks. Tickets £14 from
Margaret (01347 848605) or Stephanie (01347 848598). Come & enjoy an
evening of wonderful food & fun. All welcome. Proceeds to All Saints. Wood Farm Bed and Breakfast
Linton on Ouse Parish Council are in continual discussions with Shipton By Beningbrough, York
Yorkshire Water regarding drainage issues in the area following concerns
from residents. Please contact YW with any drainage problems, both 4 Star Rating with Silver Award
inside & outside felt to be the result of failings with the drainage system. Spacious farmhouse ensuite accommodation
with a superb level of comfort
Contact details: Telephone - 0345 1 242424; Twitter - @YWHelp;
Website/Webchat -;
Facebook -
Tel: 01904 470333
Linton on Ouse Parish Council Next meeting will be in the Village Hall at
7.15pm, on Tuesday 12th March 2019. The following meeting will be on
Tuesday 9th April. Contact for details. The Hambleton Handyman
Craft and Chat Linton Village Hall every 2nd and 4th Tuesdays each John Burroughs
month, 13.00 – 15:15. Whatever your craft, come along and join us. £3.00 No job too small so go ahead and call!!
per session, includes refreshments. We look forward to seeing you.
Contact Maureen Stringer 01347 848268. Linton On Ouse Mobile: 07764 226511
Bead Days Saturday 30th March, 10.00am-3.00pm. Please bring a packed York Tel: 01347 848806
lunch. Coffee, tea & biscuits will be provided. £3.00.
Linton on Ouse History Group Next meeting Friday 8th March, Linton
Village Hall at 7.30pm for a talk on The Applebys in the 1620s and the
Roman Catholics of Linton up to 1856. Following meeting will be on Friday Aspire
12th April at 7.30pm for a talk by Wendy Hyam, from Friends of Roman DOMESTIC APPLIANCE REPAIRS
Aldborough, discussing recent research, finds & discoveries. All enquiries Built-in and Freestanding
to Maureen on 01347 848268. For latest information see https:// Ovens – Cookers – Microwave ovens Dishwashers – Washing machines
Linton-on-Ouse Whist Drive every Monday, Village Hall from 7.30pm. If Tumble Dryers - Fridge freezers
you are an experienced player or simply want to learn, then why not come All leading brands - 40 years experience
along & join this friendly group. Cost of £3 includes refreshments. Tel 07764 160654

Please mention the Parish & Community Newsletter when contacting advertisers


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MAIN STREET, SHIPTON 01904 470263 The Owl Barn Holiday Cottage
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2 Plantation Drive, off B’bridge Road,
ACOMB, York YO26 6AG
24 Hours 7 Days a Week Emergency Service 782033
Alternative Emergency 07836 618 148
New Skelton Surgery Facilities
SJA Joinery
Telephone Acomb Surgery for appointments Home Improvement Services
All aspects of joinery undertaken to the highest
Cundall Computers standard. Specialist in sash window and wooden
Repairs & Support – Virus Removal – Tuition
Smart TV Support & Setup - Qualified Technician conservatory repairs. Professional tiling and
JDC Quartz Watch Repairs decorating service. Also pre-market “house
Battery & strap Replacement / Bracelets Sized
Ultrasonic Cleaning & Much More
doctoring” and rented property maintenance. Call
For Both The Above Services Tel: 01904634386 Sean on:-
10 Manor Park Road, York, YO30 5UD. EST 30YRS Tel. 07960 191 703 / 01347 848004


Domestic and Commercial

All aspects of electrical work undertaken—No job too small

Too busy at Work? On Holiday?
Rewiring—Lighting—Fault Finding—Additional Switches & Need help to walk your Dog or Feed your Cat?
Sockets—Security Lighting—Fuse Box Repairs & Upgrades
Periodic Inspection/Condition Reports & Testing Phone 0791 3332111
Installing Appliances—Breakdowns
Professional Pet Services for All your Pets
Friendly reliable & efficient service - over 20 years experience Dog Walking - Pet Feeding
Tel 07710528200 01904 470791 Pet Taxi - Grooming

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