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DS e en) Gales 48-11 DOr trent ta eee et PC eae n 0) Gerkdtemarte ate) Sd ASCE STANDARD ASCE/SEI 48-11 American Society of Civil Engineers Design of Steel Transmission Pole Structures ASCE/SEI 48-11 ‘This document uses both the International System of Units (SI) and customary units STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING INSTITUTE | RECAN SOOTY OF OM ENGINES Published by the American Society of Civil Engineers brary of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Design of steel transmission pole structures: standard 48-11 (ASCE standard) “ASCESE! 48-11” “sphis document uses both the International System of Units (SI) and customary units.” Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 978-0-7844-1181-0 (alk. paper) 1. Electric lines-Poles and towers-Design and construction. 1. American Society of Civil Engineers. ‘TK3242.D475 2011 621,319°22-4e23 2011031788 Published by American Society of Civil Engineers 1801 Alexander Bell Drive Reston, Vitginia 20191 www: pubs.asce org “This standard was developed by a consensus standards development process which has ‘been accredited by the American National Standards Institute (ANSD. Accreditation by [ANSI-a voluntary acereditation body representing public and private sector standards ‘evelopment organizations in the U.S. and abroad. signifies thatthe standards develop- ‘ment process used by ASCE has met the ANSI requirements for openness, balan consensus, and due process. While ASCE’s process is designed to promote standards that reflect fair and reasoned consensus among all interested partieipants, while preserving the public health, safety. ‘and welfare that is paramount to its mission, it has not made an independent assessment ‘of and dacs nat warrant the accuracy, completeness, suitability, or utility of any infor= ‘mation, apparatus, product, or process discussed herein. ASCE does not intend, nor should anyone interpret, ASCE's standards to replace the sound judgment of a com petent professional, having knowledge and experience in the appropriate fild(s) of practice, nor to substitute for the standand of care required of stich professionals in Interpreting and applying the contents of this standard. [ASCE has no authority to enforce compliance with its standards and does not undertake to cenify products for compliance or to render any professional services to any person or entity. [ASCE disclaims any and all liability for any personal injury. property damage. financial foss or other damages of any nature whatsoever, including without limitation any direct, indirect, special, exemplary, or consequential damages, resulting from any pefson’s use of, or reliance on, this standard, Any individual who relics on this standard assumes full responsibility for such use. ‘ASCE and American Society of Civil Engineers—Registered in U.S, Patent and ‘Trademark Office. Photocopies and reprints. You can obtain instant permission to photocopy ASCE pub- Tications by using ASCE’s online permission service (hp://pubs.asce.ofg/permissions! requests). Requests for 100 copies or more should be submitted to the Reprints Department, Publications Division, ASCE (address above); e-mail: permissions @asce ‘org. A eprint order form can be found at Copyright © 2012 by the American Society of Civil Engineers. Al Rights Reserved. ISBN 978-0-7844-1181-0 Manufactured in the United States of America, 18171615 14131212345 STANDARDS [iy 2006, the Board of Direction approved the revision to the ASCE Rules for Standards Committees to gover the writing ‘and maintenance of standards developed by the Society. All such ndards are developed by a consensus standards process managed by the Society’s Codes and Standards Committee (CSC). The consensus process includes balloting by a balanced standards committee made up of Society members and nonmem- bers, balloting by the membership ofthe Society as a whole, and. balloting by the public. All standards are updated or reaffirmed by the same process at intervals not exceeding five yet ‘The following standards have been issued! ANSWASCE 1-82.N-725 Guideline for Design and Analysis of Nuclear Safety Related Earth Structures ASCE/EWRI 2-06 Measurement of Oxygen Transfer in Clean ‘Water ANSVASCE 3-91 Standard for the Structural Design of Com- posite Slabs and ANSVASCE 9-91 Standard Practice for the Construction and Inspection of Composite Slabs ASCE 4-98 Seismic Analysis of Safety-Related Nuclear Structures Building Code Requirements for Masonry Structures (ACI S3O-OYASCE 5-02TMS 402-02) and _ Specifications for Masonry Structures (ACT 530.1-02/ASCE 6-02/TMS 602-02) ASCEISEI 7-10 Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures 'SEVASCE 8-02 Standard Specification for the Design of Cold- Formed Stainless Stee! Structural Members ANSVASCE 9.91 listed with ASCE 3-91 ASCE 10-97 Design of Latticed Steel Transmission Structures 'SEVASCE 11-99 Guideline for Structural Condition Assessment of Existing Buildings ASCE/EWRI 12-05 Guideline for the Design of Urban Subsur- face Drainage ASCE/EWRI 13-05 Standard Guidi Urban Subsurface Drainage ASCE/EWRI 14-05 Standard Guidelines for Operation and ‘Maintenance of Urban Subsurface Drainage ASCE 15-98 Standard Practice for Direct Design of Buried Precast Concrete Pipe Using Standard Installations (sIDD) ASCE. 16-95 Standard for Load Resistance Factor Design (LRFD) of Engineered Wood Construction ASCE 17-96 Ait-Supported Structures ‘ASCE 18-96 Standard Guidelines for In-Process Oxygen Trans- fer Testing ASCE/SEI 19-10 Structural Applications of Steel Cables for Buildings ASCE 20-96 Standard Guidelines forthe Design and Installation of Pile Foundations. ANSVASCE/T&DI 21-05 Automated People Mover Stan- ddards—Part 1 ANSVASCE/T&DI 21.2-08 Automated People Mover Stan- ddards—Part 2 ANSVASCE/T&DI 21.308 Automated People Mover Stan- ddards—Part 3 1s for Installation of ANSVASCE/T&DI 214-08 Automated Psople Mover Stan dard—Par 4 SEVASCE 25.97 Speciation for Stara Stst Beams with Web Openings ASCEISEN 24.03 Flood Resistant Design and Construction ASCEISEL 25-06 Earquake-Actuned Avlomatie Gas Shull Devies ASCE 26:97 Standard Practice Concrete Box Sextions ASCE 2700 Standard Practice for Direct Design of Precast ‘Concrete Pipe for Jacking in Trenchless Construction ASCE 25:00 Standard Practice for Dine Design of Precast ‘Grane Box Secions for” Jacking in Trenchless Constnesion ASCEISEUSFPE 29-05 Standard Caeulaton Methods for St: tual Fite Potton SEUASCE 30°00 Guldlie for Condition Assessment of the Baling Envelope SEVASCE 11-03 Seismic Evaluation of Existing Buildings SEVASCE 3201 Dengn and Conran of Pex-Proected Stall Foundations EWRI/ASCE3-09 Comprehensive Trashoundary Irtmational Water Quality Management Agreement EWRVASCE 54-01 Standard Guelnes for Artiftal Recharge of Ground Water EWRIASCE 3501 Gidstns for Quality Assurance of nstaled Fine-Pre Aen Equipment CUASCE "36:01 "Sandan! Constction Guidelines for Mirounnsi SEVASCE "37-02 Design Construction CCVASCE 38-02 Standard Guideline for the Collection and Depiction of Existing Subsurface Ulty Data EWRITASCE 39-03 Standard Practice forthe Desig and Oper tion of Hail Suppression Projects ASCEIEWRI 40-04 Regulated Riparian Model Water Cole ASCEISEI 41-06 Seismic Rehabltation of Existing Buildings ASCT/EWRI 42.04 Standard Practice forthe Design and Opera- vr of Prepon Eaanzment Projects ASCESEI 4308 ‘Seime Design Criteria for Stcres, Stems, and Component in Nuclear Facies ASCEIEWRI #408 Standard Pract forthe Design and Oper von of Supercooled Pog Dispersal Projects ASCENT 4508: Siandard Guidelines for the Design of Urban Strmvaer Systems ASCEIEWRI 4605 Stanard Guidelines forthe Isallation of ‘ban Stormwater Systm ASCE/EWRI 47-05 Standard Guidlines fr the Operation and Maintenance of Uran Stomvater Systems ASCUSEN 48:11" Design "of "Stee! Transmission Pole Sreties ASCEIEWRI 50-08 Standart Guideline for Fiting Saturated Yiydralie. Conduetvity Using” Probability Density Pancios ASCDIEWRI 51-08 Standard Guidstine for Colelating the Telecine Satrated Hydraulic Conductivity ASCEIET 5210 Design Fbeglase-Reinoreed Pasi (FRP) stacks for Design of Buried Precast Loads on Structures during ie, Sreilltn ancy cae wo ees a ASCE/G-1 53-10 Compaction Grouting Consensus Guide ANSVASCE/EWRI 57-10 Guidelines for the Physical Security ASCE/EWRI 54-10 Standard Guideline for the Geostatistical ‘of Wastewater/Stormwater Utilities aera atand Bick Averaging of Homegencous and sctra- ASCE/T&DVACP] $8-10 Structural Design of, Tnerlocking pic Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity ‘Concrete Pavement for Municipal Streets and Roadways ASCE/SEI 35-10 Tensile Membrane Structures ‘ANSUASCE/EWRI 36-10 Guidelines for the Physical Security ‘of Water Utilities w eg es xy et rn, cee mene ve Seer, SSNS Patron onecnoweusarcoum Seen ager en EARL otorstestarane FOREWORD ‘This Standard includes commentary and appendices that are Fimished as supplemental information, ‘The commentary and appendices afe not mandatory. Fictore the initial publication of this Standard in 2005, most clectric transmission design professionals used ASCE’s Eny necting Manual and Report on Engincering Practice No. 72, titled Design of Steel Transmission Pole Structures, 2s their primary reference for providing a uniform basis for designing. fabricating, testing, assembling, and erecting steel transmission pole structures. The second edition of Manual 72 served as the primary resource document for the development of the original Rersion of this Standard, ASCE. 48.05. This book is the first Design of Stee! Tr jemission Pole Structures Enea wenn srs tee em revision to this Standard and is intended to replace ASCE 48-05 in its entire ‘This Standard has been prepared in accordance with recog nized engineering principles and should not be used without the ticer’s competent knowledge for a given application. The publi tation of this Standard by ASCE is not intended asa warrant that the information contained herein is suitable for any general oF specific use, and the Society takes no position with regard to the validity of patent rights, Users are advised thatthe determination OF patent fights or risk of infringement is entirely their own responsibility SS ee ww This page intentionally left blank erento Sey ta etre nae Uirgeetain waco pene a bre hom Sle ‘This Standard was prepared through the consensus standards process by sand Standards Committee. Those individuals who serve on the Des Gary F. Bowles, PLE, David G. Brinker, PE. Michael D. Brown, PE. Jerry G. Crawford, PE. Dana R. Crissey, PE, Martin L. de la Rosa, PE. Joe! G. Dembowski David Endorf, P Michael R. Gall, PE, Lewis H. Grant, PE. Nicholas Grossenbach, PE. Bobby G. Hagler, PE. James A Hamraie, PE. Henry W. Ho, PE. ‘Magdi F. Ishac, Ph.D., Png Leon Kempner, Jr, Ph.D. PE. Massoud Khavari, PE. Fred H. Kulhawy, Ph.D., PE,, GE. Design of Stee! Transmission Pole Structures COMMITTEE ROSTER balloting in compliance with procedures of the ASCE Code ‘of Stecl Transmission Pole Structures Standards Committee Brian Lacoursiere, PEng. Paul M. Legrand Il, PE. uo J. Lynch, PE. William L. Magee, PE., Vice-Chair ‘Terry C, MeAnnally, PE. William B. Mills, PE, Michael R. Morel. PE. George E. Murray 5 David Nahlen, PE. Robert E. Nickerson, PE. Garold D. Oberlender, Ph. Robert L, Patterson, P.E. Ronald E. Randle, PE., Chair Pedram Sadr, PE. Majed J. Saleh Randall L. Samson. Pl PE. PE. Karnik M. Seferian, PE. Kenneth L. Sharpless, PE. Marlon W. Vogt, PE. Seeretary Sinn Walker, PE. This page intentionally left blank SSH eRanen pcrovemnrcon™ cong INTRODUCTION ‘The Design of Steel Transmission Pole Structures Standard applies to cold-formed single- and multiple-pole tubular stec! Structies that support overhead electrical transmission Tines. Design parameters are applicable to guyed and self-supporting structures using a variety of foundation types, including conerete ccaissons, steel piling, and direct embedment. The Standard out- Tines key criteria that must be considered inthe structural design, deuiling, fabrication, testing, assembly, and erection of these structures. This Standard is a revision of ASCE/SEI 48-05 and provides some revisions to formulas based on other current Industry standards, In addition, the Standard includes a detailed ‘commentary and appendices with explanatory and supplemen= tary information designed to provide the user with clarification and reference information. Design of Steet Transmission Pole Structures. [ererasson wnonanng pened iho ae Ro ‘The information presented has been prepared in accordance with established engineering principles using state-of-the-art jnformation and is intended for general information. Whereas every effort hax been made to ensure its accuracy, the informa: tion should not be relied upon for any specific application {without the consultation of a competent engineer to determine its suitability. Nothing in the Standard shall be construed to alter for subvert the requitements of any existing code or authority having jurisdiction over the faci. Furthermore, alternate tethods and materials to those herein indicated may be used, provided thatthe engineer can demonstrate their suitability 10 all agencies and authorities. Soe meekens ern This page intentionally left blank ‘moe onthe ene SSENTE Pty: onecronguecconme 1 Scope: 2 Applicable Documents... 3 Definitions 4 Leading, Geometry, and Analysis Introduction Ps Loading... 