Annual Report 2021

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Application: 068

Universidad Central de Venezuela Chapter

Started at: 2/2/2021 02:41 PM - Finalized at: 3/27/2021 01:26 PM

Page: ST CH Det ails & Co nt act s

Cat ego ry

SPE Student Chapter Annual Report

All st udent chapt ers are required t o submit an annual act ivit y and financial report by 1 April in
order t o meet maint enance requirement s.

St udent chapt ers t hat submit by t he 1 April deadline will be considered for awards. The awards
recognize t hose t hat display exemplary effort s in indust ry engagement , operat ions and planning,
communit y and social out reach, and more.

St udent chapt er name

Universidad Cent ral de Venezuela Chapt er

St udent chapt er number


Est ablishment dat e

1 Feb 1991

SPE regio n
Lat in America and Caribbean

Co unt ry

St udent chapt er healt h check st at us

Spo nso ring sect io n
Caracas Pet roleum Sect ion

2020 Membership

2020 Overall ret ent io n


2020 New member ret ent io n


2020 Gro wt h

Primary co llabo rat o r

Angel Ramirez

Primary co llabo rat o r email


Facult y adviso r
Yujeisly Reina

Facult y adviso r email

FA respo nse

Spo nso ring sect io n chair

Ms. Nohemi Vargas

Spo nso ring sect io n chair email
Spo nso ring sect io n st udent chapt er liaiso n
Mrs. Yujeisly Reina

Spo nso ring sect io n st udent chapt er liaiso n email

SPE regio nal suppo rt

Mr. Blaine Horner

SPE regio nal suppo rt email

Page: Universit y Pro gram Det ails

University Program Details

Your facult y adviso r should help wit h t his area.

They can log int o t he report as a collaborat or or provide officers wit h t he informat ion.

Primary degree pro gram

Pet roleum Engineering

Primary degree pro gram t ype


Degree lengt h, in years


Indicat e t he enro llment t rend fo r t his pro gram o ver t he past year.

Page: Execut ive Summary, Needs & Challenges

Executive Summary, Needs, and Challenges

Sho uld yo ur st udent chapt er be co nsidered fo r an award?

In 200 wo rds o r less, succinct ly summarize ho w yo ur act ivit ies o ver t he past year
impact ed yo ur members.
The activities carried out last year had a significant impact on the cohesion of the members of the student chapter,
as we faced new challenges in which we had to make a digital transformation of all our activities, from student
volunteering to technical and professional activities delivered to our audience, as well as increase our interactivity
with our followers in our social networks to promote learning opportunities and professional growth.

Also, all the activities carried out allowed us to network with professionals in the oil industry and with colleagues
from other student chapters at national and international level, which helped us to encourage teamwork in pursuit of
a common goal which is the dissemination of knowledge of petroleum engineering and new technologies emerging

Describe ho w yo ur st udent chapt er adjust ed o perat io ns t o serve members during

t he COVID-19 pandemic.
Due t o t he st rong economic and social impact produced by t he Covid-19 pandemic, t he st udent
chapt er t ook a firm st ance in t he growt h of it s members, convening digit al act ivit ies on various
plat forms in order t o meet t he object ives set for early 2020 and t he st rat egy used was t o
provide great er prominence t o t he virt ual media, such as social net works t o provide opport unit ies
for academic and t echnical growt h t o all our followers.

In t he act ivit ies we offered, we had t he part icipat ion of highly compet ent professionals in t he
area of dat a science, machine learning, big dat a, reservoirs, product ion and drilling at nat ional and
int ernat ional level, t hese people were cont act ed t hanks t o t he net work creat ed by t he SPE and
by t he Caracas sect ional.

What guidance and best pract ices wo uld yo u like t o see fro m SPE t o bet t er
o perat e yo ur st udent chapt er?
We would like t o have act ivit ies t hat allow us t o int eract wit h ot her st udent chapt ers on t he new
t echnologies t hat are emerging in t he oil indust ry and also provide us wit h some courses or
act ivit ies aimed at t he area of digit al t ransformat ion and it s impact on t he various areas of t he
indust ry, as well as help us t o mot ivat e ot hers t o be int erest ed in t he area of programming, dat a
analysis and art ificial int elligence as a t ool for building t he fut ure.

