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Operation, maintenance and training FIDIC guidelines for the provision of OMT services Contents 1.0 Need for OMT is basic 1 4.1. Need for adequate funding 1 1.2 Level of OMT Services 1 4.3 Role of the consulting engineer. 2 4.4 Procedure for obtaining OMT Services 2.0 Definition of required OMT Services 3 2.1 Assessment of requirements 3 2.2 Assessment of owner's OMT resources 3 2.3. OMT Plan Checklist 4 3.0 Specification for OMT Services. 5 3.1 General requirements 5 3.2. Administration 5 3.3. Initial services 6 34 Operation 7 35. Maintenance 8 3.6 Technical services 8 3.7 Training 9 4.0 Obtaining tenders and award of contra "1 4.1 Pre-qualification "1 4.2. Tender documentation "1 4.3. Conditions of Contract Checklist 12 4.4 Issuance of tenderdocuments 12 4.5 Evaluation and award of contract _ 12 irs published by Fédération Internationale des Ingénieurs-Conseils(FIDIC) © Copyright FIDIC 1991 All sights reserved. No part ofthis publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any without permission ofthe publish Preface The increased demand for operation, vices (OMT ance and training Services) experienced by FIDIC member firms has high! FIDIC has now developed such guidelines, to direct and advise both buyers and vendors of OMT Services in the various steps from project efinition through implementation. ied the need for practical guidelines, Guidelines for the acquisition of OMT Se must be broad enough to cover the varying requirements increasingly specified by the bilateral and multilateral financing institutions The provision of OMT Services may include involvement from individual consultants, consulting firms, specialist operations and ‘maintenance contractors, equipment ‘manufacturers, construction contractors and nstitutional trainin, these FIDIC Guidelines will refer only t0 consulting engineers and contractors as the specialists. For ease of use, primary providers of OMT Services. FIDIC member successful operation and maintenance of the facilities they design. It is hoped that these FIDIC Guidelines will encourage and assist in the procurement and implementation of OMT Services worldwide. ims have a vital interest in the Need for OMT is basic 4.1__ Need for adequate funding 1.2 Level of OMT Services 1.2.1 Advisory Consulting 1.2.2 Programme Management Consulting 1.2.3. Operation and Maintenance Contracting 1.3 _ Role of the consulting engineer 1.4 Procedure for obtaining OMT. Services Proper prior planning prevents poor performance. To ensure successfull project commissioning, planning for operation and maintenance and the training of personne! must be accomplished prior to project start-up and testing. To sustain post-commissioning operation of the project, the operation and maintenance programme must be implemented and a training programme established with competent personnel Operation, maintenance and training services can be provided by a project owner, provided that the project owner has appropriate personnel and experience, or by a consulting engineer or by a contractor. 1.1 Need for adequate funding Besides capit project can outset for the on equirements, the service life of a be assured by provisions at the going operation, maintenance and training services required to assure sful and efficient operation of the facilities, Funding for OMT Services has historically been a problem because thes have been’ viewed as non-development expenditures However, the international funding institutions (IFI’s) have recently been demanding that such services are included in project budgets. 1.2 Level of OMT Services From project to project, the levels of OMT Services may vary greatly and may be obtained from a variety of sources. Awide range of services are available from consulting engineers or contractors. The scope of such services can be readily adapted to the precise requirements of an owner 1.2.1 Advisory Consulting Advisory Consulting services are typically provided by a consulting engineer. Because many of the OMT Services must be initiated well before project commissioning, it is logi that the consulting engineer performing the ained to carry n principal project design is also ret ut the Advisory Consulting services. The owner implements the OMT programme itself and retains total responsibility for every aspect of project operation, maintenance and training. Need for OMT asc 1.2.2 Programme Management Consulting Under Programme Mat ns responsibility for specific aspects, gement Consulting, the of the OMT programme and ‘or to implement other professional and managerial elements. The programme management consultant would peration, maintenance and d training responsibilities and provide levels of project management personnel The clear division of responsibilities between owner and programme management consultant is therefore an important aspect of a Programme Management Consulting approach to OMT Serviees. There must be an examination of snisational lines of authority and responsibility, as well asa review of skill requirements, The emphasis of Programme Management Consulting is on professional services for which the consulting engineer is well qualified Note: Delivery of services on either the Advisory Consulting or Programme Management Consulting level raises the critical issues o ibility and responsibility for results. Both ues must be addressed in specific and definitive language in the contracts for services. 