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NAME: Ellen I.

Villanueva COURSE: BSEd 1B Major in Mathematics


Activity 1:
I. Read the following statements carefully. Identify what is being described in the
statement and write your answer on the space provided before the number.
CAVE PAINTING OR PETROGRAPH 1. This refers to any parietal art that
involves the application of color pigments on the walls, floors, or ceilings of ancient
rock dwellings inhabited by prehistoric man.
PALEOLITHIC PERIOD 2. This was the time when primitive cave artworks were
created with the use of primitive stone tools by primitive men.
the Angono Petroglyps?
CLASSICAL ART 4. This refers to the art form from Greece and Rome.
PHEIDIAS 5. Who created a new statue of Athena, sculpted in ivory and gold, on
the Acropolis?
MEDIEVAL ARCHITECTURE 6. This simply refers to architectural styles in
medieval Europe during the middle ages.
ROMANESQUE ARCHITECTURE 7. What was the name given to the style of
architecture used in very early Middle Ages when much of these developments were
pioneered by the Normans?
ILLUMINATED MANUSCRIPTS 8. These were religious texts decorated with
rich colors, which often featured the use of gold and silver.
FRESCO 9. Type of painting that was displayed in plaster on walls or ceilings in
Italian churches in the Middle Ages _________10. This is the practice and art of
designing and recording coats of arms and badges of the nobility.
HERALDRY 11. The term that is from the same French word, meaning "rebirth" .
BAROQUE 12. The term that was taken from the Portuguese "barocco," meaning,
"irregular pearl or stone and originating in Rome.
ROCOCO ART 13. The art style known as the age of artificiality as depicted in
artworks showing unreal or artificial subjects.
ART NOUVEAU 14. It is the art style that refers to a French term, meaning "new
art" and is best described by organic and plant motifs, as well as any other highly
stylized forms.
SYMBOLISM 15. It is the art style that shows the subjective vision of an artist
expressed through a simplified and no naturalistic style.
FAUVES OR FAUVISM 16. The art style that created bright cheery landscapes
and figure paintings with pure intense color and bold distinctive brushwork.
EXPRESSIONISM 17. The art style that shows the world solely from a subjective
perspective, distorting it radically for emotional effect to evoke moods or ideas.
CUBISM 18. These are artworks that are easily recognizable because of their
flattened, nearly two-dimensional appearance.
DADAISM OR DADA 19. It was a form of artistic anarchy born out of hatred for
the social political, and cultural values of the time.
SURREAL 20. The term is often used loosely to mean simply "strange" or
ABSTRACT EXPRESSIONISM 21. The art style described by gestural brush-
strokes or mark making and having the impression of spontaneity.
DE STIJL 22. The term which is Dutch for The Style
POP ART 23. The art style that showcased common household objects and
consumer products, like Coca-Cola and Campbell's Soup cans, as well as widely
diverse forms of media, such as comics newspapers, and magazines.
MINIMALISM 24. The art style wherein artworks are most often made of
geometric shapes in simple arrangements and without any decorative or dynamic
OP ART 25. The art style that gave a new form of abstraction which played with
the viewer's visual perception.
Activity 2:
Pretend that you are a commissioned artist and you are asked to create an artwork (any
form of medium) that depicts love. Using the different periods and art movements in Western
Europe, how will you execute and create the artwork based on the period you choose.
Activity 3:

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