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Chapters 3 to 6_Group Work written report
COURSE: BPA 4A output:


code and Culture or culture codes refers to several related concepts about the body of shared practices,
expectations and conventions specific to a given domain of a culture. Under one interpretation, a cultural code
is seen as defining a set of images that are associated with a particular group of stereotypes in our minds.
it also defined as symbols and systems of meaning that are relevant to members of a particular culture
(or sub- culture). These codes can be utilized to facilitate communication within the 'inside group' and also to
obscure the meaning to 'outside groups'.

How is verbal communication codes affected by culture?

Culture can influence how we communicate verbally via the words, phrases, metaphors, and culture-specific
slang between two or more people. It also affects what topics are deemed appropriate for conversation based on
cultural norms/values present within a culture's social environment.

How is verbal communication different between cultures?

Commonly, it differs from, meaning, pronouncation Pitch and volume also differ between cultures.
Cordillerians, for instance, usually speak with a low pitch and only raise their voices in anger or excitement
when speaking Ilocano, while the the solid ilcano from the north speak in higher pitches and volumes during
normal conversation.

What is Verbal Codes?

In simpliest definition, Verbal codes refer to linguistic, as against non-linguistic, items used in communication.
it has 2 parts, the VERBAL and NON VERBAL CODES

VERBAL codes are the ones we usually use in communication, in other words, VERBALLY SPEAKING
using your mouth and voice .

NON VERBAL are the ones we use to communicate using gestures like hand signs, head nodding etc.

Language and Identity

Languages symbolise identities and are used to signal identities by those who speak them. People are also
categorised by other people according to the language they speak. People belong to many social groups and
have many social identities.

How does language affect identity?

Language is such a power concept because it has the ability to completely shape one's personal Identity. The
usage of words and phrases significantly impacts individuals' thoughts and character/personal identity.
Language is an extremely powerful tool that aids in building new relationships and experiences.

Does language define your identity?

Without language, no culture can sustain its existence. Our language is actually our identity. The mother
language plays a crucial role in shaping an individual's personality as well as his or her psychological
development, thoughts and emotions.

Verbal Communication Styles

There are four basic communication styles:


Individuals who use the passive communication style often act indifferently, yielding to others. Passive
communicators usually fail to express their feelings or needs, allowing others to express themselves.
Frequently, a passive communicator’s lack of outward communication can lead to misunderstanding, anger
build-up or resentment. At the same time, these communicators can be safer to speak with when a conflict
arises, because they most likely will avoid a confrontation or defer to others.

Passive communicators often display a lack of eye contact, poor body posture and an inability to say “no.”
Passive communicators also act in a way that states “people never consider my feelings.”

It’s often apparent when someone communicates in an aggressive manner. You’ll hear it. You’ll see it. You
may even feel it.

The aggressive communication style is emphasized by speaking in a loud and demanding voice, maintaining
intense eye contact and dominating or controlling others by blaming, intimidating, criticizing, threatening or
attacking them, among other traits.
Passive-aggressive communication style users appear passive on the surface, but within he or she may feel
powerless or stuck, building up a resentment that leads to seething or acting out in subtle, indirect or secret

Most passive-aggressive communicators will mutter to themselves rather than confront a person or issue. They
have difficulty acknowledging their anger, use facial expressions that don’t correlate with how they feel and
even deny there is a problem.

Thought to be the most effective form of communication, the assertive communication style features an open
communication link while not being overbearing. Assertive communicators can express their own needs,
desires, ideas and feelings, while also considering the needs of others. Assertive communicators aim for both
sides to win in a situation, balancing one’s rights with the rights of others.


What do you mean code-switching?

code-switching or in other words, language alternation, process of shifting from one linguistic code (a language
or dialect) to another, depending on the social context or conversational setting.

Code-switching helps to find the right words.

Second-language learners might code-switch to their native tongue since they have a greater vocabulary in their
primary language. If an Arabic speaker starts to learn English, they might struggle to know what the right word
or phrase is to express what they mean in English.

Code switching occurs mostly in bilingual communities. Speakers of more than one language are known for
their ability to code switch or mix their language during their communication.

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