Storage Quality of Powdered Cyanobacterium - Spirulina Platensis

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Z Lebensm Unters Forsch (1995) 201:289-292 Zeitschrift far

Lebensmitte[ o
9 Springer-Verlag 1995

Original paper
Storage quality of powdered cyanobacterium - Spirulina platensis
K. R. Kumar, M. Mahadevaswamy, L. V. Venkataraman
Central Food Technological Research Institute, Mysore-570013, India

Received October 21, 1994

Abstract, The cyanobacterium Spirulina platensis, pro- Materials and methods

duced at the Central Food Technological Research Institute,
was dried using the cross-flow technique and subsequently Spirulina platensis powder. This was cultivated in outdoor polyvinyl
subjected to packaging studies. The moisture sorption chloride tanks with "CFTRI medium" i.e. that of the Central Food
studies at 27 ~ indicated a critical moisture content of Technological Research Institute, plus sodium bicarbonate, with NPK
mixture and superphosphate as the culture medium [3]. The algal
12.5%, corresponding to 56% relative humidity (RH). The slurry was harvested by gravity filtration and the wet slurry was dried
product was packed in pouches made of polypropylene by a cross-flow drier at 60~ for a minimum of 6 h.
(37 g m thick) and a laminate of metallized polyester with
low-density polyethylene and was stored at: (1) 38 ~ 90% Packaging materials. Cast polypropylene (CPP), with moderate rates
RH (accelerated condition) or (2) 27 ~ 65% RH (standard of water vapour and gas transmission, and a laminate of metallized
condition). Periodically throughout its storage under these polyester plus low-density polyethylene (MPET), with superior barrier
properties, were selected to provide short- and long-term shelf-lives,
conditions, the product was analysed for its content of respectively.
moisture, protein, ash and fat. In addition, determinations The thickness, tensile strength and elongation were determined as
were made of the changes in the constituents carotene, per the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) [6]. The water vapour and
phycocyanin and allophycocyanin. oxygen transmissions rates were determined according to test methods
of the ASTM (American Society for Testing and Materials) [7, 8].

Moisture sorption studies. The Spirulina powder was exposed to

relative humidities (RH) ranging from 11% to 90%, using appropriate
saturated salt solutions [9]. Petri dishes, each containing 5-8 g of the
Introduction sample, were placed in duplicate in desiccators maintained at
27 • 1 ~ From moisture sorption data, a Bmnnaner-Emmett-Teller
(BET) plot was drawn [10] and the monomolecular moisture content
In recent years, commercial production of Spirulina has was calculated.
been increased, because of a growing awareness of its
nutritional quality. The major market for this product is Analytical methods. The samples were analysed for moisture, fat and
in natural and health foods [1]. The technology of Spirulina ash contents as per BIS standards [11]. Protein was estimated accor-
has been well established [2]; detailed studies have been ding to the procedure of Pearson [12] and phycocyanin, allophyco-
cyanin and carotene contents were determined by the standard pro-
carried out to characterize the nutritional value [3] and
cedure of Hellebust and Craigie [13].
safety aspects [4] of the dry powder form. The moisture
sorption characteristics of differently processed cyanobac- Storage studies. Individual pouches (of dimension 14 cm • 18 cm)
terium, i.e. drum-dried, sun-dried and spray-dried samples containing 200 g of powder were stored under accelerated (38 ~ 90%
have been examined [5], but since the storage qualities of RH) and standard (27~ 65% RH) conditions. The samples were
the products thus processed were not critically evaluated, withdrawn periodically and analysed for chemical parameters and
changes in colour.
the present study was undertaken to determine the shelf-life
of the product with respect to changes in chemical con- Statistical analysis. The data were analysed statistically as a 2 • 2 x 6
stituents and moisture during storage. factorial design, with factors being changed in a random fashion and
measurements made in triplicate [14]. The relationships between the
different storage conditions and types of packaging and the parameters
measured were determined by analyses of variance for the factorial
design, whereas Duncan's multiple range test was used to determine
significant differences between the means.
Correspondence to: K. R. Kumar