Ho w many event s did yo u ho ld in perso n?


Ho w many event s did yo u ho ld in a hybrid fo rmat ?

Ho w many event s did yo u ho ld o nline o nly?

Ot her t han COVID-19, are t here any circumst ances o r challenges o f which we
sho uld be aware?
In Venezuela t here are many challenges t hat we face on a daily basis such as t he deficiency of
our elect ricit y, sanit at ion and int ernet services t hat during t he management of our st udent
chapt er affect ed t he development of virt ual act ivit ies, bot h for part icipant s and collaborat ors,
but despit e t he circumst ances we were able t o wit hst and and adapt t o t he circumst ances and
offered t he best qualit y cont ent t o our part icipant s in order t o achieve an effect ive
underst anding of communicat ion.

Is yo ur universit y cent rally lo cat ed t o upst ream o il and gas act ivit y?

Page: Financial Det ails

Financial Details
Report your st udent chapt er’s financials from 1 April 2020 t hro ugh 31 March 2021. The
numbers are for t he ent ire st udent chapt er--including all commit t ees.

Financial det ails are not used in considerat ion for awards.

Ent er all fields in USD

Include numbers and decimal only (Example: 1234.12)

Beginning of Year Balance for Tot al Resources

What was yo ur bank acco unt balance as o f 1 April 2020?


What was yo ur balance o f all o t her invest ment acco unt s as o f 1 April 2020?

End of Year Balance for Tot al Resources

What was yo ur bank acco unt balance as o f 31 March 2021?

What was yo ur balance o f all o t her invest ment acco unt s as o f 31 March 2021?

Income: 1 April 2020 - 31 March 2021

What was yo ur budget fo r inco me t his year?


Int erest and dividends earned


Regist rat io n fro m meet ings and so cial act ivit ies

Spo nso rships


Print newslet t er advert ising


Online advert ising


Ot her


Expenses: 1 April 2020 - 31 March 2021

What was yo ur budget fo r expenses t his year?

Meet ings and so cial act ivit ies

Scho larships

Do nat io ns - indust ry relat ed


Do nat io ns - no n-indust ry relat ed


Print newslet t er

Ot her


Ho w much mo ney do yo u t arget t o keep in reserves each year?


Indicat e t he level o f change t o yo ur st udent chapt er's financial healt h o ver t he

past year.
Healt hy and st able

Fro m where do es yo ur st udent chapt er receive funding fo r o perat io ns?

Company donat ions/sponsorship, Sponsoring sect ion

Did yo ur st udent chapt er pro vide mo re t han USD 600 t o any perso n o r
o rganizat io n? (T his includes do nat io ns, prize mo ney, et c. and is required fo r t ax
purpo ses).
Did yo ur st udent chapt er give scho larships?

Page: T echnical Act ivit ies

T echnical Activities
These act ivit ies enhance t he t echnical compet ence of your members.

Did yo ur st udent chapt er o rganize any o f t he fo llo wing t echnical event s?

Technical present at ions, Training courses

Ho w many t echnical present at io ns?


Ho w many t raining co urses?


Ho w many so ft ware t rainings?


Describe yo ur o verall t echnical event at t endance.

The development of t echnical event s last year underwent an import ant change due t o t he spread
of t he COVID-19 virus, which prevent ed t he holding of public event s. In t he count ry, a quarant ine
was imposed and social dist ancing measures and biosafet y st andards recommended by t he WHO
were est ablished, so we had t o migrat e t o new communicat ion met hods in various virt ual
videoconferencing plat forms t o carry out everyt hing t hat was planned. An average of 40 people
part icipat ed in t he t echnical event s carried out by t he St udent Chapt er on t hese plat forms.
Co nsider t he BEST t echnical event o f t he past year. Describe t he impact it had o n
yo ur members and ho w it relat es t o SPE's missio n.
Just at the strictest moment of the COVID- 19 pandemic, when the development of normal activities had ceased, an
idea arose on the part of the Student Chapter of the UCV to hold technical events through virtual videoconferencing
platforms, that is how the SPE Week Online was born (from May 4 to 9). This event consisted of a series of talks
related to a topic that is currently booming in the Oil and Gas industry: Machine Learning. These presentations were
prepared by a diverse group of engineers based in the country and abroad, experts on the subject, thus fulfilling the
mission of the SPE which is to collect, disseminate and exchange technical knowledge concerning the industry,
specifically Industry 4.0. Over the course of a week, different presentations were given daily, lasting between 1 and
1.5 hours. On average 40 people between students and industry professionals, nationally and internationally
participated in each talk. The interaction with the public, especially with the students, was important since it provided
space to generate networking between the attendees and the professionals, who responded to the different
concerns and curiosities that arose in each talk. It is worth mentioning that this event was a pioneer in the country
and had such an important impact on innovation that the idea served as an inspiration to develop different events
like this one at a national level.

