The Crew of The Afrinca Mercy

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The crew of the Afrinca Mercy, adding up to approximately 450 people at any given

time, consits almost entirely of volunteers. In addition to doutors, nurses, technicians

and other health care professionals, the staff is made up of crew members tasked
with managing the day-to-day operations of the ship-- from piloting the vessel and
carrying out maintenance and repairs to cooking and cleaning to teaching and
overseeing childcare. Postings on board the Mercy Ship, which range from two weeks
to two years in length, are filled by people who come from more than forty different
nations. The team is also complemented by approximately 200 local Africans, who
serve as day-workers on the Mercy Ship.

Afrinca Mercy 的工作人員在任何特定時間加起來約有 450 人,幾乎全部是志願

者。 除了服務人員,護士,技術人員和其他醫療保健專業人員之外,工作人員
還由負責管理船舶日常操作的船員組成 - 從駕駛船隻進行維護和維修到烹飪和
清潔教育和監督兒童保育。 登上 Mercy Ship 的郵件長達兩周到兩年不等,由來
自四十多個不同國家的人士補缺。 該團隊還配備了約 200 名當地非洲人,他們
在 Mercy Ship 上擔任日工。

工作人員由負責管理船舶日常操作的船員組成 - 從駕駛船隻,執行維護和修理

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