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The Essence of Technology

By: ___________________________

The essence of a thing is thought to be what the item is, according to ancient teaching.
When we inquire about technology, we do it in a general sense. The two answers to our query are
universally known. One asserts that technology serves as a tool. The opposite asserts that
technology is a human endeavor. The two descriptions of technology go hand in hand. Because it
is a human activity to propose aims and obtain and use the tools to achieve them. Technology
encompasses all activities related to the creation and use of machinery, tools, and equipment as
well as the demands and purposes for which they are utilized. Technology underlies the whole
system of these devices. Technology itself is a device or instrument in Latin.
The core of the technology is far from technical. So long as we only represent and chase
the technological, put up with it or avoid it, we will never understand our relationship to the core
of the technology. Whether we fiercely assert or oppose it, we are nevertheless imprisoned by
technology everywhere. However, when we think of technology as neutral, we are completely
ignorant of its true nature, which is how we are subjugated to it in the worst way conceivable.
This is because this notion of technology, which we particularly want to honor today, causes us
to be dominated by it.
The definition of technology is an instrumental and anthropological definition since it is
seen as a tool and a human activity. But one thing hasn't changed: contemporary technology is
also a means to an end. This is why the instrumental idea of technology constraints every attempt
to put the man in the proper relationship with technology. Everything relies on how well we can
use technology as a means. We shall "get" technology "spiritually in hand," as we like to say,
and we will master it. The more technology challenges human control, the more pressing the
need for mastery becomes.
Modern technology – what is it? It is also illuminating. That which is novel in
contemporary technology only manifests itself to us when we let our focus rest on this essential
quality. However, disclosing prevalent in modern technology does not result in a bringing-forth
in the poiesis sense. The laws of contemporary technology are becoming more and more clear,
and this difficulty places excessive demand on nature to provide energy that can be produced and
stored in this manner. Does this not also apply to the ancient windmill, though? No. It sails and
turns with the wind; the wind is given complete control over them. However, the windmill does
not harness energy from air currents in order to store it.
Thus, modern technology is not only a product of human activity. We must therefore
accept the challenge placed on man to arrange reality as a standing reserve in line with how it
manifests. That difficulty compels man to order. This article focuses on collecting the real as a
standing reservation of technology. Enframing is what technology is all about. Its power over
people belongs to destiny. This prevents the opposite possibility, which would have allowed man
to feel the necessity of disclosing his essence by being admitted more quickly and directly to the
essence of what is revealed and to its unconcealment.

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