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What are the main challenges and obstacles FaRo is facing in the near

a. Increase even more the turnover with employees

b. Low satisfaction rate

c. No coherent organizational structure (Lack of executive power HR)

d. Create and communicate the HR Value proposition as well as build a

true organizational culture in the company (forjar a que exista) (La
gente sigue molesta, con baja satisfacción, y con ganas de salirse
porque aunque existen esas politicas y practicas realmente sigue
igual de que Don Paco no aprueba hacer eventos para inculcar a los
empleados, pero si aprueba subirle el salario a la gente, ya están
sumamente acostumbrados a eso, la gente se va por el salario
porque los que llevan menos tiempo aun asi tienen mayor sueldo que
los que llevan años)

2. Do the actions proposed by Jose promote and foster the implementation of

Don Paco's strategy?

a. As seen in the case, it doesn’t seem that FaRo has a real strategy,
Jose wanted to know about the company, and all what he got after
talking with Don Paco and other employees was that there’s a variety
of ways of thinking.

b. Don Paco is not really into the HR department, that’s why he doesn’t
approve most of the proposals

c. He is still missing the climate & job satisfaction position (necessary to

detect the level of worker satisfaction within the organization and the
reasons for dissatisfaction, with the intention of applying corrective

3. Is José a good HR leader?

a. He’s a good leader by identifying some issues that the company had
at the time and set out to solve them, but he is falling at not knowing
what to do in order to diminish the turnover in the company.
b. Being the manager of this area means that you really need to be in
synchrony with the CEO/Director/Your boss in order to express the
needs that you’re finding in the company and also be able to
prove/convince why the change would bring real benefits to the

c. He is a good leader, since even with all the barriers, he has begun to
implement certain policies, and even without support, he continues to
fight for financial support to be authorized.

4. What recommendations would you give José to refocus and position the HR
resources role before Don Paco?

a. Have a meeting with Don Paco, showing the improvement made with
the new policies and practices, interview some employees in order to
gather information to later be shown

b. Refresh the Mission, Vision & Values of the company, it doesn’t seem
that they have one, but in any case that they have it it’s obviously not
matching with what the company was as a sewing and tailoring shop
to what is right now as a clothing factory.

c. Make Don Paco understand that new things must be done in order to

HR Policies

Continuing guidelines on the approach of which an organization intends to adopt in

managing its people. They represent specific guidelines to HR managers on
various matters concerning employment and state the intent of the organization on
different aspects of Human Resource management such as recruitment,
promotion, compensation, training

¿What is HR?

Is the department or area of a company in charge of managing everything that has

to do with the people who make up the workforce, that is, human capital.

¿What is Value proposition?

The value proposition is a strategy that the company implements to distinguish

itself from its competitors for something specific and thus obtain the approval of the
public. It is about highlighting what a business is better and how that is going to
benefit the people who use those services or products and not those of the


The HR value proposition means that HR practices, departments, and

professionals produce positive results for key stakeholders, employees, line
managers, customers, and investors.

La teoría sin acción es abstracta y carece de sentido. La acción sin teoría es

aleatoria y sin rumbo alguno. Necesitamos ambas.

“The theory without action is abstract and meaningless. Action without theory it is
random and aimless. We need both.”

Elaboramos una proposición de valor clara para el empleado cuando los

colaboradores que ofrecen su trabajo a la empresa obtienen algo a cambio. Los
empleados contribuyen a la compañía cuando aportan competencia y
compromiso; y, a su vez, aquellos que son competentes y se involucran con la
empresa obtienen buenas cosas, como sentido, visión, oportunidades para
aprender y crecer, dinero, sensación de “comunidad”, etc.

We develop a clear value proposition for the employee when employees who offer
their work to the company get something in return. Employees contribute to the
company when they bring competence and commitment; and, in turn, those who
are competent and involved with the company get good things, such as meaning,
vision, opportunities to learn and grow, money, a sense of "community", and so on.
La Pirámide de Maslow forma parte de una teoría psicológica que inquiere acerca
de la motivación y las necesidades del ser humano: aquello que nos lleva a actuar
tal y como lo hacemos. Según Abraham Maslow, un psicólogo humanista,
nuestras acciones nacen de la motivación dirigida hacia el objetivo de cubrir
ciertas necesidades, las cuales pueden ser ordenadas según la importancia que
tienen para nuestro bienestar.

Maslow's Pyramid is part of a psychological theory that inquires about the

motivation and needs of the human being: what leads us to act as we do.
According to Abraham Maslow, a humanistic psychologist, our actions are born
from motivation directed towards the objective of meeting certain needs, which can
be ordered according to the importance they have for our well-being.

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