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1. Explain the styles given in the Styles and Formatting Window for writer and paste the
screenshot of the window also.
2. Create a list of students by inserting a table in Open Office Writer with the following fields.
a. Sr no.
b. Students name
c. Fathers name
d. City
3. Design a poster on “Sale in Big Bazaar” by using image and drawing tools.
4. Create a poster for air pollution in Open Office Writer with the following features:
a. Font face
b. Font size
c. Font color
d. Header and footer
e. Images
5. Create an article on “Gandhi and modern India“ using maximum features of open office –writer


1. Write the steps to consolidate data of two sheets given below in third sheet of Open Office Calc.

Sheet 1 – IT 402

Name June Pocket Money

Amit 1200

Sumit 1000

Naina 1500

Suman 1300

Kamal 1400

Sheet 2 – IT 402

Name July Pocket Money

Amit 900

Sumit 1100
Naina 1300

Suman 1200

Kamal 1250

2. Write the steps to record Macro in open office calc.

3. Design a mark sheet for students as shown in figure below and create column chart based on the
below data:

4. Write the steps to create scenario in Open Office Calc along with the screenshot of the window.

5. In calc, create a table with expenses details of 2 years and compare them.

DBMS open office base

Q1. Write the steps to create table with minimum five fields on an entity “STUDENT” in design view.

Q2. Write the command for the following table : Student

Rollno Class Name Phone_no

1 XII Sumit 1234565

2 X Amit 3564583

3 X Anuj 1236589

4 XI Mini 5869542
Student Table : IT 402
1. Display all the records of table Student.
2. Display record of student whose roll number is 3.
3. Display record of students who are in class ‘X’.
4. Display the record of ‘Anuj’


a) Write the SQL command to create above table.

b) Write the SQL command for inserting the following values in the given table.

c) To Display those records whose BOOK ID is ‘1001’.

d) Modify the price by increasing value from ‘125 to 175’ for BOOKID 1003.

e) Delete the record of BOOKID ‘1004’.

f) Display the records of all BOOKS in descending order of SUBJECT.

Q.4. Based on the table given below, write SQL queries.

Name of the table: Sale

a. To display InvoiceNo whose CustId is c0002

b. To display all records where salePrice is between 600000 to 650000
c. To display CarId were Payment mode is Credit Card
d. To display CarId, SaleDate and Payment Mode.
e. To display entire table.

Q.5. Based on the table given below, write SQL queries.

a. To display Ename whose DeptId is D02

b. To display all records where Salary is between 15000 to 50000
c. To display EmpNo and Ename where Bonus is between 500 and 800
d. To display EmpNo, Salary and Bonus.
e. To display entire table.

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