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Jakarta Metropolitan Area | 085155085610 |


Human Resources Department

(Cc: Ms. Nurmala Syahbani)
ICRC Regional Delegation in Jakarta
Jl Iskandarsyah 1 No 14 Kebayoran Baru, DKI Jakarta

Dear Hu ma n R e so urc es Dep art me nt :

I am writing to apply for the Logistic Assistant position as published in ICRC website.
As requested, I am enclosing a detailed CV and this Cover Letter as well. And I put three references for
background checking, if needed.

This opportunity that published in the website are opportunities that I have been waiting for long time. And
I believe my various managerial experiences that had been built for years, fit in to this position, and will make
me a very competitive candidate to be considered.
The key strengths that I possess for success in this position include:

• I have well-experienced in managing logistics, warehouse activities, and fleet/vehicles management

• I have basic knowledge in Export-Import activities and have a good networking in Customs
• I have good motivation to keep learning so much things. Sometimes there is an issue with experienced
workers that they cannot learn anymore like Fresh Graduates does. But I can guarantee that I still
have that motivation at the highest level

I can be reached anytime via email at or my cell-phone at 085155085610.

Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward for further discussions about this my dream job.

Warmest Regards,

Dare Gem acita

R efer en ce s

No Name Stat us Phon e N umb er

Viani Pu spit a Sa ri Lec tu rer at U npa d 0812- 2033 - 0332

T egar Ma ula na R ecrui t er at PT Po s 0852- 2062 - 0617
Ind on esi a

R endih Su sa nt o Co- wo rk er at La zad a 0857- 1925 - 9006
Logi s ti c s

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