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Subject: Electronics Property of 10 Archimedes

Week No.: Week 4-5

Fundamentals of Electricity
Electricity - electron, but it is opposite in polarity.
- One of the basic forms of energy.
- Associated with electric charge.
- A property of certain elementary particles
such as electrons and proton, two of the
basic particles that makes up the atoms
all ordinary matter.
- Electric charges can be stationary, as in Like charges repel, Unlike Charges Attract
static electricity, or moving, as in an
electric current. - Two electrons will tend to repel each other
- Extremely versatile form of energy. because they have negative electrical
- It can be generated in many ways and charges, same also in protons because
from many different sources. It can be that both have positive charges.
sent almost instantaneously over long - On the other hand, electrons and protons
distances. will be attracted to each other because
- Electricity can also be converted efficiently they have unlike charges.
into other forms of energy, and it can be
- Because of this versatility, electricity plays
a part in nearly every aspect of modern
- Provides light, heat and mechanical
power. - The farther away they are from each
other, the less force their electric fields
ELECTRIC CHARGES have on each other.
1. Electrons - The closer they are to each other, the
- Smallest and lightest of the particle of the more force they will experience from each
atom. other due to this invisible force field called
- In a constant motion as they circle around an electric field.
the nucleus of that atom. SOURCES OF ELECTRICITY
- Have a negative charge
1. Hydroelectric Power
- Surrounded by an electrostatic field. - Hydroelectric dams harness the energy of
water released from the water reservoir to
turn hydraulic turbines.
- The turbines convert the energy of the
water into mechanical energy, which is
used to power electric generators.
- A dam generates electricity by releasing a
controlled flow of high-pressure water
2. Protons
from a reservoir through a channel called
- Much larger and heavier than electrons.
the penstock, where it spins the turbines
- Have a positive electrical charge.
that turn the generators, producing an
- This positively charged electrostatic field
electric current.
is exactly the same strength as the
electrostatic field in an
Subject: Electronics Property of 10 Archimedes
Week No.: Week 4-5
Fundamentals of Electricity
- This phenomenon was first observed in
1821 by the German physicist Thomas
Seebeck and is known as the Seebeck
Photoelectric Cell
- Also known a s Phototube.
- The current then passes through a “step - Electron tube in which the electrons
up” transformer that changes it from a initiating an electric current originate by
large current at low voltage to a small photoelectric emission. In its simplest form
current at a high voltage. This current then the phototube is composed of cathode,
goes over transmission lines to a coated with a photosensitive material, and
substation, where the voltage is reduced an anode.
for customers. The water exits the dam - In a modification called the multiplier
through the draft tube. phototube, or the photomultiplier, a
series of metal plates are so shaped an
2. Geothermal Energy
arranged that the photoelectric emission.
- The energy contained is intense heat that
The multiplier phototube is capable of
continually flows outward from deep within
detecting radiation of extremely low
Earth. This heat originates primarily in the
intensity; hence, it is an essential tool for
core. Some heat is generated in the crust,
those working in the area of nuclear
the planet’s outer layer, by the decay of
radioactive elements that are in all rocks.
- The crust, which is about 5 to 75 km Piezoelectric Effect
(about 3 to 47 mi) thick, insulates the
- Appearance of an electric potential across
surface from the hot interior, which at the
certain faces of a crystal when it is
core may reach temperatures from 40000
subjected to mechanical pressure.
to 70000 C (72000 to 12,6000 F).
Conversely, when an electric field is
- Generate electricity and heat by
applied on certain faces of the crystals,
harnessing the heat energy contained
the crystal undergoes mechanical
within the earth.
- The earth transfers its energy to deep-
- Pierre Curie and his brother Jacques
lying circulating water, which the plants
discovered the phenomenon in quartz and
access with wells and pumps. Geothermal
Rochelle salt in 1880 and named the
energy is attractive because it creates
effect piezoelectricity (from Greek piezein,
almost no environmental pollution.
“to press”).
However, the number of sites where
- The piezoelectric effect occurs in several
geothermal energy can be economically
crystalline substances, such as barium
extracted is limited.
