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Technology Facilitator Plan 1

Professional Learning Facilitator Plan

Amy Trainer

Towson University

ISTC 702- Educational Leadership and Technology

Dr. Caples

October 16, 2022

Technology Facilitator Plan 2

Executive Summary

The COVID-19 pandemic forced all teachers globally to endure technology in a way that

many have not done so before. All of us had to learn how to use Microsoft Teams, Zoom, or

Google Classroom, to deliver instruction, which many have never done before. Now, we are

back to face-to-face learning and there are still certain barriers that need to be broken and we can

move forward with new advancements and learning in our classrooms.

The purpose of the plan is to continue to grow meaningful use of technology in face-to-

face classrooms that allows for growth and opportunity for all learning levels. Teachers must

learn to be designers of technology experiences along with creating citizenship to be modeled for

students. This plan also provides continued professional development opportunities for teachers

in order to gain more knowledge and comfort with technology in the classroom.


I will be focusing on my current school, Huntingtown High School located in Calvert

County, Maryland. I am also an alumnus of this high school.

Currently, all students have been given a laptop to use at school and at home. Grades 9-11

have been given new laptops with touch screen access and USB-C charging cables. Grade 12 still

has the previous model laptops, which are not touch screen and were given to students in 2020. I

believe the plan is to recycle these laptops after this class graduates. Our school and county are a

Microsoft based school system and we use other supporting platforms such as Schoology,

Clever, Khan Academy, and Agile Mind.

Background Information of Huntingtown High School

School name, location, size, number of teachers, numbers of administrators

 Huntingtown High School

Technology Facilitator Plan 3

 Huntingtown, Maryland

 Approximately 1,300 students- Grades 9-12

 Approximately 154 staff members.

 Administrators: 5

Description of the Building

 Built and opened in 2004 by Scheibel Construction and Delmar Architects.

 208,000 square feet.

 3 levels

 2 story media center.

 1 main gym

 1 auxiliary gym

 1 dance studio

 1 weight room

 7 athletic fields

 8 tennis courts

 Built in less than 2 years.

 Only major renovations occurred a few years ago where the entry archways were

replaced due to support issues.

Description of the community population, relative SES, number of FARMS

 Community population:

o 75.8% white
Technology Facilitator Plan 4

o 9.6% black

o 7.2% two or more races

o 1.6% Asian

o .01% American Indian/Alaska Native

o 0% Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander

o Farms: 11%

 Academic Achievement levels—meeting standards

o MCAP Scores all above district state averages

o See figure 1.

o Ranked 1,391 in the nation.

o Ranked 32nd in Maryland

o Ranked 1st in Calvert County

o Ranked 42nd in DC, Metro High Schools

o Graduation Rate: >95%

o 88 students took 3 or more AP exams in 2022.

o 65% of students take 1 or more AP classes during the school year.

Literature Support

Meaningful professional development is a key essential in making changes in the

classroom. With the COVID-19 pandemic behind us, we are left with technology and face to

face teaching. Many teachers are still struggling to incorporate meaningful technology into their
Technology Facilitator Plan 5

classrooms. A study was conducted on self-efficacy as a factor in teachers’ technology use and

integration efforts for teachers (Gomez, 2022).

Teachers were given a survey to take which provided the researchers a score between 0

and 5. “The results indicate that, on average, participating teachers’ level of confidence in using

technology was 3.2…for Technology Usage, 3.2…for Technology-infused Learning, and 3.2…

for overall Technology Usage on a scale from 0 to 5, where 0 means not confident at all and 5

means completely confident” (2022). The survey showed that teachers had a fair level of

confidence when it came to using technology in the classroom.

This survey also gave researchers a score on the teacher’s level of confidence in

integrating technology into the classroom. The survey was based on the IST standards of 2017.

“The results indicated that, on average, participating Southern Californian urban K-12 teachers’

level of confidence to integrate technology in the teaching process using the ISTE (2017)

Standards for Educators was 3.0…for Technology Application, 3.5…for Technology Literacy

and Digital Citizenship, 3.1… for Technology-supported Assessment, and 3.2…for overall

Technology Application” (2022). The scale was on the same rating scale as the first survey

where 0 means no confidence and 5 meaning completely confident. Just as the previous survey,

this one also showed a fair level of confidence when it came to integrating technology in the


The researchers showed teachers needed to “set the stage” when it came to technology in

the classroom and providing new opportunities for student growth. The COVID-19 pandemic

exposed the importance digital learning and how teachers an incorporate it into their classrooms.