Describe a seco nd t echnical event fro m t he past year. Be sure t o include t he

impact it had o n yo ur members and ho w it relat es t o SPE's missio n.
Within the framework of the development of activities by the Student Chapter in the course of the pandemic due to
the COVID- 19 virus and using virtual videoconferencing platforms, the topic of Machine Learning addressed in the
SPE Week Online was deepened and a Data Science course was held. This course was done in conjunction with
the company Glouphi and was directed by an Engineer Israel Guevara, a graduate of the Universidad Central de
Venez uela, living abroad and former member of the Student Chapter. Initially, a participant selection system was
developed due to the high demand generated among students and industry professionals interested in the course
and the number of places offered by the company, so that a total of 30 participants were selected, giving priority to
students. This course strengthened the SPE's mission by developing technical knowledge in the use of different
software related to the Oil and Gas area. Specifically, the course was based on the use of two softwares: Power Bi
and Google Data Studio, the classes had a duration of approximately 4 hours for 10 Saturdays, in which initially the
necessary theory was taught and closed with a practical session to consolidate the knowledge. The course lasted
40 hours and culminated with the delivery and defense of a project in which the skills developed were verified.

Page: Pro fessio nal Act ivit ies

Professional Activities
These act ivit ies enhance skills t hat help your members succeed in t he professional world.

Did yo ur st udent chapt er o rganize any o f t he fo llo wing pro fessio nal act ivit ies?
Net working / fundraising / social event s, Present at ions from a young professional on career
development (Ambassador Lect urer visit s), Soft skills (non-t echnical skills relat ed t o leadership
such as public speaking, English pract ice, present at ion skills, et c.)

Ho w many net wo rking / fundraising / so cial event s?

Ho w many present at io ns fro m a yo ung pro fessio nal o n career develo pment ?

Ho w many so ft skills event s?


Describe yo ur o verall pro fessio nal event at t endance.

Maint aining t he development of professional act ivit ies for members of t he St udent Chapt er,
t oget her wit h t he support of Caracas sect ion, Ambassador Lect urer event s were developed wit h
a t wist from t he point of view of t he event format , at t ending t o t he online t rend due t o t he
pandemic, but considering t he ideal of t he SPE: improving t echnical and professional compet ence.
However, t his online format connect ed wit h ot her chapt ers t hat gave rise t o a Congress wit h
professionals according t o a specific area of t he indust ry value chain.Likewise, act ivit ies were
carried out for t he development of soft skills of st udent s int erest ed in t he Pet robowl experience.

Co nsider t he BEST pro fessio nal event o f t he past year. Describe t he impact it had
o n yo ur members and ho w it relat es t o SPE's missio n.
In the midst of an atypical situation that affects internationally such as the pandemic and where it was wanted to
continue advancing professionally with the available resources, technology was the link with other student chapters
of the world, through which the SPE LATIN AMERICA TECHNICAL CONGRESS in conjunction with 19 student
chapters from South America recalling the mission of the SPE to collect, exchange and disseminate technical
knowledge related to the industry for the public benefit, this allowed to give the opportunity for professionals to
improve their technical competence and professional through certain issues of the value chain of the hydrocarbon
industry in which they develop.

Describe a seco nd pro fessio nal event fro m t he past year. Be sure t o include t he
impact it had o n yo ur members and ho w it relat es t o SPE's missio n.
In order to motivate, prepare and guide the new generations of students who want to live the Petrobowl experience,
a series of motivational talks were held with those interested, with the support of students who have already
participated, as well as through the Social networks competitions were held to obtain points and move on to
subsequent rounds showing interactions through Instagram, reaching teams with more than 1000 likes, which
represents an increase of more than 500% in this social network. Their performance in the English language was
then evaluated through rounds of questions and answers that allowed them to give advice and support that would
be useful at Petrobowl.

