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10 Tweets • 2022-06-09 23:32:33 UTC •  See on Twitter 

Fair Value Gap | #ICT

How to utilize FVG properly:


FVG | Explained

Identified by noting the body of a candle stick

which has not been violated by the previous and
following wicks

Acts as an imbalanced area where inefficient price

action takes place and can be used as both entries
on retracements or targets as a draw on price

Many are drawn to FVG as they are a simple

concept at face value, however not all hold the same
amount of significance

Understand that FVG are simply a vehicle to get

entries on a trade, ONLY when external factors line
up with the context of its placement
Market Structure

Entries within a FVG must be in confluence with

the current structure of the market

When market structure holds bullish, watch entries

on the long side. When market structure holds
bearish, watch entries on the short side
Draw on Liquidity

Avoid going long in a FVG before sellside liquidity

is ran and avoid going short before buyside
liquidity is ran

Price is meant to deliver liquidity in order for

positions to be unloaded. Noting where liquidity is
purged hints at directional price delivery
Premium | Discount

The market is always seeking discounted prices.

Any FVG which is trading within a premium on the
long or short side are not considered for entries

Market makers are entering their positions cheap

and so should you
Rebalancing | Failed Price Swing

Imagine imbalances in price as gap fills in equity

markets. Price is constantly looking to fill or
“rebalance” existing FVG

Watch for price to rebalance a FVG, but fail to

break structure. This is a signal that price wants to
seek continuation
Complete Setup

Once you identify each element, you will have

narrowed multiple fair value gaps within a trading
range to a single one which holds the significance
on price

Check off each step and find your entries hold

greater value
Part 1 - Extension of this thread:

Comments are open below for any questions left


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