There were several key implications that came from this study in order to help teachers with their

educational practices:
Technology Facilitator Plan 6

1. “Teachers need to continue honing their technological skills through ongoing

professional development opportunities.

2. Professional development training sessions need to address current techno-

pedagogical challenges in a distributed manner as recommended by research.

3. Teachers with a willing disposition when learning to use and integrate

technology is a plus for techno-pedagogical change.

4. Technology Integration Confidence Scale (TICS) v.3 is a reliable instrument

to measure teachers’ techno-pedagogical competence.”

“Teacher’s technology integration self-efficacy and competency should remain among

the top priorities in education and through PD programs, it needs to be continuously addressed”


Learning Needs

After reading all the ISTE standards for educators, I felt the for focuses should be citizen,

collaborator, designer, and facilitator. With the pandemic behind us, we need to ensure the

teachers in our building are able to incorporate these four standards into their current classrooms

and future classrooms.

2.3 Citizen

We are all considered digital citizens and it is our responsibility to transfer digital

citizenship to our students. Students should be receiving education at school and at home. 2.3.B

“Establish a learning culture that promotes curiosity and critical examination of online

resources and fosters digital literacy and media fluency.” (ISTE, n.d) is a difficult standard to

meet as students want answers, rather than having curiosity for answers and understanding not
Technology Facilitator Plan 7

all sources are credible. We need to teach students how to examine sources and whether or not

they are credible, along with showing what makes a source credible.

2.3.D “Model and promote management of personal data and digital identity and protect

student data privacy” (ISTE n.d) is a very important sub point. Teachers need to model best

online practices and need to show students about their digital identity such as not sharing

passwords with each other.

2.4 Collaborator

Our school has provided all core subject areas with collaborative planning. For example,

I teach all 10th grade and we have a pure 10th grade collaborative planning time. We should use

some this time to collaborate on how to provide “authentic learning experience that leverage

technology” (ISTE n.d). Our school needs to understand how to use proper collaborative tools in

the classroom and how to incorporate real world experiences into the classroom.

2.5 Designer

Many of our educators use technology in the classroom, but as a substitute for paper

assignments, me included. Teachers need to be given more tools on how to create a personalized

experience for learnings in the technology world. 2.5.B refers to authentic learning activities,

teachers will need to be provided the tools on how to create learning that can go beyond the


2.6 Facilitator

The most difficult change for our building is switching from leader and center of the

lesson to becoming the facilitator of the lesson. Creating meaningful lessons where students take

ownership in their learning and dig deeper into what is happening in the classroom. With
Technology Facilitator Plan 8

students at different levels, it is key to be the facilitator of learning and be able to float around

the room and provide support for students who are working on different lessons and activities.

ISTE-C Leadership Reflection

Change Agent

Coaches are very important as being change agents in my plan. They will need to show

why they and teachers need to have a shared vision in technology in the classrooms and how it

will help the students in becoming successful. As a change agent, coaches need to model best

practices as well. Displaying teacher work is important as a change agent to help motivate

teachers, just as it motivates students. Being able to provide a supporting environment is

extremely important as well. Teachers need to feel comfortable during professional

developments and not have any fear of embarrassment with their knowledge of technology use.

Professional Learning Facilitator

As a professional learning facilitator, active learning is extremely important. In my plan,

teachers are given opportunities to collaborate and are given choice opportunities in their

learning. The professional development can be evaluated and changed through out the course of

the school year and each following year to meet the needs of all teachers, especially with

becoming facilitators of the classroom.

Digital Citizenship Advocate

Being a digital citizenship advocate is probably one of the most important concepts for

coaches, teachers, and students. The first thing coaches need to know and express to their

teachers is what is digital citizenship. They should also be modeling with the same expectations

they have for teachers. For example, a supervisor should not be posting their political views on
Technology Facilitator Plan 9

and arguing with people on social media. Coaches need to lead by example and really emphasize

the importance of being a digital citizen in the classroom and in the community.