titanate and tourmaline. When an external
electric field is applied to the crystal, the
- In physics, it is electricity generated by the
ions in each unit cell are displaced by
application of heat to the junction of two
electrostatic forces. Because of their
dissimilar materials.
capacity to convert mechanical
- If two wires of different materials are
deformation into electric voltages, they are
joined at their ends and one is maintained
used in a wide variety of electronic
at a higher temperature than the other, a
voltage difference will arise, and an
electric current will exist between the hot
and the cold junctions.
Subject: Electronics Property of 10 Archimedes
Week No.: Week 4-5
Fundamentals of Electricity
Solar Energy Batteries and Cells
- Solar Energy, radiation produced by - Battery, also electric cell, device that
nuclear fusion reactions deep in the Sun’s converts chemical energy into electricity.
core. - Battery consists of two or more cells
- Solar energy travels to Earth through connected in series or parallel, but the
space in discrete packets of energy called term is also used for single cells.
photons. The total radiation power (1.4 - When the electrodes are connected to a
kilowatts per square meter, called the device to be powered, called a load,
solar constant) varies only slightly, about electrical current flow.
0.2 percent every 30 years. - Batteries in which the chemicals cannot
- In a photovoltaic cell, light excites be reconstituted into their original form
electrons to move from one layer to once the energy has been converted (that
another through semi-conductive silicon is, batteries that have been discharge) are
materials. This produces an electric called primary cells or voltaic cells.
current - Rechargeable cells, storage cell, or
- Solar cells called photovoltaics made accumulators.
from thin slices of crystalline silicon, - Bichromate Cell developed in the 1850’s,
gallium arsenide, or other semiconductor it consisted of electrode plates made of
materials convert solar radiation directly zinc and carbon placed in a glass flask
into electricity. filled with chromic acid this battery design
- Usually though, solar cells provide low was considered far safer than that of
power to remote, unattended devices some predecessors because it did not use
such as buoys, weather and concentrated nitric acid, which gives off
communication satellites, and equipment poisonous fumes.
aboard spacecraft.
Primary Cells
- In this solar home in Corrales, New
Mexico, a flat plate solar collector (lower - The most common form of primary cell is
right) provides energy to heat water the Leclanche cell, invented by the
pumped by the windmill. The water is French chemist George Leclanche in the
stored in large drums on the side of home 1860’s. It is popularly called a dry cell or
flashlight battery.
Nuclear Energy
- The Leclanche cell produce about 1.5 V.
- Nuclear Energy, energy released during - Dry Cell Battery. This simple dry cell
the splitting or fusing of atomic nuclei. battery contains a negative electrode (a
- The energy of any system, whether zinc sheath which encloses the battery
physical, chemical, or nuclear, is materials) and a positive electrode (the
manifested by the system's ability to work carbon rod and the carbon and
or release heat or radiation. manganese dioxide mixture that
- The total energy in a system is always surrounds the rod).
conserved, but it can be transferred to - An electrolyte paste separates the two
another system or changed in form. electrodes and facilitates a chemical
- Since the Industrial Revolution, people reaction between them.
have depended on fossil fuels-coal, - This reaction causes a current to flow
petroleum, and natural gas-also derived 9that is, makes the electrons move)
from store solar energy. through a conductor that connects the
- This amount of energy is typical of positive and negative electrodes.
chemical reactions resulting from changes
Secondary Cells
in the electronic structure of the atoms.
Subject: Electronics Property of 10 Archimedes
Week No.: Week 4-5
Fundamentals of Electricity
- The storage battery, or secondary cell, - However, the use of this designation is
which can be recharged by revising the voluntary, so it will not necessarily appear
chemical reaction, was invented in 1859 on every primary battery.
by the French physicist Gaston Plante. - Nevertheless, the manufacturer's
- Plante's cell was a lead-acid battery, the designation and the battery voltage are
type widely used today. always printed on the battery housing.
- The lead-acid battery, which consist of
three or six cells connected in series, is
used in automobiles, trucks, aircraft, and
other vehicles. It produced about 2 V per
- Lead-Acid Storage Battery invented in
1859 by Gaston Plante, the lead-acid
storage battery is still widely used in cars,
trucks, and airplanes.