Page: Co mmunit y Act ivit ies

Community Activities
These event s educat e t he communit y about t he pet roleum indust ry.
Did yo ur st udent chapt er o rganize any o f t he fo llo wing co mmunit y event s?
Act ivit ies t o educat e yout h and t eachers (Energy4me) , Communit y service (SPE Cares)

Ho w many act ivit ies t o educat e yo ut h and t eachers? (Energy4me)


Co nsider t he BEST act ivit y t o educat e yo ut h and t eachers (Energy4me) fro m t he

past year. Describe t he impact it had o n yo ur members and t he co mmunit y and ho w
it relat es t o SPE's missio n.
The best activity that we consider as a student chapter is to bring knowledge of the oil industry to schools, as this
will motivate and create curiosity among the children of the country to be interested in this important activity for our
economic sector and also to encourage the development of knowledge in this area in the participants who are
motivated to develop such activities in their community and nearby schools.

Similarly, it is also expected that the knowledge imparted will be attractive to other people such as teachers and
representatives, so that this will encourage children to follow the path of petroleum engineering.

What t ypes o f co mmunit y service event s?

Collect ion drives for it ems t o donat e (t oy drives, clot hing drives, food, supplies for nat ural
disast ers, school supplies, et c.)

Ho w many co llect io n drive event s?


What was t he average at t endance fo r all co mmunit y event s?


Co nsider t he BEST co mmunit y service event (SPE Cares) fro m t he past year.
Describe t he impact it had o n yo ur members and t he co mmunit y and ho w it relat es
t o SPE's missio n.
The best volunteer activity in which our student chapter participated were the student talks on the areas of
development of the oil industry, as this activity helped to develop the knowledge of the participants in various areas
of work in the industry, as well as helped the members to meet professional experts in the field and students who
are studying the career of petroleum engineering, as well as also provided the opportunity for students to express
their ideas and concerns about the areas of knowledge related to engineering.

Page: Operat io ns

Mo nt h academic year st art s

Mo nt h academic year ends


In what areas do es yo ur spo nso ring sect io n suppo rt yo ur st udent chapt er?
Budget review and approval, Co-host ed event s, Financial resources, Goal set t ing, Operat ions,
Professional development opport unit ies such as int ernships, Provides or suggest s speakers,
St udent chapt er members invit ed t o at t end sect ion meet ings, St udent volunt eer opport unit ies
at sect ion event s

Ho w o ft en do yo u co mmunicat e wit h yo ur spo nso ring sect io n?

Mont hly

Ho w wo uld yo u rat e yo ur spo nso ring sect io n’s level o f invo lvement wit h yo ur
st udent chapt er?
Moderat e

Ho w wo uld yo u rat e yo ur facult y adviso r's level o f invo lvement wit h yo ur st udent
chapt er?

Describe ho w yo ur facult y adviso r suppo rt s yo ur st udent chapt er.

Our facult y advisor support s us in all t he act ivit ies t hat we manage for bot h st udent s and
graduat es, she makes t he respect ive suggest ions in all t he act ivit ies and decisions we t ake for
t he execut ion of any t echnical or academic event t o be held, she is also a great support for us as
she provides us wit h ideas for new act ivit ies in t he fut ure and also mot ivat es us t o cont inue
st riving for our goals as a st udent chapt er.
Operat ing Regulat ions
Operat ing regulat ions are a governing document for t he management and act ivit ies of t he
st udent chapt er. They are an agreement bet ween your st udent chapt er and your members.
Below are t he st andard SPE st udent chapt er operat ing regulat ions. To help you, we have
complet ed some of your key det ails.

Separat e policies and operat ing guidelines should also be maint ained for t he st udent chapt er.
These should cover t he following:

Board meet ing frequency and process

Commit t ee det ails
Det ails on succession and t erm dat es
Financial rules and managing reserves. Not e: If your st udent chapt er covers t he cost of your
members’ t ravel and cost for meet ings t he process for how t hey are select ed should be
out lined and shared wit h t he members.
Refund/event cancellat ion
Scholarship funding

St udent Chapt er Operat ing Regulat io ns

No t e: Any changes t o t hese regulat io ns require appro val fro m SPE by

co nt act ing chapt ers@spe.o rg.