42.1” Pactored Design 423 Load Expression. sense 42.2 Loading Considerations. CONTENTS 43 ‘Geometric Configurations 43.1 Configuration Considerations 43.2 Structure Types . 44 Methods of Analysis. . 44.1 Structural Analysis Methods 44.2 Analysis of Connections 43 Additional Considerations p 45.1 Structural Support 45.2 Design Restrictions 45.3 Climbing and Maintenance Provisions 434 Pre-engincered Steel Poles (“Wood Pole Equivalents”) 5 Design of Members Sa Introduction 32 Members... . 3.2.1 Materials 32.1 ‘Specifications Material Properties. Energy-Impact Properties 522 Tension . 5.23 Compression 5.23.1 Truss Members 52.3.2 Beam Members. 5.24 Shear. 525 Bending 7 5.26 Combined Stresses 53 Guys 5.3.1 Material Propetos 532 Tension 34 ‘Test Verification . 6 Design of Connectio 61 Introduction lillies eee eee eee e eect eens 62 Bolted and Pinned Connections. 62.1 Materials. 622 Shear Suess in Bearing Connections 62.3. Bolts Subject Tension 624 Bolts Subject to Combined Shear and Tension Design of Steel Transmission Pole Structures, Bearing Stress in Bolted Connections ‘Minium Edge Distanees and Bolt Spacing for Bolted Connections Bearing Stress in Pinned Connections ae # 628 Minimum Edge Distances for Pinned Connections 4 629 Connection Elements and Members 14 Welded Conn 14 63.1 Material Properties 3 4 632 Effective area. : 4 633 Design Stresses 5 63.31 Through-Thickness Stress 5 Circumferential Welded Splice. 15 Flange and Base Plate to Pole Shaft Welds. 15 Teloints : 15 64 Field Connections of Members : ae 64.1 Slip Joints 15 $42 Base and Flange Plate Connections 16 63 Test Verification 16 7 Detailing and Fabrication 7 uM Detailing. : 7 TAA Drawings * 7 71.2 Drawing Review. . bee Ui 713 Erection Drawings, 7 714 Shop Detail Drawings 7 714. Material, 0 7.142 Dimensions and Tolerances . « 7 7143 Welding. 7 714 Comrosion and P 7 7145 Other Requirements. . 7 72 Fabrication Sosa z 7 721 Materi 0 722 Material Preparation. 7 722.1 Cutting - 7 7222 Forming. - - 7 7223 Holes 7 72.2.4 Identification « 7 723 Welding . 7 8 Testing at 19 81 introduction 19 82 Foundations . - 19 83 Material 19 84 Fabrication... : 9 33 Strain Measurements . 9 86 Assembly and Erection 19 87 Test Loads 19 8S Load Application 19 89 Loading Procedure 19 8.10 Load Measuremet “ anne 19 81 Deflections poeernel eh 19 B12 Failures 19 S13 Post-Test inspection 19 8.14 Disposition of Prototype. « « 9 B15 Report 19 9 Structural Members and Connections Used in Foundations ‘i a4 81 Introduction : ast 2 9.2 General Con 24 93 Anchor Bolts 21 93.1 Bolts Subject to Tension am 932 Shear Suess... « 21 933 Combined Shear and Tension 2 934 Development Length . 2 94 Direct-Embedded Poles . 2 contents ini 9s Embedded Casings 96 “Test Verification 10 Quality Assurance/Quality Control ToL Iniroduction 102 Quality Assurance {02.1 Design and Drawings 10.22 Materials. . . 1023 Welding 10.2.4 Nondestructive Testing 10.25 Tolerances 10.26 Surface Coatings 102.7 _ Shipping. . 10.3 Quality Control YO3.1 Materials... 10.3.2 Visual Inspection 1033 Dimer Iapestin 3 Ta Surface Coating spect B 1033 Weld tnt 3 1036 Shipment and Storage x 11 Assembly and Erection x Tr arodton 3 12 Hanging 3 13 Single Scr. % Tat sip aime 3 132 Bole ange iin : Fy 133 Attachments to Pale Secon 3 34 Ect of Assombl Sites 3 4 Pamecfypesimcties nee 3 Tra Spins in ames % 42 Brecon 3 1143 Bold Fare Conestins 3 113 Inlaion on Fount 3 Tern” Ancor Boland Rae Ps Islan s ea, Recrumieaied ies steuvaeiqieoeccesaserense % Te aad 7 peeeaeereeeoreei einen eeatean eee tes Tat Gi Ansior Loeaon ee oer 182 Gay lnaalason see soc s jee orate Wit? puseeoie Peed eta ee bins ceevoresa= ee Tait tpecon 5 : aocdanee eee pa 122 Genmting 22 2ILIIS : : 3 N33 Coating Repsie | eee ae ee NG Uno Ame 2200S oe uns as N73 Hardware anton © 20000020IIN eel % COMMENTARY RRaAreRSRRIANAE-SeprensDrinern ses btaa ase rete CH Loating, Gromer ad Analysis. » Peak Hee cient oe enc een ee ae) C821 Facto Design Lon cee po 3 AB) Casing Coeddewibas:.tss cz csasetun ob C223 Lond Eyresion : fog > 43 Gao Contato ; ete 3 Catt compute Cons poche elas » C432 Smeure hyper ness ; een » cha ethos of Ana. ; peers aaa See curl Anais Metods © ee 0 C45 Addons Considerations ; seen x CAST Seti Sapp a : : m sign f Sel Tranemisslon Poe Structures ro a ia C452 Design Restrictions 31 C453 Climbing and Maintenance Provisions 31 C454 Pre-engincered Steel Poles (“Wood Pole Equivalents”) 31 CS Design of Members = 5.1 Introduction 7 aoe C52 Members Sea 3 C521 Materials ane 33 C52.1.1 Specifications 3 7 a 33 C5212 Material Properties 5 iain aoe 33 52.13 Bnergy-lmpactPropeis «++ bist 7 ¢ aes “Tension ch ect ‘ 33 Compression. =. . Sn oh elt ces ee cS SIRI Truss Members... a Hecate f nn 33 5.2.32 Beam Members. . « RenENeET it ie 34 C524, Shotts wn erctsies eran feeble Sarna nes 36 C525 Bending. - - 7 ar 36 5.2.6 Combined Suesses - - 36 C53 Guys. - 36 cs. Macial Properies 36 C532 Tension « 36 References 36 C6 Design of Connections. 39 C61 Introduction « . ) €6.2 Bolted and Pinned Connections i 29 6.2.1 Materials, aerial ajar Oo oI aes 9 Shear Stress in Bearing Connections eeecaersn 39 Bolts Subject to Tension 39 Bearing Stress in Bolted Connections 39 Minium Edge Distances and Bolt Spacing for Bolied Connections |<... = 29 Bearing Sirss in Pinned Connections 2 Minimum Edge Distances for Pinned Connections. 40 Connection Elements and Members 40 €63 Welded Connections i 40 C633 Design Stresses 7 7 pia ea abetateboets 40 C6331 Through-Thickness Stress ee elt 40 C64 Field Connections of Members... - Lt ekiguaiornsiond=rre 40 C641 Slip Joints... « a eee aac eee er) C642 Base and Fange Plate Comectons ‘ sania hi APS 41 6.5 Test Verification... ct a cern rinae tke HAL C7 Detailing and Fabrication... ss os s+ 7 - Teceeceep a cit : een anor 6 Drawings 6 C712 Drawing Review. 8 C713 Erection Drawings. «=. ‘ 7 taenenre B C714 — Shop Detail Drawings. wal saeuse 7 7 4B 7.1.42 Dimensions and Tolerances nase oae 7 a G11 Comosion and Finish Considerations ‘ . min taiaal a CLiAS OherRequnens ish tas B C12 Fabrication... ‘ oe ae a C721 Material =. a ot Dl 3 C72. Material Preparation a 7 z . B C7221 Cutting... 3 e Forming. Masada O a ©7233 Holes 7 " alerted ae “4 Identification i : 7 se 44 i “4 xv Contents Seam attra ee SSRIS SB onacnowgnscreonm Rea City mtn es tes Raamasearsieso te CS Testing C81 Introduction CS2 Foundations C33 Material C34 Fabrication CSS Strain Measurements 86 Assembly and Erection C37 Test Loads... « C88 Load Application - C89 Loading Procedure. 8.10 Load Measurement». C811 Deflections C812 Failures. C813 Post-Test Inspection C814 Dispostion of Prototype. 8.13 Report 7 C9 Structural Members and Connections Used in Foundations . 9.1 Introduction 9.2. General Considerations 93 Anchor Bolts. . ©9233 Combined Shear and Tension. C9.34_—_Development Length 9.4 Direct-Embedded Poles 9.5 Embedded Casings. . . . 10. Quality Asurance/Quaity Contal «=» C101 troduction... eee C102 — Quality Assurance os... C1021 Design and Drawings . C1024 Nondestructive Testing C1025 Tolerances. . 102.6 Surface Coatings C1027 Shipping. C103 Quality Control. C1031 Materials 10.33. Dimensional inspection €103.4 Surface Coating Inspection COS Weld Inspection % €10.3.6 Shipment and Storage. CH Assembly and Erection... CHA Tmroduction Cu2 Handling z CH3— Single-Poie Structures, CILZ1 Slip Joints “ C1132 Bolted Flange Joints, « CILZ3 Attachments to Pole Sections ClL34_ Erection of Assembled Structures. Cis Frame-Type Structures. Cis Ci42 Erection CHS Installation on Foundation... « spk ClLSA Anchor Bolt and Base Plate Installation - C1152 Direct-Embedded Poles ci6 — Guying - ; C1I.6.1 ” Guy Anchor Location C1162 Guy Installation CH Posierection Procedures C171 Inspection CHL72 Grounding C1173 Coating Repair C74 Unloaded Arms CHL7S Hardware Installation Design of Steel Transmission Pole Structures Seen Appendix I Notations Appendix II Properties of Various Tubular Sections Notation for Appendix I Appendix Ill Horizontal Testing . “Test Equipment. : ‘Test Procedure for Pole Test. Appendix IV Headed Anchor Bolts Development Length, Background . Appendix V Assembly and Erection. « Introduction. 7 Helicopter Erection : sae In-Service Structure Maintenance and Inspection. Wind-Induced Vibration . eral Appendix VI Shati-to-Foundation Connection Base Plates—Analysis Considerations Caleulation of Anchor Bolt Load... « Appendix: VII Corrosion Protection and Finish Considerations. Introduction . sk Corrosion Mechanisms. Corrosion Protection and Finish Options Paint and Coating Systems Above-Grade Protection. Below-Grade Protection. Surface Preparation . ‘Application Inspection... us Paint of Coating Over Galvanizing Galvanizing... Protection Provided... . « Appearance... -. Special Design Considerations Application . Repair Weathering Steel Metalizing References [Appendix VIII Arm-io-Shaft Connection Analysis Considerations . ‘General Load, Dimension, and Material Specifications INDEX... . . a 63 6 63 65 65 0 67 67 67 67 288 R B B B ” 8 4 4 "4 ” “ 5 8B 6 16 n 8 81 81 83 Contents Chapter 1 SCOPE Design of Steel Transmission Pole Structures specifies require- iments forthe design. fabrication, testing. assembly, and erection fof cold-formed tubular members and connections for steel lecirical transmission pole structures. Structure components (members. connections, guys) are selected to resist factored diesign loads at stresses approaching yielding, buckling, fracture, or any other limiting condition specified in this standard. Dis- Lribution, substalion, communication, and railroad electri traction structures are not ineluded within the scope of this siandard ‘Before the initial publication of this standard in 2005, most cleciric wansmission design professionals used ASCE's Engi neering Manual and Report on Engineering Practice No. 72titled Design of Steel Transmission Pole Structures Satara be ee ace Design of Steel Transmission Pole Structures as theit primary reference for providing a uniform basis for designing, fabricat~ ing, testing, assembling, and erecting steel transmission pole structures, The second edition of Manual 72 served as the primary resource document for the development of the original version ofthis standard, ASCE 48-05. This document is the first revision to this standard and is intended to replace ASCE 48-05 in its emtirey. Units of measurement herein are expressed first in English units followed by the Systems Intemational (SI) units in paren- theses. Formulae are based on English units, and, thus, some Formulae require a conversion factor to use ST units. The appro- priate conversion factor is given afer each formula. SSESES phen pecnonanscicoure This page intentionally left blank ‘Sumer comes se, SEMEE SERn oaecnonavscrconm Chapter 2 APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS The following standards are re snced in this document [Ameriean Society of Civil Engincers (ASCE): ASCE World Headquarters 1801 Alexander Bell Drive Reston, VA 20191-4400 ASCE 10-97 Design of Latticed Stee! Transmission Structures ASTM Intemational (ASTM) Standards: ASTM International 100 Barr Harbor Drive PO, Box C700 ‘West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959 ww, AGIAGM-09 Standard Specification for General Requirements for Rolled Structural Steel Bars, Plates, Shapes. and Sheet Piling A36/A36M-O8 Standard. Specification for Carbon Structural Si AIZ3AI23M-09 Standard Specification for Zine (Hot-Dip Galvanized) Coatings on Iron and Stee! Products AI4VA143M-07 Standard Practice for Safeguarding Against Embrittement of Hot-Dip Galvanized Structural Steel Products and Procedure for Detecting Embrittlement AISVAIS3M-09 Standard. Specification for Zine Coating (Hot-Dip) on Iron and Steel Hardware AI9¥A193M-09 Standard Specification for Alloy-Steel and ‘Stainless Steel Bolting Materials for High-Temperature A307-07b Standard Specification for Carbon Stee! Bolts and ‘Studs, 60,000 psi Tensile Strength 325-09. Standard Specification for Structural Bolts, Steet, Heat Treated, 120/105 ksi Minimum Tensile Strength '5M-09 Standard Specification for Structural Bolts, Steel eat Treated 830 MPa Minimum ‘Tensile Strength [Meuic} A354-07n Standard Specification for Quenched and Tempered Alloy Steel Bolts, Studs, and Other Externally Threaded Fasteners 4370-10 Standard Test Methods and Definitions for Mechanical “Testing of Steel Products 385-09 Standard Practice for Providing High-Quality Zine ‘Coatings (Hot-Dip) 394-08 Standard Specification for Steel Transmission Tower Bolts, Zinc-Coated and Bare 4449.07b Standard Specification for Quenched and Tempered ‘Steel Bolts and Studs 475-03 Standard Specification for Zine-Coated Stee! Wire Strand ‘A490-08b Standard Speci ‘Steel, Heat Treated. 