1.2.3 Operation and Maintenance Contracting Under this level of services, the owner transfers ‘substantially complete operation and maintenance responsibility to the consult engineer or contractor. Alternatively, OMT Services can be specified as an integral part of a complete construction or delivery contract ‘ontracting is suited Operation and Maintenance to the owner with limited OMT resources and may also be used where an owner seeks t0 establish a transition process in which responsibility is gradually assumed as the 'S OMT resources are developed. 4.3 Role of the consulting engineer The consulting engineer may fulfil sever 0. project's nets fall within important assignments rel OMT programme. These assi two broad cat Advisor, essentially supplementing the owner's staff and (2) as a supplier of OMT Services to a project owner. Provision of services in either gory raises critical issues of responsibility for results and liability. These issues must be addressed in specific and definitive language in c contracts for services. (OPERATION, MAINTENANCE ANO TRAINING In the first assignment category, as an Operations Advisor, the consulting engineer could perform essentially all of the owner's responsibilities in the definition of OMT Services and preparation of a request for tender to obtain OMT Services. The Operations Advisor can provide important services throughout the entire life of a proje beginning early in the planning and design stages and continuing through construction, commissioning and the operating life of the project facility or plant The actual role of the Operations Advisor is largely dependent upon the owner’s resource: An owner with limited resources and little experience with project OMT would be expected torely heavily on an Operations Advisor. The range of services provided by an Operations Advisor would include the following Design planning for OM’ Construction planning for OMT Precommissioning services Taki Management advisory services Operation advisory services Maintenance advisory services Training advisory services. In the second assignment category, the sulting engineer isa supplier ofall the OMT Services, either as an extension of the first assignment, of separately end in direct response to 1.4 Procedure for obtaining OMT Services (Owners should develop a procedure to obtain OMT Services. The procedur following steps, which ar night include the ibed in Sections 2.0 Definition of required OMT Services 3.0 Specification for OMT Service 4.0 Obtaining tenders and award of contract Definition of required OMT Services 24 22 23 231 2.3.2 23.3 23.4 23.5 2.3.6 Assessment of requirements Assessment of owner's OMT resources OMT Plan Checklist General requirements Administration Operation Maintenancé Technic Training ‘The owner's objective in obtaining OMT Services is the implementation of an OMT Plan that will successfully sustain the project through its service life. The level of OMT Services ‘equired forthe facility must be defined by the owner, based on an essment of projec The ‘owner may perform these assessments alone or requirements and of financial res ‘might utilise the support of a consulting engineer. The owner may decide that the consulting engineer providing support during the will continue to provide Advisory services. Alternatively ‘engineer ean prepare the request for tender after the level of required services has been def Ifthe assessments of requirements and resources have been carefully prepared, the OMT Services required should be clearly defined and the Specification for such services can be prepared, 2.1.Assessment of requirements ts, the checklist in 2.3 can be used as the basis for the preparation of a written OMT Plan, Each requirement category on the checklist should be considered and the OMT Plan established. For each category, the assessment should consider (1) personnel requirements, (2) procedural requirements, (3) facility requirements, (4 ‘materials requirements and (5) financial requirements, The report should clearly establish the resources required for the OMT Plan. In assessing the project's OMT requirem: 2.2 Assessment of owner's OMT resources ‘The second step in the definition of OMT Services is assessment of the owner's OMT resources. These resources include not only personnel and facilities available when the assessment is prep but also those resources which the owner is prepared to develop over a stated period of time consistent with the project requirements, le resources assessment should be guided by ’s OMT requiren thus the personnel and other resources required for the project must be compared with the owner's available personnel and other resources the projet or with the personnel and resources the owner is prepared to develop Detintonofrequeed OUT Serces 2.3 OMT Plan Checklist As described under 2.1, the following categories may be used as a checklist against which OMT More detailed descriptions of these categories can be found in Section 3.0, Specification for OMT Services. 