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The Fuzzies is

a game about
creating gravity-
defying towers
out of fuzzy
little balls.
The concept
is simple:
Remove a Fuzzy and place it
*anywhere* higher on the
tower, without dropping it…
or any other Fuzzies.

Just don’t knock the

tower over! You lose if
you knock the tower over.
Take out the tweezers and
cards. Put them nearby,
with the cards color side up.
Gently press
the Fuzzies down
with the bottom
part of the lid
Turn the lid and container
upside down and place it
on a stable surface
Carefully remove the
container to reveal
the tower
Choose a starting player.
Maybe the fuzziest person?
The starting player removes
a Fuzzy from the tower that
is the same color as the top
card of the deck.
Place the Fuzzy anywhere
higher on the tower than
it was before.
You can place it on the sides,
not just the “top”
You can use the tweezers
or your fingers
You can’t get out of
your seat…but you can
turn the platform!
You still have to place
the Fuzzy you removed!
Draw cards equal to the number of
Fuzzies that fell—up to 3 maximum—
and flip them to the gray “challenge” side.
If any are duplicates, keep drawing until
they’re all unique challenges.
On your next turn, you’ll have to do the
challenges shown while removing a Fuzzy.
If you have more than one card,
you have to do all of them at once!
After you’ve done these challenges,
discard all the cards (you only have
to do them once).
Discard the top card and pass the
tweezers to the player to your left.
Now it’s their turn to remove a Fuzzy.
Play continues clockwise until one of
you oafishly knocks over the tower.
When that happens, that person loses
and everybody else wins!
Anything more than 10 or so Fuzzies
falling over counts as ending the game.
You’ll know it when you see it.
Use your non-dominant hand
(the one that you don’t write with)
Hold a hand over one of your eyes
Only use your index and middle finger
on one hand (peace sign)
Place the Fuzzy so it becomes
the *highest* Fuzzy on the tower
Place a finger on your nose, then put
your other arm through the circle
that this makes. Extend that arm
straight out and remove a
Fuzzy with it.
Can I swap between the tweezers
and my hands at any time?

Can I decide to remove a different

Fuzzy even after I’ve touched it?
Yes! You can decide on a different
Fuzzy any time before you fully
remove it.

Can I stabilize the tower during my

No! You’re not allowed to touch
the tower or the platform while
you’re removing and placing Fuzzies.
(You can still turn the platform
before you start removing.)

What if the tower collapses

between turns?
A player’s turn officially ends when
they pass the tweezers. So whoever’s
turn it is when the tower collapses
is the loser. So if a player accepts
the tweezers, everything that happens
afterwards is their responsibility.

Where should we put

the discarded cards?
We discard them in the container
to keep the table uncluttered.

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