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Task 1. Read the following topic. Reorder to make a complete sample.

In the past, most people lived in small villages where everyone knew everyone else.
Nowadays, most people live in large cities where they only know a few people in their
What do you think were the advantages and disadvantages of living in a small community?
1. Until recently, the majority of people lived in the village where they born.
2. __E___
3. There were a number of benefits to living a small village.
4. ___D__
5. ___B__
6. Also, they could play safely in the street and there was little crime.
7. It was a quiet life which everyone understood.
8. However, there were a number of disadvantages.
9. The nearest primary school was in the next village and the nearest secondary
school in a town some miles away.
10. __C___
11. If young people were ambitious, they had to move away from the village and
few people had the chance to do this.
12. Also, when someone was ill, it was a long way to the nearest hospital.
13. __A___
14. However, in the modern world, with all the possibilities which exist today, I think
it is a pity to be limited to a small village.
15. Nowadays, there are more advantages to living in a large city.
A. This means that most children did not get a good education and most people had to
work in agriculture.
B. Secondly, there was always someone to look after the children and teach them good
behavior, so children grew up being polite and respectful.
C. However, now people tend to live in large cities and, as a result, the way people live
has changed.
D. Firstly, everyone knew everyone else and, in the village my grandparents came from,
everyone spoke to everyone else, so no one felt lonely.
E. All in all, I think people from my grandparents’ generation were happier.

Task 2. Rewrite the sample answer above according to the structure below.
-. Until recently, the majority of people lived in the village where they born

- There were a number of benefits to living a small village.
. Firstly, everyone knew everyone else and, in the village my grandparents came
from, everyone spoke to everyone else, so no one felt lonely.

B. Secondly, there was always someone to look after the children and teach them
good behavior, so children grew up being polite and respectful.

Also, they could play safely in the street and there was little crime
It was a quiet life which everyone understood.
9. The nearest primary school was in the next village and the nearest secondary
school in a town some miles away.

- However, there were a number of disadvantages.

E. All in all, I think people from my grandparents’ generation were happier.
A. This means that most children did not get a good education and most people
had to work in agriculture.

- Nowadays, there are more advantages to living in a large city.
- However, there were a number of disadvantages.
If young people were ambitious, they had to move away from the village and few
people had the chance to do this.
C. However, now people tend to live in large cities and, as a result, the way people
live has changed
. However, in the modern world, with all the possibilities which exist today, I think it
is a pity to be limited to a small village.

Task 3. Write an opinion essay about the statement below.

In our modern urban lifestyle, we have lost our sense of community. We
need to return to a simpler way of life. Discuss.

Following the development of technology, the quality of life becomes better.

It is attractive enough to live in cities, because people can enjoy a lot of
convenient facilities. However, some people believe that many people do not

know their neighbors and the sense of community has been lost with the
increasing number of people in cities. In this essay the effect of the modern
urban lifestyle in cities will be discussed.
Nowadays, many people tend to live in cities for different reasons. They move
into cities mainly for work. Because they leave early in the morning and come
back home late in the evening. They do not want to waste their time on a train
or bus. If they live in cities, they do not need to wake up early to take a train or
bus. Furthermore, living in cities means that they can easily find places or
facilities to fill their every need in the urban life, which is valued in the
individual lifestyle rather than the sense of community.
On the other hand, many people seem to be more isolated than ever before.
Because of focusing on the individual lifestyle in modern time, it is hard to
have an opportunity to make a deep relationship with people living around.
People do not usually know what happens to their neighbors. Humans are
social creatures that cannot be independent of others.
As a result, even if there are a lot of convenient places in cities, they cannot
fulfil satisfaction of people. Most people in cities fall into the sense of
isolation. They need to realize the negative effect of their lifestyle and make
effort to join in communities in their lives, so that they can live in a simpler
way of life



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