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Lecture No 8: Flood Damage Reduction (I)
8.1 Floodplain management
-Fig. 8-1 Flood plain characteristics; main channel

Figure 8-1 Illustration of definitions of flood plain, main channel and levee.
- Flood damages are occurred when large flow cause flooding outside the main channel.
- Bank-full capacity of river is approximately the mean annual flood.

Figure 8-2 River channel and flood plain limits.

-Fig.8-2 shows typical 500-yr and 100-yr flood plains.

Floodway: part of stream channel that could contain the 100-yr peak flow with more than a 1.0 ft
increase in depth.
Table 8-1 Some dams in the state of California with Flood-storage capacity.

Figure 8-3
Goal of flood-control engineering
1. Peak flow rate must be reduced.
2. Capacity of the flood channel must be made large enough to prevent overbank flooding.
Peak flow of a flood can be reduced by:
1. Storage of at least part of the flood water in an upstream reservoir.
2. Land management upstream to increase infiltration, interception and detention losses
(effective for floods smaller than a 10-yr event)
3. Increasing channel storage through diversion to a bypass channel.
4. Diverting flood flows into another river basin.
5. Improving the hydraulic capacity of the channel.
US flood disaster protection ACT of 1973: to keep people away from floods rather than floods
away from people.
Floodplain is divided into the floodway; where V is large enough to cause damage and the perigheral
area is inundated during flood but experiences only small V.
Floodway within communities that have adapted flood plain regulations is usually subject to strong
building restrictions, adopting a flood-plain management program is required before federally
subsidized flood insurance can be made available to property owers.

8.2 Delineation of the floodplain

Manning ‘s n for overbank area during flood flow (Table 8-1).
-Velocities in the main channel (floodway) are always larger than those in the overbank
(peripheral) area.
- To delineate the extent of overbank flooding, use of the energy equation and the kinetic
energy correction factor (  )
- Between 2 sections a distance x apart as,
Va2 V2
ya   a  So x  yb   b b  S f x (8-1)
2g 2g
Ea  Eb  S f  So x (8-2)
ya and yb are depths at section a and b (either the main channel or the overbank channel)
The kinetic energy correction factor (  )   Au3 dA V 3 A , u = velocity at any point in the section.
V 3
Vi 1
Ai (8-3)
Subscript i indicates the subarea of which Vi and Ai , N is number of subareas, V  Q A
A 2 N
 Qi3 
  
Q 3 i 1  Ai2 
A compound channel in Figure 8-4

Table 8-1 Value of manning ‘s n to be used for overbank area along stream of rivers.

Figure 8-4 Definition sketch for a simple channel and overbank area.
Q  Q1  Q2 (8-5)
Slope of the energy line in the main must equal to overbank area,
S f  S f1  S f 2 (8-6)
The conveyance for an open channel K , is defined as,
Q 1.49
K  AR 3 (8-7)
Sf n
For SI K AR 3 , using (8-5)
Q  K1 S f1  K 2 S f 2 (8-8)
Q  K1  K 2  S f (8-9)
Sf  2
 N 
  Ki 
 i 1 
Subscript i refer to a subarea, N is the total number of subarea, evaluate  in terms of
the hydraulic conveyance and the area,
 N 
  Ai  N
 K3 
   i 1  3   i2  (8-11)
 N  i 1  Ai 
  Ki 
 i 1 
Example 8-1 The river having the channel whose cross section is shown in the accompanying
figure is subject to a flood 10,000 ft3/s. Find the velocity in the overbank area and in
the main channel at stations 0+00 and 6+00 if the depth shown occurs at station
0+00. Manning ‘s n is 0.05 in the overbank area and 0.03 in the main channel. The
cannel slope is 0.00167.
8.3 Flood Plain Encroachment
Floodway: the encroachment on the channel could be performed until the water surface
elevation during a 100 yr-flood would not be increased more than 1.0 ft.

Figure 8-5 Plan for flood plain for Rifle, Colorado on the Colorado River showing floodway, 100-
year, and 500-year flood limits.
Example 8-2 The channel shown in Fig. A has a longitudinal slope of 0.001. If the 100-yr flood
peak is 100,000 cfs, determine the minimum width of channel that would meet the criteria in the
definition of floodway. Assume the overbank area is covered with long grass and the main channel
is a straight gravel-bed river. Further assume the encroachment occurs over a long enough
distance so that flow occurs at normal depth throughout the part of the channel that is of interest.

Discuss Issues
1. Introduce Floodplain management from a community that you know?

Homework # 7
From Classwork # 8 find B (floodway width)
Classwork # 8
Prob. 9-9 in Lect. 9

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