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Main player in the glass industry in Latin America
subsidiary of Cristaleria Europea
.+. 60 years of experience
Manufacturing containers for food & bevarage, cosmetics, fragances &
pharmaceutical products
5 plants in Europe, leaders in food & bevarage and wine industry
VIMEXA in Mexico, produced only float glass


Approved an 80 million dollar investment for the new plan in Mexico
Devoted to the segment of food & bevarage, manufacturing wime containers
México represented a market of 15,000 million units (50% on bevarage
sector, mostly wine and beer)
Located in Baja California
Strategy obj. Position in an important area of wine-production growth… Pg.2
Plant expects to contribute 20% of group sales in 2st year, 30% after 3th year

Maria Aguinaco- General Director & project leader
Carlos Navarrete- Head of labor relations of European plant (Model A)
Pedro Avila- HR director of VIMEXSA (Model B)
Aitor Iturralde- Chief of production European plant & future director of Santa
Elena plant (Model A)
Abigail Morales- Would become HR director in the new plant (Model B)
Organizational Culture Cristaleria Europea & VIMEXSA
Rigid culture that awarded great importance to compliance
with regulations and processes as well as respect toward
hirarchy, seniority and discipline

Standard organizational chart

Traditional with strictly defined and high specializes positions

Manufacturing process
3 productions lines, 40 workers each (120)
Melting & Heat treatment toughest to physical conditions
Production cycle required specific knowledge and skills that
would be acquire though training and practice

A new model that changed positions, plant's structure,
compensantion and professional development system
Choose between the traditional or new proposal
Job design: focus on the position, high degree of specialization and
vision in labor
Job profile: Older people with experience in manufacturing &
Young people with sounder theorical background & low seniority
Based salary 90% fixed, 10% variable
2 individual bonuses:
Based on seniority based
Based in the level on individual production
Growth opportunity were promoted to higher levels in the same

More flexible production Gain flexibility & versality
Homogeneous work areas and grouping functions to be performed Oportunity to start from scratch
Operators would be multiskilled, trained to do all functions Can solve weakness of current
Job profile: Young people of 25-35 years of age, with competencies
of adaptability and flexibility, functional mobility, professionalism Current model don't take into
and teamwork, and basic professional education account personal development
Growth oportunities depend on their competencies, education,
training and performance
Based salary 70% fixed, 30% variable Why not B?
70% depends on professional group & degree of multi-skill Would be irresponsible & risky by
30% depend in 2 aspects: professional development & individual not being tested before
performance appraisal (evaluated on criteria of training modules,
degree multi-skill, their performance and professional Being efficient production & not
competencies talent is the way to manage and
compete in the sector

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