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Cahaya Ramadhani 9C Ibnu Thufail

18 July

Today is the first day of English class, it still feels fine. We were all surprise by the rules that would apply
during the English lesson, luckily the rules were not to heavy, sir tell us a little about his life, al azhar
school a few years ago, before our generation was in this my opinion, English lessons are easy
if you take it easy (enjoy) and practice often.

19 july

today is the first day where I met mam sumarni for the first time and was taught by her for the first time,
she is very patient, humble, kind, fun, open to students, has a lot of stories, and has a good learning
method. this time we just introduced ourselves to each other, mam told me a lot about his experience,
whether from teaching experience at al azhar, telling a little about his family too

20 july

today is the day when I first met and was first taught by mam isni, this time we only discussed the rules
and class agreements in physics lessons, we were all surprised by the rules and sanctions given by mam,
but mam not only gave rules or sanction but mam gave us all 9th graders are not allowed to play games
and always present in physics if both are not met then you fail to get extra points

21 july

today you could say that you were being taught by sir sugiono, where today what you will learn is to
create a belajar id account, so that you can access or send work assignments more easily by sending
them on google drive, sir create a belajar id account for all of us and will create our class-specific craft
subject group

22 july

today is the first week of 9th grade doing scouting, this time we just played a game together made by
the scout coach, so we will make a big circle and then be asked to find 12 people to play together after
the first game is over then only 8 people are left will become a team, among the 8 people there will be
chosen to be chairman and deputy and there we also determine the name of the team and also yell

23 july

today where I returned to badminton practice after many permissions to not attend training, honestly I
feel increasingly stiff playing badminton because it has been a long time not practicing badminton, I
hope there will be a tournament soon but I'm not ready

24 july

on this sunday i do laundry or wash my school uniform and wash other clothes, it feels very tiring, after
that i continue to do the task that was given yesterday
25 july

back again on Monday, where today is Monday in the last week of July, so the school held a flag
ceremony, luckily not too many were sick or fainted during the ceremony

26 july

today there is an Islamic religious task, a task that you love, namely a group assignment about the Day of
Judgment, and also today there is a citizenship lesson that will conduct a group presentation that was
distributed yesterday, come forward along with the material that has been determined

27 july

today in sports lesson do a class agreement and after finishing it sir will read the class agreement that
we have written, after break we exercise on the field, somehow I can forget my badminton racket

28 july

today is very much awaited by my little brother, why? because today is my little brother's birthday, his
12th birthday, my parents bought a cake with lego pictures, and he seemed to like it very much, at night
our family did a prayer reading for my little brother who was his birthday today, may he be a good child,
throw away his bad character, just the best for him

29 july

our student council organization held a meeting which was attended by the student council coach and
the vice principal, this time we discussed the new student council chairman and vice chairman of the
student council or those who would be inaugurated that day

30 july

oh my god today i didn't go to badminton practice anymore, because no one could take me to go to
badminton practice, so i had to ask for permission again sir, luckily sir was patient in dealing with me

31 july

well today i am very happy but sad, glad i went to my friend's house to do a biology group assignment, if
sadly, i am confused with all the assignments given by the teacher because there are so many, i am
confused which one should i do first, while it's all important

1 august

today there is a civics education lesson, today my group gets a turn to come to the front of the class to
present material on the implementation of Pancasila during the reformation period, and I get reading in
the understanding section of that material

2 august

Today is the day when the daily journal check arrived, fortunately I have finished, today only explained 3
kinds of wishes after that made kind of wish that was impossible or unattainable along with the facts,
made 5 numbers, I didn’t finish it so I continued at the next meeting

3 august

today there is a subject on Islamic religious education, today mam munifa told us to read, memorize,
and write verses of the Koran, I am very happy with this lesson because if asked to memorize verses of
the Koran maybe I am good in that field, and also good at writing verses of the Koran, it's just that I'm a
little difficult to find the meaning of each word

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