Cover Letter & Detailed CV - Dare Gemacita

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Jakarta Metropolitan Area | 085155085610 |


Human Resources Department

(Cc: Ms. Nurmala Syahbani)
ICRC Regional Delegation in Jakarta
Jl Iskandarsyah 1 No 14 Kebayoran Baru, DKI Jakarta

Dear Hu ma n R e so urc es Dep art me nt :

I am writing to apply for the Logistic Assistant position as published in ICRC website.
As requested, I am enclosing a detailed CV and this Cover Letter as well. And I put three references for
background checking, if needed.

This opportunity that published in the website are opportunities that I have been waiting for long time. And
I believe my various managerial experiences that had been built for years, fit in to this position, and will make
me a very competitive candidate to be considered.
The key strengths that I possess for success in this position include:

• I have well-experienced in managing logistics, warehouse activities, and fleet/vehicles management

• I have basic knowledge in Export-Import activities and have a good networking in Customs
• I have good motivation to keep learning so much things. Sometimes there is an issue with experienced
workers that they cannot learn anymore like Fresh Graduates does. But I can guarantee that I still
have that motivation at the highest level

I can be reached anytime via email at or my cell-phone at 085155085610.

Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward for further discussions about this my dream job.

Warmest Regards,

Dare Gem acita

R efer en ce s

No Name Stat us Phon e N umb er

Viani Pu spit a Sa ri Lec tu rer at U npa d 0812- 2033 - 0332

T egar Ma ula na R ecrui t er at PT Po s 0852- 2062 - 0617
Ind on esi a

R endih Su sa nt o Co- wo rk er at La zad a 0857- 1925 - 9006
Logi s ti c s

Dare Gemacita
Jakarta Metropolitan Area

Always become an ambassador of everything wherever he is and whatever he likes. This "Chelsea Man", or at the
moment he called "Pak Pos", always try to be in others minds especially when someone in need a support.
Dare Gemacita has an International Relations background, he finished the Bachelor Degree in 3 years and 10
months, graduated from Universitas Padjadjaran in 2016 with GPA of 3.20. He's an active student during his time.
His top organizational career during his college days was becoming a Project Officer "ASEAN Common Market for
PNMHII-XXVI (Pre-Event)", an LO for Universitas Gadjah Mada Delegates in PNMHII-XXVI, and Sponsorship and
Marketing Division Staff at Symphonesia 2015 "Through Public Diplomacy" (Music Concert and IR-campaign).
Back in one year before his graduation, he was Intern as Research Assistant in Pusat Misi Pemeliharaan
Perdamaian (Indonesian Troops HQ for UN Mission). He daily reported to Director of Administration and Logistics,
Kolonel Sandy M Latief. Also attending and do assistance to the Director when The Asia-Pasific Regional Meeting
on Peacekeeping held in Sentul.
After the graduation, he joined an event called TAFISA World Games 2016 through . And he's
appointed to become a VIP LO for Mr. Gaetan Garcia (Project Manager TAFISA HQ-Frankfurt). When his time at
TAFISA, Dare can speak and well-written German and got certified A2 by Goethe-Institut Bandung at 2014. Dare
Gemacita has 3,5 years working experiences at PT Pos Indonesia (Persero) in various managerial positions in
several cities in Indonesia, most of time Dare contributed to Logistics (Operations) and Sales-Marketing activities.
Dare Gemacita's past working experiences was Routes Supervisor at Lazada Logistics - First Mile Department.
He spread his wings into the world of ecommerce logistics to find out good business processes and develop his
potential as a leader for the team he leads.
Outside of work, Dare is a Football Enthusiast, Gamer, and Mountain Climber. He loves Chelsea in particular,
and following the develoment of young Indonesian players. He's bit addicted to Football Manager, it's always fun
to develop many hot-prospect players and evolutioning them into world-class players. Last but not least, Dare is
a Mountain Climber. He had climbed several mountains from West to East Java such as Gunung Manglayang,
Gunung Papandayan, Gunung Prau and so-called "The peak of gods", Gunung Semeru. He always felt better right
after climbing mountain because it had helped a little to clean up the trash leftover from other climbers.

Routes Supervisor - First Mile Department
Oct 2020 - Feb 2021 (5 months)
• Supervises day-to-day pickup operation, complete 100% of pickup assigned to routes daily, packages
picked up are free from damage, complete handover of packages to sortation and reconciliation done
with the team leader by end of the day, as assigned.
• Re-checking backlog parcels and pick it up 100% in the next day.
• Investigates and resolves inquiries and complaints related to pickup operations promptly & timely.