Project Plan

Standard 1: Citizen

Educators inspire students to positively contribute to and responsibly participate in the digital
world. Educators:

  Performance Indicator 2.3.D

Model and promote management of personal data and digital identity and protect student data


Action Steps & Person(s) Technologies Benefit(s) Assessment

Timeline Responsible Employed Method(s)

Step 1: Teachers are -Administration in -Schoology- One -Teachers will -Students and
given a digital professional Stop Shop- HHS be prepared to teachers will test
citizenship lesson development. Resources page model digital their knowledge
during pre-service -Media specialist in for teachers. citizenship in with a Kahoot at
week. professional -Kahoot. the classroom the end of the
Step 2: All students development and -Cellphones- For and able to lessons.
are given a digital providing a lesson Kahoot. check in with -Administration
citizenship lesson in to students at the students. can monitor
the media center at beginning of the -Students will incidents of
the beginning of the year. be shown the digital citizenship.
school year to use -Teachers in the importance of -SRO will
school laptops. classroom setting. protecting continue to
Step 3: Teachers -School resource personal data monitor students’
provide digital officer- to help and the digital identity on
citizenship lessons monitor social importance of social media.
throughout the media. their digital
school year. footprint.

Standard 2: Collaborator

Educators dedicate time to collaborate with both colleagues and students to improve practice,
discover and share resources and ideas, and solve problems. Educators:

  Performance Indicator 2.4.A

Dedicate planning time to collaborate with colleagues to create authentic learning experiences

Technology Facilitator Plan 10

that leverage technology.

Action Steps & Person(s) Technologies Benefit(s) Assessment

Timeline Responsible Employed Method(s)

Step 1: Provide all -Administration and -Microsoft One -Teachers can -Teachers will
content areas, guidance to create Drive and Share collaborate on submit technology
including electives, schedules to ensure Point for teachers how to notes as part of
collaborative teachers have to upload their incorporate their daily
planning time every collaborative daily notes and meaningful collaboration
day. planning. for admin to technology into notes.
Step 2: Collaboration -Teachers should provide resources the classroom.
should be given the ensure they are for teachers to
entire school year. meeting and being use.
productive during

Standard 3: Designer

Educators design authentic, learner-driven activities and environments that recognize and
accommodate learner variability. Educators:

  Performance Indicator 2.5.B

Design  authentic learning activities that align with content area standards and use digital tools
and resources to maximize active, deep learning.

Action Steps & Person(s) Technologies Benefit(s) Assessment

Timeline Responsible Employed Method(s)

-Throughout the -Media specialist -The technologies -Teachers are -Student

course of each and technology would be the ones provided engagement
school year, teachers specialist will the media and different tools to would be the
will be provided oversee finding technology enhance their assessment. If
different tools that technology that can specialist find. classroom students are
can be used in the be used to enhance -Schoology- One instruction. retaining more
classroom. learning. Stop Shop- HHS information and
-Teachers will be -Core leads will Resources page engaged in
able to rotate to oversee ensuring for teachers. lessons, then the
different sessions content area -Past examples: tools have been
that they feel will be standards can met Nearpod, Kahoot, successful.
useful in their with the tools Edpuzzle, Sora,
classrooms. provided. 5-minute films.
Technology Facilitator Plan 11

Standard 4: Facilitator

Educators facilitate learning with technology to support student achievement of the ISTE
Standards for Students. Educators

  Performance Indicator 2.6.A

Foster a culture where students take ownership of their learning goals and outcomes in
both independent and group settings.

Action Steps & Person(s) Technologies Benefit(s) Assessment

Timeline Responsible Employed Method(s)

-Step 1: Content - Content -Schoology for -Students will be -Teachers will be

supervisors will supervisors. specific contents- able to engage in responsible for
provide professional -Teachers example High their own taking notes in
development on how School English learning. their
to move towards Schoology group -Teachers can collaboratives to
being a facilitator. where items will work with upload to One
-Step 2: This will be. different groups Drive and Share
take a minimum of -One Drive and of students Point for
two years to Share Point through out class supervisors and
accomplish. and provide more administration to
-Step 3: Supervisors individualized examine.
will need to learning.
differentiate for -Teachers have
different teachers. created a culture
Meaning some for learning in
teachers will be more their classrooms.
comfortable with the
switch, while others
are not going to want
to become
facilitators of their
Technology Facilitator Plan 12


Gomez Jr, F. C., Trespalacios, J., Hsu, Y.-C., & Yang, D. (2022). Exploring Teachers’

Technology Integration Self-Efficacy through the 2017 ISTE Standards. TechTrends:

Linking Research & Practice to Improve Learning, 66(2), 159–171. https://doi-org.proxy-

ISTE standards: Educators. ISTE. (n.d.). Retrieved October 15, 2022, from

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