Results and discussion

Physico-chemical tests on packaging materials

The results of the tests on the two packaging materials are

given in Table 1. As expected, the tensile strength of the
polyester laminate was nearly 3 times that of CPP because
of the polyester web. Although the water vapour and
oxygen transmission rates of the MPET laminate were



lower than those of CPR the values found were high in
comparison to those generally reported, i.e. in the range of 15
0.5-1.5 g.m-2.24 h -1 and 1 - 4 ml.m-2.24 h-t-kPa-1, respec- .=_
tively [15]. These high values may be attributed to the thin I0
layer of aluminium coating. g

o io 2'o ~o ~'o io ~'o 7'o ~o 90

Moisture sorption characteristics
Reletive humidity, ~
The moisture sorption, (i. e. desorption - adsorption) iso- Fig. 1. Moisture sorption isotherm of powdered Spirulina
therm of the product at 27 ~ is shown in Fig. 1. The curve
is the typical sigmoidal shape that is characteristic of foods
containing a high percentage of cellulosics or starch [16]. from the point of view of colour retention and free-
The product, which had an initial moisture content of flowing property.
5.5% on a dry basis, had an equilibrium RH value (ERH) of The monomolecular moisture content, which repre-
19% or water activity (aw) of 0.19. The product retained its sents the lowest level required for safe storage and the
characteristic colour and free-flowing property up to a minimum level to which the product could be dried
moisture content of 12.8% (on a dry basis). economically, was found to be 5.5% (on a dry basis)
At a moisture level of 15.9%, corresponding to an aw corresponding to an aw of 0.22. This indicates that the
value of 0.64, the Spirulina powder was slightly lumpy product under study, i.e. cross-flow-dried Spirulina, is
and had a fair green colour, while at an aw of 0.75, similar in its moisture sorption characteristics to the
corresponding to 23.5% ERH, it was soggy and had a drum-dried sample, rather than the spray-dried or sun-
bleached appearance. Growth of mould was observed at dried samples [5].
and above an aw of 0.86. It is construed generally that
for starchy foods the critical moisture content is that
corresponding to an aw of 0.65. However, it was found
that for the product under study, the critical moisture
content was 12.8% (on a dry basis) with an aw of 0.56 Storage studies at 38 ~ and 90% RH

The changes in chemical constituents and moisture content

Table 1. Physico-chemicalproperties of flexible pouch materials during storage are indicated in Tables 2 and 3. The initial
Property Material moisture content of 5.5% gradually increased in both types
of packaging, reaching the critical value of 12.4% in the
Cast Metallized CPP pouch at the end of 180 days of storage. In the case of
polypropylene polyester/ MPET pouches, it was only 11.9% after the same period of
polyethylene storage.
Average thickness (gm) 39 12/35 The phycocyanin content decreased gradually, reach-
ing values of 3% from the initial value of 6%. Further-
Tensile strength (kN/m)
Machine direction 0.83 2.49 more, it could be observed from the data in Table 2 that
Transverse direction 0.71 1.84 there was little difference between the two packaging
materials. The changes in the allophycocyanin contents
Elongation (%)
Machine direction 400 200 were more dissimilar, the product packed in a laminate
Transverse direction 600 200 of polyester film affording better protection, as indicated
by the allophycocyanin content of 1.8% as compared to
Water vapour transmission rate
(g-m 2-25 h-1) at: 1.1% in CPP pouches at the end of 180 days of storage.
38 ~ RH 6.4 4.0 The decrease in the carotene content during storage was
27 ~ RH 1.9 1.1 similar to that of allophycocyanin and, in this case, the
Oxygen transmission rate at 27~ 168.8 4.7 decrease was more pronounced in the sample packed in
(ml.m-2.24 h-].kPa-1) CPR i.e. from an initial value of 390 mg/100 g to 56 mg/
100 g at the end of 180 days of storage, while in MPET
Opacity Transparent Opaque
pouches, carotene content had decreased to only 200 mg/
RH, Relative humidity 100 g.

Table 2. Changes in moisture, phycocyanin, allophycocyanin and carotene contents of Spirulina during storage

Storage period Package Constituent

(days) type
Moisture content Phycocyanin content Allophycocyanin content Carotene content
(%) (%) (%) (mg/100 g)