2.3.4 General requirements General description and scope of the work Precommissioning Commissioning Operation Maintenance 2.3.2 Administration Staffing and organisation cilities and equipment Human relations Finances and accounting Procurement and stores Safety Fire protection Security Records and files. 2.3.3 Operation Operations management and planning Operation instructions and procedures Materials management Fuel receiving and monitorin Waste disposal Utilities and consumables Emergency conditions, 2.3.4Maintenance Maintenance plan Maintenance mana Work control Outage planning 2.3.5 Technical services Plant chemistry Environmental Efficiency monitorin Performance testing Engineering coordination (Computer programming Quality control 2.3.6 Training Training officer and committee Facilities and materials Development of training plan Implementation raining plan review Trainee examination and OPERATION, MAINTENANCE AND TRAINING Specification for OMT Services ments 5 3.1 General requii 3.2. Administration 3.2.1 Staffing and org Facilities and equipment Human relations Legal aspects Finances and accounting Procurement and stores Safety 3.28 Fire protection rnisation 9 Secunity 3.2.10 Record: 3.3 Initial services 3.3.1. Precommiss 3.3.2 Commissionin, Taking-over 3.4 Operation ment and planning ting instructions 3.4.3 Materials management 3.4.4 Fuel receiving and monitoring 3.4.5. Waste disposal 3.4.6 Util ‘and consumables 1g and inspection ney conditions 3.5 Maintenance 8 Gen Maintenance planning Maintenance management Work control Outage planning Training 3.6 Technical services 8 3.6.1 Plant chemistry nvironmental permits ficiency and performance monitoring Performance testing Engineering coordination Computer maintenance lity contro| raining ° ities and materials Development of training plan iplementation 74 7.2 Fac 7.5 Training plan review 3.7.6 Trainee examination and review ‘Specicaton or OMT Series The Specification is a written description of the OMT s. Specification should be in sufficient detail to je a reliable basis upon which to dete the organisation and personnel required and to blish the price for such OMT Services. It is appropriate in these Guidelines to present a ervices required by the owner, The detailed description of each section of the Specification. However, the elements of an sted and und outline Specification are sug, each element suggestions are made as to the OMT Services requirements that might be included. The list is not intended to be sted as a conclusive or definitive, but is su checklist and framework 3.1 General requirements the project and identifies work included and not included in the OMT Services required. The time schedule should be described in this section 3.2 Administration 3.2.1 Staffing and organisation The number of personnel and tl right be completely specified or the consultant or contractor might be allowed to propose such sation. It is also essential that staffing and org: skills testing and qualification requirements be established. 3.2.2 Facilities and equipment Administration building Wo shops and workshop equipment aboratories and laboratory equipment Mobile equipment Warehouses Grounds, including roa 3.2.3 Human relations The Specification shall establish OMT Service: 7 tions, with regard for cultural differences and behavioural patterns rents for hun Personnel recruitment and hiring, including applicant testing — Personnel record: Labour relations Public relations Soseticato for OMT Sonices Medical services Employee benefits 3.2.4 Legal aspects Conditions for staffengagement Land and property acquisition and disposal Disputes and claims related to the project ‘Compliance with national and local law 3.2.5 Finances and accounting Plant capital investment accounting Cost accounting Payroll accounting Computer services Budgeting Audit functions Tax accounting Insurance administration 3.2.6 Procurement and stores. Procuring materials and services Man: Expediting Functioning of stores, including receiving, handling, warehousing and security Shipping/freighting and customs clearance 3.2.7 Safety Furnishing a safety specialist responsible for the safety programme Developing safety and health policies, andards and procedures Performing safety training and conducting safety meeting Organising a safety committee Conducting safety inspections, drills and practice Investigating accidents riodically evaluating the safety programme, 3.2.8 Fire protection Furnishin the fire protection ‘prevention fire protection coordinator to Developing a fire protection/prevention programme Developing and implementing a project emergency action plan Inspecting and maintaining fixed and portable (OPERATION, MAINTENANCE AND TRAINING fire protection equipment Developing and implementing fire hazard inspection procedures Investigating fire incidents. 