Class 5 Introduction and Tasks

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CLIL Dimensions and focuses: Culture Dimension of CLIL

In classes 2, 3, and 4 you read about three dimensions in CLIL: content, language
and learning, and you analyzed some material considering how these dimensions
can be part of your class planning. Now, let’s consider the culture dimension as well.

In this class you are going to read a sample plan called “Planificación Animals in
Literature” designed by a teacher in a school in Arana, La Plata. This teacher
planned the project considering the CLIL dimensions.

The purpose of sharing this plan with you is just for you to have a model of how a
plan based on CLIL may look like (there are other possibilities too)

We will also find, in the material for this class, a template to organize your planning. It
is in Spanish just in case you want to use it for presentation to the school
headteacher as one of your planificaciones.

In this class you have to:

1. Read the sample plan (Planificación Animals in Literature)

2. Skim through the unit “Effects of climate change on living

things” and complete the some parts of the template (cuadro
para organizar la planificación)

3. Participate in the Forum for this class.

Curso: La Enseñanza de Inglés en el ciclo superior de la escuela secundaria

Obligatory TASKS

1. Send-in Task

For this task first do the following:

1) Analyze the sample plan “Planificación Animals in Literature” considering the

overall organization and its components. See how cultural awareness is taken
into account

2) Have a look at the material in the file “Effects of climate change on living things”

3) Try completing the template [only the aspects related to content, language,
learning and culture highlighted in red], as if you were planning a project on the
effects of climate change.

2. Forum Participation

You have just completed part of the template as if you were planning a project on the
effects of climate change. Now think about the following:

• What different types of cultural implications are there for development in the topic
of climate change?
5 • What type of language (genre) will be necessary for this topic?
• How have you decided to connect content to cognition?

Curso: La Enseñanza de Inglés en el ciclo superior de la escuela secundaria

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