Sect io n 1:

T he o fficial name o f t he st udent chapt er is

Universidad Cent ral de Venezuela Chapt er

Sect io n 2:

T he st udent chapt er was est ablished o n

1 Feb 1991

Sect io n 1: These regulat ions are a governing document for t he management and act ivit ies of
t he st udent chapt er. The st udent chapt er is also governed by all policies set by t he SPE
Int ernat ional Board of Direct ors.

Sect io n 2: The st udent chapt er exist s t o furt her t he mission and vision of SPE by providing
local knowledge sharing of subject s relat ing t o t he oil and gas indust ry t hrough meet ings and
programming for members of t he st udent chapt er.


Sect io n 1: An SPE st udent membership is a requirement for membership t o t he st udent

chapt er. The st udent membership qualificat ions include universit y enrollment of at least 30% of a
normal full-t ime academic load and have a concent rat ion in pet roleum or a relat ed field, and eit her
pursue t he equivalent of a bachelor’s or graduat e degree or at t end a universit y wit h an
est ablished SPE st udent chapt er.

Sect io n 2: Only SPE st udent members in good st anding, at t ending t he universit y, shall be
members of t he st udent chapt er. The st udent chapt er may not creat e addit ional membership
crit eria or reject membership. The st udent chapt er will welcome and accommodat e any SPE
member visit ing t he local area.


Sect io n 1: The st udent chapt er board shall consist of a President , Vice President , Facult y
Advisor, and at least one of t he following core officers:

Co re o fficer #3

Co re o fficer #4
Secret ary

Co re o fficer #5
Membership Chairperson
Addit io nal Vo t ing Officers
Communicat ions Chairperson In charge of t he st udent chapt er's social net works.

All posit ions on t he board have vot ing right s. The st udent chapt er board may also include t he
following number of at -large (general), vot ing posit ions. The number of at -large posit ions and all
board members shall be proport ionally represent at ive of t he size of membership. At -large
posit ions do not have specific dut ies but fulfill a compet ency and help t he board carry out t he

Number o f at -large po sit io ns


Sect io n 2: To reach a quorum for t he vot e, 70% of t he vot ing board must be present . Proxy
vot es will not be accept ed.


Sect io n 1: The st udent chapt er board shall:

Supervise t he affairs and conduct t he business of t he st udent chapt er.

Ensure t he dut ies of all core posit ions are fulfilled by an officer.
Meet at least mont hly at a t ime and place det ermined by t he st udent chapt er board.
Perform t he dut ies described in t hese operat ing regulat ions t o t he best of t heir abilit ies.

Sect io n 2: Responsibilit ies of t he President

Preside over st udent chapt er meet ings.

Communicat e regularly wit h t he sponsoring sect ion, Facult y Advisor, and SPE st aff regarding
st udent chapt er plans, needs, or challenges.
At t end meet ings of t he sponsoring sect ion and t he officer Leadership Workshop host ed by
SPE at t he Annual Technical Conference and Exhibit ion.
Submit an annual report by 1 April.
Ensure t he st udent chapt er complies wit h all SPE policies.
Ensure elect ion of st udent chapt er officers is conduct ed.

Sect io n 3: Responsibilit ies of t he Vice President

Plan t he programming for t he st udent chapt er’s event s and chair t he program commit t ee if
a commit t ee is est ablished.
Gat her ideas for programming based on t echnical and professional development needs of
t he st udent chapt er’s members
Arrange and secure t opics and speakers for regularly scheduled event s.
Ensure all meet ing locat ion facilit ies - physical and virt ual - are in order.
Ensure meet ings are properly announced and publicized.
Ensure all programs adhere t o SPE event guidelines.
Act on behalf of t he President on all st udent chapt er business during t he absence of t he
President .

Sect io n 4: Responsibilit ies of t he Membership Chairperson

Know t he requirement s of SPE membership, how t o apply, and guide st udent s on

complet ing t he applicat ion.
Ensure bot h members and non-members are fully aware of all t he advant ages of SPE
Drive and implement membership engagement , recruit ment , and ret ent ion st rat egies.
Organize member ret ent ion and recruit ment drives.
Help inform graduat ing st udent s on t he process and benefit s of t ransit ioning t o a
professional member.
Inform t he st udent chapt er board of membership st at ist ics.
Encourage members t o volunt eer.
Provide recognit ion for members and volunt eers.