3.2.9 Security The OMT Services required might be related to the protection of property, materials and facilitics against: Unauthorised entry and t national destruction or damage Sabotage, embezzlement and fraud Other dishonest, illegal or criminal a 3.2.10 Records and files Establishment of an orderly system for administration, ope ‘taining records ation, maintenance Establishment of archives to include technical ‘and/or administrative documentation ‘generated during project implementation and Specific requirements for drawings and ‘computer based records Procedures for record cataloguing, indexing, storage, retention and retrieval Procedures for updating all copies of manuals and procedures, 3.3 Initial services 3.3.1 Precommissioning ‘The precommissioning phase ofthe project is important to project sucess. OMT Servi should be acquired in advance of commissioning so that the consulting engineer or contractor is available to provide important precommissioning ices. The services provided at this stage might include: Preparing commissioning procedures Performin, tivities related to environn permits — Reviewing equipment suppliers’ operation and maintenance manuals, Preparing operation and maintenance procedures Conducting personnel training — Conducting familiarisation ex Participating in commissioning coordination Developing recommended consumable supplies and spare parts inventories Conducting inspections of completed elements of th 3.3.2 Commissioning The consulting engineer or contractor providing OMT Services should participate in project comiissioning. The services provided at this stage might include: Participating in system checkout and startup Conducting initial operation and operation Performing tests and evaluation Formulating incentive criteria, 3.3.3 Taking-over After commissioning and performance testing, the project may be formally handed over from the installation contractor to the OMT Services consulting engineer oF contractor. The services provided at this stage might include Assuming sole responsibility for operation of tems as they are accepted from the installation contractor Initiating system operation and maintenance Conducting reliability trials Inventorying mater and identifying recommended restocking Is, tools and spare parts Developing maintenance programme, 3.4 Operation 3.4.1 Operations management and planning Responsibility for operation of equipment and ablishment of the operating organisation — Administrator of the operating organisation Planning and scheduling of project operation 3.4.2 Operating instructions and procedures manuals T ‘establish the OMT Services requirements for preparation of fication s operating manuals, instructions and procedu and en The number of procedures and depend upon project complexity but might ‘number as many as several hundred. The format and content of procedures and instructions might to cover both norm: ency conditions. instructions will be established by examples included in the Specification, The Specification shall establish the OMT Services requirements for preparation of ‘Speciation or OMT Sonicns operating instructions and procedures manuals, iartup Normal operation Permitted variations to normal operating regime Shut Emergency procedures References to other documentation, The number of procedures and instructions will depend upon project complexity, but might sal hundred. Indexin and cross referencing, the number of copies of number as many as ceach instruction or procedure, and routines for updating and/or amending all copies of a given document requit careful consideration, The format and content of procedures and instructions might be established by examples ncluded in the Specification. 3.4.3 Materials management OMT Services requirements should be listed 3.4.4 Fuel receiving and monitoring Ifthe consumption of fuel and other raw ‘materials is significant, the Specification sha ish OMT Services requirements for receiving and monitoring it, including — Preparing procedures for receiving and handling Inventorying records Maintaining quality records Maintaining usage records. Fuel sampling and testing requirements shall be ed. 3.4.5 Waste disposal If process residue is significant for the project, he Specification shall establish the OMT Services requirements for waste disposal. These services may be related to: Identifying disposal methods or sites Handling and transporting was Recovering potential resources from residue 3.4.6 Utilities and consumables The Specification shall establish the OMT requirements for the procurement and optimisation of uilities and consumables. Speciation for OMT Senvicoe 3.4.7 Testing and inspection ,quipment testing and inspection eduling and performing testing and inspection Developing and maintaining testing and ds. inspection re Testing and inspection shall be coordinated with administration of equipment warranties, 3.4.8 Emergency conditions The Specification shall establish OMT Services requirements for potential hazardous conditions These services mi formulation of preplanned resources in the event ff emergency conditions. 