Aren T You Glad You Didn T Turn On The L

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Aren't You Glad You Didn't Turn on The Light?

(Urban Legend)

By Drac Von Stoller

Copyright 2013 (New Edition June 2019)

Meg was happy to have the chance her other sisters didn't finally, and that

was going to college. Meg's sisters helped her move into her new dorm.

Her sisters were introduced to her roommate Samantha. Meg and

Samantha got along well and helped each other in their studies. Samantha

needed the most help with her homework because she liked to party, and
Meg always had her head in the textbooks. Midterms were just around the

corner, and a big party was at a good friend of Samantha's house, and of
course, Samantha wasn't going to miss the party over a midterm exam.

Samantha said, "Meg, there is a party at one of my friend’s house, and

there is a guy I would like you to meet. What do you say? You want to

come or are you going to stay inside this boring dorm studying all


"Well, it, sure sounds tempting, but I want to keep my average at an 'A' in
every class," replied Meg.
"Okay, Meg, but this guy is adorable," said Samantha.

"I'm sure he is. You go on and have a good time at the party, and thanks

anyway for the invitation, that was kind of you to think of me," replied

Samantha went on to the party and didn't arrive back at the dorm until
after midnight. Samantha opened the door to the dorm room and noticed

it was pitch black inside, but she was too drunk and too tired to turn on

the light switch, so she just went on to the bed.

The next morning Samantha looked at her alarm clock and said, "Oh My

Gosh! Its noon and I've missed two of my midterms. She noticed Meg
was still in bed and thought that was odd she wasn't at her midterm exams.

Samantha got out of bed and came over to wake up Meg, but she didn't

move. Samantha said, "Quit playing around. We're going to be in big

trouble for missing some of our exams." Samantha pulled the covers off

of her and screamed. There was a pool of blood in her bed, and her limbs

were hacked off. Then Samantha looked at the wall beside the bed and

noticed red writing on the wall. She went over and touched writing and

screamed again and said, "Its blood!"

Then she read the message on the wall in tears. It said, "Aren't you glad

you didn't turn the light on?” Ha! Ha! Ha!

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