Article 7 - Science

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The Power of Deforestation

By: ___________________________

In the Philippines, deforestation is always part of the problems of the government.

Deforestation is converting wooded regions into non-forest land for uses such as arable farming,
grazing livestock, urban development, logging, or wastelands. Deforestation may also be thought
of as the clearing of forests, which causes a number of ecological and environmental imbalances,
as well as a reduction in habitat and biodiversity. The causes of deforestation include
urbanization, mining, fires, logging, and agricultural operations, to name a few. Over 18 million
estimated ecres destroyed in a year, according to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the
United Nations (FAO).

We may take a variety of actions to attempt to stop deforestation and make a difference.
You may take action by joining up with or contributing to a worthwhile charity that seeks to stop
deforestation. Many credible organizations collaborate with governments in an effort to stop
deforestation and/or plant trees to restore ecosystems. There is another option and that is t get in
touch with the leaders of your local government directly to learn what you might be able to
accomplish in your own town or state. Additionally, we may back businesses that care about the
environment. Planting trees is another thing you can do that will directly affect the environment!
Planting trees is another thing you can do that will directly affect the environment! You may
establish a live, enduring tree monument that respects a loved one's memory and gives back in
the process by planting trees in your yard, volunteering to organize events to plant trees in parks
or other public spaces, or even doing a tree burial.

But research consistently demonstrates that deforestation already negatively affects

humans in a variety of ways. Almost 10,000 trees are planted thanks to the Living Urn® tree
burial method, and many families have shared touching tales about their own tree plantings using
this special patented tree urn or biotree urn. Additionally, the firm pledged to donate to plant a
second tree in one of America's forests in need of reforestation for every Living Urn bio urn
planted, double the effect! The Living Urn is dedicated to expanding this initiative, and over the
next ten years, they hope to plant one million trees. The Living Urn lets you remember a loved
one while helping others.

In reality, the people are having a hard time taking care of the environment, and this is
probably due in part to the fact that the 2-degree catastrophic scenario that we hear about so
often is beyond the natural lives of the majority of people alive now. According to a Yale study,
only 40% of Americans believe that they would personally be harmed by climate change,
compared to almost 60% who feel that it will "hurt individuals in the United States."

Land cleared for human use was found to be 10°C warmer than wooded regions
according to a recent study that appeared in the European Geosciences Union journal
Biogeosciences. On the Indonesian island of Sumatra, where deforestation rates are high, the
average midday temperature in Jambi increased by 1.05°C on average between 2000 and 2015.
More over half of the 2°C rise that scientists have labeled catastrophic if it occurs in the next 85
years is represented by that 15-year increase.

However, deforestation also has a more immediate consequence on human health. One
Health professionals have known for a long time that deforestation forces wild animals out of
their native habitats and closer to human populations, increasing the likelihood of zoonotic
diseases spreading from animals to humans. In fact, according to EcoHealth Alliance data,
deforestation is a factor in 31% of outbreaks of newly discovered illnesses including the Nipah
virus, Zika, and Ebola. The goal is to integrate the work of several specialties. Human health is a
concern when it comes to conserving flora and animals. Additionally, safeguarding human health
necessitates safeguarding the other species that share our world with us.

Our world, our environment, and our health are all interrelated.

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