Cấu trúc đề B1

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Cấu trúc đề B1 (4<6 điểm)

Nghe Đọ Viết nói

- 3 parts-35 câu hỏi- 45’ - 4 bài -task -part 1: tương
- Part 1:8 câu hỏi (8 đoạn ngắn của 1 đọc – 1: viết thư tác xã hội- 3 phút-
người) 40 -20 phút nói 2 chủ đề
- Part 2: 12 câu hỏi(3 đoạn ngắn của 2 câu- (120 từ) -part 2: thảo
người -mỗi đoạn trả lời 4 câu) 1h -task luận giải pháp -3
- Part 3: 15 câu hỏi (3 đoạn dài của 2 2: viết phút
người -mỗi đoạn trả lời 5 câu) luận -40 -part 3: phát
phút (250 triển ý tưởng chủ đề
từ) (5 phút)

Colleagues=cowoker=partner=associate: đồng nghiệp

Inspect: thanh tra/ kiểm tra
Celebrate: lễ kỉ niệm
Presentation: thuyết trình
Volunteer(V):tình nguyện là gì?
Give a city tour: hướng dẫn tua du lịch
Arrange transportation=shuttle: sắp xếp việc đi lại
Cater(ing) service: dịch vụ ăn uống
Qualifications: bằng cấp trình độ
Availability(adj): rãnh
Supply: cung cấp
Máy móc mới, chi mới thì sẽ có traing
Purchased: mua
Branch: chi nhánh
Agenda/timeline/plan/schedule,itinerary, timetable: lịch trình
Look over: đã xem qua, stop by: ghé qua
Across= opposite(giới từ) đối diện
Look for/search for/seek/figure out/locate/navigate:tìm kiếm
Announcement: thông báo
Take place: diễn ra ở đâu
Ferry: tàu -terminal: bến
Boarding time: thời gian lên tàu
Refund policy: chính sách hoàn tiền
Departune gate: cửa/cửa khởi hành
Trip route: lộ trình chuyến đi
Proof: bằng chứng
Proof of payment: hóa đơn
Photo identification: chứng minh nhân dân
Draft(n): bản thảo (adj) nháp(v) (phát thảo=outline)
Expenses/expenditure/cost/charge/fee/: chi phí
Axtra/additional/supple mentary: thêm vào
Warranty=guarantee: bảo hành
Platform: nền tảng/ sân ga

Dear SU,
I’m sorry for not writing to you earlier but I’ve been really busy recently studying
for my exams. It was great to get your letter and hear all your news. Especially, the part
about you and your parents coming to visit in september.
The weather is still fairly warm (The weather in this season is cold), we should be
able to spend a bit of time at the beach. Then we will visit the ancient town of Hoi An. I
think your parents will really enjoy the atmosphere in this city. Besides, the street foods
here will strong impress to you.
You asked what clothes you should bring. You will be fine with light summer
dressees, skirt and jeans and sweater or jacket for evenin, which can be rather cool. Don’t
forget to pack swimming custome. It will still be warm enoungh swim
I’d better go and get on with my exam prepairation. I hope your exam will be good
and that you have a lovely summer holiday. I’m really looking for seeing rou in
All the best
TRẢ LỜI THƯ TRANG TRỌNG. (phản hồi về khóa học)
DEAR MR. A (sir or madam)
I’m writing this letter in response to your request for my feedback on the business course
that I attended
First, I suppose that the course in general was really good in terms of organization,
teaching and materials. The organization was clear as the professor gave us the course
outline at the beginning, in the first session. The standard of teaching was high. I mean
the professor was really helpul and professional. He organized a veriety of activities for
us a take part in such as working pairs, group or make presentations.
On the other hand, there are several things that I was not quite satisfied with and that
could be improved. Firstly, I tthought the course was fairly easy at the beginning.
However, on the second half of the course, we got to much workload with plenty of
assignments, essays. I suggest that the work should be more evenly balanced. Secondly,
concerning materials of the course, th ere are not enough copies of key texts
I hope that this information is helpful to you. Please do nnot hesitate to ask me if you
need further information.
Your sincerely (nếu biết tên người nhận) hoặc yours faithfully (nếu không biết tên người
Dear sir or madam,
I am writing this letter extend/express my sincere thanks to Mr. Ba, the employee your
I am a commuter and everyday I often take bus route 133 to work. On last Monday
morning when the bus almost reaching the stop where I was to get off, I suddenly felt
headache, tired and then I lost my consciouness. When I came to, I found myself in the
hospital st.mary, attended by my wife. The doctor told me it was mr ba who had sent me
to the hospital and information to my wife of my condition. Mr. Ba happened to be on
the same bus, but I have never met him. My wife and I were very much grateful to Mr.
Baker for his kindness. Please forward my heartfelt thankfulness to him.. We fell very
much proud of your company for having such as a good employee. Mr Ba was later for
work that day, I wanted to compensate you
I hope that your company would reward Mr. ba for his noble deeds
Your fairthfully

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