150 ksi Minimum Tensi tion for Structural Bolts, Alloy Strength Design of Steel Transmission Pole Structures |A490M-09 Standard Specification for High-Strength Stcel Bolts, ‘Classes 10.9 and 10.9.3, for Structural Steel Joints {Metric} ‘AS29/AS29M-05. Standard Specification for High-Strength ‘Carbon-Manganese Stes! of Structural Quality 'A563-07a Standard Specification for Carbon and Alloy Steel Nuts 'A563M-07 Standard Specification for Carbon and Alloy Steel Nuts (Metric) ASOR/AS6BM-09 Standard Specification for Steel, Sheet, ‘Carbon, and High-Strength, Low-Alloy, Hot-Rolled and Cold- Rolled General Requirements for ASTYASTIM-O7 Standard Specification for High-Strength ‘Low-Alloy Columbium-Vanadium Structural Steet AS88/AS88M-05 Standard Specification for High-Strength ‘Low-Alloy Structural Steel with 50 ksi (345 MPa} Minimum Yield Point to 4 in. (100 mm] Thick ‘AS95/A595M-06 Standard Specification for Stecl Tubes, Low- Carbon, Tapered for Structural Use ‘AGDB/AGOGM-09 Standard Specification for Steel, Sheet and ‘Strip, High-Strength, Low-Alloy, Hot-Rolled and Cold- Rolled, with Improved Atmospheric Corrosion Resistance: A615/A615M-09 Standard Specification for Deformed and Plain Billet-Steel Bars for Concrete Reinforcement ‘A633/A633M-01 (2006) Standard Specification for Normalized High-Strength Low-Alloy Structural Stee! Plates AGT/AGTIM-07 Standard Specification for Sampling Proce dure for Impact Testing of Structural Steel ‘A780/A780M-09 Standard Practice for Repair of Damaged and Uncoated Areas of Hot-Dip Galvanized Coatings ASTI/AS7IM-03 (2007) Standard Specification for High- ‘Strength Low-Alloy Structural Steel Plate with Atmospheric Corrosion Resistance AJOI/AIOIIM-10 Standard Specification for Steel, Sheet and Strip. Hot-Rolled, Carbon, Structural, High-Strength Low- ‘Alley, High-Strength Low-Alloy with Improved Formability. ‘and Ultrachigh Strength 416-98 (2007) Standard Specification for Concentric-Lay- ‘Stranded Aluminum-Clad Steel Conductors 165-09 Standard Test Method for Liquid Penetrant Examination £70908 Standard Guide for Magnetic Panicle Exami ‘American Welding Society (AWS) Standards: ‘American Welding Society '550 N.W. Leleune Road Miami, FL 33126 ww [AWS BI.10 1999 Guide for Nondestructive Inspection of Welds [AWS C2.18-93R Guide for the Protection of Stee! with Thermal Sprayed Coatings of Aluminum and Zine and Their Alloys and Composites AWS DI-1/D1.1M-2008 Structural Welding Code Steel ‘Seay sitnarntenae ence Sa eae eon AWS QCI Inspectors 007 Standard for AWS Cenification of Welding American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC): American Institute of Steel Constriction ‘One East Wacker Drive, Suite 700 Chicago. IL 60601-1802 Series cree ace ‘centr gta ie ei ANSI/AISC Structural Steel Buildings 360-05 Specification for Research Council on Structural Connections: ‘The Research Council on Structural Connections. RCSC—Specification for Structural Joints Using ASTM A325 ‘or A490 Bolts ‘ASCE 48-11 SAME Bitte oneenonasticou Chapter 3 DEFINITIONS AEOLIAN VIBRATION. High-frequency, low amplitude vibration generated by a low-velocity steady wind blowing across the conductor or structural member. BLAST CLEANING. Cleaning and descaling of a steel object using peening action of shot, sand, or abrasive powder under high pressure CAMBER (or PRECAMBER). Pole curvature, induced in fab- ‘ication, used to counteract predetermined pole deflection, Sueh that the pole will appear straight under a specified load condition. CIRCUMFERENTIAL WELD. A weld joint directionally per pendicularto the long axis ofa structural member, Commonly Used to join two closed-section shapes of a common diameter, COMPLETE FUSION. Fusion that has occurred over the entire base metal surface intended for welding and between all adjoining weld beads, COMPLETE JOINT PENETRATION. A penetration by weld metal for the full thickness of the base metal in a joint with a groove weld CORROSION COLLAR. See GROUND SLEEVE. TRESS. The maximum permitted stress in a given ‘ember DIRECT-EMBEDDED POLE, A structure in which the lower section is extended below groundiine a predetermined distance. EDGE DISTANCE. The distance between the center of a ‘connection hole and the edge of the plate or member. FABRICATOR. The party responsible forthe fabrication of the steel pole structure. FACTORED DESIGN LOADS. Unfactored loads multiplied by a specified load factor to establish the design load on @ structure. FAYING SURFACES. The contacting surfaces of two joined members. ION. ‘The melting together of filler metal and base metal {substrate), oF of base metal only, to produce a weld. LOPING VIBRATION. Low-frequency, large-amplitude ‘bration that occurs when a steady wind of moderate velocity hhlows over a condiictor covered by a layer of ice deposited by freezing rain, mist, or slet. GROUND SLEEVE (or CORROSION COLLAR). A stecl jacket that eneapsulates a portion of a direct-embedded pote immediately above and below the groundline. LAMELLAR TRARING, Separation in highly restrained base metal eaused by through-thickness strains induced by shrink age of the adjacent weld metal LINE DESIGNER. An agent of the owner who is responsible for the design of the proposed transmission line. LOAD FACTOR (or OVERLOAD FACTOR). A multiplier used with the assumed loading condition or unfaetored Toad to establish the factored design load. Fl G Design of Steel Transmission Pole Structures LOCAL BUCKLING, Iniroduction of a series of waves oF ‘wrinkles in one oF more elements of a column section or on the compressive side of a beam section because ofthe inability fof the section to resist the compressive stress in its current geometric shape. LOOSELY BOLTED. Bolted connections in which the nuts are ‘drawn into contact with the mating surface without being tightened with tools. OVERLOAD FACTOR. See LOAD FACTOR, OWNER. The owner of the proposed transmission line oF the ‘owner's designated representative, who may be a consulting, tengineer, general contractor, or other entity PRECAMBER. See CAMBER. RAKE. The amount of horizontal pole top displacement ereated by installing a pole tilted out of plumb. Itis used to counteract predetermined pole deflection such that the pole will appear plumb under a specified load condition. SECURITY LOAD. A design load used to decrease the risk of ‘a cascading type line failure. Loads that could cause cascading Could be weather-related or accident-related resulting from ‘broken conductors, components, of failed structures SHIELD WIRE, Wire insialled above the conductors for Hight- ‘ning protection and fault current return. Other terms used are Overhead ground wire, static wite, and optical ground wire (OPGW). ‘SHOP DETAIL DRAWINGS. Drawings that are usually pre jared by the fabricator and that contain complete and detailed Information necessary for the fabrication of the structure and ‘components. SLIP JOINT (or SLIP SPLICE). A telescoping type connec tion of two tapered tubular pole sections. SNUG-TIGHT. Tightness obtained manually through the full tffon of a worker using an ordinary spud wrench or as ‘obtained through a few impacts of an impact wrench. STABILITY. The ability of a structure or member to support & given Toad without experiencing a sudden change i configuration. STRUCTURE DESIGNER. The party responsible for the design of the structure, May be an agent of the owner oF fabricator. ‘BJOINTS. A joint between two members located approxi- ‘mately at right angles to each other in the form ofa letter T. ‘TEST ENGINEER. The person assigned overall responsibility for a structure test ‘THROUGH-THICKNESS STRESS. Tensile stresses through the thickness of the plate that can cause failure parallel to the plate or tube surface. ‘TRUSS MEMBER. Member designed to carry only axial force, a This page intentionally left blank Suhre, Sree seman onan omecrongusat comms ‘tacoma smart tom Snvaseamonscnore Chapter 4 LOADING, GEOMETRY, AND ANALYSIS 4.1. INTRODUCTION ‘This section details the minimum basic information that the ‘Owner shall provide in a writen specification to enable the Structure Designer to design the structure. This section also eta the methods of analysis that shall be used by the Structure Designer to design the structure 4.2 LOADING 4.2.1 Factored Design Loads. Factored design loads shall be determined by the Owner and included in the design specifica- tion, drawings, or documents, 4.22 Loading Considerations. The development of factored ‘design loads shall consider the following: |. Conductor and shield wire properties, 2. Minimum legislated loads, 3. Historical climatic conditions. 4 Structute orientation, ‘5. Construction and maintenance operations, 6, Line seeurity provisions, and 7. Unique loading situations. 4.2.3 Load Expression, Factored design loads shall be speci- fied by the Owner and shall be expressed in the form of load {res or in tabular form. Factored design Toads shall include the magnitude, direction, and point of application with respect single orthogonal coordinate system. 4.3. GEOMETRIC CONFIGURATIONS 4.3.1 Configuration Considerations. Tubular sicel pole struc tures shall be designed with geometric configurations that are based on electrical, ezonomic, and safety requirements specified by the Owner 4.32 Structure Types. Tubular steel pole structures shall be designed as either self-supporting or guyed structures as spec fied by the Owner, 4.4 METHODS OF ANALYSIS “The Structure Designer shall use established principles of struc tural analysis to determine the forces and moments caused by the factored design loads, Design of Stool Transmission Pole Structures 441 Structural Analysis Methods. The Structure Designer ‘Shall use geometrically nonlinear elastic siress analysis methods, 4.42 Analysis of Connections. The Structure Designer shall bbe responsible for the analysis of all connections. This analysis shall be substantiated by stress calculations or by test results 4.5 ADDITIONAL CONSIDERATIONS 4.5.1 Structural Support. The Owner shall specify the type ‘and degree of support provided by foundations or guys that will the used with the installed structure. Additional requirements regarding foundations appear in Section 9.2 4.5.2 Design Restrictions, The Owner shall specify design restrictions, including shipping length, shipping weight, diame- ter, taper, deflection, finish, shafl-to-shaft connection type, foundation type, and guy altachment and anchor location if applicable. 4.53 Climbing and Maintenance Provisions. The Owner shail specify the types and positions of climbing and mainte- hance apparatus. This includes information concerning ladder oF Step attachment devices, grounding connection provisions, and “hot line” maintenance equipment attachment details, where applicable. 4.54 Pre-engineeredd Steel Poles (“Wood Pole Equivalents”). The term "wood pole equivalents” shall not be used to specify pre-engineered steel poles. Pre-engineered stect poles shall be elected in accordance with the requirements of this Standard ‘and therefore shall not be selected solely based on wood pole Classification. The Owner and/or Line Designer shall be respon Sible for determining the applicable loads and loading criteria, ‘geometric configuration, type and degree of structural suppor’, land any design restrictions, as well as any other required design for performance characteristics for pre-engineered steel poles, When a pre-engineered stee! pole is specified without providing Toads, the Owner and/or Line Designer shall be responsible for determining thatthe pole and all other structural components and tachments are adequate forthe intended use and loads. Chapter 5 DESIGN OF MEMBERS 5.1. INTRODUCTION ‘The design stresses for members shall be based on ultimate strength methods using factored design loads. 5.2 MEMBERS “This section contains riteria for determining design stress levels in tubular members and in truss members. Ground sleeves shall not be considered as structural members in the design. 5.2.1 Materials. Specifications. Matcrials conforming to the following, 'ASTM specifications are suitable for use under this standard: ASTM A3G/A36M, Standard Specification for Carbon Structural Steel; ASTM. AS29/AS29M, Standard Specification for High- ‘Strength Carbon-Manganese Steel of Structural Quality: ASTM ASTQ/AS72M, Standard Specification for High- Strength Low-Alloy Columbium-Vanadium Structural Steel: ASTM AS88/AS88M, Standard Specification for High- Strength Low-Alloy Strucuural Steel with 50 ksi (345 MPa) Minimum Yield Point to 4-in. (100 mm) Thick; ASTM AS95, Standard Specification for Steel Tubes, Low- ‘Carbon, Tapered for Structural Use; ASTM A606, Standard Specification for Steel, Sheet and Sirip, High-Strength, Low-Alloy, Hot-Rolled, and Cold~ Rolled, with Improved Atmospheric Corrosion Resistance: ASTM AG33/A633M, Standard Specification for Normalized High-Strength Low-Alloy Structural Stee! Plates: ASTM ASTI/A87IM, Standard Specification for High- Strength Low-Alloy Structural Stel Plate with Atmospheric Corrosion Resistance: and ASTM AIOIIAIOIIM, Standard Specification for Stel ‘Sheet and Strip, Hot-Rolled, Carbon, Structural, Hi ‘Strength Low Alloy, and High-Strength Low Alloy with Improved Formabiliy. ‘This listing of suitable steels does not exclude the use of other be determined in accordance with the Charpy V-notch test described in ASTM A370 and, at a minimum, shall meet the requirements of 15 {1b (20 J) absorbed energy at a emperanare ‘of -20°F (-29°C), Absorbed energy requirements for subsize test specimens shall be in avcordance with ASTM A370 and A673. For all plate and coil materials of any thickness. heatot testing shall be used unless specified differently by the Owner. ‘Tension, The tensile stress shall not exceed either of the following: Pp Ss where F a or Pp sr where 183, sh a \where P = axial tension force on member; ‘Ay = gross cross-sectional area: tensile stress permitted: specified minimum yield stress: ‘A, = net eross-seetional area; and = specified minimum tensile stress. 