0 - 5.52 5.52 6.00 6.00 2.65 2.65 390.00 390.00
30 CPP 7.13 6.00 5.57 5.83 2.22 2.32 275.00 293.33
MPET 6.97 5.87 5.47 5.67 2.37 2.43 321.67 340.67
60 CPP 8.50 6.50 5.00 5.57 1.92 2.23 175.67 197.67
MPET 8.53 6.40 5.17 5.43 2.22 2.32 263.33 291.67
90 CPP 9.60 6.93 4.47 5.37 1.62 2.08 146.67 273.33
MPET 6.50 6.87 4.60 5.23 2.06 2.25 243.33 265.00
120 CPP 10.83 7.60 4.33 4.97 1.42 2.03 130.67 131.67
MPET 10.50 7.27 4.13 5.03 1.85 2.17 227.33 246.67
150 CPP 11.63 7.87 3.53 4.70 1.28 1.92 93.33 126.67
MPET 11.40 7.83 3.67 4.97 1.82 2.02 215.00 206.67
180 CPP 12.40 8.30 3.00 4.53 1.07 1.87 58.67 111.67
MPET 11.90 8.03 3.03 4.70 1.72 1.95 203.33 203.33
SEM +0.05 _+0.04 _+0.017 _+1.96
(46 df) (46 dr) (46 df) (46 dr)
1. Between accelerated and *** *** ***
normal conditions (A)
2. Between package types (B) *** NS ***
3. Between storage periods (C) *** *** ***
4. A x B NS NS ***
5. A • C *** *** ***
6. B • C *** *** ***
7. A x B x C NS *** ***
CPR Cast polypropylene; MPET, metallized polyester/low-density Au values are given as means
polyethylene laminate; AC, accelerated condition; NC, normal condi- *** Significant at P <0.001
ton; df. degrees of freedom; NS, not significant

It was observed (Table 3) that the changes in protein, ash A perusal of data in Table 3 indicates that variations in
and fat contents were minimal, ranging between 3% and the content of protein, ash and fat were less under standard
10%. conditions as compared to accelerated conditions. Another
factor that was observed during the storage was the change
in (product) colour. Although under standard conditions the
Storage studies at 27~ and 65% RH colour of the product remained almost unchanged, i.e.
green, in the sample packed in MPET, in the case of CPP
As expected, the changes occurring in the chemical con- pouches, under either storage conditions, the colour had
stituents of stored Spirulina powder a under standard turned blue-green after 60 days of storage, especially under
conditions were less pronounced than those occurring accelerated conditions.
under accelerated conditions.
The increase in the moisture content was gradual in
samples stored in both MPET and CPP pouches (Table 2),
the former type affording slightly better protection. Conclusion
The phycocyanin and allophycocyanin contents also
gradually decreased, but not to the same extent as observed The experiments conducted to investigate the effects of
under accelerated storage conditions. The decrease in the packaging and storage on the cross-flow-dried cyanobacte-
carotene content was also similar to that occurring under rium, SpiruIina platensis, have indicated that the critical
accelerated conditions, i. e. decreases from 390 mg/100 g to moisture content was 12.8% on a dry basis, corresponding
110 mg/100 g and to 210 mg/100 g in CPP and MPET to an aw value of 0.56 at 27 ~ The chemical constituents,
pouches, respectively. protein and fat are less dependent on the storage conditions

Table 3. Changes in protein, ash and fat contents of Spirulina during storage
Storage period Package type Constituent
Protein content (%) Ash content (%) Fat content (%)

0 - 62.78 62.78 10.70 10.70 1.68 1.68
30 CPP 62.74 62.73 10.36 10.55 1.65 1.64
MPET 61.73 61.35 10.75 10.64 1.64 1.60
60 CPP 62.73 62.40 9.99 10.37 1.61 1.62
MPET 60.90 62.79 10.77 10.44 1.63 1.55
90 CPP 62.19 62.24 9.89 10.27 1.59 1.62
MPET 60.80 62.47 10.84 10.32 1.59 1.59
120 CPP 61.77 62.04 9.83 10.26 1.58 1.65
MPET 60.74 62.06 10.82 10.06 1.58 1.56
150 CPP 61.36 62.27 9.76 10.22 1.58 1.64
MPET 60.73 62.20 10.79 10.07 1.56 1.57
180 CPP 60.95 62.53 9.70 10.17 1.58 1.65
MPET 60.69 62.28 10.82 10.52 1.59 1.58
SEM _+0.159 _+0.031 +_0.014
(46 df) (46 df) (46 df)
1. Between accelerated and NS
normal conditions (A)
2. Between package types (B) *** NS NS
3. Between storage periods (C) ***
4. A • ***
5. A x C ***
6. B x C *** *** NS
7. A • *** *** NS
See legend to Table 2 for details of abbreviations

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Acknowledgements. The authors thank Mr. B. S. Ramesh, 6 scientist at Materials, Philadelphia
the Sensory Analysis and Statistical Services Department, CFTRI, for 9. Equilibrium relative humidity values for selected saturated
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