- The storage battery consists of a group of
cells connected together in series.
- Each cell consists of a lead plate, a lead
oxide plate, and an electrolyte solution of
sulfuric acid.
- When these types of batteries run down,
they can be recharged by forcing current
through the battery in the direction
opposite the direction the current flows
when the battery is fully charged.
Nature Flow of Electricity
Solar Cells
- All matter, whether a gas, a liquid, or a
- Solar batteries produce electricity by a solid, is composed of atoms, in turn, are
photoelectric conversion process. made up of fundamental subatomic
- The source of electricity is a particles called protons, neutrons and
photosensitive semiconducting substance electrons.
such as silicon crystal to which impurities - According to modern theory, which has
have been added. been substantiated by experimental
- When the crystal is stuck by light, results of many investigators, the atom of
electrons are dislodged from the surface all matter consists of a positively charge
of the crystal and migrate toward the nucleus, around which infinitesimal
opposite surface. negative charges rotate with high angular
- There they are collected as a current of velocity.
electricity. - The individual negative charges rotate
- Solar batteries have very long lifetimes which are called electrons, are invisible
and used chiefly in spacecraft as a source and are found to be identical for all matter.
of electricity to operate the equipment - The movement of these electrons
aboard. constitutes the electric current.
Battery Sizes
- Batteries standardized by the IEC
(International Electrotechnical
Commission) have a clear, internationally
valid designation.
Subject: Electronics Property of 10 Archimedes
Week No.: Week 4-5
Fundamentals of Electricity
- Hence, the electric current may be generator, alternator, or dynamo while
considered as electricity in motion and is and a machine that converts electrical
called dynamic electricity. energy into mechanical energy is called a
- Two related physical principles underlie
the operation of generators and motors.
- The first is the principle of electromagnetic
induction discovered by the British
scientist Michael Faraday in 1831.
- If a conductor is moved through a
magnetic field, or if the strength of a
stationary conducting loop is made to
- Since the electron are negative charges, vary, a current is set up or induced in the
the direction of their motion is opposite to conductor.
the conventional direction of current. - The converse of this principle is that of
- The conventional direction of current is electromagnetic reaction, first observed by
from the positive of the battery through the the French physicist Andre Marie Ampere
external circuit, which includes the lamp, in 1820.
to the negative of the battery, and then - If a current is passed through a conductor
within the battery, from the negative to located in a magnetic field, the field exerts
positive of the battery. a mechanical force on it.
- On the other hand, the direction of the Alternating Current (AC) and Direct
flow of the electrons is opposite that of the Current (DC)
1. Direct Current
- Direct Current or DC is the first type of
current because it was easy to produce.
- This type of current always flows in one
- One of the disadvantages of using DC is
the excessive voltage drop and power
loss in the power lines in a long-distance
- Batteries are common sources of direct

Motor and Generators

- Electric Motors and Generators is a group
of devices used to convert mechanical
energy into electrical energy, or electrical
energy into mechanical energy, by
electromagnetic means.
- A machine that converts mechanical
energy into electrical energy is called
Subject: Electronics Property of 10 Archimedes
Week No.: Week 4-5
Fundamentals of Electricity
2. Alternating Current
- Alternating Current or AC is the solution to
the problem of DC.
- AC allows the flow of current in two
- Today, it is possible to step-up electricity
to a power station, transmit it to any
distant place and step it down to for
- A transformer is the device used for
stepping-up or stepping-down AC voltage.
- Common sources of AC are found in our
AC outlet (Typically, 220 volts, in the

RMS Value or True Effective Value

- The peak-to-peak value of alternating
current is the measure form the positive
peak to the negative peak of the
- If the power provided by direct current is
replaced with alternating current, one
should compute for the true effective
value, or for the Root Mean Square
(RMS), not the peak-to-peak value.
- Too get the RMS value of AC voltages,
get the peak value.
- To get peak value of the RMS, divide the
RMS value to 0.707.
- AC current can be expressed in peak-to-
peak value, peak value or RMS value, as

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