5.23 Compression, Members subjected to compressive forces shall be checked for general stability and local buckling. The those permitted in the fol- lowing sections, 5.23.1 ‘Truss Members. For truss members with @ uniform Closed cross section, the actual compressive stress . shall not fexceed the compressive stress permitted, F,. as deiermined by the following: = sical tha conform tthe chemieal and mechanical properties of 64.524) ‘one ofthe listed specications or other published specifications. Sthich establish the properties and suitability ofthe materials. Ax Tininimum, material shall meet the requirements of ASTM AG 575) ‘or ASTM A568, as applicable, canal 1.2 Material Properties. The yield stress, F. and the sigue one peal aoe a A Jantbs te spocifed mielmom vales epee ee eee timed according 10 the appropriate ASTM specification. The a ee ima of elas. for mec s dete 1 be 23.000 ae (200 GPa) ‘governing radius of gyration: 5.2.13 Energy-Impact Properties. Impact properics in the Cz column slenderess rai: and longitadinal ection ofall structural plate or coil materials shal E = modulus of elasticity. ° Design of Steel Transmission Pole Structures eae KUris the largest slendemess ratio of any unbraced segment Truss members made of angles shall be designed in accordance with Section 3.7 of ASCE 10 [C3-3} Beam Members. The limiting values of w/t and D/t specified in this section may he exceeded without requiring a reduction in extreme fiber stress if local buckling stability is demonstrated by an adequate program of tests. 5.2.42. Regular Polygonal Members. For formed. regular polygonal tubular members, the compressive stress, P/A + Mcil. fon the extreme fiber shall not exceed the following: Octagonal, hexagonal, or rectangular members (bend angle 2 45°) aoa me TE a2 (1.0-0001142. VF =) nen 2008 8 3810 JF, ot VF Dodecagonal members (bend angle = 30°) Rak (Eq, 52-6) (Ea. 52-7) (Eq. 52-8) F, 1ase( ra 59) 200 .w 3740 ven Hexdecagonal members (bend angle = 22.5°) w 218 F when » 2B eq s240 42F,(10-o001372 VF) (4.82.10 where F = specified minimum yield ses Fix compressive ses peed: So nar wath ofa side i wall Mcknes: AE Mb or Bree Fin ksi and 262 for F, oF Fi in MPa; and © = 1.0 for F, in ksi and 6.90 for F, in MPa. In determining w, the actual inside bend radius shall be used unless it exceeds 41, in which ease it shall be taken equal 10 41 For sections with two or more plies this criterion shall be satis- fied for each ply Table 5.1 summarizes the equations that shall be used to Ldejermine the compressive stress permited based on bend angle and axial stress, Rectangular Members. Eqs. 52-6, and 5.2-7 shall be Used for rectangular members. The flat width associated with teach side shall be treated separately. If the axial stress, fo is ‘greater than 1 ksi (6,9 MPa), Eqs. 5.-8 and 5,2-9 shall be used. 5.2.32. Polygonal Elliptical Members. The bend angle and Fat wich associated with elliptical cross sections are not constant. “The smallest bend angle associated with a particular lat shall be 10 Bae aiearsntr cre ace Reread ty rear een TABLE 5-1, Compressive Stress Permitted Based fon Bond Angle og rr 7 wat RS Pa Bas [ris (69 MPay aurea | NA [Canasta [NA 3 as NA S21 ADT, eer Neue: NA mans no applicable used to determine the compressive stress permitted. See Table 5.1 to determine which equations shall be used based on this bend angle. 523.24 Round Members. For round- members or regular polygonal members with more than sixteen sides, the compressive ‘Stress shall be proportioned to satisfy the following equation: frhsr ER compressive stress duc 0 axial loads; compressive stress due to bending moments omnpressive stress permitted; and bending stress permitted. (Eq. 52-12) x =F, when 22<8OP eg 5213) oe 0756, +2522 when 7 (€, 52-18) 38000 _ Da 12.0000 (&, 52-15) qi (Eq, 52-16) side diameter of the tubular section (flat-to-flat fulside diameter for polygonal members); 1 wall thickness; and @=1.0 for Fy Fr or Fy in ksi and 690 for F, For Fy in MPa 5.2.4 shear. The shar sess reuing fom applied sear se teat shea oa combination th to hal sty the folowing xan 0 Fe bod aa shear tome f ton about neal xis moment of ner Fees wal cess fasta moment Sfaance om neural axis extreme ber toc! coma rox stan 2 Nea ste mite and FZ pected anima ed sess. where Dy where F,=0.58F, (Eq. 52-17) where v. 2 7 6 Tr. J F psce son Eatin 5.2 Bending. The stress resulting from bending shall 0 exceed either of the followi Mc cp aN 7 a Me ese (Eq, 52-19) 7 bending moment: distance from neutral axis to extreme fiber: siress permitted; and F_= compressive stress permitted. 5.2.6 Combined Stresses. For a polygonal member, the com bined siress at any point on the eross section shall not exceed the lle 2 Me.) (YO, Ze) Ah, & * 2 (Eq. 5.2-20) oF For a round member, the combined stress at any point on the crass section shall not exceed the following: [(getette} 2E)]" a sean shoo h compressive stress permitted by Section; stress permitted by Section; ensile stress permitted by Section 5.2.2; I force on member; nding moment about X-X axis; M, = bending moment about ¥-¥ axis J, = moment of inertia about X-X ax 1, inenia about ¥-Y axis itance from ¥-Y checked; where stress is (Design of Stee! Transmission Pole Structures SSeS SEs, 6, = distance from XX axis to point where stress is necked: toxal resultant shear force: moment of section about neutral axis ‘moment of inertia: torsional moment, torsional constant of cross section distance from neutral axis to point where stress is checked and 1 = wall thickness. ‘The bending stress (Mc/T) and shear siress portions of these equations shall be absolute values (i.e, always positive). The same equation shall be used to check tension and compression stresses. When checking tension, P/A is positive if the member isin tension and negative if the member is in compression. The converse is true when checking compression. 5.3 GUYS 5.3.1 Material Properties. The minimum rated breaking ‘strength of guys shall be determined according to the appropriate [ASTM specification or as specified by the Owner. The modulus of elasticity. E, of a guy shall be as specified by the applicable ‘ASTM specification or as specified by the Owner. Inthe absence (Of a specified value, E shall be assumed to be 23,000 ksi (159 GPa). 5.3.2 Tension, The maximum design tension foree in a guy ‘hall not exceed the following: PS Pay Where Pax =O6SRBS (Eq. 5.3+1) ‘where P = tension force in the guys ‘Pa, = maximum tension force permitted in the guy: and RBS = minimum rated breaking sirength of the guy. 5.4 TEST VERIFICATION Design values other than those prescribed in this section are permitted, but they shall be substantiated by experimental or ‘analytical investigations. 1" This page intentionally left blank awe Chapter 6 DESIGN OF CONNECTIONS 6.1 INTRODUCTION “The design stresses for connections shall be based on ultimate sirength methods using factored design loads. 6.2 BOLTED AND PINNED CONNECTIONS For bolted connections, these provisions shall pertain to holes ‘with diameters a maximum of 0.125 in. (3 mm) larger than the ‘nominal bolt diameter (except for anchor bolt holes). For pinned ‘connections, the ratio ofthe diameter of the hole to the diameter ‘of the pin shall be less than 2. 6.2.1 Materials. Materials conforming to the following stan- dard specifications are suitable for use under this standard: ASTM A307, Standard Specification for Carbon Steel Bolts and Studs, 60,000 psi Tensile Strength; ASTM A325, Standard Specification for Structural Bolts, Stecl, Heat Treated, 120/105 ksi Minimum Tensile Strength ASTM A325M, Standard Specification for Structural Bolts, ‘Steel Heat Treated, 830 MPa Minimum Tensile Strength [Metric} ASTM A354, Standard Specification for Quenched and “Tempered Alloy Stee! Bolts, Studs, and Other Externally ‘Threaded Fasteners; ASTM A394, Standard Specification for Steel Transmission “Tower Bolts, Zinc-Coated and Bare; ASTM. A449,” Standard Specification for Quenched and “Tempered Steel Bolts and Studs; ASTM A490, Standard Specification for Structural Bolts, ‘Alloy Stecl, Heat Treated, 150 ksi Minimum Tensi Strength; ASTM A490M, Standard Specification for High-Strength ‘icc! Bolts, Classes 10.9 and 10.9.3, for Structural Stcel Joints [Metric]; ASTM_AS63, Standard Specification for Carbon and Alloy ‘Steel Nuts; and ASTM ASG3M, Standard Specification for See! Nuts [Metric] bon and Alloy ‘This listing of suitable stecls does not exclude the use of other sicels that conform to the chemical and mechanical propertics of fone ofthe listed specifications or other published specifications. ‘which establish the properties and suitability of the material 6.22 Shear Stress in Bearing Connections. The shear stress for holts and pins shall not exceed the following: v tsk 2-1 i (Eq. 62-1) where V = shear force (bolt or ‘Ag = gross cross-sectional area of the shank (bolt or pin); FF, = shear stress permitted (bolt or pin): Design of Steel Transmission Pole Structures F,=0.45 F, when threads are excluded from the shear plane F, = 0.35 F, when shear plane passes through the threads; and F,= specified minimum tensile stress (bolt oF pin). 6.2.3 Bolts Subject to Tension, Bolts shall be proportioned so that the sum ofthe tensile stresses caused by the applied external load and any tensile stress resulting from prying action does not exceed the permitted tensile stress, F, a follows: (Eq. 62-2) 025 F, E(a-osse2p (4.629 where 7; blt tensile fore: nominal diameter ofthe bol: uber of heads pr inh, and pick om pe head 6.2.4 Bolts Subject to Combined Shear and Tension, For bolts subject to combined shear and tension, the permitted axial tensile stess in conjunction with shear stress, Fy. shall be (Eq. 62-4) where F, = shear stess permitted as defined in Section 6.2.2; F.= tensile stress permitted as defined in Section 6.2.3; and (fc= shear stress on effective area “The combined tensile and shear stresses shall be taken at the same eross section in the bol. 6.28 Bearing Stress in Bolted Connections. The maximum bearing stress shal satisfy the following condition: Pp ju =Hsi.9F, 625) ua Esiok (Eq. 6.25) where fi, = bearing stress; P = force transmitted by the bolt; ‘d = nominal diameter ofthe bolt; {= member thickness; and F, = specified minimum tensile stress of the member. 1B ian 6.2.6 Minimum Edge Distances and Bolt Spacing for Bolted Connections. Minimum edge distances shal satisfy the follow- ‘ing conditions (Eq. 62-6) (Eq. 6.2-7) (Eq. 62-8) ‘and minimum bolt spacing shall satisfy the following condition: (Eq. 629) force transmitted by the bolts L, = minimum edge distance, parallel to the load, from the center of the hole to the edge of the member; jominal diameter of the bolt ‘member thickness: specified minimum tensile stress of the member: L, = minimum clear distance, parallel to load, from the ‘edge of the hole to the edge of an adjacent hole or edge of the member; and nimum center-to-center spacing between bolts. “The edge distance requirements of Equations 6.2-6 and 6.2-7 ‘do not apply to base plates oF flange plates that are detailed such that the nuts cannot extend over the ede of the plate. In addition, Equation 6.2-7 only applies to punched holes. 6.2.7 Bearing Stress in Pinned Connections. The maximum bearing stress for through-bolts, insulators, or guy. shackle ‘attachments bearing on connection plates or pole walls shall salisy the following equation: P Su= 781655, (Eq, 6.2-10) where fy = bearing stress: P= force transmitted by the pin; nominal diameter of the pin: ‘member thickness: and specified minimum yield stress of the member. 6.28 Minimum Edge Distances for Pinned Connections. In addition to the edge distances specified in Section 6.2.6, the ‘minimum edge distance for pinned connections shall also satisfy the following condition: Pease] geen yet where £, = minimum edge distance, perpendicular to the load, From the center of the hole tothe edge of the member: P = force transmitted by the pin; ‘pccfied minimum tensile stress ofthe member: member thickness: ameter of the attachment hole: /16" (2. mm); and 7 = 0.75 when hole diameter (d,) is $ pin diameter plus 1/2 in. (13 mm), and 0.65 when hole diameter (d,) is > pin diameter plus 1/2 in. (13 mm). 6.2.9 Connection Elements and Members. In addition to the foregoing requirements, connection elements and the affected clements of members shall be proportioned 10 limit stresses 10 the following: ‘Tension yielding on gross area 0.904F,) ‘Shear yielding on gross area:0.60(F;) “Tension rupture on net area: 0.75(F,) Shear rupture on net area: 0.45(F,) [Note: The net area of a connection plate shall not be considered larger than 85% of the gross area. 6.3. WELDED CONNECTIONS 6.3.1 Material Properties. The nominal tensile strength of ‘eld metals shall be based on the minimum values as established in the AWS DI.1. Weld material shall be compatible with the hase material as specified in the AWS D1... Welding electrodes shall meet the same Charpy impact requirements as the base ‘material 6.3.2 Effective Area. Except for plug and slot welds, the effec tive area of a weld joint shall be equal to the effective length of the weld times the effective throat thickness. For plug and slot Welds, the effective area shall he considered to be the nominal cross-sectional area ofthe hole or stot in the plane of the faying surface. "The effective length of a groove weld shall be equal to the width of the connected part. The effective throat of a complete penetration groove Weld shall be equal to the thickness of the thinner connected part. The effective throat thickness of partial penetration groove welds is listed in Table 6-1. The effective throat thickness for flare groove welds is listed in Table 6-2. ‘Except for welds in holes and slots, the effective length of 4 fillet weld shall be the overall length of a fullsize filet, cluding returns, For fillet welds in holes and slots, the effective Tength shall be the length of the center line ofthe weld through tie center of the plane through the throat. Inthe case of overlap- ping fillets, the effective area shall not exceed the nominal Cross-sectional area of the hole or slot in the plane of the faying surface. "The effective throat thickness of a filet weld shall be the shortest distance from the root to the face of the diagrammatic Weld. For fillets made by the submerged are process, the ‘TABLE 6-1. Effective Throst Thickness of Partial Penetration Groove Welds wi a larg Felon teed Rg at Rot ee Twat Tees |" ieided mea are oF ai A hue Bas" Deiat chamfer minus VR in. 2 eH) ‘submerged are See" Dep of chamfer i Gos maa re oF fx all 20 Dep of chamfer sete | Hvizowal or fax [sor ba a5 Dep of shamter eral or overhead 40 ba 248 Depth of tamer ins 1 in (3.2 vm) [ Hlesroge All 360" Depth of cham 4 ASCE 48411 Si eeensroesmm effective throat shall be equal to the leg size for 0.375 in. (9.5 mm) and smaller fillets and equal to the theoretical throat plus 0.11 in, (2.8 mm for fillets larger than 0.375 in. (9.5 mm). 