Sect io n 5: Responsibilit ies of t he Secret ary

Record, st ore, and dist ribut e minut es of officer meet ings.

Maint ain t he officer rost er and ensure SPE has officers on file at all t imes.
Maint ain operat ing regulat ions, operat ing guidelines, and process document s.

Sect io n 6: Responsibilit ies of t he Treasurer

Receive and disburse st udent chapt er funds as approved by t he board and Facult y Advisor.
Provide annual financial det ails t o be included in t he st udent chapt er’s annual report .
Provide mont hly financial report s and make recommendat ions on t he management of
finances t o t he board.
Reconcile all account s mont hly and prepare t he annual operat ing budget .
Share financial st at us and updat es wit h t he membership.
Maint ain all account ing records—including deposit s and payment s.
Perform an annual audit .

Sect io n 7: Responsibilit ies of t he Facult y Advisor

Ensure at least one meet ing per year is held bet ween st udent chapt er officers and t he
universit y depart ment .
Guide t he format ion and implement at ion of goals, object ives, and programs.
Remind and guide t he st udent chapt er t o remain aligned wit h t he SPE mission and vision.
Counsel members in mat t ers regarding societ y policies.
At t end officer meet ings.
Promot e int eract ion and cooperat ion wit h ot her universit y groups.
At t end t he sponsoring sect ion board meet ings, when possible.
Ensure st udent chapt er officers are aware of and accomplishing t heir responsibilit ies.
Promot e and provide connect ion t o t he indust ry.
Oversee t he elect ion of st udent chapt er officers.

Sect io n 1: All board posit ions are open t o SPE members in good st anding. Those holding
elect ed posit ions must remain SPE members in good st anding t hrough t he durat ion of t heir
t erms. Officers may not hold t erms beyond t heir graduat ion dat e.

Sect io n 2: The following process must be followed for vot ing board posit ion elect ions.

Make an open call for nominat ions, including eligibilit y requirement s, t o all st udent chapt er
Prepare and share wit h t he membership a list of candidat es for each office and t he dat e and
locat ion of a vot e.
On t he published dat e of t he vot e, t he board members will be select ed by a majorit y vot e
of members present .
Facult y Advisor confirms eligibilit y prior t o announcement of t he result s.
Hold elect ions for core posit ions a minimum of every t hree years. The same person may
cont inue in t he posit ion aft er being approved t hrough a vot e.

Sect io n 3: If at any t ime during t he t erm a board member resigns, t he st udent chapt er
President will select a member t o fill t he vacancy for t he remaining t erm. If t he st udent chapt er
President resigns, t he Facult y Advisor will appoint a President .


Commit t ees may be appoint ed by t he st udent chapt er board. All commit t ee act ions, programs,
and financial t ransact ions are at t he discret ion and approval of t he st udent chapt er board.


Amendment s t o t hese regulat ions must first be submit t ed t o SPE for review and approval. Upon
approval, t he st udent chapt er board will not ify members of t he new operat ing regulat ions. A copy
of t he current operat ing regulat ions is kept on file wit h SPE.


If t he st udent chapt er board deems necessary t o dissolve t he st udent chapt er, a document ed
affirmat ive vot e of t wo t hirds of membership is required. A lack of vot e is considered affirmat ive.

The facult y advisor, sponsoring sect ion, or SPE may init iat e dissolut ion of t he st udent chapt er at
t he discret ion of t he Regional Direct or and st aff in accordance wit h policy. If dissolut ion is
necessary, aft er fulfilling prior commit ment s, all remaining funds are encouraged t o be allocat ed
t o t he SPE Foundat ion t o fund programming. If t he cont ribut ion is USD 1,000 or great er, t he
officers may designat e a specific program area: Dist inguished Lect urer, St udent Programs,
Scholarships, or Energy4me. If t he cont ribut ion is less t han USD 1,000, it will be applied t o fund
current SPE init iat ives.


