PETA 1: KWL Chart Name: Pascual, Khrizel N. Grade and Section: 12-HSC 1

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PETA 1: KWL Chart


Grade and Section: 12- HSC 1

Task: Complete the KWL chart using your prior ideas and new learnings from the text given. Be mindful of the guidelines provided below.

● List down 5 entries for each column.

● For the W and L parts, make sure that you were able to answer all the questions that you have listed down.
● Your grade will be based on a scoring system. 5 points for the entries in K. 5 points also for the entries in W and L provided that each
question in W was answered.
● You will earn a total and maximum of 15 points.
● Use this document as your template for answering then submit your output in PDF file using the file name format:

What I KNOW What I WANT to know What I have LEARNED

1. This essay discusses several 1. Does a college degree have to be 1. No, employment in contact centers is open

occupations and career pathways. obtained in order to get employed? to students, recent graduates, and other

2. To get a job, you must have strong 2. Are degree-holders more likely to be job seekers.

qualities. hired by employers? or a competent 2. Employers are more inclined to recruit

person? someone who is skilled in communication

3. It might be difficult to find work 3. Which of the skills that employees need and speaks multiple languages, claims the

fresh out of college. to learn is the most effective? text.

4. Employers are particularly interested 4. Will artificial intelligence or robots 3. The capacity to adapt. Employees must

in hiring people with positive eventually supplant people in the learn how to adjust to the shifting

experience. workforce? demands of their companies and of

5. Additionally, employers hold 5. Should we put more of an emphasis on technology.

prospective hires to a very high mastering digital skills? 4. They can, however some tasks or abilities

level. are remain unique to people and cannot be

duplicated by any artificial items.

5. You will feel more at ease utilizing new

technologies and be able to complete tasks

more quickly if you have these skills.

The One Thing You Need

Because of constant changes in the job market demands, a skill you have been learning for sometime now might be rendered obsolete by the
time you use it in the workplace. It is this mercuriality that makes one want to examine what is really essential to be successful.

Over the last years, contact centers have been providing employment for a lot of undergraduates, fresh graduates, and other job seekers. Being
customer-centered, work in a contact center requires one to deliver information well and establish trust while talking to clients with different
needs, issues and of course, temperaments. As such, good communication skills have become crucial in securing a post in the industry. Aside
from this, the major task of handling customer concerns requires analytical skills to determine the problem and swiftly offer solutions. And when
the company grows and expands to other countries, extending their reach to different customers of diverse cultures and social mores, agents
are also expected to be fluent in a foreign language other than English to ensure not just a stable employment but also a good paycheck.

The contact center, or call center, is just one facet of the BPO industry. Outsourcing means obtaining external manpower to carry out business
processes like human resources. Solutions for technological needs like software development can also be outsourced. This has led to a large
demand in the field of computer sciences, making yet another kind of language valuable to learn—namely, the programming language.

But as technological needs are met, and technology advances, we could lose some of these jobs, especially the ones that are replaceable by
artificial intelligence.

The thing is, there are a lot of them and humans will eventually have no choice but to look somewhere else for jobs. They will have to develop
other skills which cannot be automated by most advanced machines.

So what are those? Of course, these should be the ones that are automation-proof, or those that have to do with establishing meaningful human
connection. In this case, good communication skills are still the best to master.

It is still very important to keep up with the changes. The educational system must be technology-oriented, but should not completely do away
with tradition, which has been, and still is, the basis of what we humans have reached so far in the realm of sciences.

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