6.33 Design Stresses, Design stresses for welds shall conform to Tables 6-3 10 6-6, In the case where the base metals are of different strengths, the lowest grade of hase metal shall he used for the weld design. “Through-Thickness Stress. Maximum design through= thickness siress shall be 36 ksi (248 MPa) for all grades of steel 6.34 Circumferential Welded Splices. Complete penetration (100%) welds shall be used for sections joined by eircumferen- tial welds. Longitudinal welds within 3 in. (76 mm) of circum ferential welds shall have complete fusion through the section thickness and complete joint penetration for processes using, weld metal. 6.3.5 Flange and Base Plate to Pole Shaft Welds. Flange and base plate t0 pole shaft welds shall be complete penetration TABLE 6-2. Effective Throat Thickness of Flare Groove Welds “ope oF War ‘ads of Gar | Eee Tat] or Bond ‘heen Flare hava prone Al SiR ove al 1k “Use AR for gas metal are welding (except short circuiting transfer process) when R> 1/2 in, (12.7 mm). . = iia 100% groove welds with reinforcing fillet wo satisfy the require ‘ments for theough-thickness stresses in the flange or base plates. rudinal welds within 3 in. (76 mm) of a flange plate or plate weld shall have complete fusion through the section Tkness and complete joint penetration for processes using ‘weld metal 6.3.6 TeJoints. Tjoims shall satisfy the requirements for through-thickness stresses. 6.4 FIELD CONNECTIONS OF MEMBERS 64.1 Slip Joints. Slip joints shall be designed (0 resist the ‘maximum forces and moments at the connection. Taper above land below the slip joint shall be the same. To develop the ulti= ‘mate capacity ofthe section, the joint shall have a minimum lap Tength of 1.5 times the maximum inside diameter across the fats of the outer section (nominal to be dictated by manufacturing tolerances to ensure the minimum) ‘Supplemental locking devices shall be used if relative move~ tent of the joint i critical or ifthe joint might be subjected 10 Uplift forees, In resisting uplift forces, locking devices shall be designed to resist 100% of the maximum uplift load. The outer section longitudinal seam weld inthe area of the splice shall have ‘complete fusion through the section thickness and complete joint penetration for processes using weld metal for a length equal 10 the maximum lap di TABLE 6-3. Complete Penetration Groove Welds r Tipe oT Warne Sa a ae Rega Wad Beg 1 Tension normal i effective ae Same base met “Waihing™ weld metal must be use “Compression normal 0 effetve aa ‘Same as base meta ‘Wield metal with a sengih level equal 10 oF “Tension or compresion parallel vo anh of weld | Same as base mesial | fs thanahngs weld ml may Be wed ‘Shear of elective area inal tensile arengih of weld mail ace fon base rctl shall not exceed 058K veld stress of ase neta 7 dation af efacive aes se Section 632 ror mashing” weld metal ce Table 4.1, AWS DI ‘Weld metal one strength level higher than “maici TABLE 6-4. ng weld tal wil be permite, Fillet Welds f “ips Wa a or ‘aan See aed Wald Sangh a= | Shear on efeetive area ‘SOK sonial esl strength of weld meal except | ‘Weld metal with a senath level exual w or 0K nei eve metal sl no cused OSHX | Tess than “matching” weld metal may Be used Yield ates of hae mea ‘Same as base metal “For defi 2 ‘Foe “matching” weld meal, see Table 4.1, AWS DL ‘Weld meal one strength level higher than “matching” weld metal will be per ‘TABLE 6-5, Partial Penetration Groove Welds ried Tape a Wa a i gard Wal Siar ee™ 1 Compression normal w effective a “Same asfase mel ‘Weld metal with «sreng evel ual to oF “Tension or compression parallel axis of weld_| Same ease metal Jes than maehing” weld et may De used ‘Shear parallel to axe of weld ‘050K nominal tensile yrength oF weld meh fxgept shear sirens on hase metal shall not exceed ‘SRR yield stress of base metal “Tension normal wo elfecive wea (0.SOX nominal tensile TX eid stress of hase whichever is Tess xcept shear sese on base mesa shall ot exceed ength of weld metal eM kl (248 MPa) "For definnion of effonve arc, sce Secon 632 Formatching” weld metal ste Table 4.1, AWS DIL Weld Design of Steo! Transmission Pole Structures Seamaster ste fal one sregth evel higher than “matching” weld metal wil he permite. 15 Seen TABLE 66. Plug and Siot Welds Shear parallel w eying Surfaces (on elective sea) oo Sd sree of axe mea ‘Fos dein af effective aca ee Section 632 “hor “matching” weld metal see Table 1, AWS DIL ‘SOX nominal nal sueages of weld meth cep ‘Shear srs on Date metal shall not exceed OS8N ee Weld peal wih ssrengih level equal 19 0¢ os Gan Tralcung weld mec ay beused ‘Weld metal ofe Svengih level higher than “marching” weld metal will be permed 64.2 Base and Flange Plate Connections, Flexural stress in the base oF flange plate shall not exceed the specified minimum yield stress, F, ofthe plate material. Base and flange plate con- Actions shall be designed to resist the maximum forees and ‘moments a the connection. As @ minimum, base and flange plate connections shall be designed to resist 50% of the moment capacity of the lowest strength tube. 6 6.5 TEST VERIFICATION Design values other than those prescribed in this section are permitted, but they shall be substantiated by expenmental or analytical investigations. ASCE 48-11 wr Seance ce, ‘aes rating sma ab ese Som Chapter 7 DETAILING AND FABRICATION 7.4 DETAILING 7.A.L. Drawings. Drawings consist of erection and shop detail drawings. If shop detail drawings are provided by the Owner, the Owner shall be responsible for the completeness and accu- racy of these drawings. I shop detail drawings are prepared by the Fabricator, the Fabricator shall be responsible for conveying. the dimensions and details from the design and contract docu- ‘ments, the correciness of dimensional calculations performed in preparing the drawings, and the general fit-up of parts to be wssembled in the field 7.1.2 Drawing Review. Drawings shall be reviewed by the ‘Surucwre Designer regarding the strength requirements of the ‘design and compliance with the Owner's specification. Drawings prepared by the Fabricator shall be submitted to the Owner for review, 7A. Erection Drawings. Erection drawings shall show the complete field ascembly of the structure, clearly indicating the positioning of the components, including fasteners. The ide fication markings for each component shall be indicated on the drawing, Fasteners shall be identified by grade, length, and diameter for bolts and grade and diameter for nuts and washers. ‘The erection drawings shall include a bill-f-material of all ‘components forthe structure. including the weight ofeach compo= rent, Theerection drawings shal provide instructions forslip joint assembly, bol tightening, and ficld welding where applicable. 7.14 Shop Detail Drawings. Shop detail drawings shall show all fabrication requirements, including material, dim ‘welding, shop applied finish, and any specific processing requir ‘ments, including those of the contract and applicable codes. They shall be shown either by assembled section or piece by piece. ‘The drawings shall indicate the piece mark of each component. 7.4.1 Material. Shop detail drawings shall specify member and connection materials, such as ASTM specification and grade designation. 7.14.2 Dimensions and Tolerances. Dimensioning practices. including tolerances, shall ensure compliance with clearance, appearance, strength, and assembly requirements. Proper mating ‘of components dctailed and supplied by one fabricator shall be the responsibility of that fabricator, Welding, Welding shall be detaited in accordance with the AWS DI.1 Code, including weld symbols. Only weld details that are prequalified or qualified in accordance with the AWS DI.1 Code shall be used. Appropriate detailing practices shall be used to ensure that the required penetration is achievable, 7.1.44 Corrosion and Finish Considerations. When shop finish is specified inthe contract documents, the requirements and. fications for surface preparation, painting, galvanizing, and! ‘or metalizing requirements shall be shown on the drawings. Design of Stee! Transmission Pole Structures, Details for weathering stes! structures shall be designed 10 avoid uncoated pockets, crevices, and faying surfaces that can collect and retain water, damp debris, and moisture. Weld hacking forunsealed weathering steel structures shall be weathering ste!. 5 Other Requirements. Specific requirements and li tations of the contract documents and applicable codes shall be shown on the drawings. 7.2. FABRICATION Fabrication shall be performed in compliance with the shop Adtail drawings. The Fabricator shall be responsible for the means, methods, technigues, sequences, and procedures af fab= rication. Safely precautions and programs for fabrication shall be the responsibility of the Fabricator. 7.2.1 Material. The Fabricator shall maintain a system, includ ing records that will verify that the structural steel furnished meets the specified requirements. Certified test reports from the plate oF coil mills and from suppliers of bolts, welding clee- trodes, and other materials shall constitute sufficient evidence of conformity: The Fabricator shall accurately identify all material to ensure proper usage 7.2.2 Material Preparation 72.2 Cutting. Partsshall becutin accordance with AWSDI. 1. Burrs or sharp notches that are detrimental to the structure or that pose a safety hazard shall be removed. Reentry cuts shall be rounded. Forming, Care shall be taken during forming to prevent scparation ofthe outer surface and reduction ofthe cross-sectional properties below those required by design. If separation oceurs {during bending, it shall be repaired in accordance with AWS DI. 1 Loosening of mill scale shall not be considered a separation. ‘When hot bending is required, heating shall be done evenly lover the entire bend area and shall be of sufficient temperature to minimize separation and 1 “The temperature used in hot bending shall be such thatthe physi- ceal properties ofthe steel are not diminished. Holes, Bolt holes shall have the correct shape and align- ‘ment in aecordance with connection detail, be free of burrs, and be clean cut without tor or ragged edges. 7.2.24 Identification. All components shall be clearly mark 7.2.3 Welding, All welding shall be performed by welders, Welding operators, and tackers qualified forthe type of welding to be performed. All welding and qualifications shall be in accor- dance with the applicable requirements of AWS DI. Preheat ‘and interpass temperatures shall be in accordance with AWS DI. forthe steel mamafacturer’s recommendations. Longitudinal seam ‘Welds shall have 60 percent minimum penetration (except as specified in Sections 6.3.4, 6.3.5, and 6.4.1), w —— This page intentionally left blank Sen Chapter 8 TESTING 8.1 Introduction “The Owner shall specify in the contract documents which struc- tures oF components of a structure will be tested. Ia proof test ‘of @ siructure or structure component is specified, the test shall be performed om a full-size prototype ofthe structure or structure ‘component in accordance with the following sections. 82 Foundations ‘The Structure Designer shall approve the support conditions used for testing 8.3. Material “The prototype shall be made of material tha is representative of the material that will be used in production. Mill test reports shall be available for each major component in the test structure When mill test reports are unavailable, coupon tests are required. Coupon tests shall be performed in accordance with ASTM A370. 8.4 Fabrication Fabrication of the prototype shall be done in the same manner as for the production structure. 8. ‘The Owner shall specify if any special st methods are required for the prototype ponents to be strain gauged. Strain Measurements in_ determination fy those com- 8.6 Assembly and Erection “The assembly method of the prototype shall be approved by the ‘Owner. The completed test structure shall be erected within the tolerances established by the Owner. 87 Test Loads ‘The Owner shall specify in the contract documents which load ‘cases shall betested as aminimum andif the strcturcistobetested to destruction. The test loads shall be the factored design loads. 