3.5 Maintenance 3.5.1 General Developing maintenance programme snisation maintenance administrative 3.5.2 Maintenance planning Implementing equipment identification codes should be an extension of design and Implementing main both records maintenance that is to be carried out and maintenance that has been performed nce reporting which Establishing a maint system to administer p 3.5.3 Maintenance management Implementing maint mudgeting and control procedures Establishing requirements for equipment manuals, for each item of equipment, setting ‘out procedures for installation and commissioning, instructions for operation and nd listings of component parts 3.5.4 Work control The Specification shall establish OMT Services requirements for maintenance work control and . Control may also establish procedure for ‘may be established by procedure example Preparin maintenance procedures Preparing and implementing tool control procedures Preparing and implementing spare pars issu du proc 3.5.5 Outage planning The Specification shall establish OMT Services requirements for outage planning. These services might be related to Critical Plan Method (CPM) scheduling for Resource planning, including contractors, special material procurement and special tool or equipment requirements 3.5.6 Training Establishing an apprentice training programme Establishing qualifications for maintenance staff Establishing a maintenance management personnel training plan 3.6 Technical services 3.6.4 Plant Chemistry Developing a chemical treatment programme to minimise corrosion, extend system life and Reviewing project systems in relation ot the 3 pro chemical treatm, nme and making Providing staff necessary to implement the 3.6.2 Environmental permits The Specification shall establish the OMT nt related to compliance with environmental permits applicable to the project 3.6.3 Efficiency and performance monitoring Performance monitoring and Project instrumentation surveillance to promote instrument reliability Production and performance statistical reporting 3.6.4 Performance testing The Specification shall establish OMT Services requirements for periodic project performance esting, 3.6.5 Engineering coordination The Specification shall establish OMT Services ‘equitements for engineering coordination These services might be related to review evaluation and approval of project engineering changes. 3.6.6 Computer maintenance Hardware and softwate support serviees and Management information system Data acquisition computers scordin Events 4 These services might include: Documenting computer system changes Coordinating computer system repa nodifications Developing system modifications. eviewing proposed computer 3.6.7 Quality control The Specification shall establish OMT Services requirements for the development of a quality assurance programme and implementation of quality control 3.7 Training 3.7.1 Training officer and committee Training programme organisation Training officer qualification Train including planning, class procedures, lesson plans, training schedules and trainin officer responsi aids Types of training instructions to be utilised On-the-job training New employee tran Continuing education Productivity enhancement. 3.7.2 Facilities and materials On-site classro Offsite classrooms Process simulation facilities Manuals and procedural documents or forms ‘ools, equipment and components, including 3.7.3 Development of training plan Implementing training concepts which may be specified Developing Speciation for OMT Senices training course for initial familiarisation of now employees Developing a project-specific training course Developing an instructor training course in training. Involving equipment supplier 3.7.4 Implementation The Specification shall establish OMT Services requirements for training programme implementation, including the schedules for instructor training and project staff personnel training 3.7.5 Training plan review — Forecasts of number of personnel to be trained Assessments of training programme effectiveness Formulations of train modifications. 