Describe yo ur st udent chapt er's go als fo r t he past year, why t hey were select ed,
and what pro gress was made
Last year`s student chapter was characteriz ed by its commitment and efficient performance in all the activities that
were carried out during the management, standing out at all times for its responsibility and commitment to the
fulfillment of the same along with the faculty advisor. This led to this chapter being selected to carry out this
management. It is important to emphasiz e that this chapter despite the pandemic always kept encouraging the
student community, with the realiz ation of various online lectures, dictated by oil industry professionals, where
technical knowledge was disseminated, this with the intention of achieving the objectives of the SPE.

What go als have been est ablished fo r next year?

Promot e and furt her st imulat e part icipat ion in academic act ivit ies in conjunct ion wit h t he
pet roleum school so t hat t he st udent communit y is encouraged t o cont inue part icipat ing in t he
act ivit ies t hat are organized and t o publicize t he benefit s of t he SPE. Also, remind t he chapt er
t hat it must be aligned wit h t he SPE vision.

Succession Planning

In what mo nt h is t he bo ard (o fficers) elect ed?


Ho w many mo nt hs are t he bo ard t erms?


Do yo u use co mmit t ees t o help co mplet e t he wo rk o f t he bo ard?


What co mmit t ees do es yo ur st udent chapt er use?

Market ing, Pet roBowl®, Social, Volunt eer
Describe yo ur o fficer successio n plan--including ho w yo u prepare and co ach fut ure
o fficers.
As an Officer part of my commitment was to perform efficiently throughout my term, I had the responsibility of
organiz ing, directing and the ability to plan together and hand in hand with the presidency the activities that were
carried out in the student chapter. In addition, to ensure that the members of the chapter fulfilled their responsibilities
in the activities that were carried out, as well as to guide future officers interested in obtaining this position, in order
to continue with the fulfillment of the objectives and mission of the SPE, establishing reasonable goals, based on the
available resources and the desired result.

Do yo u wo rk wit h o t her universit y o rganizat io ns t o co o rdinat e speakers o r event s?

Which o rganizat io n(s)?
Universidad del Zulia

Universidad del Orient e

Universidad Nacional del Cent ro del Perú

Universidad de Buenos Aires

Universidad Nacional de la Pat agonia San Juan Bosco

Universidad Nacional Art uro Jauret che

Universidad Privada Boliviana

Universidad San Francisco Xavier

Universidade Federal Do Rio De Janeiro

Universidad Nacional de Colombia

Page: Co mmunicat io ns

What met ho ds do es yo ur st udent chapt er use t o co mmunicat e wit h yo ur members?

Email, Meet ings, Social media (including Twit t er, Facebook, Inst agram, LinkedIn, YouTube, et c.)

What so cial media plat fo rms do es yo ur st udent chapt er use t o co mmunicat e wit h
yo ur members?
Facebook, Inst agram

Facebo o k URL

Inst agram URL scv6z d

Uplo ad a co py o f yo ur best co mmunicat io n t o be reviewed during judging.

Download File

Page: Membership


Member Programs

Do es yo ur st udent chapt er have specific plans fo r any o f t he fo llo wing member

pro grams?
Awards, Graduat ing st udent s ent ering t he workforce, Member recruit ment , Member ret ent ion,
New member welcome, Volunt eer recognit ion

Describe yo ur BEST member pro gram.

The best member program we have is t he recognit ion of volunt eers, since at t he end of each
year we recognize all t he volunt eer act ivit ies carried out , indicat ing t he number of part icipant s and
t he impact it had on t he societ y where t he act ivit y t ook place. This mot ivat es people t o cont inue
spreading t he invit at ion t o part icipat e in t he event s and encourages t hem t o help ot her people t o
know a lit t le more about t he import ance of t he oil act ivit y in our count ry.
Describe ano t her no t ewo rt hy member pro gram.
Anot her program t hat we would like t o highlight is t he recruit ment of new members and renewal
of memberships t hat we carry out wit h a frequency of approximat ely every t hree mont hs at t he
Universidad Cent ral de Venezuela, which allows t he st udent chapt er t o det ermine t he st at us of
our members in order t o guide academic and t echnical act ivit ies according t o t he level in which
t hey are.