8.8 Load Application Load fines shall be attached to the load points on the prototype in a manner that simulates the in-service application as close as, possible, The attachment hardware for the test shall have the Same degrees of freedom as the in-service hardware. Wind- fon-siructure loads shall be applied as concentrated loads at Selected points on the structure. Load application shall consider the deflected position of the structure Design of Steel Transmission Pole Structures Straka anar crn ene 89 Loading Procedure ‘The sequence of load cases tested shall be specified by the Structure Designer and approved by the Owner. Loading shall be stopped at preselected Toad levels to allow time for reading deflections and to permit observation of the test to check for signs of structural distress. 8.10 Load Measurement Loads shall be measured through a verifiable arrangement of sirain devices or by predetermined dead weights. Load-measur- ing devices shall be used in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations and calibrated before and after testing. 8.11 Deflections ‘Atthe locations specified by the Structure Designer and approved by the Owner, deflections of prototypes under load shall be ‘measured and recorded by the Test Engineer. Deflection readings shall be made for the “before” and “off” load conditions as well ‘sat each intermediate hold during loading. All deflections shall tne referenced to common base readings taken before the first test Toads are applied. 8.12 Failures When failure ogcurs before application of 100% of the factored design loads, the cause ofthe failure, the corrective measures 10 bbe taken, and the need for a retest shall be determined by the Sinucture Designer and approved by the Owner. 8.13. Post-Test Inspection ‘The provotype shall be inspected after testing. Welds shall be inspected in accordance with the normal fabrication procedures. Visual inspection for any signs of structural damage shall be conducted by the Test Engineer. 8.14 Disposition of Prototype ‘The contract document shall stat the disposition of the proto type after the testis completed, 8.15 Report “The testing organization shall furnish the number of copies of the test report as required by the contract document. The test report shall describe the test procedure, test results, and any remedial action taken. 9 ra This page intentionally left blank cong ane sty ges ten Na Sit oarsmen, SSNS oeeeery opceronmnec.courn Ceca atop Chapter 9 STRUCTURAL MEMBERS AND CONNECTIONS USED IN FOUNDATIONS 9.1 Introduction ‘This section specifies design procedures for sieel members and connections embedded in conerete or other backiill material. ‘This section is not intended to serve as a foundation design tide. It is the responsibility of the Owner to ensure adequate ‘geotechnical design. 9.2 General Considerations ‘As applicable, the Owner shall include the following in the specifications: 1. foundation type 2. depth to point of foundation fixity {design limit for foundation rotation oF deflection, Foundation reveal, coating requirements. conerete or backfill material strength, ai 4 5. 6. grounding requirements, 1 8. corrosion protection, and 9. other special requirements. 9.3 Anchor Bolts Anchor bolts shall be designed to transfer the tensile, compres- sive, and shear loads to the concrete by adequate embedment length or by the end connection. Impact properties inthe longi- tuinal direction of all anchor bolt materials shall be determined in. accordance with the Charpy V-notch test described in ASTM A370 and, at a minimum, shall meet the requirements ‘of 15 felb (20 3) absorbed energy at a temperature of 20°F (29°C) 9.3.1 Bolts Subject to Tension Anchor bolts subject (0 tension shall be designed in accordance with the provisions of Section 623. 9.3.2 Shear Stress The shear stress for anchor bolts. shall be determined in accordance with the provisions of Section 622. 933 Combined Shear and Tension Anchor bolts subject 10 combined shear and tension shall be designed in accordance with the provisions of Section 6.2.4 9.34 Development Length The Owner shall provide a ‘minimum of 3 in. (76 mm) clear concrete cover. The develop- ‘ment length for the threaded reinforcing bar used as anchor bolts shall be calculated as follows: Ly = Wopy (Eg. 93-1) Design of Steel Transmission Pole Structures cn ot ne where L ninimum development length (embedment) of anchor bolt and = basic development length of anchor bolt. ‘The basic development length for the bolt shall be as follows: for bars up to and including #11 (35M), use the larger of LITA, (Eq, 932) = 0.400048, (Eo. 9.33) For #14 and #143 (45M) bars 2.690 F, ne for #18 & #18) (SSM) bars 3520 F, wi gross area of anchor bolt, required tensile stress area of bolt: Specified minimum yield stress of anchor holt; J specified compressive strength of concrete; anchor bolt diamete . 11.00 for F, and fin ksi and Ay in in, and 0.0150 for F, and.f’, in MPa and A, in mn © = 1,00 for F, in ksi and d in in and 0.145 for F, in 4 (Eq. 93-5) where Ay Avs = 1.00 for F, and fin ksi and 9.67 for F, and fin MPa: a=10ifF, G17 Mia: B = O38 if the bolt spacing is equal to or greater than 6 in. (152:min) on center, of 1.0 fhe Blt spacing is less than 6 in, (152 mm) on center and eotil 5 ksi 0 ksi (414 MPa) or 1.2 if F, 9.4 Direct-Embedded Poles ‘The embedded section shall be designed to resist the overturning ‘moment, shear, and axial loads. The length of the section ofthe pole below the ground line shall be determined using a lateral fesistance approach. The Owner shall be responsible for supply= ing the Structure Designer information regarding the embedment depth, allowable foundation rotation, and design point of fixity of the embedded section. a 9.5 Embedded Casings “The casing shall be designed to resist all design loads. The length of the embedded casing below the ground line shall be deter ‘mined using a lateral resistance approach, The Owner shall be responsible for supplying the Structure Designer information regarding the embedment depth. allowable foundation rotation, design point of fixity of the embedded section. vibratory instal- SEAR, SESE ESgsemeet ot eet lation forces, vibratory device attachment, and method of steel pole attachment 9.6 Test Verification Design values other than those preseribed in this section may be used if substantiated by experimental or analytical investigations. ASCE 40-11 ‘SSNTS pamromey omecnowgusacemTs EADS eerste Chapter 10 QUALITY ASSURANCE/QUALITY CONTROL 10.4 ‘The coniract between the Gwner and the Fabricator shall state the responsibility of each party and the conditions under which the work will be accepted or rejected. Introduction 10.2 Quality Assurance (Quality assurance (QA) is the responsibility of the Owner. The specifying and implementation of quality assurance require ments by the Owner shall not relieve the Fabricator of res- ponstiliy in producing & product in aeeorance ‘with this Sanda 10.2.1 Design and Drawings. The quality assurance speci- fication shall indicate the procedure for review of the design ‘concept, design calculations, stress analyses, and the Fabrica tor's drawings. 10.2.2 Materials. The quality assurance specification shall specify the requirements for review and agreement on the Fabricator’s material specifications, supply sources, material identification, storage, raccability procedures, and aceeptance of ceenified mill test reports 10.2.3 Welding. The quality assurance specification shall include requirements for the review of, and agreement on. ‘welders’ qualification and certification procedures, including & ist of welders certified for the work tobe performed. The quality, assurance specification shall establish the process for acceptance ‘of welding procedures for each type of weld and the method used. to determine that the procedure will be performed with satisfec~ tory quality control. 10.24 Nondestructive Testing. The quality assurance specifi~ cation shall indicate the requirements for acceptance of the type and procedure of nondestructive testing and inspection programs tused during each step in the fabrication processes. 10.25 Tolerances. Fabrication tolerances shall be specified and agreed upon by the Owner and the Fabricator. 10.2.6 Surface Coatings. When painting is specified, the paint system, procedures, and methods of application shal be agreed tupon by both the Owner and the Fabricator. The selected paint system shall be suitable for hoth the product and its intended exposure, When galvanizing is specified, the procedure and facilities shall be agreed upon by the Owner and the Fabricator. Inspection rights and privileges, procedures, and acceptance or rejection of galvanized steel materia shall conform to ASTM A123, A143. ‘A153. and A385 as applicable. When metalizing is specified, the procedure and facilities shall be in accordance with the coating Vendor's recommendations and shall be acceptable to both the ‘Owner and the Fabricator. When bare weathering steel is speci- Design of Stoo! Transmission Pole Structures ‘Sehr sac ‘Saettaernmone fied, the need for and degrce of blast cleaning the steel shall be agreed upon by the Owner and the Fabricator. ‘The quality assurance specification shall establish inspection rights, privileges, and procedures for evaluating the surface coating, 10.2.7 Shipping. When receiving material, ll products shall be inspected for shipping damage before accepting delivery. If ‘damage is apparent, the Owner shall immediately notify both the delivering carrier and the Fabricator. 10.3 Quality Control ‘control (QC) is the responsibility ofthe Fabricator. The Fabricator shall have & QC program consisting ofa written doct- ment that establishes the procedures and methods of operation that affect the quality of the work. The QC functions shall be clearly defined and available for review and approval by the Owner, The QC program shall verify that the product meets the level of quality established by the Fabricator's standards and the Owner's specification, The QC program shall establish pro- ‘cedures for maintaining records of all pertinent information on all components 10.3.1 Materials. The quality control program shall specify the review requirements of all materials that are used in the fabricar ing and coating of the complete structure, all mill test reports for material compliance, all material suppliers for their manufactur ing procedures and quality control programs, and all welding electrodes. “The Fabricator shall maintain a system, including records, that will allow verification thatthe structural stee! meets the specified requirements. Certified test reports from the plate mills and from the supplier of bolts, welding electrodes, and other materials in laccordance with the governing specification shall constitute evi ‘dence of conformity. Certified tests by the Fabricator ora testing laboratory shall also constitute evidence of conformity. 10.32 Visual Inspection. Structural components and 100 percent of all welds shall be visually inspected to determine Conformance to drawings, procedures. overall workmanship, ‘Weld contour, weld size, and any other pertinent items. 10.3.3 Dimensional Inspection. Structural components shall be inspected for dimensional compliance to determine conformance ‘with detail drawings and established tolerances. When applicable, the Owner shall specify shop assembly requirements. 10.34 Surface Coating Tnspeetion. The Fabricator shall check product preparation and coating thickness to ensure that the Ininimum dry film thickness requirements of the coating speci- fication are met. Visual inspection shall be performed to detect pinholes. cracking, and other undesirable characterises. 10,35 Weld Inspection. Quality control supervisory personnel shail be centiied welling inspectors (CWIs) in accontance with a Sema the provisions of AWS QCI. Weld inspection shall be performed in accordance with the requirements of Section 6. Inspection. Part C. of AWS DIL. Personnel qualification for nondestructive weld testing shall be in accordance with Section of AWS DLI. Complete penetration welds shall be 100% inspected by either ultrasonic (UT) oF radiographic (RT) methods. Appropriate inspection practices shall be used to ensure that required pemetra- tion is achieved. For galvanized members with large T-joint connections, such ‘as base plates, flange plates etc. ultrasonic nondestructive weld testing shall be performed on 100% of all such joints. not only before, but also after galvanizing to ensure that no eracks have developed. Any indications found with this test shall be ground smooth and inspected with magnetic particle methods. Any posi tive indications after this inspection shall be repaired and rein- ‘pected, and the Finish shall be repaired in accondance with the ‘fequirements of the approprials ASTM standard. This require ‘ment may be waived if the Fabricator ean demonstrate through study and quality assurance records that it can contro its mate- rial, forming, welding, and galvanizing processes to the degree that such continued inspection is unnesessary. 