Dare Gemacita - page 1

• Monitoring in-process parcels status (Lost Driver) should be founded under 3 days.
• Coaching and developing team (Team Leader, Dispatcher, Driver, Checker, and all staff level)

Marketing Manager
PT Pos Indonesia (Persero)
Apr 2020 - Oct 2020 (7 months)
• Responsibility in reaching the sales target and promotion, both from retail or corporate.
• Research the market potential through data analysis, survey and networking.
• Supervised and coaching the sales-partner (Oranger) to increased their sales target and income
through acquire competitor customers.
• Focusing on increase QCOMM product growth (new product feature with Cash On Delivery and E-
Commerce by KantorPos)
• Monitoring the agent-partner (Agenpos) to increase their sales target and income.
• Ensure the sales-partner (Oranger) and agent-partner (Agenpos) provides services in accordance to
Post Office standards.
• PIC to Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Lamongan to ensure the sputum sample delivered in time
• PIC to Kepolisian Resor Lamongan to ensure the delivery of ETLE has success delivery on time

Postal Operations Manager

PT Pos Indonesia (Persero)
Nov 2018 - Apr 2020 (1 year 6 months)
• Ensuring the flow of Processing-Transporting-Delivery (C-P-T-D+R) works well.
• Monitoring the standard delivery time every products such Q9, QComm, Pos Express, Pos Kilat
Khusus, Express Mail Services (EMS), etc to be delivered on time.
• Monitoring the flow of inner city transportation.
• Monitoring our postman to do the FIFO (First In First Out) warehousing procedures.
• Ensuring the COD-parcels deposit on time.
• Ensuring the import tax and custom fees paid off in time.
• Ensuring the postage stamps mail & parcels are sent.
• Coordinating with Operation Hub office.
• Managing petty cash.
• Assisted Customer Services Officer to explain the operational process to the customers that may
complain of the SLA.
• PIC to Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Pasuruan to ensure the sputum sample delivered in time
• Coordinator of Warehouse-transit of Telkomsel Pasuruan (MBS), printing Delivery Order and doing
Check and Re-Checking before handover process.

Assistant Postal Service Manager

PT Pos Indonesia (Persero)
Sep 2018 - Nov 2018 (3 months)

PT Pos Indonesia (Persero)
Apr 2018 - Jul 2018 (4 months)

Dare Gemacita - page 2

• Transferring local office funds to the head office account on daily basis.
• Making a Financial Balance Sheet.
• Ensuring the Cashier's Balance Sheet.
• Responsibility in Stamps and Seals sales and stock.
• Ensuring the Pension Officer's Balance Sheet.
• Monitoring the use of operational money to all divisions.
• Collecting the tax invoice from our partner and reporting it to the Regional office.

Mini Project Postal Agency Under Supervision of CEO PT. Pos Indonesia
PT Pos Indonesia (Persero)
Aug 2017 - Feb 2018 (7 months)
CEO PT. Pos Indonesia (Persero), Gilarsi W Setijono, had a special assignment for Management
Trainee Graduates to do research and develop Postal Agency where we split by 3 groups.
Jakarta, Solo, and Surabaya.
3 big cities that potentially have a good prospects to increase the income to the company.
Each of us working as a Sales Team Officers. We're acquiring customers from the competitors, we
served an extra services such as after-sales treatment and giving a discounts/cashback.

Management Trainee
PT Pos Indonesia (Persero)
May 2017 - Jul 2017 (3 months)

PT Pos Indonesia (Persero)
Nov 2016 - Apr 2017 (6 months)

Liaison Officer
TAFISA - The Association For International Sport for All
Oct 2016 - Oct 2016 (1 month)
Liaison Officer VIP for Mr. Gaëtan Garcia (TAFISA HQ)
• Assisted the delegates to meet their daily needs during the event
• Improved program effectiveness by implementing time management
• Collaborated with administrators on specific plans of action
• Drove operational improvements which resulted time-punctuality

Research Assistant Intern

United Nations Peacekeeping
Jun 2015 - Aug 2015 (3 months)
• Research. Writing essay, make slides and do the presentation to the Director of Administration and
Logistics (PMPP - TNI) about many topics, such as, Civil-Military Cooperation, Defense Diplomacy, and
Peacekeeping Operations.

Dare Gemacita - page 3

• Participate in monitoring of Indonesian's Helicopter UNO-067, UNO-068, UNO-069 to be ready for the
UN Missions in Central Africa (MINUSCA).
• Attended the The Asia-Pacific Regional Meeting on Peacekeeping where held in Jakarta and Sentul.
• Discuss about Peacekeeping activity with Director of Administration and Logistics comparing with
many International Relations Theory.
• Practice Public Speaking.

Blog Administrator
Universitas Padjadjaran
Jan 2015 - Feb 2015 (2 months)
Blog Administrator @
• Reporting and documenting any kind of KKN activities.
• Updating contents at the website

Universitas Padjadjaran
Bachelor's degree, International Relations
2012 - 2016

Licenses & Certifications

Standard English Test (EF SET)

Community-Based Health and First Aid (CBHFA) eModule 1: Introduction! -

International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies - IFRC

Teilnahmebestätigung A2 (Evaluation : Satisfactory) - Goethe-Institut e.V.

Security Awareness Training Program - Lazada

Code of Business Conduct - Lazada

Privacy and You - Lazada

International Relations   •   Fantasy Football   •   Research   •   Policy Analysis   •   Microsoft Office   •   Marketing
  •   Negotiation   •   Writing   •   Communication   •   Team Leadership

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