Membership Value Proposit ion

Ho w do es yo ur st udent chapt er make it s co nt ent and pro gramming exclusive t o

members and t hus increases t he value o f an SPE membership?
At t he t ime of execut ing any t echnical or professional event offered by our st udent chapt er, a
survey of t he part icipant s is made according t o t he number of membership t hey have and in t he
event t hat t he person does not have t he membership, a t alk is offered where t he mission and
vision of t he SPE is explained, where t he advant ages of becoming a member are highlight ed and
t hen t he person proceeds t o t he creat ion of a membership of t he same if t he person is a
st udent , if not , t he person is mot ivat ed t o become a member.

Growt h

What met ho ds do es yo ur st udent chapt er use t o gro w it s membership? Include

st rat egies and plans t o bro aden yo ur membership by pro viding benefit s t o
members in degrees relat ed t o t he o il and gas indust ry.
One of t he most effect ive st rat egies t hat we have developed have been campaigns and sessions
of renewals and creat ion of memberships in t he facult y of engineering, where t hey can at t end any
t ype of st udent s of t he Universidad Cent ral de Venezuela relat ed t o t he oil indust ry and wit h t he
support of t he professors we have achieved a significant increase by st udent s in t he
memberships grant ed by our st udent chapt er, which also brings as a consequence t o mot ivat e
st udent s t o part icipat e in all act ivit ies of t he SPE.

Ret ent ion

What st rat egies do es yo ur st udent chapt er use t o engage and keep members?
The st rat egy we maint ain on t he issue of membership is t o send const ant not ices about t he
t echnical and professional act ivit ies carried out by t he st udent chapt er, so t hat we can t hereby
encourage st udent s t o part icipat e and keep t heir at t ent ion on professional growt h act ivit ies, we
also conduct various campaigns t hat allow us t o int eract wit h members t o know t heir concerns
and suggest ions when execut ing any work.

St udent -t o-Professional Conversion

What met ho ds do es yo ur st udent chapt er use t o engage, suppo rt , and enco urage
graduat ing st udent s t o beco me pro fessio nal SPE members?
For t he st udent s of t he Universit y, we maint ain a const ant cont act since t hey facilit at e t he
communicat ion wit h a professional of t he area t hat we need for t he elaborat ion of a special event
or support us when we need mat erial about a specific area, which brings as a benefit , t o keep
t hese graduat es aware of t he act ivit ies t hat are being carried out in t he st udent chapt er and
mot ivat e more people t o support us in our work.

Page: Pho t o s & Submissio n

Photos/Videos and Submission

Phot os/Videos
You may provide up t o t hree of t he best phot os/videos of your st udent chapt er and/or board
members. Phot os/videos may be used in recognit ion ceremonies, newslet t ers, SPE Connect , and, so ensure t hey meet t he following crit eria:

high-resolut ion
cont ain professional cont ent
no collages--only single phot os
posed, looking at t he camera--no candid shot s for privacy purposes

By uploading phot os, t he st udent chapt er board grant s SPE a perpet ual license t o t he right s of
t he images (including phot ographic image), likeness, and/or sound of t heir voices as recorded on
audio or video t ape ("Mat erial") wit hout payment or any ot her considerat ion. The board
underst ands t heir Mat erial may be edit ed, copied, exhibit ed, published, or dist ribut ed and waives
t he right t o inspect or approve t he finished product wherein t heir Mat erial appears. Addit ionally,
t he board waives any right t o royalt ies or ot her compensat ion arising or relat ed t o t he use of
t heir Mat erial. The board also underst ands and agrees t heir Mat erial may be dist ribut ed across
diverse mediums wit hin an unrest rict ed geographic area.

Uplo ad pho t o /video 1

Download File

Uplo ad pho t o /video 2

Download File

Uplo ad pho t o /video 3

Download File

Our st udent chapt er bo ard has reviewed and accept s t he SPE Co nflict o f Int erest
Po licy.
We agree

We hereby cert ify, t o t he best o f o ur kno wledge, t hat t he info rmat io n pro vided in
t his repo rt is accurat e. We agree t o have t his repo rt o r po rt io ns o f it available t o
o t her SPE st udent chapt ers.
We agree

Only t he primary co llabo rat o r (usually t he President ) can submit t he repo rt .

An on-screen confirmat ion will appear aft er t he report is successfully submit t ed.

The officers who have been added as collaborat ors, facult y advisor, sect ion chair, and st udent
chapt er liaison will receive a confirmat ion email once submit t ed.

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