10.36 Shipment and Storage. The quality contro’ program shall provide procedures that will prevent damage, loss, oF dete~ rioration to the structure during storage and shipment. ASCE 48-11 Chapter 11 ASSEMBLY AND ERECTION 11.1 Introduction “This section covers the assembly and erection requirements for sicel transmission pole structures. Additional information on fassembly and ereetion can be found in Appendix V. 11.2 Handling Poles, pole sections, erossarms, and other structural elements shall be lifted and stored in such a manner as 10 prevent exces- Sive deflection, stresses, and buckling, Sections that are dis- tonted, buckled, or permanently deflected shall not be installed. “The Owner shail contact the Structure Designer to verify aceept- bility of members with suspected damage, 11.3 Single-Pole Structures [Assembly shall he in accordance with the erect requirements of the Owner. drawings and 11.3.1 Slip Joints, Slip joints shall he assembled in accordance \with the Stracture Designer's requirements as to method, equi- tment, and minimum and maximum permissible assembly force. fas well as Within the Fabricator’s specified tolerance for maximum and minimum overlap length. In the event an assem= bled slip joint is not within the specified tolerance for overlap Tength, the actual overlap shall be reported to the Structure Designer for review of acceptability 11.3.2 Bolted Flange Joints. Mating surfaces shall be cleaned ‘oF al foreign matter before assembly. The bolts shall be installed to snug-tight condition in a sequence to ensure the proper align- imentof the two pole sections. Following snug tightening, the bolts, ‘hall he tensioned in accordance with the Structure Designer's recommendations using a similar tightening sequence. In the fbsence of specific tightening recommendations, the “tur-of- fut’ method 3s described in Research Council on Structural Con- ections “Specification for Structural Joints Using ASTM A325 or "A490 Bolts Section 8.2.1, shall be used for fastener tensioning. 11.4.3 Attachments to Pole Sections. Installation of crossarms and other attachments to the pole stricture shall be in accordance ‘the Fabricator's recommendations. .4 Erection of Assembled Structures. Assembled struc tures with slip joints shall have the slip joints temporarily secured before lifting to prevent the pole sections from separating during the erection operation. 11.4 Frame-Type Structures -The assembly and erection procedure for frame structures shall ‘bein aceordance with the Fabricator’s recommendations and the requirements listed in Section 11.3 except as modified by this Design of Steel Tranemission Pole Structures, 114.1 Slip Joints in Frames, Slip joint connections shall be assembled as described in Seetion 113.1. On multipie-eg struc tures, the assembled leg-length differential shall not exceed the practical adjustment length of the foundation system. 11.42 Erection. Erection of frame structures shall be in accor dance with the Fabricator’s recommendations, including the use of temporary braces or members as required to prevent damaging Or oversiressing members and connections during the installatios procedure. Al slip joints shall be restrained to prevent separation ff the joint during structure erection. 11.43 Bolted Frame Connections. Bolted frame joints shall be asscmbled with fasteners loosely bolted to permit movement in the joint during installation of additional framing, Bolted joints shall be tightened after completion of structure erection in ‘ccordance with the Structure Designer's recommendation. 11.5. Installation on Foundation 1151 Anchor Bolt and Base Plate Installation, {nstallation hall be made in such a manner as to ensure that all anchor polt nuts are tightened to both the top and the bottom of the pole base plate in accordance with the Structure Designer's Fecommendations, 11.52 Direct-Embedded Poles. The annular opening around the embedded pole shall be backfilled with soil or concrete. Soil Shall be compacted in accordance with the Line Designer's requirements. 116 Guying 11.6.1 Guy Anchor Location. Guy anchors shall be installed atthe locations specified hy the Structure Designer and approved by the Line Designer. If field conditions prevent the installation ff any anchor at the specified location, the Structure Designer Shall be consulted to provide an acceptable alternate location oF other specific measures. 11.62 Guy Installation, Installation and tensioning of guys shall be in accordance with the requirements of the Structure Designer. 44.7 Posterection Procedure: 11.7.1 Tnspection. Structures shall be inspected for proper Tightening of all bolted joins, condition of protective coat land vertical alignment (plumb oF rake). 11.72 Grounding. Installation ofall required structure ground- ing shall be completed promptly after structure erection. 11.73 Coating Repair, Per the Owner's approval. all damaged ‘cas of protective coating shall be repaired in accordance with the coating manufacturer's recommendations. Po Scent ea es, SSepeaizo cay pcmcia tom 11.7.4 Unloaded Arms. Unloaded arms shall be evaluated by 11.7.8 Hardware Installation, Conductor dampening devices the Structure Designer for susceptibility to damage from wind- and/or spacers for bundled conductors, if required, shall be {induced oscillabons, Remedial measures to reduce oscillation installed alter conductor stringing is completed. ‘magnitudes shall be used if damage is considered likely ASce 40-11 26 Sommer SESE eee greeronaneccour ‘gaia reap eta on COMMENTARY This commentary is not a part of the Standard, Its intended for {informational purposes only. This information is provided as explanatory and supplementary material to assist im applying the recommended requirements, The scations of this commentary are numbered to correspond to the sections of the standard to which they refer. Since itis not Design of Steel Transmission Pole Structures aoa oes. eteEigS eran eaten tae ton necessary to have supplementary material for every section in the standard, there are gaps in the numbering sequence of the commentary. tt aoc SETEEE ey, permacoum Chapter 4 Commentary LOADING, GEOMETRY, AND ANALYSIS C42 Loading C421 Factored Design Loads. The ASCE has developed information to aid in the seleetion of loads for transmission line structures. Guidelines for Electrical Transmission Line Struc- tural Loading, ASCE Manuals and Reports on Engineering Practice No. 74, presents a reliability-based methodology for developing transmission line structure loads. Other methods for sclceting loads also may be acceptable where utility companies have established procedures that are based on years of successful ‘operating experience, (4.2.2 Loading Considerations. Prevailing practice and most sate laws require that transmission lines be designed, as a ‘minimum, to meet the requirements of past or current editions. of the NESC. When evaluating potential structure loading criteria, the ‘Owner should consider the following sources of information: Individual utility planning criteria will usually dictate spe- cific conductor and shield wire sizes. Minimum legislated loading conditions are specified in applicable national, state, and local codes. e.g.. NESC. California GO-95, and Canadian Standards. Association (CSA-22.3). 3. Historical climatie conditions in the utility's service area ‘may indicate loads in excess of legislated loads. These may include wind o ice, or any combination thereof, ata speci- fied temperature 4. Local terrain and line routing procedures will determine the individual structure orientation criteria. 5. Individual utility policies and procedures will determine specific construction and maintenance requirements, such fas structure stability before conductor/shield wire installa tion, the potential for unbalanced longitudinal loads during ‘conductor/shield wire stringing, the need for attachment provisions for structure lifting and hoisting material such fs insulators, stringing blocks, ete. or the need for “hot line” maintenance capability 6. Individual utility planning eriteria and experience may require the need for a load condition to prevent progressive Fine failure (cascading). 7. Utilities may need to consider unique loading situations that are applicable to their service areas or created by joint use of their structures. Examples of service area loading conditions include galloping and/or aeolian vibration of wires, as well as seismic events. Typical electrical trans~ mission structure designs provide adequate strength 10 resist loadings from seismic acceleration forces. Tubular Frame-type structures may need to consider the eflects of foundation movement caused by earthquake ground Design of Stee! Transmission Pole Structures ‘motions. Examples of joint-use loads are welecommuriica- tion applications and other nonelecirical apparatuses (such fs waffic signals). The Owner should determine the appli- teable design code for joint-use applications. (4.23 Load Expression. The Owner should transmit specific Toading criteria to the Structure Designer in the form of load trees, using a single orthogonal coordinate system as shown in Fig. C41. These loading criteria should express the magnitude, direction, and point of application for each load and load case ‘Conductor and shield wire loads should be shown at their appro- priate attachment points, The weight of insulators and hardware ‘Should be included in these loads. “The magnitude and direction of wind on the structure should be defined by the Owner. Shape and height coefficients should be included in the wind loading or listed separately in tabular form. One reference for these coefficients is ASCE Manual of Practice No. 74, Guidelines for Electrical Transmission Line ‘Structural Loading. If listed separately, the use of these coefli- cients should be defined by a formula. LINE ANGLE ACTUAL POLE WiRE DIRECTION \, ‘TRANSVERSE “ARMS: Ld LONGITUDINAL PLAN win ON STRUCTURE ELEVATION FIGURE C4-1 RECOMMENDED LOAD TREE FORMAT. ear When necessary, desig shown separately All special loading considerations that may affect the design of the siructure should be clearly communicated to the Structure Designer (e.g. reverse wind on bisector of a guyed small-angle or installation of sin- loads for attachment plates should be structure, temporary construction guyin sle-cireuit conditions for double-circuit structures). C4.3 Geometric Configurations C43.1 Configuration Considerations. The Owner should deieemine the preliminary structure geometry based on an appro- priate technical and economic evaluation of the electrical and Inechanieal performance requirements ‘Generally, ransmission structures may be classified as one of lnee types: suspension, strain, or dead-end, Suspension structures are those in which conductors and shield wires pass through and are suspended from support points. Strain structures are those in which conductors and shield “wires are attached to the structure by means of bolted or com- pression dead-end fittings. ‘These structures are designed to Support intact, basically equal, longitudinal loads on both sides of the struct Dead-end structures use similar conductor and shield wire attachment methods as used on strain structures, However, dad- ‘end structures are designed to support intact unbalanced longi tudinal loads because of differing conductor and shield wire tensions and/or sizes on opposite sides of the structure ‘Additional nomenclature for the basic structure types is used to help identify structure orientation with respect 10 the center Tine of the transmission line. The term “tangent” denotes a basic structure type with file or no Tine angle, ‘The term “angle” Uchotes a basic structure type that is subjected to various degrees. ff line angle. Therefore, the following terminology is reeom- ‘mended: tangent suspension, angle suspension, tangent strain, angle strain, tangent dead-end, and angle dead-end, (4.3.2 Structure Types. The previously described structure types may also be categorized as cither “self-supported” or “guyed.” Self-supported structures have sufficient strength and stiffness to support the design loads without any guy support. Guyed structures rely on guys for load distribution, stiffness, and subility, C4.4 Methods of Analysis “The response of a tubular structure subjected 10 factored design loads is generally nonlinear. Geometric nonlinearity (also called second-order effect or P-Delta effect) results from displace- iments that ean be substantial, Material nonlinearity may occur in the behavior of the steel material, with localized yielding taking place. Localized yielding may even take place at load levels less than design loads because of stresses induced during ‘manufacturing, “Three states of behavior can be described for a tubular struc~ ture: elastic state, inelastic or damage state, and ultimate or collapse state. A structure is in the clastic state if it does not Sustain permanent deformation under loading conditions. Sirueture is inthe inelastic or damage state if it can safely carry the loads but sustains permanent deformation. Repair or replace- ‘ment may be required depending on the extent of damage sus- tained. A structure is in the ultimate or collapse state when the Toads cannot be supported. Geometric nonlinearities are present inal three states. Material nonlinearity becomes significant only in the damage oF ultimate states. 