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Ferdinand College
Sta. Ana St., Ilagan, Isabela


Course Number: MGT 111 (2022 Revision) Professor: Richelle B. Laggui, Ph.D
Descriptive Title: Industrial Management Time Allotment: 54 hours
Number of Units: 3 School Year: 2022-2023


The aim of this course is to give the students’ knowledge of industrial organization and operations management and elaborate on how
management of the production/operations can contribute to companies’ sustainable competitive advantage and long-term success. The
course also aims to provide the students with appropriate theories, tools, and models to manage and develop production systems, products
and services and to develop and evaluate operations and business strategies in different industrial settings. The course will cover the field of
industrial management from mainly a production/operations management perspective.


1. Industrial Management, Shubham’s Industrial Management Notes

2. Operations Management, Eight Edition, Pearson
3. Industrial Organization and Management, McGraw Hill Book Company Inc.
Objectives Content Activities Time Frame
- This chapter aims to teach the students about the following: Chapter 1 – Overview of Industrial Management `
A. Introduction
B. Concept of Industrial Management
C. Development of Industrial Management 6 Hours
D. Industrial Management versus Production Management
E. Industrial Organization Lecture
F. Objective of Industrial Management
G. Applications of Industrial Management
H. Importance of Industrial Management
I. Problems of Industrial Management
J. Scope of Industrial Management
- This chapter aims to teach the students about the following: Chapter 2 – Productivity, Production Systems, and Industrial
- Ownership 9 Hours
A. Productivity
B. Measurement of Productivity
C. Purposes and Benefits of Increasing Productivity
D. Factors Affecting Productivity
E. Increasing Productivity of Resources
F. Importance of Productivity
G. Techniques of Increasing Productivity
H. Procedure for Increasing Productivity
I. Production Systems
J. Types of Production Systems
K. Comparison Between Various Production Systems
L. Industrial Ownership
M. Private Sector Enterprises
N. Cooperative Enterprises
O. Public Sector Enterprises
P. Comparison Between Different Forms of Industrial
- This chapter aims to teach the students about the following: Chapter 3 – Management Functions

A. Introduction Lecture 9 Hours

B. Importance of Management
C. Characteristics of Management
D. Objectives of Management
E. Management Skills
F. Levels of Management
G. Functions of Management
H. Scientific Management
I. Principles of Management
J. Management Tools
K. Work Study
L. Time Study
M. Time Study Procedure
N. Motion Study
O. Process Charts
P. Classification of Process Charts
Q. Flow Diagram
R. String Diagram
- This chapter aims to teach the students about the following: Chapter 4 – Production Planning
9 Hours
A. Introduction Reporting
B. Objectives of Production Planning
C. Importance of Production Planning
D. Characteristics of Production Planning
E. Levels of Production Planning
F. Pre-requisite for Production Planning
G. Process of Production Planning
H. Production Control
I. Comparison between Production Planning and
Production Control
J. Production Planning and Control
K. Process of Production Planning and Control
L. Routing
M. Scheduling
N. Master Production Schedule (MPS)
O. Specifications of Production Requirements
- This chapter aims to teach the students about the following: Chapter 5 – Inventory Control 6 Hours

A. Introduction
B. Need for Inventory Lecture
C. Classification of Inventories
D. Various Levels of Inventory
E. Inventory Costs
F. Advantages and Disadvantages of Holding Inventory
G. Objective of Inventory Control
H. Scope of Inventory Control
I. Functions of Inventory Control
J. Essentials of Good Inventory Control
K. Process of Inventory Control
L. Inventory Control Systems
M. Inventory Control Models
N. Economic Order Quantity
O. Inventory Control Techniques
- This chapter aims to teach the students about the following: Chapter 6 – Total Quality Management Reporting 9 Hours

A. Introduction
B. Definition of TQM
C. Basic Approach of TQM
D. Essential of TQM Focus
E. Characteristics of TQM
F. Necessity and Pillars of TQM
G. TQM Framework
H. Evolution of TQM
I. Stages of TQM Implementation
J. TQM Models
K. Failure of TQM Models
L. Objectives of ISO-9000
M. Quality Circles
N. Six-Sigma
O. Benchmarking
- This activity aims to teach the students to identify and present Final report on the Industrial and Operations Management of an Presentation 6 hours
the total quality management initiative of the chosen industrial Industrial Organization/Company

A student’s rating is determined by the combined marks of class standing (CS) and the periodic examination (PE). Class standing is given a weight of 70% and the
Periodic Examination a weight of 30%. The components of the class standing with their corresponding points are as follows:
Quizzes - 50 points
Assignment - 20 points
Recitation - 20 points
Attendance - 10 points
Perfect Score - 100 points
1. Preliminary Grade
Prelim Grade = 70% CS + 30% PE
2. Mid-term Grade
Mid-term Tentative Grade = 70% CS + 30% PE
Mid-term Grade = (2 (Mid-term Tentative Grade) + Prelim Grade)/3
3. Final Grade
Final Tentative Grade = 70% CS + 30% PE
Final Grade = (2(Final Tentative Grade) + Mid-term Grade)/3

Prepared by:
Checked by:
Professor OIC-Dean, Graduate School

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