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Opinion of China’ s medical use of artificial intelligence

1 Artificial intelligence is intelligence displayed by machines ,

in contrast with the natural intelligence ( NI ) displayed by
humans and other animals.
2 The artificial-intelligence-enabled robot can automatically
capture and analyze patient information and make initial
diagnosis. It will be used to assist doctors to improve efficiency
in future treatments, iFlytek said.
3 From my point of view, I fully support use of artificial
intelligence in the China’ s medical. Obtaining AI is make up for
the shortage of medical personnel in China and improve the
accuracy of medical treatment, in addition, I think that if China
wants to try to catch up with Western medical care, then they
must warn from the advantages of Western medical facilities.
4 However, the last paragraph mentions that despite the high
cost, patients still don’t have much trust in the medical advice
by artificial intelligence, and which means it’s going to take
some time to popularize the artificial intelligence.

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