1€ is not significant in the clastie state, 30 C44.1 Structural Analysis Methods. The philosophy adopted by this standard is to design a structure so that it will not be permanently damaged under the design climatic, construction, ‘and maintenance loads, For security loads. the Owner may allow permanent damage as long as ultimate collapse is prevented. ‘Allowing permanent damage takes advantage of the fact that tubular structures can exhibit additional strength beyond the onset of ultimate loading or collapse state For design conditions where permanent damage is prohibited, ‘8 geometrically nonlinear clastic analysis is required. For the rare design conditions where damage is tolerated, a nonlinear fanalysis with both geometric and. material nonlinearities is required. The elastic method of analysis, with geowesric nonlin~ ccaity included, is the most common analysis method being used by structure designers. “The analysis should have the ability to predict elastic instabi ity phenomena, ic. the analysis should indicate inereasingly farge deformations, even under smal lateral loads, for vertical Toads approaching the buckling load of the structure “The analysis should include the axial and shear forces, as well as the bending and torsional moments atthe critial locations of the structure. With geometric nonlinearity included, all forces fand moments should be in equilibrium in the deformed state of the structure “The structure should be modeled with a sufficient number of ‘elements to ensure that locations of maximum stresses coincide ‘with the origin or the end of an element, and the effects of deflec- tion on amplification of moments are included. All structural embers, including interpole ties, bracing, and guys, should be included as elements. “The inherem Mexibility of most unguyed tubular structures ccan have a substantial effect on the magnitude of the loads and conductor and shied wire sags caused by an unbalanced Tongitudinal condition. For example, conductors and shield wires that remain intact may be able to provide some support for a structure adjacent 10 a single conductor break, When the loads on a flexible structure are considered to be affected by their connection to other structures through conductors and shicld wires, a system analysis may be performed. As a minimum, the system should inelude several spans in either Girection and their supporting structures. The conductors and Shicld wires in the spans should be modeled as caienary clements, ‘Cross-sectional properties of commonly used tubularmembers ‘can be approximated by the formulae in Appendix Ul. Guys may be modeled as straight tension-only bars, pre- stressed if desited, oF a8 a cable element including the actual Dresiress in the guy. If the structure is designed using the Feduced moments resulting from prestressing the guys, the Owner's assembly and erection specifications should require compliance with these assumptions. For further information ‘Chapter 5 of Design of Guved Electrical Transmission ‘Structures, ASCE Manuals and Reports on Engineering Practice No. 91 Tf foundation movement is of concem, the model should be able to accommodate specified displacement or rotation at the Structure base or connection to foundation elements "The effects of acolian vibration of the structures or members ‘and the resulting fatigue stress on the structure or members Should be considered. Damping options or recommendations Should be provided 0 the Owner where appropriate, In lieu of a comprehensive engineering analysis of a structure or member, the installation of the conductor oF shield wire ean formally he considered an effective means of suppressing these vibrations, ASCE 48-11 Sones Soames gncenownsc.0O8T% rrctth rss someat mo eto C45 Additional Considerations C4S.1 Structural Support. The degree of support provided by structure foundations can have a significant effect on the design of a structure because of foundation rotation or displace- tment If foundation rotation or displacement allowances are “Specified. the Owner should establish the performance require- ‘ments for the structure, guys, and foundations. In determining this value, aesthetics, eleetrical clearances, and the ability 10 replumb a structure should be considered. C452 Design Restrictions. Structure shipping length and ‘weight restrictions are usually influenced by construction ste nitions and material handling limitations. Siructre diameter, taper, and deflection restrictions are usually influenced by the desired appearance of installed struc- Cures. Line angles and unbalanced phase arrangements can create loading situations that will cause a structure to deflect noticeably Several methods can be used to minimize these effects. One mnethod isto camber the structure during fabrication to offset the fnieipated deflection under Yoad so that it will appear straight and plumb afer installation. Another methodist rake the srue- {ure during installation, The deflection atthe top ofthe structure {sdetermined, and the poe is ted a coresponding amount so thatthe top of the structure i ata specified position in relation to the structure at ground line ‘To camber or rake a structure, a special load case, usually the “normal” or “everyday” Toad onthe structure, should be spe fed by the Owner. “The structure finish is a factor that influences the design and fabrication of the structure. The most common structure finishes are hot dip galvanized, weathered, painted, zine silicate coated, and metalized. The selection of a finish is normally influenced by environmental exposure, appearance, and regula- ‘ory requirements “Tne determination ofthe shafl-to-shaft connection is normally based on the type and magnitude of structure loading. Shafis joaded in bending or compression are normally designed using a slip joint connection, whereas shafts loaded in uplift or guyed Structures with axa! foads greater than the Structure Designer's Fecommended jacking foree, normally use a bolted Mange connection. “The type of foundation is usually based on economic factors influenced by geotechnical conditions, construction material oss, and structure loads. The drilled shaft and anchor bolt direct-embedded pole, and embedded casing foundations are the ‘mest common types used for tubular steel pote structures Guy attachment and anchor locations are usually determined by structural suppor, electrical clearance, and rightof-way considerations. 45.3 Climbing and Maintenance Provisions. Generally provisions should be made so that all portions of structures and insulator and hardware assemblies are accessible for mainte~ hance purposes. Where steps and/or ladders are required, they should be sufficiently strong so they do not deform permanently under the weight of maintenance personnel with tools and equipment. ‘All climbing devices should be oriented to provide adequate clearance between maintenance personnel and energized parts, allowing for conductor movement under specified climatic Conditions. Detachable ladders should be fabricated in lengths that can be handled by maintenance personnel on the structure ‘Additional information on climbing can be obtained in TEEE’s Standard 1307, JEEE Standard for Fall Protection for Utility Work Design of Steel Transmission Pole Structures C454 Pre-engineered Steet Poles (“Wood Pole Eq lenis). The use of steel poles for applications designed for standard-class wood poles often refers to the poles as “wood equivalent” steel poles. However, this is a misnomer as it is impossible to equate the properties of a steel pote to those of & ‘wood pole under all load conditions. Stee! and wood poles have GifTerent properties, resulting in different performance. In addi- tion, there is no standard within the industry forthe dimensions of pre-engineered steel poles. Steel poles of the same equivalent class fabricated by different manufacturers may have different top diameters, tapers, and cross-sectional propenies. The use of pre-engineered steel poles in liew of individually engineered, fite-specific steel poles has become a common practice in the ndustry. The Line Designer should ensure thatthe properties of a pre-engineered pole are properly evaluated before specifying it for a specific design application ‘Much has been written about the difference in load factors and strength factors between wood and steel poles. Although there is no national standard, often the manufacturer's standard-class steel poles are sized to carry the ANSI 05.1 classification load applied 2 ft (0.6 m) from the pole top with appropriate adjust ‘ment forthe difference in NESC Rule 250B Grade B wind load factor between steel and wood. Historically, and through 2010, the NESC has used a safety factor of 2.5 for wind on steel poles ‘and 4 for wind on wood poles, leading to an equivalency factor Of 0.625 (2.5/4). As such, the poles do not have equiva: ‘nnoment capacities tnder other loading conditions. such as line tension, extreme wind, or under Grade C construction. The ‘designer should recognize and specify the governing loading ‘condition if other than NESC Rule 2508, Grade B. Differences jn material and section properties of the Wood pole versus the ‘steel pole result in differences in buckling capacity, pole deflec- tions, secondary moments, applied wind forees, ete, Some com- pulerized analysis programs allow the designer to check each Individual structure for the various load cases. using the appro priate load and strength factors, to help ensure that each pole, Mwhether wood or steel, is adequately sized for the application. Other considerations for the design or selection of pre-engi- neered steel poles should include, but not be limited to, the following: 1. The slip splice common on two-piece steel poles may not bbe adequate for large axial loads. cither tension or com- pression. Ifa slip-spliced pole is used in a guyed structure, the compression load expected in the pole should be less than or equal fo the jacking force during assembly. A slip- Spliced pole subject to axial tension, as may occur in a ‘raced H-frame below the X-brace, should be locked with some device to keep the joint from separating. Slip splices in He-frame structures may pose alignment problems for terossurms and eros bracing if the holes are not field ‘riled. Pole slip joints cannot be fabricated to slip exactly the same amount and achieve full engagement, resulting in poles of different length and different attachment cations 2, The NESC allows wood poles to be designed as struts with the guys holding the entire transverse load. Guyed steel poles should be designed as a complete structural system ‘withthe transverse load shared by the pole and guys. This difference in analysis methodology can result in different pole sizes for the same loading condition 3. Combining poles of different sizes and/or materials in mul tiple-pole structures should be closely checked because the Toads are not equally distribated between the poles. The a pico mas stiffer pole carries more than its share of the load. It should Also be noted tha the stel pole mightbe significantly lighter than the wood pole, decreasing its uplift resistance. 4. The customary wood pole embedment depth of 10% plus 2 ft (0.6 m) may not be adequate. A foundation analysis based on soil and pole information should be performed 10 censure adequate embedment depths. Connections {0 steel poles ate often overlooked in the Lesign process, The Fabricator of the pre-engineered stee! poles may not have any design responsibility and may not be aware of what connections are to be made to the pole. The Line Designer is then responsible for the design of adequate connections, Little testing of connections to pre- tngincered steel poles as a system have been performed oF ‘shared with the industry. Most testing seems to have been performed to validate the design of the attachment rather than the connection to the pole, Some of the attachment ‘methods used on wood poles cannot be used on steel poles. For example, typical attachments that induce heavy con- ccentrated forces caused by davit arm or X-brace connec tions with traditional through-bolt details can introduce forces significant enough to cause a local buckling of the pple wall in the region of the bolting hardware. Reinforce ment at these bolted connections can aid the pole section in resisting these induced forces. Often, spanning the bend lines of the pole section with a plate washer can add to the sirength of the thru-bolt connection. 6. Drilling holes in steel poles reduces the strength of the poles. Ficld drilling of holes in welds or bend lines shou be avoided. If the hole is on the neutral axis or is Tocated area of minor stress, the loss of moment capacity may be insignificant. Ifthe hole isin an area of high stress, the Toss of moment capacity could be significant and should be taken into consideration, |. Bolt shear strength i not given much consideration jn most ‘wood pole connections because of the large bearing area ‘and th: use of cleated washers to distribute loads, However, the bearing area may be a limiting factor for bolts in steel poles and should be checked, Bearing plates are necessary on steel poles to provide a ‘bearing surface similar to that of a solid pole. Sealed poles may have a solid bottom plate, but galvanized poles may have openings to facilitate the galvanizing process. The intended use of the pole and the Vertical load requirements determine the size of the bearing plate. The bearing plate ‘can be extended beyond the pole shaft to provide uplift resistance if needed Many steel poles are manufactured as regular polygons instead of being truly round. As such, the section modulus of the steel pole varies depending on the orientation of the flat sides. The Structure Designer needs to consider the ‘orientation of the pole with respect to the loads. For ‘example, when the resultant moment is across the points fof the polygon, the section modulus is at its minimum. ASCE 48-11 Scat ea a ‘SSTUAr tem oieyoaecnewensai coon Soasetlcn arated nant SE eLsoe

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