3.7.6 Trainee examination and review The Specification shall establish OMT Services requirements for training programme implementation, including the schedule instructor ning and project staff personnel iain tenders and award of contact Obtaining tenders and award of contract 4.1 Pre-qualification 1" 4.2 Tender documentation 1" 4.2.1 Tender documents 4.2.2. Conditions of Contract 4.23 Spi 4.2.4. Drawings, schedules and appendices 4.3 Conaitions of Contract Checklist 12 4.3.1. General conditions 4.3.2. Supplementary general conditions 4.3.3. Special conditions 4.3.4. Special labour conditions 4.4 Issuance of tender documents 12 45 Evaluation and award of contract 12 Once the required OMT Services have been determined and specified as described in Section 3.0, a basis exists for obtaining proposals from organisations qualified to provide OMT es. Identification of qualified Servi organisations is an important part of the request for tender process 4.1 Pre-qualification The owner must survey the potentially qualified ned qualified 0 fulfill the requirements, Ifthe owner does not organisations and select those have the resources to perform such sereening, it rried out by an individual consultant could be Alternatively the specifications for the total project may at the outset include the OMT Services Specification, resulting in a delivery contract for both the physical facilities and the ing OMT Services. 4.2 Tender documentation 4.2.1 Tender documents The tender documents might include Instruetions to tende inder form ender supplemental information 4.2.2 Conditions of Contract The Conditions of Contract are the documents ationsh between the owner and OMT Services ‘which govern the commercial r Contractor, Both traditional and unique and conditions may be required. A detailed discussion of terms and conditions is beyond the Guidelines but sub-section 4.3 thecklist provides a 4.2.3 Specification The Specification isthe written d the OMT Services required, discu Section 3.0. cription of ed in 4.2.4 Drawings, schedules and appendices The drawings, schedules and appendices are additional parts of the request for tender tha may be required to convey adequately OMT Services requirements to the tenderers. The need " taining tends and award of contract of these parts will depend upon the complexity of the project for which OMT Services are required. 4.3 Conditions of Contract Checklist As already noted in sub-section 4.2.2, a detailed discussion of terms and conditions is beyond the seope of these Guidelines. However the following summary outline of the Conditions of Contract is offered as a checklist. It is not intended as a definitive lis. 4.3.1 General conditions Definitions and interpretations Contract period Operations advisor Assignment and subcontracting Contract documents Obligations and duties of the contractor Obligations and duties of the ow Suspension of services ‘Termination of services Variations Payment Claims Foreign currency and rates of exchange Provisional sums Risk and responsibility Damage to property and injury to persons Limitations and liability Insurance Force Majeure Default (Changes in cost and legislation = Notices Disputes and arbitration Law and procedure. 4.3.2 Supplementary general conditions 4.3.3 Special conditions 4.3.4 Special labour conditions 4.4 Issuance of tender documents The request for tender should be issued to tenderers by transmittal leter. The letter should briefly introduce the owner's objective and 12 describe the time and location for submittal of Is. 4.5 Evaluation and award of contract Tenders received in response to th tender must be carefully evaluated. In particular the following aspects should be considered: Verification of qualification to provide OMT Services juest for Responsiveness to the request for tender and evaluation of qualifications and omissions Qualifications of personnel who will perform OMT Services Pricing basis for OMT Serv It is important that all tenders be evaluated on a comparable basis so that the most responsive tender is identified. Negotiations should be conducted with the tender organisation evaluated as the most responsive to clarify any and resolve any exceptions, qualifications, variations ot omissions. ‘uncertainty About FIDIC FIDIC is the international federation of national associations of independent consulting engineers who comply with FIDIC’s code on professional status, jependence and competence FIDIC was founded in 1913 by four nation associations of independent consulting engincers within Europe, Today FIDIC membership ‘numbers 50 countries from all parts of the globe and the Federation represents most of the independent consulting engineers in the world. Acknowledgements The Executive Committee of FIDIC wi acknowledge the efforts of the Operatic Maintenance and Training Task Committee (OMTTC) in the production of this document The extraordinary input of time and energy by Allen Acheson of Black & Veatch Intemational, Chairman of OMTTC, is especially appreciated. Thanks also go to Sandi Rhys Jones for her editing of the text. First published by Federation Intemationale des Ingénieurs-Consels (FIDIC) PO Box 86 CH 1000 Lausanne 2-Chailly Switz Telephone: +41 21 653 5003 Produced for FIDIC by Rhyslones Consultants London, UK nd

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